gacougnol · 1 year
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Ekaterina Solovieva
Village of Veshki
Kostroma region, Russia, 2012
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vintage-russia · 1 year
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Round dance in the village Veshki,Moscow province (early 20th century)
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1ore · 2 years
does malaki have.. friends
YEAH! Well a few. Increasingly more as time goes on. He's a little lonely at the beginning of Merc due to (gestures generally at Brun)
I know he knows Krissa and the extended arcer family, but I don’t think most of them gel with him personality-wise, except maybe like. Nick. Or Veshki. But the music scene in Mercasor is very tight-knit so everyone knows everyone and supports one another.
Later on, his sister gets therapy from Erin and her wife (Ors I WILL rename you one day) so I think he’s polite family friends with them until they just become family LOL. Similar dynamic with her coworkers Morgan and Ashe, except more intense because they model the stable family unit that Malakai never had (and had to provide to Darrow and Brun at the cost of his own childhood.)
Sinuk is widely considered The Only Good Thing Brun Has Ever Done. Malakai fucking loves her. It’s a running joke that if they ever broke up, he would choose Sinuk over Brun in the divorce. Brun just has a way of introducing people who end up liking each other better than they like her.
A lot of the old guard in the Condign Cartel are actually ex-friends of Malakai as well (Thiam, Sato, maybe Castoff) this is definitely not a source of bitterness or self-worth issues about being a failure of an older brother
And                          Darrow! Darrow.
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lisidze · 5 years
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VeshkiRugbySchool ведёт активный набор детишек в секцию пляжного регби. Перенесенный праздник 🎈🎉 мы отмечаем 23.02(суббота), в 11:00 🕚. ———— ‼️Посещение строго по предварительной записи. +7-906-720-10-80(достаточно скинуть смс и сообщение в мессенджер)‼️ ————— Что вас ждёт? 1️⃣ Тренировка на тёплом песке и знакомство с тренерским составом; 2️⃣Возможность посмотреть тестовый матч и принять в нем участие; 3️⃣ Пообщаться с более опытным ребятишками и их родителями; 4️⃣ Лицезреть воочию свой первый детский турнир. И понять что такой настоящий дух регби. 5️⃣ Именитые гости. ——— Не знаешь как к нам добраться ? Лови адресок : Московская область , посёлок Вёшки, Выставочная ул., 9А(5 мин. от м. Алтуфьево) . Для тех кто живет в Мытищах и Мытищинском районе , Алтуфьево, Биберево, Лианозово , не ленитесь , вам до нашего центра «рукой подать», проведите выходные с пользой для детей! #вешки #вёшки #поселоквешки #поселоквёшки #регби #пляжноерегби #тэгрегби #детскаясекция #мытищи #мытищинскийрайон #свао #лианозово #биберево #дмитровка #алтушка #veshki #rugbyschool #veshkirugbyschool https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_ORAuhx3Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xte1ch9x39d2
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hoicodo · 3 years
Người đàn ông Nga chết cháy sau 10 giờ đấu súng với đặc nhiệm
Người đàn ông Nga chết cháy sau 10 giờ đấu súng với đặc nhiệm
Một người đàn ông Nga thiệt mạng trong vụ hỏa hoạn do ông ta tự gây ra sau một cuộc đối đầu, đấu súng kéo dài 10 giờ đồng hồ với lực lượng an ninh. RT cho biết vụ việc xảy ra hôm 30/3 (giờ địa phương) tại khu dân cư Novye Veshki nổi tiếng về độ giàu có ở ngoại ô Moscow, khi giới chức Nga áp sát ngôi nhà của ông Vladimir Bardanov, một doanh nhân 61 tuổi, người bị tình nghi có liên quan đến hành…
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chitralmusic-blog · 5 years
Qatil nezern loli ma veshki by Amir Gul Amir Bulbul e Chitral
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