#very obvious that a lot of people on this site use “ceasefire” as shorthanded for “peace” or “end to all fighting forever”
short-wooloo · 6 months
There's a lot of people pointing at how the Israel-Palestine ceasefire has ended and fighting has resumed as some sort of "gotcha"
It took 6 weeks to broker this ceasefire (and hamas didn't even really keep to it, surprise surprise, they still kept firing rockets at Israel), 5 days is not much time to broker an extension and/or longer ceasefire
This is the real world people, a ceasefire doesn't just happen by declaring/calling for it, they take time and negotiations and dealings and compromises
And as long as hamas keeps Israeli citizens (and non Israeli citizens) hostage while firing rockets at them, Israel has no reason to keep a ceasefire with hamas
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