#verse: discord 1x1
zizesrpsxmuses · 3 years
MW1: Day 4 [Self-Para]
Character(s) –> Madison Chasse, Jake Johnston, Kenzi Carmichael, Sam Phillips; with mentions of Mrs. Chasse, Mr. Chasse, Micah Chasse Date –> December 5, 2014 Warning(s) –> TW: Miscarriage, TW: Stress, TW: Blood, TW: Controlling Parents Notes –> During her freshman year at Harvard for Pre-Law, Madi was under an enormous amount of stress.
Half of the semester had already come, gone and waved a not so fond farewell to Madi as it did. There were still days she couldn’t believe -- pleasantly -- that this was her life, studying pre-law at Harvard of all places, with challenging debates held by her fellow students and a chance to further her education in a way she had only dreamed over prior to this. The freedom that campus held, those blissful hours spent away from home being an actual adult, were wonderful albeit stressful. 
There were other days, though, where Madi couldn’t believe that this was her life, dodging a million questions from her overprotective parents about why she needed to stay after her last class for study sessions so frequently. Questions about who was in those groups, where they would be studying and thousands more than she did her best to answer in a manner so as not to draw suspicion. She was eighteen, yet she still felt like the six year old that hadn’t been allowed to even play in a neighbor’s yard without her mother watching from the porch. Her parents were overbearing to the worst degree even before college, but now that she was an adult she had hoped it would slow down.
The worst part of dodging their questions was that, in order to not arouse suspicion, she’d cut down on the time she’d been spending with her partner Jake. The distance she’d had to put between them so she could not arouse suspicion with her parents and focus on her studies led to him breaking off their relationship. Madi was hardly as heartbroken as she expected, instead throwing herself even further into her studies with a newfound weight lifted off of her shoulders by the sheer fact of having one less thing to dodge her parents about.
The semester had gone well from that point forward, aside from the constant nausea she’d begun to feel. Chalking it up to stress from worrying about finals, Madi had switched to a more basic diet of toast and applesauce to ease the symptoms and carried on about her days. Things were so busy that she didn’t even noticed she’d missed her period -- something that hadn’t happened since she’d started menstruation at age eleven.
On the morning of December 5th, 2014 Madi woke in an abnormal amount of pain. Sometime over the night the nausea she’d been dealing with had morphed into something far worse. It felt as though she was cramping, but more intense. It took all she had to drag herself out of bed - noting the puddle there - and into the private bathroom she had attached to her bedroom. The amount of blood coming from her worried her immensely and she knew she needed to go to the doctor. Unsure of what was happening to her and why, Madi told herself to try and go about her morning routine as fast as possible without arousing suspicion and skip her morning lecture to go to the urgent care near the school.
Luckily for Madi, it was her younger brother Micah’s school field trip and she’d gone into the kitchen to find a note informing her that they would be home by the time she got home from her day. A plate of breakfast had been left in the microwave for her, and Madi proceeded to bag it up and put it in her school bag to either eat or throw out later - away from the house, where they wouldn’t notice. Thanking whatever higher power there was for this chance to get out of the house unnoticed, she’d headed off earlier than normal and went straight to the clinic nearest to the school.
The rest of the day was a blur for Madi, most of it spent between the clinic and one of the libraries at the school. All three of her seminars for that day were missed, and she’d barely remembered to send an e-mail of apology to her professors, claiming she’d been sick and unable to attend. She was still trying to wrap her head around the news that the doctor had delivered her when she’d heard a voice call her name.
“Madi? There you are! You weren’t in class, we were worried. You okay?” The familiar, warm voice of Jake pulled her from her thoughts as her glassy gaze raised to meet not only him, but their friends Kenzi and Sam.
“I--” Madi attempted, but her throat closed tightly at the words her brain wanted to speak so badly.
“Hey, hey..” Jake rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her shaking form. “Whatever it is, it’s gonna be okay.”
“Yeah, we’ve got you.” Sam confirmed as he came up on her other side, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“No.” Madi sobbed, pressing her face into Jake’s shoulder as she let herself release all of the emotions she’d been holding in. He didn’t understand -- he couldn’t. And how could she tell him that he had lost out too? She couldn’t, not today at least...
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zizesrpsxmuses · 3 years
MW1: Day 3 [Biography]
The Biography of Madison Chasse
Madi was born in the middle of a raging Nor’Easter in late February of 1996. Her father, Malcolm Chasse, was a prominent divorce lawyer in their small town whereas her mother, Milly Chasse, was a well respected school teacher and member of the city council. Madi was the middle child of three siblings - her older brother Michael was fiercely protective of her being three years her senior whereas her younger brother Micah was simultaneously the biggest pain in her ass but also the one that in her mind made her gratefully invisible. Being the only girl in the family had it’s downfalls - her parents were far more strict about dating and grades then they had been with Michael and Madi found herself having to constantly prove herself to them.
Sneaking around behind her parents back became second nature during her high school days and she managed to successfully carry out a small handful of months-long relationships without them knowing. Promiscuous as she was, Madi never left herself get pressured into anything she didn’t want. Being President of the debate club helped to further her case - she would debate any chance that came up, even if it were with a boyfriend. That same hard-working, passionate spirit led her to apply herself in school and she graduated Valedictorian and was accepted into Harvard for pre-law.
Madi hadn’t thought about the fact that going to school so close to home meant she would continue to be under her parent’s thumbs. Any social life was strictly off the table, per her father’s demand, and she grew tired of trying to sneak around after classes to hide what was happening. Her love life took a hit, but honestly she cared less than she expected she would. Instead her focus turned toward what school she would attend to get her law degree post-Harvard. Of course Harvard Law had a glorious reputation but she wanted to get as far away from her parents as she could so that she could live.
That was what lead her to applying to a slew of schools along the West Coast, from San Diego to Seattle, hoping that somewhere anywhere would give her the chance to continue this career path she’d chosen while also giving her the freedom she was so desperate for. She lucked out when the University of San Francisco Law School accepted her, and despite her parents protests she found herself moving from the East Coast to the West.
She’s just entering her junior year now, and through a network of connections has gotten her first place off-campus with a group of five friends. The three bedroom apartment for six of them is hardly better than the dorms, but it’s their own space and Madi is grateful for that. Between her studies, her work-study job, and picking up extra odd-end babysitting gigs she’s rarely home anyway.
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zizesrpsxmuses · 3 years
MW1: Day 2 [History]
Madison Chasse is an Original Character that came about from a desire to use Jane Levy as a Faceclaim. She started in my 1x1 mumu with my partner, Kane, and was used exclusively in that 1x1 for the two years until it fizzled. She has recently been resurrected and revamped to fit a 1x1 plot with my friend Rae. Her sassy attitude remains the same as it always has, but her original plot was in a D/s world (spicy!) and therefore her entire backstory was given a fresh overhaul for use with Rae -- the only original remnants are her name and her faceclaim! I even changed where she was born. 
Blog: There is no current blog for Madi as she is being penned exclusively on discord with Rae!
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