#v; Old Gods (Genbu)
cxrpusvile · 3 years
The Sword (closed) @1396
Since man had discovered gunpowder and built the weapons that used it, Negan found himself fallen out of favor, discarded, forgotten. It was not a good feeling, by any means, not for a God who’s stallion once charged when the skies turned black with arrows only to emerge from the storm unscathed. Negan’s blade had always been the first to taste blood, the first to bring death. He was celebrated, he was worshipped, he was feared. It was known that without his favor, battles would be lost. 
Sometimes loss was inevitable. Even a God could not guarantee success when faced with the follies of man. He had no control over the whims of generals or the sudden coward of troops turning tail and running in the face of superior forces. There were other Gods as well - always a right pain in the ass when they decided to dally on up to a battle. It hardly diminished his popularity, the loss inevitably blamed on poor leadership, poor sacrifice, everything but him. It was time that had crushed him, time and mortal stupidity. Warring among themselves, fighting for power they barely understood. Negan had watched cities fall as dramatically as they had risen, just as he watched mankind march ever onwards. Forgetting their Gods and the strength it had brought them. Pathetic. 
Negan found himself wandering somewhere in Europe - wandering was all he did, these days. From cities to countries to continents until it all blurred together. Sometimes he slept with mortal women, sometimes men, undoubtedly leaving a trail of children in his wake that he would never see, or think about. He drank their ever changing liquors, listened to their strange music, spoke in their unusual tongues, and watched as they all sped into the future without him. Fools, the lot of them. 
Negan found himself in another mortal hole, drinking some watered down version of the spirits they used to leave for him by the jug, listening to them all babble about things so mundane it was almost painful. But then he heard it. A song so sweet, so familiar he could hear nothing else. How many centuries had it been since the song of a sword had called him?
Negan pulled cash from his pocket, leaving it crumpled on the bar top in an automatic motion before he left. Following the echo of a song, an ancient weapon who’s steel had been rung. 
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yyh4ever · 4 years
Togashi-sensei talks about Yu☆Yu (V-JUMP, 1992-93)
Scans by: @moonq5151
12.30.1992 - Many secret stories revealed now!
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Reiko Hadouken
 The Secret Successor Arc (Genkai's Tournament)
First, the main reason for this arc is that I wanted to introduce someone spiritually stronger than Yusuke. That's how Genkai came out. It's a common pattern, right? Old and strong people. It is also a classic storytelling technique not to reveal a secret right away. In the meantime, you can do whatever you like. In my case, I like the development of a large number of people gathering, competing, and continuously being eliminated from the competition. Like the Ultra Quiz, for example.  
Therefore, I made it in the format of a Succession Competition and also included an element of mystery, a youkai blended in with the humans, but the readers have completely figured out the answer. I apologize for my lack of experience.
Human World Migration Plan
The Four Saint Beasts
I decided on the four saint beasts first. I created four enemies on impulse, but there were only Yusuke and Kuwabara on the human side. They still weren’t strong enough to take on two youkai at a time, so Hiei and Kurama appeared on the scene. They are the current protagonists (guffawing). Joking aside, this series made me fully realize the difficulty in making a battle manga. Even before the serialization started, I had been pestering my editor that I wanted to do battle stuff, but there’s a big difference between seeing and actually doing it. I learned its depths. The biggest takeaway from this series is that I’ve learned that portraying the strength and badness of an enemy well is just as important as drawing an attractive ally character.
2.21.1993 - Secret Stories revealed only to V-JUMP
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The secret of the birth of the Four Saint Beasts’ characters! 
I got their names from somewhere. When I decided on four enemies, I wanted to do something coherent. Then, I realized there were the four gods.
➀ I like ugly Genbu. I had a mental image of a simple rock, so I made him look like that. 
➁ I like ugly Byakko. I had a mental image of a simple tiger, so I made him look like that. 
➂ Seiryuu was an idiot guy. Judging from the meaning of his name (Blue Dragon), he is a character who was supposed to live a little longer, but his luck ran out when he had to confront Hiei. 
➃ I was planning to make Suzaku more perverted. One of the basis of my character creation is the good points and shortcomings. If someone has a good-looking appearance, they should be as evil as possible. That’s right. It is entirely my personal bias. 
From the most frequently asked questions in fan letters...
I would like to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from recent letters.
Q1: What about the characters profiles¹ other than Keiko and Botan’s? A: It’s hard to say. To be more specific, in my case, rather than thinking about the story, I feel like I am idly watching the events happening somewhere else, in an absent-minded state. I can’t reveal the birth dates etc. of the main characters, unless they come to my mind when I’m in such a state. Sorry. 
Note: ¹The readers are talking about these small profiles Togashi released in the manga. They wanted the author to share profiles for the main characters as well. Only Keiko’s birthday was revealed. Watch out! I’ve seen many people sharing this guy’s fake post from a YYH forum saying “Yoshihiro Togashi’s latest manga volume of Hunter X Hunter has included a note about Yu Yu Hakusho’s characters date of birth”. THAT’S ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The author hasn’t included any birth dates regarding YYH or Chrollo in any HxH volume or Shounen JUMP issue so far.
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Q2: The Spirit World Beast (Puu) finally appeared, but what about the seven tools…? A: This crossed my mind. (lol) I plan to reveal them someday.
Note: Togashi did reveal some of the others seven spirit detective tools in the Chapter Black‘s Arc.
Q3: What should I do to improve my drawing skills? A: Draw something on the back of an advertisement every day, and set it aside with the date. If after six months you look at your drawing and think "Wow, it looks bad", it's proof that you're improving. 
4.4.1993 - The Secrets of Yukina Arc ~ The Dark Tournament Saga!
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The reason I came up with this story was very simple, I wanted to draw Yukina and Tarukane. Before I knew it, I took a liking to the Toguro Brothers, and decided to take them to the next saga. That is the Dark Tournament. From this point on, the ratio of my feelings “I want to write a story like this” and “I want to draw a character like this” has become approximately 4 to 6. It used to be the other way around.
In other words, what I mean is that I am getting into this current method where a new enemy appears and the story unfolds. Toguro was the precursor to that. If I were to do another long-running saga with a strong enemy, it will naturally be a villain of my liking. In other words, someone with a very dissolute character. Naturally, Yusuke and the others will be in trouble. Muwhahaha. I guess someone will die. Muwhahahaha. Which one should I choose? Muwhahahaha.
I lost my composure a little bit. Excuse me.
July, 1993 - Togashi-sensei Game Report
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Commemorating the Yu☆Yu Game Adaptation!! 
Togashi-sensei's Game Hakusho  
We asked Togashi-sensei straight out about his impressions of playing the Game Boy version of "Yu☆Yu", and his expectations for the other video game consoles!!
Yu Yu Hakusho is a manga that focuses on combat, therefore it seems there are many action games. I received a sample of the Game Boy version from the manufacturer, and tried it out for a while. I got quite addicted to it! I think the result is very nice. As an aside, I recently bought a Game Boy, and the first game I played was "Yu☆Yu". (laughs)
As for the other consoles, I am anticipating the graphics. I had a chance to look at the background illustrations of the games earlier, and they turned to be too eerie for my liking (laughs), so I'm looking forward to seeing the actual images displayed on the screen.
I think the makers are also working hard to make sure the image of the characters is not spoiled. Dear readers, please wait for the release of the game!  
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persephinae · 7 years
proserpine-in-phases replied to your post: proserpine-in-phases replied to your post: ...
yeah I can’t remember how that one was supposed to go haha. it’s been so long since I’ve read either one (and tbh I didn’t enjoy the original series v. much. genbu kaiden is amazing tho)
ahahaha   the original Fushigi Yuugi was one of my first animes, and first animated crush, (*cough*Tamahome*cough*), so it’ll always have the nostalgia factor for me ^^
Byakko was a little bit not as tragic as Genbu?  If I remember correctly, they bravely sacrificed themselves to the Beast God and I think the Priestess and her warrior bickered like an old married couple for YEARS, like even their last living disciples remembered how much they squabbled 
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