#usually i don't make this kind of post but my notes have kinda been exploding lately and I do rly appreciate all of that hehe
emmet-appreciation · 2 years
// I’ve noticed I’ve got a handful of like spammers here and I just wanna say......... ty :)
you’ve dug from rly far back though, so um! Here’s a reminder to do self care and stuff haha ^w^. Drink water, eat a snack. Take meds. Go pee. Something to that effect.
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omentranslates · 2 months
Owari no Seraph volume 32 author's afterword english fan translation
Howdy, the long awaited afterword is here. I say as if my volume didn't arrive literally 2 hrs ago. Anyways, thanks for working with me.
Also I included the volume comments this time XP and I translated the back promotional page too just bc I haven't seen anyone else post it yet?? But I don't pay super close attention to the teasers usually so don't come for me if it's just the same text as the last few.
Wow, this is it, the climax! Writing it gets as lonely as it is fun, and it's as fun as it gets lonely, among other things! To everyone who's followed along this long, I'm truly grateful.
From here on out, I'm going to have a new editor. Owari no Seraph has thus far been blessed with nothing but the best and brightest in editors, all full of motivation. From Hosono-san (the sharpest blade in Shueisha) to Kosuge-san (the industry's top Nice Guy) to Kasai-san (who played it straight but turned out to be a total weirdo). And now, exploding onto the scene to take the baton from those three absolute characters, and his name issssss.......Okuyama-saaaaaannnn!!!!!
Now, this new guy in charge is truly amazing, he's got enough motivation to take me aback! He goes, "Kagami-san! We could have the whole world!! Nono, the whole universe!!! From now on just leave it all to meeeeee!!!! There's no doubt we'll do great things together, so just leave it all to me okayyyyyy!!!!" He's been yelling like that since we first met. He brought so much of that heat to the venue we were going to have our first meeting over dinner at and we ended up getting chased out and banned from coming back! It ended up being a whole incident, we really started off with a bang.....is what I'd like to put here, but I'm actually working on this afterword before that aforementioned meeting so I decided to just write my heart. The truth is that we actually haven't met yet! (Say what?)
Everyone, look forward to the next volume, where I tell you all how our introductions went! The one I'm writing now will actually probably pass through my new editor Okuyama-san's hands before we do meet, so I'm kinda scared about how that's gonna go, I'm like shaking (lol). But I'll definitely have a story to tell for next afterword! So on that note, I hope to see you all here again next volume, for those who just wanted to be done reading before it gets deep, I'll say goodbye to you here. I'll see you all next volume!!!!!
So, then, about myself recently. I put to rest some things that have been bothering me as a creator for sooo many years. Yayyyyy!! Wondering how I'm going to live and who I should become. As I'm facing up my works, and also my experiences as a person, as I'm experiencing the lives and deaths of those precious to me, what does it make of me? My characters grow up, am I working hard enough to keep up with them? I suddenly feel like I'm approaching my answers. And wow, what a ride it's been. What a ride being a creator is.
There was a time I was writing so many projects, but I've been rather spending my days studying since encountering those worrisome thoughts. But I've finished my studies and at long last arrived at just being thankful. It took a lot out of me to get here. And having Owari no Seraph publishing monthly, I think it was something that really managed to keep me as a creative grounded through it all. Writing is what I love most of all, I've been able to realize that it's who I am. For that, I am truly grateful to everyone. Yamamoto-san, Furuya-san, every one of my readers, to those in charge here and my editorial staff and everyone else who associates with me and every member of my family, I'm deeply thankful for the one of a kind, precious ties that bring us together in this world.
Which is all to say, I've returned to my extremely prolific writing habits, so I'll be glad if you all read what I've got to say!!!
Huh, I guess that wasn't too heavy afterall. Anyways, everyone, I'll see you next volume! Oh, and the finale of "Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu" is also happening after six long years. If any of you have ever read it, I hope you enjoy that too!
So then, see you in volume 33!!!!
Kagami Takaya"
Kagami Sensei's volume comment: "I'm writing so much! Back to the drafts!"
Yamamoto Sensei's volume comment: "We've reached volume 32. Yuuichirou and Mikaela, the Shinoa Squad, Ferid and Crowley, a lot of different stories have really taken off. I hope you're all excited!"
Promo page in the back (text only):
"On the move to make their own dreams come true...
All of these different stories speeding up towards the final battle!?"
The next volume is planned for October 2024
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kpopwerewolf · 1 year
Nonverbal Language
So, I was just downstairs and I ran into my dad in the kitchen. Instead of saying hi like a ~normal~ person, I blinked and very subtly nodded my head. It immediately made me start thinking about all the others forms of nonverbal communication I utilize, and I decided to share a list and see if anyone else could relate. Feel free to add!
blinking as a way to say 'hi'
nodding to say 'hi'
this one actually depends: if i nod down it means 'hi', if i nod up it means 'sup'. In my family, the two have just enough distinction to be considered two separate types of greeting, with the second one having more of a playful or 'you just flopped down dramatically into your seat' or 'you were making a weird face or said something kinda strange and i'm not sure i should ask for context' kind of vibe
meowing to say 'hi', specifically when i or someone else has just entered the room
if i'm sitting on the floor and someone is sitting in a chair within range, i might reach out and touch their foot with my own as a kind of 'hi' gesture, but more along the lines of 'i'm just letting you know i'm still here' kind of thing. i don't really know how to explain this one. because it's not exactly "hi" or "i'm still here," but i can't think of any other way to say it
that cat trill. i have a version of it that i do. it's like two low notes followed by a sudden rise or something. this one is kinda weird too, because i (again) use it to say hi, but sometimes i'm just sitting there or whatever and i just do it
hugs! this one is a faily universal 'expression of affection' thing, but i think i'm more of a hugger than the general population
(finally one that isn't a 'hi')
i also use hugs as a way to re-center myself when i'm stressed sensory- or anxiety-wise
when i know i'm going to be facing a stressful situation, i have what i call my "armor": lots and lots of jewelry. i put on 3-4 necklaces, at least one bracelet, a fidget ring, and if the temperature allows, i may add a shawl or sweater. basically, the more layers/accessories, the more comfort i feel.
when i'm offering a backrub trade with my mom, often i'll just circle my hand in the air like if were giving a backrub
spinning. generally, this means my mind is exploding or i just remembered something really embarrassing and am trying to reset my brain like an etch-a-sketch
sticking my tongue out. i've done this when the pool/lake water is really cool before. i've also done it in response to getting really excited when i'm reading--usually because my ship is sailing or some other cute moment
i hiss when annoyed. (if you haven't yet picked up on it: i've been around cats my whole life)
i sometimes growl when annoyed, but opposite of cats, i actually have to be more annoyed to growl rather than hiss (except when i'm growling at tv characters)
i get what my family calls "squeaky" most evenings. i'll be lying on the couch and i'll just start making these kinda squeaky-like sounds. these don't really have any kind of solidified meaning, but if i'm making them, it's safe to assume i'm comfortable and happy with my environment
if i'm overwhelmed and make a kind of whimpery/whine-like sound, it means i'm severely stressed by some element(s) of the environment and need to get away--even if that means i need to be physically led away (because sometimes i get to the point i'm so overwhelmed i can't even initiate moving on my own)
it may also mean i'm sad someone's leaving the room and am trying to playfully 'guilt' them into staying longer
if i want a hug, a lot of times, i'll just stand there kinda awkwardly as they finish what they were doing. sometimes they notice, sometimes they don't. mom's figured out what this means more than anyone else, so she recognizes it most frequently
i'm sure i have plenty more examples, but the post is getting long, so i'll wrap it up here :)
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wri0thesley · 7 years
if requests are open can i ask for an s/o that's chubby and is very motherly to la squadra (it's kinda like a poly relationship with them) and when the s/o is feeling bad about themselves so the group goes and try to make them better. it's ok if you don't do this i just really like your la squadra posts
hcs beneath the cut because my la squadra posts tend to get … long
- Generally, La Squadra aren’t very soft people. In their line of work, sentiment is the enemy. One can’t heartlessly assassinate someone if they’re the kind who develop attachments to one another, so it makes sense for them to be sparing with their affections. - Still, all of them have their weaknesses, and s/o tends to be one of those weaknesses. They’re all boys, most of whom came to the Mafia via unpleasant family lives and unconventional means - anybody who takes care of them and treats them like people and not bombs primed to explode is going to be someone whom they come to rely on. - Assassins are observant to a fault, and they’ll all see the way their s/o’s shoulders have started to sag, how much harder it seems to be for them to summon a smile, the slight sad tone when they go to speak to them. They also know that s/o feels like the caregiver of them all and won’t make time for themselves when the boys are around - so, they figure they’ll have to try and cheer them up themselves. 
- Formaggio is probably one of the most social of all La Squadra. He’s warm and flirty and perhaps a touch too mischievous; he’s likely to slide in and put his arm around his s/o, teasingly say that they’ve been looking peaky recently and is there anything he can do to help? His stand is good for little amusements like this; the others might laugh at Little Feet’s powers, but he feels very smug indeed when he a smile blossoms across s/o’s face. 
- Illuso was probably the first one to notice how s/o was feeling. He would have been the one to note that they were smiling less, that their voice had dropped a few semitones, that they sighed more often than usual. He’s charming but not particularly fun-loving - his attempts to comfort their s/o are more of the wordy conversational type than many of the others. Illuso knows what he’s talking about and speaks with a confidence that makes their s/o lift their shoulders slightly - and as someone who spends so much time around mirrors, he knows what beautiful is, and when he calls s/o that it’s hard not to believe him. 
- Prosciutto hates it when people don’t see their true potential. Behind the coldness and the hardness, he has a very soft centre. He encourages Pesci to have more confidence in himself, and he’ll encourage s/o to have the same - he tries to be a little softer when he talks to them (he’s not scared of hitting Pesci to drive in his point), but his words tend to come out harsher than he intends. Still, he has a commanding voice and his presence is probably the second most dominant (after Risotto), so s/o can’t help but sit up and take notice. 
- Pesci struggles with self-esteem and self-confidence himself, so he’s not actually that much use when it comes to making someone feel better. He does his best, prompted by Prosciutto, but it’s not so much the words he uses or the expressions he pulls when he’s talking to s/o that cheers them up, but the fact that Pesci put aside his own insecurities to try and help them. This touches s/o - they know Pesci finds things like this difficult. 
- Melone doesn’t know how to comfort anyone without flirting. He’s quick to laugh and grin and crack jokes and waggle eyebrows, even with the other boys of La Squadra - with s/o (whom he has more than a little bit of a crush on, like he does whenever someone is motherly towards him) it’s double that. He knows beauty and he knows personality, though, so his praise is at least not taken lightly by s/o. His winks make them blush. It’s hard not to feel confident within yourself after Melone has had his way. 
- Ghiaccio’s not good at comfort. He’s arrogant and cold-hearted and a little bit harsh with his words - he doesn’t mince them at all. They’re just as likely to hear something heartfelt from Ghiaccio as they are for him to just bark out; “You’ve got nothing to be self-conscious about. Get on with it.”. He hides his actual centre behind a facade of ice. He’s not allowed to speak to s/o for long, actually, as soon as Prosciutto hears his raised voice from within the room he’s within there and dragging Ghiaccio out with him again. Ghiaccio whines; he was only trying to help. 
- Risotto is the very last port of call. It’s not that they don’t trust him - but, after all, he’s the boss of La Squadra and he’s frightening and they don’t want to admit they couldn’t make one of their members happy without getting  him involved. They’ll feel less manly. When they do eventually break and ask for Risotto’s help, he gives them a small amused smile and goes to seek out s/o himself. Risotto doesn’t talk very much - he’s serious and stern, and sometimes the only time s/o sees him is when they have a mission to do. But when he speaks, his words are carefully thought through and ring true. Despite him not needing to use tricks like flirting or over-embellishing, what he does say touches s/o and lifts them up. 
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