#using cjs music no less
synthshenanigans · 11 months
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I can't get this out of my head im sorry
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angelpuns · 6 months
About kid leo:
- Does he still argues with Dee about Hawaiian pizza?
- When leo gets cornered would he call for Reforcement from his dad or older brothers? For ex:
Leo: " Dad! Raph! Dee won't allow me to win in argument he's bullying me! " lol
- how did Senior hueso reacted to leo turning small?
- Does leo still loves unicorn but unlike teenager him he tries to hide it because he maybe feels embarrassed?
- Would little leo join lair games?
- how did Draxum reacted to leo turning smoll?
- Was there times leo tried to act sneaky or like a spy and his brothers humored him by acting they really can't see or notice him?
- Did little leo tried using his sword and creat portals?
- did any enemies of rottmnt (foot clan, hypno or meat sweat) met with leo?
About L33:
- Does he have something relate to Leonardo? Blood sample, memories data...etc. Since - as i believe - the real leo is dead.
- Does L33 can creat portals?
- If L33 can enjoy music, does it mean he has his own interests and hobbies? For ex; skating, playing guitar...etc.
- Does his memories get glitches about the past? If by chance he doesn't remember what happened to him.
- comparing to the real Leo, how strong and flixbal L33 is?
- Does L33 have any robotic advantages such as flamethrower, laser beam...etc?
- was there more then just one L33? Since he could be used in war.
That's all for now
I was writing this earlier and it got deleted so trying again :) ahaha
Some of these are spoilers, so I'll answer what I can
- Yes. He will not only argue about it, he refuses to eat any other type of pizza. He also will only rectangle cut pizza. Medium Leo is ' less picky' , but Kid Leo is still only eating certain foods right now. ( I say 'picky' with quotes because I write Kid Leo as autistic because he's based largely on me as a kid and I think as he gets older he masks better and is better at ignoring certain sensory icks as well as his palate had changed and he is able to eat more :) )
- I think he would more often call for Splinter or CJ since he likes them the most. He is still iffy about his brothers. He accepts that they're his brothers, but they're not HIS brothers, ya know?
- he is both concerned and absolutely in love with Kid Leo. He would love to babysit this kid, but Kid Leo doesn't particularly care for him just because he doesn't know who he is and he's p suspicious of new people.
- he loves loves LOVES unicorns and he is not ashamed at all. He would gladly replace his ' clone bros' with unicorns if he could.
- Leo would love the lair games, though they'd have to modify them because he's so small and they don't want him to get hurt. Splinter is the only one that is like ' he'll be fine' if only because he's seen Leo pull worse stunts as a child and is pretty sure he's indestructible. Which is not true but Leo was always pretty good at hiding when he got hurt from Splinter.
- spoilers <3
- definitely. After the investigation arc Leo probably tried to sneak around to do more investigating and his brothers just pretended they didn't know what he was doing so he didn't get any angrier at them.
- he hasn't even seen his swords yet, but it's safe to say he won't be able to make a portal since he hasn't unlocked his ninpo yet.
- not yet <3
Now for the L33 stuff:
- so, Donnie created L33 in the hopes that Leo's spirit would eventually inhabit the robot. He originally just made an AI, but when that wasn't working properly he just hoped to see his brother again. They still aren't sure if the AI kicked in or if Leo's spirit inhabits the robot :/
- spoilers, BUT if Leo's spirit is in the robot he would be able to. In theory.
- yes! He doesn't have set hobbies or anything, but has spent the last 5-ish years roaming and exploring. He's very interested in 'human things'. Sort of like Wall-E :) he does have one hobby that is distinctly something he enjoys, but that's also a spoiler.
- it's more like his life ' started' 5 years prior to when the story takes place. He woke up with no memories of his name or anything and sort of just put stuff together with context clues. He knows his name is L33 because its written on him, and he knows the bandanas on his swords are important for some reason. He knows he's looking for something. Trying to access memories before waking up is impossible for him, because there's simply nothing to access.
- he's about as strong as the real Leo, but probably more flexible. His shell has plates so he's able to bend a little more, and Donnie made his joints similar to a ball-jointed doll's so he can extend his limbs a little further.
- nothing special! Donnie wanted to make him as close to the real Leo as possible. He does have special clawed feet/hands for better climbing and tearing into stuff ig, but Donnie added those specifically because of the difficult terrain. The printer was originally added only for maintenance/diagnostics reasons, but also just in case L33 needed to communicate without using his hands.
- just the one! Donnie didn't really make him for ear or for the advantages a robot might have, he just missed his twin :/ he had also planned on making a Raph-bot at one point, but after L33 went missing ( Donnie and the others assuming he had 'died' somehow) it was too painful to make/lose another brother for a second time. Not to mention at that point finding materials to do so would have been too difficult.
Basically the thought process for Donnie was ' I'm gonna make this robot to be my brother cause I miss him and this is my coping mechanism and idk maybe he'll be an asset too but that's not the point'.
Thank you for the ask I love rambling bout these guys <3333 hopefully I didn't accidentally spoil anything hueheueheueheu
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mystery-gems · 1 year
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Happy 3 years everyone! Or. Well I suppose that’s a lie. Or anniversary for the blog is both the 13th and 17th but, that’s okay!
A big thanks from us here on the blog for helping us make it through the start of Covid, through 2020. It was such a delight to have a project to work on, a group to call home, for something to live for, really.. and while we’ve all moved on to other projects, other interests, into our own futures, that doesn’t mean our experiences are any less important.
Thank you all again for everything! I hope wherever you are now if your lives, that you’ll live well, and find the joy in the little moments. And just remember, to be loved is to be changed. And just like a childhood toy, you, too, will forever live in my heart and something special, important, and valuable beyond what money could ever hope to buy.
“To be alive! Not just the carcass, but the spark! That’s crudely put but, if we’re not to dance, why all this music?”
Our kindest regards, Sora, CJ, and Sparki
[posted and drawn by @sorakoudo ]
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unseenacademic · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by my dear, talented friend @mihrsuri Thanks, friend! 💜💜💜💜 1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 13 at the moment 😅
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 28,823
3. What fandoms do you write for? The West Wing.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The First Lady - my ongoing fic where I answer the most important question in the world: what was Abbey Bartlet doing during the episodes she didn't appear in?
Josh and the Jackass - what happened right before Governor Bartlet decided to follow Josh to the airport in In the Shadow of Two Gunmen.
Breathe - a post-ep for Dead Irish Writers. Her birthday party is over, and Abbey Bartlet must face the New Hampshire Medical Board.
A Bit Desperate - part three of a series of three-sentence fics about Abbey and Jed in the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
Anything Else I Need to Know - Five times the staff of Bartlet for America interrupted a barbecuing session and one time CJ interrupted a different kind of session. Takes place during the First Bartlet Campaign.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I do. I do my best to respond to every comment I get, as fast as I can. It's a two-way street, we, as fic authors, often complain (and rightly so) about the lack of feedback, the lack of comments and kudos, but we don't respond to comments. As a reader, I am more likely to comment on a fic from an author who's replied to my comments earlier. But I guess I get so few comments that I can easily respond to all of them 🤷‍♀️ and since there are like 7 people who care about what I write, the least I can do is respond to their very kind comments 💜💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess it's Anything Else I Need to Know. The ending isn't too angsty by itself, but if you put it into context and you know the overarching plot of first few seasons of TWW, it's definitely angsty. Honorable mentions: With Pomp and Parade & And the Silence Haunts our Bedchamber - they both deal with the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? White Christmas. And Something for Us to Remember too also qualifies. You have to read them to know why 😊😉
8. Do you get hate on fics? Luckily, I'm not popular or interesting enough for that 😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Oh, all kinds! The worst thing I've ever written came before I started my fanfic writing career (I used to be involved in forum RP, I'm less active there now) and... nope, I'm not going to write about it here. Too cursed. 🙈🙈 If you want to see some sane smut I've written, check out Game On, Boyfriend! I hope I'll write another barbecuing fic soon, so stay tuned.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't. But I'd love to see a TWW/NCIS crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but if anyone's interested, go ahead.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't. The closest thing to co-writing fics was RP-ing which is sort of similar, but not really lol. It might be fun, so if anyone's interested in writing with me, let me know.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Abbey/Jed! There are many ships I love, but I have to go with my horny nerds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There was a WIP I started last year, the first fic I posted, but I ended up deleting it, so it's not very likely that I'll ever finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm really, really good at research lol! If I'm writing a fic set in the 1960s, I'll make sure that they're eating food, wearing clothes, listening to music etc. that was popular in that period. You won't catch any of my characters wearing historically inaccurate shoes. I'm also really good at digging up random canon details and writing thousands of words around them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot lmao. I write fics about nothing, it's just banter and nerdiness, with the characters and/or the author showing off 🤣🤣
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Hmmm... I don't know, don't think I've ever needed to do it, but I guess it depends on what I want to achieve, I might write it in English and add a dialogue tag like "she said in French" or something.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published a fic for was The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, but the first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Can't choose only one, so have a few of them:
Breathe: Once again, Abbey is reminded how cruel the world can be towards women. 
No one asked Jed what he was wearing when he took the censure. 
Anything Else I Need to Know: Josh finally opens the door to his room and slumps on his unmade bed.
Next time, he’s going to pay attention. He’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s notes on the Governor's schedule. And he’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s instructions, so he’ll know what her notes on the Governor’s schedule actually mean. Next time, he’s going to pay attention.
Had Josh been paying attention, he would’ve noticed when the Governor dashed across the hall and up the stairs right after lunch. Had he been paying attention, he would’ve noticed Leo’s smirk that followed the Governor’s departure. Had he been paying attention, perhaps he would’ve noticed the soft, rhythmic squeaking of the bed and muffled gasps and groans coming from the Bartlets’ suite right before he opened the door.
Well, too bad that Josh wasn’t paying attention.
And Something for Us to Remember too: “I take it your conversation with Doug didn’t go well?”
“I spoke slowly and I didn’t use big words, but I couldn’t talk him out of marrying Liz. Maybe I should’ve taken him on a hike. A six-hour hike through Vermont wilderness in the dead of winter would’ve changed his mind.”
“It wasn’t a six-hour anything! I was there, Jed, you were only gone for two hours.”
“You weren’t there, Abigail, you were baking with your mother, while I was fighting for dear life, braving the cold and wolves and bears.” He sighs and adds, “Guess it’s too late to take Doug hiking now and leave him for the bears.”
White Christmas: “’She – New Hampshire – is one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other’, said Robert Frost, your favorite poet, who also happened to be the poet laureate of Vermont.” Abbey made a dramatic pause and gave Jed a pointed look.
“She’s one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other.” She continued her performance. “And the two… the two lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end.”
Jed chuckled.
“Sweet Knees, we’ll lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end any time you want,” he leered at her, “on our bed, in front of the fireplace, on the kitchen table…” his smirk grew when Abbey’s lips curved into a little smile and her cheeks flushed, “but Robert Frost named his poetry collection New Hampshire, not Vermont.”
“Well, I’m going to write the words ‘Freedom and Unity’ on the pie and you’re going to eat them!”
The First Lady: “Mrs. Landingham withholds food from me,” he complained.
“Because I asked her to.”
“Yeah, cause you don’t want me eating real food like steaks or hamburgers. She won’t let me have a banana.”
“I’m sure you did something to piss her off.” Abbey shrugged.
“Do you two enjoy torturing me?”
“Yes,” she said innocently.
Tagging (no pressure!): @claudiajcregg @onekisstotakewithme @hondagirll @miabicicletta @librarianmouse @holy-ships-x-red-lips
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Hey CJ 👋 I hope you’re doing well in life.
I’m on the same page as you, when it comes to taking a step back from TWDG & the fandom. And, coming back to the games after sometime & seeing it in a different light. Some things that didn’t click with you back then, makes a bit more sense now.
Also, I’m curious.. what are thoughts on true colors? Steph & Ryan? 👀
Hello, my friend! 👋 Been a while! But yeah, I'm doing fine; a lot of the usual work with writing fic and blog posts in between.
Yeah it's funny to step away from a fandom you're so engrossed in for so long, like twdg was such a huge part of my life back in 2018-2020 with me running this blog, writing fic, and streaming. Now I'm just in a completely different headspace in general, and looking at the games now, they're still amazing but my reasonings are different. Also I talk about the comics a lot, which isn't something I would've guessed I'd be doing. If you go back to when they were announced, I made posts being like "yeeeeeah I dunno if I'm gonna read them :/" jokes on me. I read them multiple times, I need to make that useful haha.
As for LiS True Colors, I actually super loved it?? way more than I ever did the first LiS game?? though I think I might've loved it for the wrong reasons. I don't know, I haven't actually looked into what LiS fans thought of it compared to the other games, but for me it was a "perfect time, perfect place" game in the moment. To me the whole thing was nearly a perfect escapism game; the music is an A+, the entire town is gorgeous and covered in flowers and woods, Alex gets to live in a nice apartment for free [the true fantasy], there's a whole LARP campaign to play through, a flower festival where I've never been so conflicted on who to give a rose to, and overall just the coziest vibes. I swear, I spent most of the game just wandering around the town looking at all the flowers, it was great.
Like if Gabe didn't die and True Colors was just about Alex moving to this fantasy-like small town and working through her issues with the help of her powers, I would've been 100% on board. I didn't mind the mystery, though I totally guessed Jed would be the twist villain given the first episode immediately presents him as a hero who saved a bunch of people in the mines, I was like "Oh did he now... mmhmmm mmhmmm and he's Ryan's dad, oohhh he's gonna be this game's Jefferson-" except he was done better than Jefferson imo. He didn't turn into a cartoon character and his motivations behind the cover up were interesting. He didn't do it for the aesthetic like Jefferson did. And in the end I got everyone to side with me, except Charlotte because I told her to take the money so she wanted to speak out but couldn't, which was honestly fine with me like take their money, send Ethan to college, we'll stab Typhon just fine without your vocal support.
I liked most of the characters, except for Diane and Mac, though I reluctantly disliked Mac less by the end... Diane can suck an egg, though. I don't think I've ever wanted to throw a character out a window more than when Alex came back all bloodied with a bullet wound on her head as she exposed the truth and when she asks why no one's saying anything, Diane just goes, "We don't want to embarrass you" kjlkajdslkjalkjdl LADY DON'T PISS ME OFF
As for Ryan and Steph, I liked them both, trying to choose between them was absurdly difficult. It was like True Colors saw how easily I picked between Louis and Violet and took it as a challenge to create Ryan and Steph specifically to stump me. I mean, soft boy who loves nature, goes out of his way to be kind and helpful to those around him, has a slow build up to being emotionally available with someone he trusts, and has some daddy issues? A girl with pretty brown eyes who loves DnD and LARP, has a passion for music and will deflect with humor, who knows who she is and is eager to help those around her, and who isn't just another rehash of Chloe? They knew what they were doing; they dressed Steph up in as a witch after having Ryan act like a goof acting like enemy creatures, they were made for me.
Having done both routes, I do prefer Steph. I adore her and Alex together, but Alex and Ryan are super cute, too.
It's not a perfect game and there are issues in the writing but honestly, I don't care. I had a good time. I was engaged. I looked at every single flower and kissed a pretty girl so good that the world exploded. What a great game.
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iu-jjang · 2 years
[INTERVIEW] 220607 IU Interview with Press for BROKER
On the afternoon of June 7th, a round interview for the premiere of movie “Broker” (director Hirokazu Koreeda) was held at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul.
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IU on meeting uaenas in France
It was really unexpected. At the Cannes International Airport, there was a moment when everything just went differently from what I thought. There were fans at the airport. I didn’t expect to see my fans in France. Neither me nor my staff expected that. After that, everything was like a hidden camera. I thought they were planted by CJ (since they are the investment distributor for the film). I really didn’t expect that.
At the red carpet, there were more people holding my LILAC album. They asked for my autograph. I thought I might delay the rest and there was no information about (whether I was allowed to do so), so I asked the staff if I could go over and they said I was free to do so. I went over to where my fans were and gave them my autograph. That was the moment that I felt the most freedom when I was in Cannes.
I have experienced giving autographs to my fans and interacting with them in Korea. I thought everyone (at Cannes) would be like who’s that? It’s my first time seeing her, what kind of role would she be acting as? What kind of girl is she? But everyone knew who I was and people were welcoming me, so that made me feel less nervous.
From singing to acting in dramas and movies
As an actress and as a singer, I’m an ambitious person. I’m born to be ambitious about work and I’m destined to work a lot in life too. So it seems that I’m someone who has to keep working. I’m someone who works hard individually and who gets embarrassed easily too.
The meaning of ‘BROKER’ to IU
It’s my first commercial movie and that itself us already something meaningful to me. Even though it’s my first movie, I landed a major role. It’s a role made possible only because someone believed in me, so that leaves me very touched.
I’m a rookie actresss with nothing to show in terms of past movies I’ve acted in, but the director, actors and staff all believed in me and just for that, I feel like I have to become an actress who can repay the faith they have in me and I think this will be something that will continue to spur me on for a long time.
IU = Lee Jieun
When I was younger, I used to separate the two. But as I started to use the name ‘Lee Jieun’ too, over time the separation disappeared. I often think I should just enjoy this moment.
(Being a singer or actress), I think both seem to be very different occupations, yet they are the same type of work. A singer on stage is very different from an actress in front of a camera. But the process of working in a recording studio and at the filming site are very similar in some ways.
Doing many takes while monitoring with the engineers, composers and staff and exchanging opinions with one another to be able to produce the best result, in these aspects, the recording studio and filming site are similar. My favourite part about being a singer is working in the recording studio too. While acting at the filming site, I find that enjoyable and appealing. I think the process of producing something together has the greatest appeal to me.
About writing ‘Strawberry Moon’ while filming for ‘BROKER’
When I act, many unexpected thoughts come to mind, so I write a lot of lyrics.” “(Strawberry Moon) was a really bright song full of fantasy. It’s really out of the blue right? -Laughs- I can’t explain why I wrote this while filming ‘BROKER’. Music and acting are both really tough for me, yet the interplay of both allows one to help the other.
Training herself in expressing emotions as a singer-songwriter
When I am active as a singer, among the songs that I write, the autobiographical songs tend to stand out, but actually much more often than that, I immerse myself in a character, imagine a situation that I have never experienced before at all and add fantasy to it. If I just write based on my own experience, there’s a limit to my stories, so I often write (lyrics) and express myself like I’m watching a drama or reading a novel, with things that I have never personally experienced before. I think that in that aspect, I received some training (for expressing emotions in the movie).
About filming ‘BROKER’ right after ‘LILAC’ promotions
My hair was very damaged and I remember asking if I should just go (film ‘BROKER’) just like that. My hair length was really long, but it was dyed, so my hair was a mess. I also considered cutting off my hair that couldn’t be combed properly, but they told me to just leave it like that.
I had to start filming ‘BROKER’ a few days after concluding my ‘LILAC’ album promotions last year and unintentionally lost a lot of weight then during the promotions. During the first filming, I met the director after a long time. I thought he would not like it and tell me to put on more weight, but he told me that for the first half of the movie, it would be good if I just stayed thin the way I was. For the first half, I stayed thin. In the second half, I went through some visual transformations.
About whether it’s a pity that she didn’t win anything at Cannes
I don’t think it’s a pity at all.
Initially, the movie was screened in the theatre and the reviews shared by the critics and audience were conveyed to me through our staff the next day. I was told that there were a lot of good reviews about (my) acting and I found it hard to believe it then -laughs-  I thought since they were our staff, they were only telling me the good parts, but later on when I had time, I searched the translated reviews and went, ‘There are really such reviews. This is really fascinating.’ I found it fascinating that a really amazing movie was created and in that movie, they found my acting impressive. I think that’s the power of the director and I feel really good about it.
About her feelings ahead of the official release
I can’t say I don’t feel nervous at all. Having watched the movie that I featured in at the Cannes theatre, with many people watching the pre-screening at the film festival and giving their reviews, it feels like about half of it is already released. As it’s the first time in my life that a movie (I am in) is released, I think it’ll be difficult to hide my nerves.
How IU feels to be back from Cannes
It still doesn’t feel real to me. I’m not sure if I even went. We were on the move a lot, so there was no time for sightseeing at Cannes. I’m not sure if I’m in Cannes or Korea, that’s how busy our schedule was and it still doesn’t feel real to me. It’s been a few days and it still feels that way.
About her red carpet dress
They said I had to wear a long dress for the photos to turn out nicely. I was worried that my dress would get in others’ way, so I held on to it as I walked. I’m really satisfied with how the photos turned out, but if I had the chance to walk on the red carpet again in this lifetime, I’ve got to wear a short dress instead. (About Song Kang Ho stepping on her dress) The photo itself was really funny so I saved it.
About the ‘heart’ she did on camera
I was taken aback when the camera suddenly zoomed in on me and it was my first time, so it didn’t feal real and was unbelievable for me. There was an awkward meme created after that of me making a heart without much confidence. That was really a mistake. Out of the things I did at Cannes, I really regretted doing that. I should do everything with confidence, if not, I shouldn’t even do it at all. The next time, I should do it confidently. I’ve taken notes on all these. In my lifetime, I want to go just one more time.
About the hand kiss she did on camera while leaving the venue
There was a main camera following me back then. I thought it was just a ‘making’ camera at the side. I only found out that it was the main camera when I got back to Korea. (When my hand kiss became a hot topic) I was like, ‘Really?’ I thought it was a ‘making’ or side camera all along. The camera staff said, ‘Send a small kiss to your fans.’ That’s why I did (the hand kiss). I didn’t know it was the main camera. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew.
About working with director Koreeda
It was touching (for me). He keeps his composure about everything and has an expression that puts everyone at ease. He has a default expeession and looking at him just makes you feel at ease. I can’t imagine the degree of pressure and responsibility he has, but not letting it show and putting us at ease in itself is touching to me and I’m grateful for that.
Whenever he releases new movies, I watch them straight away. As an audience, what I felt in common was that even for themes really worth contemplating about that need time to process, he handles them in an uncomplicated manner and his directing is not too explicit. This is a piece that makes us feel at ease and yet, starts us thinking at the same time. When I was casted, I thought wow, it’s amazing that something like this would happen to me and so early (in my movie acting career).
About the letters that Koreeda wrote to the cast
He gave me something like an interview transcript of So-young candidly sharing her own thoughts and life history. Reading that brought more thoughts to my mind than reading the script. The script didn’t have any scenes about So-young’s dark past. The handwritten letter expressed how she survived all this while. Reading that made me feel burdened for the first time, whether I would be able to express a character like this who has endured so much more than me in her short life thus far.
About the character of So-young
The moment that made me feel sorry for her was how she doesn’t have much compassion for herself. I think everyone has some self-compassion, but she didn’t even have the time to do that while struggling to survive and that makes me feel sorry for her.
About acting as a mother
When asked about what role I wanted to act as next, I vaguely wanted to take on a role of a mother who had given birth before. I just passed it off as a comment in an interview, but I received the proposal for ‘BROKER’ after that. My fans asked whether (what I said in the interview) was a spoiler, but it was not like that at all. I was amazed too. That Koreeda Hirokazu would cast me and even give me the role of a mother, so I thought to myself that I want to do this.
Of course, I have never even given birth before. I remember asking my mum and my unnie who gave birth not too long ago whether they ever cried after giving birth and when the most difficult time was for them.
I practised taking care and carrying a baby, but when I started filming, the mother character I was acting as was not someone who was adept at mothering. I expressed the character as a mum who wanted to avoid being one. I watched the baby (Jiyong) sleep a lot and actually got closer to his mum and dad instead. I’ve been following Jiyong’s instagram account as well and know that he can now walk by himself too.
(We met recently) but it seems like he doesn’t remember me. I left him a message through his mum, saying, ‘Thanks for coming to me as my first child’, but I don’t know if he will remember me. It was a one-sided love (laughs).
Anything IU would like to say to all the So-youngs in this world
I’ve never led such a life before, so how would I dare to say anything to them? I’m not sure if I even have the right to tell them a simple ‘hang in there’ or ‘I’ll cheer for you’.
About the characters in the movie tied together by a common bond
I came to the conclusion that if people are bonded and united psychologically and willing to show each other their true selves, wouldn’t that be enough to consider them a family? I hope to convey that to the audience.
About Song Kangho winning his award
It was so fascinating. They pronounced ‘Song Kang Ho’ in a strange accent and our whole team got goosebumps. I felt goosebumps myself.
Seeing how happy sunbaenim was and everything being exotic and not having adjusted well yet, after being inundated with so much information, it felt strange and like a hidden camera segment and it was really fascinating. Sunbaenim giving his thank you speech on stage looked like a scene out of a movie. It was a fascinating day in many ways.
With “Broker”, Song Kang-ho also embraced the best actor trophy at the Cannes Film Festival. Regarding that IU also contributed, she said, “I don’t think I contributed at all”. When sunbaenim was filming, he said that this work is made together by everyone. It was also touching to see him trying to share the award despite his great contribution to this work. Honestly, when sunbaenim won the award, I didn’t think that I contributed to it all. But he thanked me at the after party after he got the award. Since everyone did their part, the movie received good reviews and sunbaenim also said thank you to everyone.
On acting with Bae Doona
“I was in shock. She acted in a tone that was completely unexpected for me. That was really shocking and special to me. Her acting was totally different from what I expected based on the script and that shook me. I felt that I had been too complacent. Thanks to that, the scenes I had with Bae Doona sunbaenim turned out differently from what I had expected and though I was worried, it was better than what I thought.
About Bae Donna’s long text in reply to IU
A few days before this interview, I sent Doona sunbaenim a message. She’s in the states so she couldn’t join us at Cannes and promote the movie with us, which was a pity. I am thankful towards her in many ways and thanks to sunbaenim, I was able to have more conviction to take act in this movie. That’s what I messaged her about.
She replied me with an unbelievably long message. I cried reading it. The contents were sincere and honest. It gave me strength as well. I read that message and just kept tearing. I read it yesterday too. Of course, it’s really long. I read it whenever it comes to my mind. I think I’ll never forget her message to me.
About filming BROKER and Dream at the same time
I had a good experience filming the movies. ‘BROKER’ was filmed at about the same time as ‘Dream’. I was lucky to meet great people at both filming sites. I’m not sure whether it’s considered a whole new world, but I liked movies a lot more. I thought to myself that if I’m cast in good movies, I would like to act in them and with that, I think I would not be narrowing down on the type of genres I would act in. I would like to improve my skills and do a good job. I’m not going to go too far or be too ambitious in my plans.
About the rainy scene
Instead of directing the finer details, the director prefers to trust the actors and let it flow naturally. We filmed throughout the night while being drenched by the rain for the rainy scene. It was really cold and physically taxing for me. But after watching the movie, I thought it turned out really well. It looks cool. I’m satisfied. Everyone really went through a lot.
About swearing in the movie
The script had Japanese-style swear words. Words like ‘you’ and ‘idiot’ would not suit So-young in Korea for her age, so I asked the director if I could change them. That’s how I ended up writing the script for the swear words.
I practised swearing in front of my mum and dad. They’re the most objective audience, so I asked them what they thought and to let me know if it sounds awkward. I practised in front of my manager too and thought hard about this part in the movie.
About her restrained acting in ‘My Mister’ and ‘BROKER’
I think restrained acting suits me better than expressive acting. In my own life, rather than expressing emotions I tend to think about them instead and that’s probably why.
About her friends Yoo Inna and Kim Soo-hyun attending the VIP Premiere
(Yoo Inna) knew about the pressure I felt and concerns I had throughout the filming. (During the VIP Premiere) she came cheering me on more than anyone else. When she came to visit me at the waiting room, she also spread her cheerful energy to me. She was really objective and calm in giving me her feedback.
After watching the whole movie, she went, ‘That part was not so perfect right?’ ‘It was that sort of situation right?’ ‘You were nervous right?’ ‘It seemed that way.’ She was the number 1 audience who paid attention to every scene without missing out a single one.
I was really thankful towards her for that. Unni told me, ‘You did a good job. Do even better next time.’ I’m glad she was able to give me such feedback. I listen carefully to all her feedback. Kim Soo-hyun oppa came as well. He came for the afterparty and greeted me before he left. He gave me his honest feedback, ‘You just look like you went through a lot. You’re lucky for your first movie, so just enjoy that.’
On turning 30
I often think these days that I’m glad to be born. I’m lucky that my job allows me to receive a lot of love, so whenever it’s my birthday, I hear this a lot from my fans. Since I’m exactly 30 years old this year, lots of good things and small daily happiness have found their way to me.
So I feel a bit like it’s a good thing to be born. Recently, during my mum’s birthday, I told her, ‘I’m truly grateful that you gave birth to me.’” “I think 30 is an age that really suits me. I’m going through some physical changes too. I laugh more, cry more and get angry more than before. I think that’s a big change for me and also a healthy change.
I think the filter that controls my emotions has loosened up. Perhaps it’s the magic of turning 30, but I’m welcoming this change and I think it’s more relaxing to live like this too.
About the orphanage that IU visits
There’s an orphanage I came across in my teens. I got to know about the place through a broadcast filming and my family and I visit the place. I know the teacher and the children there by their faces. I started thinking about how my friends at this orphanage and among them, the friend I’m closest to, would react when they watch the movie once it’s released. Would the way I portrayed my character make them feel hurt? I wondered. After some contemplation, I invited them to watch the movie. I don’t think the theme of the movie would make them feel hurt and I had a small conviction that they would leave the movie theatre with a warm feeling. Before filming this movie, I never thought much about stereotypes towards single mothers. I hope the way I expressed my character doesn’t make them feel like I’m taking pity on them. I felt that I couldn’t let my compassion for this character cause So-young’s image to become blurred.
About working with Gang Dong Won
I don’t think I have had a very private conversation with Gang Dong Won sunbaenim before, so he probably has no idea how grateful I am (for him). It was my first time seeing an adult who radiates such kind energy while filming ‘Broker’. Gang Dong Won sunbaenim’s energy is so rare.
I had to film alone during my last scene, so it wasn’t necessary for anyone (the cast) to come, but Gang Dong Won sunbaenim came to the filming site, a remote one at that. He said, “It’s your last shoot, I should come” as he watched (the shoot) and left. I wasn’t even aware that he came since he was monitoring from a distance.
As far as I know, sunbaenim also visited the set and brought gifts for the child actors during their last filming. I wonder if I could ever be so immersed (in my role) if someone else was playing the role of Dong-soo instead of Gang Dong Won sunbaenim.
It’s still fascinating for me to look at Gang Dong Won sunbaenim’s face. I went up and greeted him briefly today too, and even when he was barefaced and dressed in casual clothes, he was glowing and looking more like a celebrity than me, who just dropped by a salon. I think it’s truly a mystery. (shakes head and laughs)
Working in the entertainment industry, I see a lot of extremely good-looking, pretty and cool people, but Gang Dong Won sunbaenim has a really special aura. I thought it’s probably rude to keeping looking, but I found myself looking at him whenever I let my guard down for a second. It was a battle with myself not to look at him.
What’s fascinating was that whenever Gang Dong Won sunbaenim began filming, he (instantly) felt like the character Dong-soo to me. Dong-soo felt like a character that was completed likely because sunbaenim played it. The change in the relationship between Dong-Soo and So-Young is a crucial point in the movie, and I thought it was convincing because sunbaenim played it. (His character) doesn’t feel contrived, but instead emits this unique kind energy. I benefited a lot because Gang Dong Won sunbaenim played Dong-soo.
How do you feel about the movie yourself?
(At the Cannes International Film Festival) I watched it nervously. After that, I was too busy to watch it again. Around next week, I think I would be free to watch it again properly at a movie theatre (T/L comment: WAH imagine IU sitting behind you in a movie theatre). Meanwhile, I guess my parents have been curious about it. Whenever they asked, I told them, ‘I haven’t watched it myself, but I think it’s a genre that mum will enjoy watching.’ After watching the movie at Cannes, I texted them, ‘I think mum and dad will both enjoy watching it.’ During the recent VIP movie premiere, my mum and dad, unnie, brother-in law, in total about 10 of my relatives came. After watching the movie, they said in the chatroom that they enjoyed it and asked why I thought they might not have liked it. My family doesn’t go to the movie theatre often and prefer friendly, fun and funny movies. I wasn’t sure if the director’s unique calm and candid movie would suit their tastes, but my mum and dad said they cried and my unnies said they laughed. My family gave it top ratings. It was great.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
From Korean news sources
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miqotepotatoe · 7 months
Seeing as everyone is making next gen Ninja kids now I may as well share my own that I have hidden away. (I will draw them out when I'm not having art block, so take these gatcha life 2 references I made.)
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Dahlia Brookstone - The youngest of the Brookstones and the team, and the first mortal host to the Element of Crystal. When she was very young, she was very clingy to her parents, mostly towards Cole. She would cry if she wasn't being held by her dad. She's mostly grown out of the seperation anxiety, but is very much a daddies girl.
CJ (Cole Junior) Brookstone - The oldest of the triplets and inherited the Element of Earth from Cole. A spitting image of his father both in appearance and personality, though CJ is a lot more reserved than his father due to how sheltered his childhood was.
When CJ was very young, he got very sick. His parents were horrified to learn it was the same disease that took Cole's mother far too soon. Luckily, medicine has progressed greatly since then so it was much more treatable. This did mean he spent most of his childhood in the hospital, missing out on stuff like school and birthdays. However, CJ found comfort in music. Listening to it, singing songs, playing insruments. It made the dreary days at the hospital much more barable.
By the time he was 14, he was in remission and able to go home without having to ever return to the hospital. But the treatments had weakened CJ's immune system, so he wears a face mask most of the time for extra precaution. His Elemental Powers developed shortly afterwards, and although Cole was cautious about CJ becoming a ninja, he allowed it, so long as CJ is careful.
CJ's main weapon is a scythe, just like his dad.
Flint Brookstone - The middle of the triplets and inherited the Element of Light from Lucy. Just like his mum, Flint is a ray of sunshine who loves to party. His personality is very colourful, often switching moods on the fly depending on the situation. He can go from a joyful clown to spilling your darkest secrets.
Flint is very much an artist, he uses it as a way to express himself. The moment he discovered hair dye he dyed his hair a mismatch of colours. Street art is his favorite thing to do, going off to dark parts of the city and creating something to brighten someone's day. His artist name, Sunny Dangerbuff, is well known across the run down streets of Ninjago, but no one knows who Sunny really is...well except his family.
He uses an axe as his weapon of choice.
Clive Brookstone - The youngest of the triplets and the only child to not have any elemental powers. The most reserved out of the kids, and prefers their own company. They were very insecure of themselves, being surrounded by people with increadible powers while they had nothing. They spent a lot of time wth Dahlia as she too didn't inherit any Elemental Powers, it made them feel less alone.
That is until Dahlia started to manifest a never before seen Elemental Power and she was getting praised by all. Anger and envy towards their family started to manifest. Why didn't they get any powers? Were they not worthy enough? This culminated in an explosive "fight" between Clive & Cole, well...Clive was screaming and shouting at their dad while Cole tried to calm his child down.
In the end, Clive ran away, and they dissapeared off the face of the world. They haven't been seen in months... (kids having a villain arc yo)
She was very close to Clive, the two of them being the only ones without elemental power, but they grew distant after Dahlia awoke to the Element of Crystal. She blames herself for her older sibling running away.
Dahlia is very much an outdoors person, enjoying going on hikes with her family and climbing anything she sees. Cole likes to take her up the mountain his mum took him up when he was younger. She would've loved Dahlia.
She weilds a warhammer into battle, just like her dad.
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Elio Jiang-Smith - First born of Kai & Skylor, inherited the Element of Fire from Kai. Unlike other Masters of Fire, Elio is very calm and relaxed, with some of his mothers sass and charisma. He always has his heart out on his sleeve, allowing others to vent out to him and he does his best to help them out. Very much the team therapist who needs therapy as he doesn't really think about himself.
When not training to be the new Master of Fire, Elio helps out as his family at their resturant blacksmith forge fusion. He helps his mum out in the resturant, often taking orders, dishing out meals, manning the registor or his favourite cooking in the kitchen. The kitchen is Elio's favourite place to be. He loves cooking up meals for people, though he tends to get very fussy if the meal isn't going according the plan. One of the rare times Elio exhibits the Jiang-Smith rage.
He uses a spear just like his aunt Nya, specifically a yari.
Ruby Jiang-Smith - Youngest born of Kai & Skylor, inherited the Element of Amber from Skylor. The one who clearly inherited all of Kai's hotheadedness and rashness, Ruby is force of chaos, and Wyldfyre's influence doesn't really help. Instead of a ninja, she becomes a martial artist, fighting with various martial art styles mixed with elemental powers she's replicated. She also knows the art of chi-blocking, a technique that blocks ones chi preventing them from fighting back, it also temporarily stops elemental masters from using their powers.
When not fighting anyone that comes her way, Ruby helps out her family at their resturant blacksmith forge fusion. Ruby often helps out her dad at the forge, learning to make weapons. She mostly makes and fixes weapons for the team, but sometimes Kai gives her free reign to let her creative juices flow, resulting in some crazy but effective weapons. Blacksmithing is the only time you'll see Ruby so calm and focused.
She doesn't really have a weapon, but sometimes will pull out some brass knuckles for some extra oomph to her punches.
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Kairi Walker - First born of Jay & Nya, inherited the Element of Lightning from Jay. She is a weeb, her love of anime stemming from when she was a young child. Sora got her into it, so blame her. She also gifted Kairi the cat ear headband and tail for her 8th birthday and she is never seen without them on, even in her ninja gi.
She, along with Elio, CJ & Minnie, train under Lloyd to master the Elements of Creation. She's very outgoing and once you mention something of interest to her, she will not stop talking about it. You mentioned that anime about magical girls stuck in a time loop, enjoy Kairi lore dumping onto you. She's also very clumsy, tripping over everything and falling down stairs.
She weilds chain weapons like her dad, but her preference is the flail.
Raine Walker - Youngest born of Jay & Nya, inherited the Element of Water from Nya. Unlike the others, Raine chooses to become a samurai instead of a ninja, becoming the Aqua Samurai. He trains under Nya & Pixal, learning how to use his elemental powers from Nya and sword fighting techniques from Pixal. They both taught him mechanics so he can make his own samurai gadgets like a grappling hook or his own trademark samurai mech.
Raine is very much a worry wort like his dad, always overthinking and freaking out over every little thing, but also very headstrong and determined like his mum. He's also one of the few to hold a braincell along with Elio & CJ. Kairi jokingly calls them "the braincell trio" as they always the ones getting everyone out of trouble.
He weilds a pair of katanas just like his uncle Kai.
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Minnie Borg - Only child of Zane and Pixal, had the Element of Ice passed down to her by Zane. Minnie is both the youngest and the oldest, as her AI had existed just shortly before the Merge, but she has only recently upgraded to a proper nindroid body. She would've upgraded a lot earlier, if the Merge and everyone getting scattered across the world didn't throw a wrench into the plans.
She's very much a mix of her parents, being a bit naive but sassy and selfless. She wouldn't hesitate to leak your internet history if you annoy her. Zane passed on his Elemental Powers when making Minnies power core, using a portion of his heart from himself & Pixal (they all have ⅓ of the power core).
She weilds shurikens just like her dad.
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twwpress · 1 year
Creator Spotlight #22: jazzjo
Welcome back to the TWW Author Spotlight! For every spotlight, we’ll ask each featured author the same ten questions (as well as questions you submitted on Twitter!). This week we’re excited to be chatting with jazzjo (on AO3 - @sameschtick on twitter)!
1) What are your top 5 desert island fics by other authors?
baby it’s cold outside by crossingdelancey It’s short, it’s sweet, it’s cj’s gay meg ryan winter, what more could you want.
may these memories break our fall by claudiasjeancregg A real gateway fic to cj/toby/andy that captures the internal lives of all three characters so well; I could (and do) read it over and over.
Red, White, and Boo by fleurfemme Scream meets West Wing meets great ensemble writing. Incredible.
departures and arrivals by rearviewmirror Atlas plays with distance and time and liminal space to pack so much yearning into this piece.
we thought love was something we weren’t meant to find by darlingdarling I love pieces that take a little moment in canon and expand on the potential and this one just knocks it out of the park. 
 2) Do you have a favorite character to write? Favorite ship(s) to write? Are there characters or ships you'd like to write more of? 
My crutch character is C.J. by a long shot (who’s surprised) – the interiority of her as a character in how she’s portrayed is just so fascinating to me. My favourite character to write is probably either Andy or Charlie. Both of them get witty repartee in canon but there’s so much not said that I do love taking my authorial liberties.
Favourite ship is cj/andy hands down. I think I’ve populated half the tag (the math works out – 29/55) because I’m incorrigible about them. This extends to permutations within the cj/andy/toby triangle, which is a sandbox I love to play in.
I’d like to explore writing more about Charlie, Donna, and Joey. I’ve done a bit of all three (finally caved and wrote something Charlie-centric recently) but they’re still more challenging to properly capture. 
 3) Tell us about your writing process (setup/location? Night or day? Snacks/beverages? Computer/phone/notebook? Music or silence? Anything else you want to share is welcome!) 
My (somewhat messy) rolling desk. Night (by necessity, because work). Emotional support water bottle or seltzer or a hot drink. Laptop, though I used to primarily write in a notebook. Music either completely accelerates or impedes the process, it’s really a toss up. I love writing with it, and take a lot of inspiration from it, but I sometimes get too distracted by it and have to turn it off.
I used to write longer things, back before I started working full-time. I only started writing for TWW in the last half-year and have gravitated to shorter chapters and one-shots because I like writing a full chapter in one sitting and I have less time. Even so, this lil baby can fit so much angst into it. 
 4) What writing advice do you have for others who may be reading this? 
Write what you want to read. If something comes naturally, lean in. Catch passing thoughts and phrases in a small notebook or on your phone. Make a habit of writing. There’s always time to write – five minutes on the train, ten minutes before you sleep – but don’t let it take over your rest time. 
 5) From where do you usually draw your inspiration? (Other forms of media, music, tropes, etc?) 
I love pulling and expanding on the tiniest moments in canon, or I’ll get a single line of a song so under my skin it turns into something on the page. I love intertextuality and my best work tends to happen between mediums.
I tend to draw on things I know well, so you’ll see recurrent themes and references like classical music, theater, Jewish life, and literature sprinkled throughout my writing.
6) What is the fic you've written that you're most proud of and why? 
This is cheating, but I couldn’t pick between two.
turning in place is probably the best developed of anything i’ve written for TWW. It digs into Toby as a character in ways I didn’t really think I could do, and it really was me trying to find a way I could stomach the shuttle leak arc. It plays with time, it plays with religion, it plays with guilt and family and dwelling too much or too little or just enough on things, and if that isn’t Toby Ziegler. I think form, character, and content collided in a way I have been trying to get to again in this fic, and I still don’t know how I did it.
In one-shot land, enumerated powers comes to mind. It came completely out the left field, but I loved writing Evelyn Baker Lang as a character and imagining (aka spreadsheet planning) a workable backstory for her that bled through the whole fic. 
 7) What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd read 1000 of? What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd write 1000 of?
Romcom tropes kill me in the best way every time. Writing-wise, I love writing looks into post-canon and filling in the blanks within canon. 
 8) Is there anything you'd like to try writing-wise that you haven't yet? 
A true ensemble fic. I came close in too wise to woo peaceably but not quite. 
 9) What's your go-to Starbucks/coffee shop/other drink order? 
I tend to go for black coffee out of my aeropress, sometimes slightly sweetened, and I love all manners of tea, but both of those tend to be drinks I make myself. My one vice is bubble tea, and I’ll almost always get unsweetened oolong tea with taro pearls, without the ice in it if I can help it. 
 10) Do you have any current projects you'd like to promote or anything upcoming you'd like to tell us about?
I’m working on an Andy/Toby fic inspired by The Last Five Years – we see Andy in reverse and Toby in chronological order – called compel me to ask you for more. 
Submitted questions:
From @JessBakesCakes: Do you have a headcanon about one of your fics that didn’t make it to the story for one reason or another? If so, what is it?
The continuation to watching the skies (the charlie-centric fic I mentioned earlier where Charlie is COS to POTUS, which is Andy) that I clipped and set aside to focus more on Charlie’s road back to the White House has C.J. eventually running for Congress in Andy’s second term because the spin boys make a whole case for it, even though she still feels a bit like an outsider to Hill politics. I almost always think of C.J. – like Leo – as the person behind the curtain, but I think one of the ways she might step into a campaign of her own is if someone she really trusted made a case for why it would help the constituents for her to run in place of a shitty incumbent. 
 From @S4MWILS0N: favorite: season, ep, one liner, character duo (romantic), character duo (platonic), plot arc, hc for pre post and during canon? craziest au you’ve ever considered? snippet/idea that never became anything? fave trope to read or write? moment that made u fall in love w the show?
Season: Three
Episode: The Supremes or Hartsfield’s Landing
One-Liner: “There is literally no one in the world that I don’t hate right now.” 
Character Duo (Romantic): CJ/Andy
Character Duo (Platonic): CJ & Josh (early seasons) CJ & Charlie (later seasons)
Plot Arc: debate prep (also that we only saw the original campaign after we were already invested)
HC for Pre-Canon: CJ and Andy were grad school roommates. When Toby first introduces the two when he starts dating Andy they don’t tell him, and just let how similar they can be freak him out. He doesn’t find out for way longer than you think. 
HC for Post-Canon: Charlie sets out on his own for a bit. Donna finishes school and goes back into politics. CJ never goes to California – she goes to Ohio to take care of her father, then back to the East Coast. 
HC for During Canon: CJ has a personal relationship with each of the Bartlet girls – she’s the older sister Liz never got to have; she’s a model for living a full life while queer to Ellie; Zoey is a little skeptical at first but she ends up closest to CJ because CJ always Shows Up for her, no matter what, and holds her father back from being too embarrassing. 
Craziest AU: rockstar AU my white whale
Snippet that never became anything: I have a whole folder titled “ideas i may never write / finish”. I will refrain from naming names out of hope that something will eventually exit that folder.
Moment that made me fall in love with the show: when I realised everyone talks as fast as I do
Thank you so much to jazzjo! And thank you to everyone who asked questions. This is our last creator spotlight for now - we may pick it up again if there’s interest in the future! We really appreciate every one who signed up to be featured and who asked questions for making this such a fun experience! As always you can reach us at [email protected], through tumblr messages, or on Twitter!
xx, What’s next?
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gahooliganspod · 1 year
Hi! Dropping by to say that, first, I love your podcast so much, and second: when CJ called Madame Plonk the party bard and PB mentioned music as part of therapy, I remembered something: the story never focuses on that again, so its easy to miss, but Rogue smith of Silverveil and Madame Plonk are sisters, they had a really messed up abusive stepmother who favoured Brunwella(Madame Plonk), and they basically stopped talking after Rogue smith became a smith's apprentice. And Madame Plonk is described as a party girl - it is mentioned that she drinks until she passes out during festivals once her official job is done, and owls on the Tree are used to that. I'm pretty sure Madame Plonk is drinking away her feeling of guilt for what their stepmother put Thora(Rogue smith of Silverveil) through. And it is never mentioned anywhere else except when Thora tells it to Soren, if I'm not mistaken.
I love this take. It’s a little sad, but it reflects a lot of the traumas Guardians aims to show.
See, and this is why I didn’t bring this up during Episode 6: it’s less than two pages, and you’re right: it never comes up again! It’s a real disservice to Plonkie!
Talking about music through episode 6 puts the owls’ ideas of “nobility” and “civilization” and “goodness” under a certain lens. Music as a ‘cure’ for Eglantine, music driving evil to literal distraction through Twilight’s battle songs, music as lullaby and peace for Ocavia, and — I think you’re absolutely right — music as therapeutic guilt release for Plonk. I think part of the thematic argument of the Owl Kingdoms is that healthy, good owlets need music, stories, creativity in order to *be* healthy, good people. We saw it with moonblinking in book 1, and we see it again here!
It is WILD that Plonk’s theme, music’s theme, boils down to about 3 sentences to the tune of “Oh yeah, Plonks my sister, but we don’t talk cause I killed our abusive stepmother. No regrets.” SO MUCH theme seems to be stated offhand in single sentences! I just wish we could hope to cover it all in an hour 🥲
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lokilickedme · 1 year
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I posted 1,532 times in 2022
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1,199 posts reblogged (78%)
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#hozier fic - 28 posts
#the house next door - 18 posts
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#gandy fic - 14 posts
#here and there - 11 posts
#hozier - 11 posts
#rancho de la luna - 9 posts
#tom hiddleston - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#you've been blessed with my unexpected presence for an hour now blow kisses at my ass as i walk away because you won't be seeing me again
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I slipped my hands inside his coat and let them rest on his sides.  His ribs were heaving.  "The boys will go to sleep soon," I said quietly against the side of his face.  "CJ is faking it but once Connor settles in he usually blinks out like a flipped switch."
Thomas let out a deep breath.  It tickled my collarbone and all I could think about as it caressed my skin with its soft warmth was I want that all over me.
"I didn't do this to get into your good graces, Carly.  I certainly didn't do it to get into your bed."  He stepped back, very effectively putting enough space between us to slap a To Be Continued on the proceedings.  "I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
Chapter 10 is up!
73 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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"There are five hands on site through the off season and our cook is no longer with us.  The agency hasn't sent a housekeeper yet so those are the two positions I have that are in need of filling."  She stared at me without blinking. "Can you do either?"
I nodded.  It was a lie, boldfaced through the anxious movement of my head in the affirmative, and I knew she knew it.
"I can do both."
I couldn't do either.
Her eyes narrowed, and the sharp clunk of the pen in her hand hitting the desk made me jump without thinking just how guilty that flinch made me look.  It was an earned guilt.  I could make a bowl of cereal and I could turn on a dishwasher.  Cook and housekeeper were words I assigned to other people, not myself.  But things had changed the moment I'd taken those keys off the table and gotten in that car and headed west to god only knew where without much to my name other than the shoes on my feet, and just about fifteen miles down the road I'd realized exactly how committed I was to this particular escape when I didn't stop the car and turn around.  There was no going back.  Cooks and housekeepers weren't other people anymore.
They were me now.
A cook and a housekeeper, wearing $600 shoes.
Chapter one is up!
76 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Last night Big and I sat down to watch our nightly movie together - after three very exciting nights of Robert Rodriguez films he’d decided he wanted something a little more cerebral and less adrenaline charged - and after a long debate on the genre he finally chose Sherlock, the series.  He’s never seen it before, although I watched it when he was a toddler and he remembered the theme music.  I enthusiastically agreed because I love that show and he’s a really smart kid, I knew he’d have fun with the mystery solving and heavy deductive reasoning because his head runs in that direction anyway.
Ten minutes into it he was physically vibrating.
“He’s like me!!”
Fifteen minutes in he was bouncing on the couch clapping his hands.
“Sherlock is autistic!!”
Twenty minutes in -
“He’s asexual too!!  Oh my god!!”
“He doesn’t understand other people’s emotions!!”
“He smarter than everyone else and they hate him for it oh my god mom it’s a real thing!!”
“He’s stupid about stuff he’s not interested in just like I am!!”
By the end he had a new hero and didn’t want to stop.  So we moved on to episode two, and only stopped once that was over because it was getting too late to launch into another one.  So guess what I’m doing every evening for a while?  Thank god for cheap box sets on eBay because I only had seasons 1 and 2.  And my kid is so genuinely happy and excited to find a show about someone just like him that he’s still gushing about it today.
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84 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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Me and the absolutely lovely and adorable @texmexdarling 💚❤️💚❤️
102 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You guys like themed blank books/journals/notebooks?  Did you like Chemical?  Did you ever wonder what the sign out front of Tommy’s pub looked like?
Here you go  :)
233 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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GTA San Andreas Apk Download
Awesome Robbery Auto: San Andreas Apps on Search engines Perform
Inside the early '90s simply appeared like a great obvious room for all of us to search. Then my help save end up being all smudged, couple of hour or so regarding the gameplay have got went away. The really dissatisfying of which there’s no chance for you to take back them after i reinstall the sport…
The game gotten essential acclaim for its characters, narrative, available earth conceive, with visible faithfulness, nevertheless united responses towards the vision design and style, specialized copies, along with picture connected with race. The item made controversy in the event the finding in the "Strong Chocolate" minigame uncovered a screened sexual place. Many video game publications awarded the overall game year-end accolades, in fact it is taken into account one of several 6th cohort connected with gaming console gaming's the majority of big entitlements as well as among the ideal video activities actually gotten. San Andreas turned out to be the best-selling online video media diversion associated with 2004 as well as the best-selling PlayStation 2 entertainment, with over 27.5 million contents offered. Its heir, Lavish Fraud Auto IV, was launched within May 2008. It's a tiny glitchy nonetheless it works up to scratch i will get throughout the tough.
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I find myself like this showing up mission particularly should be earned less concerning. Last thing I'd include can be an decision to keep photographies anyone need using the video camera in-game for you to your own call so that you can discuss insane pack in which people notice. The initial single lives about the theft quest, sometimes whenever you acquire near to anything CJ gets stuck about something after that a person can’t change which often wakes in the man or woman inside of and then you will get a 3 legend wanted level.
Expecting a complex, CJ tears to be able to Sweet's support inside a series against the Ballas. We adore L.A., with the entire gangbanging feel, as well as the road way of life. Can be so crucial plus we recognized quite a long time before which the operation needed to wind up presently there. We'd fixed the Distance Coastline with GTA3, after which '80s Miami with Vice Area, consequently going to L.A.
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Fine duty towards dev team for the contest, that seriously owns much more sympathy put into the item as opposed to original conclusive book. Past their release, Rewarding along with CJ repeat the GSF, take away the rival companies through their area and also rebuilding throughout Los Santos. Tenpenny ends up being arrested with aimed for a lot of prisons, even so the care end up being stopped on account of not enough experiences, effect a city-wide riot. The a couple do a fight; CJ collects, with just before pass away, Fumes confesses he / she move caught up using the right in addition to funds. Tenpenny gets there, carry CJ on gunpoint while he or she takes Smoke's drug money, with sources the surge in the size to escape. He urges off in the hearths pickup truck, then CJ in addition to Musical, however gradually loses run with the automobile, crashing above the area of an bridge forgetting about Grove Street.
Inside the outcome, CJ's kin with pals commemorate their good results in the Johnson property. In the midst of the celebrations, CJ gets away from to check on around the neighbourhood. Throughout 1992, when a few yr within Liberty City, gangster Carl "CJ" Johnson (Small Maylay) incomes to Los Santos track his or her mother's fall in a very drive-by capture. He's captured in corrupt C.R.A.S.H. policemen conducted by simply Free Tenpenny (Samuel L. Jackson), whom endanger to be able to implicate CJ within the wipe out of your fellow police officer unless he co-operates with them. CJ along with Cesar experience Smoking along with Ryder ending up in Tenpenny as well as the rival Ballas company, and also notice they revealed the GSF also live in charge of wiping out CJ's mother.
One more ends up being how the wrecking ball doesn't live it can be a floating steel basketball. Anytime I make an effort to locate a vehicle inside a garage this tells a person can easily retailer anymore automobiles within this storage though my personal garage ends up being completely empty of course, if I attempt to boost the vehicle within it will certainly eliminate the idea.
An additional problem We've suffered is any time I kick the bucket during a team combat it provides each area in my experience or the item clearly removes it that I’m fairly really just isn't supposed to take place. And you should place an alternative to disable tilt charges mainly because We've in order to hold our iPad correctly smooth because if I don’t the automobile may tear towards the various other course as well as annoying.
I long they counted gps much like the certain model and possibly a bill within the silence food selection with regard to entering gain a advantage. Ive showed that pertaining to properly spanning a few years it absolutely was simple for me personally to help chart the managements in a manner that I could compete in this feel monitor model. Let me say I was fixed about the objective when you have to help boogie while using the DJ. Idk the way the resulting approach doth the job upon of which but I merely smudged once on the party branch along with didnt have enough levels. Sounds a bit also concerning I'm able to only dream the assignment when you have to regulate the RADIO CONTROLLED plane 🤦🏽. It would be mainly because im still quite a bit less utilized to utilizing touch monitor as opposed to a controller although im positive identical may be state for a lot of.
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joelmmd · 3 months
kingdom hearts post again. finished kh2!
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couldn't bring myself to keep going for 100% and do all of data organization 13. it took me like a day just to beat 2 of the bosses and i wasn't feeling like grinding the rest out after that and Especially wasn't looking forward to doing the same with lw. i'll probably come back to wrap all that up later, though.
i had a lot of fun with the game! one of my complaints with kh1 was that the combat was ~1 layer of depth away from being engaging for the whole 30 or so hours you'd be playing for, and kh2 has remedied it pretty well. forms are cool and add extra strategy when it comes to which one to use and when, keyblades coming with their own abilities makes it worth switching them around for reasons that aren't just "this has the highest strength/magic", and i feel like some of the abilities here are a lot more impactful than the first game's. the new mp system is weird but ultimately good, rewards players for not getting hit for a while and doesn't enable "fuck you" attacks by letting you stock up like 20 cures to make them not matter. not a fan of using cure Once meaning you can't use magic at all until it recharges but it is how it is.
enemy/boss design (gameplay-wise) is still not great. i'm starting to think this is always the case, and that you just don't see the cracks until the game starts demanding really good play from you. it's harder to get mad about some bullshit way you got hit if it only did like 1/5 of your health, but when it starts putting you at 1 hp you have to actually confront the move and realize "wow that's not ok".
the worlds were really good this time around. definitely appreciated how the game stopped caring so much about justifying why you're helping out the disney guy or riding a skateboard or doing a musical, they just let you do it. i didn't hear a thing about "Sora you aren't allowed to meddle in these worlds!!! Let's just get the keyhole and leave" and it was great.
standout mentions are the pirate world for the realistic ass ghouls & CJS's party member icon looking edited in, halloween town for having christmas town in it, lion king world for being the most egregiously "oc" yet (my lion oc is just a kid but he's super strong... he has spiky brown hair and dark fur and attacks with a Weapon instead of claws and stuff), and timeless river for just being great, it's probably my favorite. they all felt a bit short, though. probably a good thing for some of them, but i would've loved to have more to do after finishing them than just fighting mushrooms.
the story sucks dick. feels as bad as the first game's with way more steps to get there. organization 13 are fine antagonists but they're fighting for the spotlight with fucking Pete. and maleficent. pete really doesn't feel like the right character for "harbinger of darkness with plot to take over world". they end up doing jack dick anyways so i have to ask if they're only here to make sure the tone stays light and to keep the focus at least a little on disney.
i also don't like the whole "nobodies don't have feelings and don't exist and dont have hearts so they're basically nonpeople and it's ok that they're never happy" thing, it feels really weird compared to the rest of the game being generally optimistic and hopeful. especially with the game saying "darkness isn't bad and we need both it and light", feels like a step forward and then a step back in philosophy. waste of potential too! it's a lot harder to get invested in any future nobodies (assuming there are any) if you plain up say they don't have emotion or feelings.
i don't know if i'd say the writing's so bad, there were a few charming moments here and there that stuck with me and it was a lot less "No! The darkness... The light of the heart, Kingdom Hearts, the heartless the darkness... Kairi... Your light..." than the first game. part of it's definitely helped by the better voice acting across the board. there were for sure less moments where it got noticeably bad, and they actually bothered to bring in the whole winnie the pooh cast this time. sora's the big winner here, though, his performance here really elevated the character for me. or maybe he's just more interesting with the extra few years under his belt.
lightning round-prologue is neat in how it kind of prepares you for the real game but it's like 3 hours long, sora's new outfit & the form variations are pretty cool, reaction commands aren't as intrusive as i expected, limits are fun but i usually just healed instead, cure becoming an aoe is a change i like a lot, switching the target you're locked onto is bound to right trigger + flick right stick and it fucking sucks, being able to move the camera around while locked on is pretty great, and donald & goofy were a bit more capable this time around. still died a lot but they very rarely got on my nerves.
long, but i think i've said what i wanted to say. fun times. moving on to Dream Drop Distance now, which i've already got my hopes a bit lowered for from trying it out before. can't imagine it's gonna suck or anything though, as long as i can swing my funny keyblade as riku the game can only be so bad.
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specialshoesclub · 4 months
Aromanticism is really a spectrum on more than one axis for sure. I think there's about 8 billion kinds of romantic love. Obviously people vary wildly in how much they care about sex, how much they care about their partner sharing their interests, how much attention they need. People with personality disorders who fall in love too fast are having a completely different experience than those of us who don't do that, you know? And libertarian ass men who are like trying to select logical best partner are like, that doesn't mean they don't love their wives. Maybe men like that are secretly really sensitive and they're making the best decisions to protect their hearts by not even letting themselves care about a woman until they've done the best they can to make sure she's safe you know? A lot of men are really sensitive but they just don't know how to express themselves and we need to talk about that.
I think a lot of people who can't fall in love aren't in the right circumstances to heal and let someone in or they've never had someone who really understood them and they don't know what that feels like. And you have no way of knowing which one you are, whether you just inherently don't get those emotions as a matter of neurodivergency, or how much it's traumagenic or if you haven't found the right subculture where you belong and you can open up. You don't know which one you are, let alone what somebody else is so you gotta respect everybody. I don't see how there could be any harm in somebody thinking they're aromantic and later realizing they're not. Much less than the harm in somebody trying to get into a relationship that's not right for them because they're trying to change themselves. That's for sure so let's just get that straight.
And it being trauma doesn't mean that you can heal and be as if you had never had the trauma. And if you can it doesn't mean you will. And if you don't that doesn't mean that your life is worth less. That's a thing I'm still unlearning from being raised Christian. Because I was taught that when you get saved you're made a new being and you are healed from all those old bad patterns. It's actually like the most twisted misunderstanding of ego death, right? Because that's real. Healing is real. Live music is healing. Getting out of addiction because you have hope because you're not alone anymore. It happens. But in Evangelical Christianity they fucked it up because they turned the idea that you want to have some kind of healing experience into the idea that you should or you're not really saved and use that to weaponize guilt to silence the people in their congregation who are the most traumatized.
It's like. It's related to the stuff I've been realizing. This is what Tomorrow I'll Be You by Thursday is about. It's about whether you want to get better so you can be good enough for someone else or whether you want to have a good time and enjoy life. Actually I get it now. You cannot truly receive unconditional love from 1 human being because they have to set boundaries. I grew up with bad boundaries because my mother doesn't understand that. But making art is about participating in something bigger than yourself that you can dedicate yourself to and art and music will love you back unconditionally. This is what CJ the X on youtube is saying in his video The Kronk Effect.
I used to think I couldn't fall in love but now I think that was because I was in the closet and masking and pretty much didn't know who I was so when people liked me that was just a burden that meant I had to keep up the act. I have such deep wounds to my sense of self I don't know where any of it is at. I don't think I'll be ready to fall in love any time soon but I'm very close to figuring out how to stop being such a people pleaser and faking it and leading people on which is huge. And I do experience religious ecstasy which not everybody gets so I'm just gonna keep chasing that and we'll see where it leads.
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months
SLOTHRUST - "Horseshoe Crab" [Official Music Video] Official music video for "Horseshoe Crab" from the Slothrust album "Everyone Else" (now available everywhere). I learned that hunger is a symptom of adopting bad behavior I bit my tongue last night Woke up with blood on my pillow I woke up thirsty Words makes less sense to me these days Faces looks flat and unfamiliar Do you wanna rest forever? Underwater it gets better When I get better I'll treat you like I used to I'll do the things you want me to Sometimes I feel like I'm a seahorse Sometimes I think that I'm a horseshoe crab I don't have anything in common With myself, except that I came from the sea Just like everyone else did But it is so unfamiliar now Everything is so unfamiliar now Directed by: CJ Riehl and Emmy Kenny Written by: CJ Riehl and Leah Wellbaum Cinematography: Johanna Brooks Stylist: Emmy Kenny Animation and Compositing: Molly Garrett Editor: Johanna Brooks Concept: CJ Riehl, Leah Wellbaum, Abby Urban Order CD/LP/Download at http://slothrust.com Apple Music: https://ift.tt/7HAjXDT Spotify: https://ift.tt/4icvAY5 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM5pPuFcJw0
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totallyuseless-ugh · 1 year
Sticky Note on the Dashboard
Apocalypse/'The Last of Us' AU
Just a week has passed since CJ had graduated high school. To celebrate and have some family time before college, Joane had planned a vacation outside of their home city. It was supposed to be a three week trip to the south of Pennsylvania, and an opportunity for Joane and Helena to have a look around a couple of towns they might plan moving to in the future.
The first few days went by when suddenly, the peaceful car ride was interrupted with horrifying news. Without any warning was the radio music cut off. "This is a public emergency. A contagion has begun infecting people and turning them into hostile creatures. Seek shelter immediately and lock all doors and windows. Do not approach anyone who is not from your household and acting strange."
It was not exactly easy to follow the instructions while on the road, far from home in a car with three kids. While Helena and CJ tried keeping Aaron and Henry calm was Joane trying to come up with a plan. While there would be more chances for stocking up on food and finding some form of shelter in the town she had planned to stay in, it was far less likely to encounter an infected person in rural areas.
For as long as the gas in the car would last, the family was making their way down empty roads. No one really knew what they were hoping for other than for this nightmare to be over. Every day they stayed together and unharmed was considered a miracle. But eventually, the car ran out of gas for good with no abandoned vehicle around to siphon a few more litres from. It was time to continue on foot.
Due to their distance from any bit of communities had none of them a full encounter with any undead creature. There had only been some rare run-ins while searching for food which they luckily could hide and sneak away from in time. But it was only a matter of time until one would become a bit too used to the situation and was not cautious enough outside.
CJ and Joane had gone out to find some last rations before it was time to continue the journey, leaving the younger kids with Helena in their temporary shelter. But Aaron did not want to be left behind, he wanted to help and thus snuck out to follow the two. He was too focused on staying hidden from his mom and sibling to even think about having to hide from an actual threat.
Until it was too late.
A small group of undead came running for Aaron, and he ran like never before. But anyone could tell that he would not be able to outrun them for long, and neither could Joane or CJ run after them fast enough.
Aaron screamed, out of fear and a desperate attempt to get some help. Just when he thought it was over for him sounded gunshots, taking care of two of the infected. The group was distracted by the noise, giving Aaron a chance to get some distance before the rest was blown up by some thrown explosives.
The family was lucky enough that a small autonomous group had been patrolling the area in that moment. Together with Helena and Henry, they were taken back to the barricaded town of Hennistal, a community that had managed to build up their defences before the contagion had the chance to reach them. And although the town was already the only option for survival anyway, Joane and her family decided to stay in Hennistal and integrate into the town.
Since attending college was no longer a thing, CJ decided to join the group that had saved their family, most importantly Aaron from certain death. It is there that they get to know a diverse collection of people. The redhead Pico acted as the head of organisation, despite him and many others being about just as young as CJ themself. There also was Nene, responsible for fixing the still rather makeshift protective gear of the patrolling units. And another important role belonged to Darnell. He was responsible for anything regarding chemicals, especially the explosives that had taken care of the undeads.
The group got closer every day they spent together, either out on patrol or back at the base. It did not take too long for CJ to find their specialisation thanks to their time playing football, close combat encounters. They were often paired up with people focusing on ranged attacks as support, giving them lots of time around people like Darnell.
Though, after one particularly close run-in on patrol, CJ was forced to be more of a backup and spend most of their time at the base. Not because they had been injured. They actually chose to take it down a notch after a few years of action themself.
After all, CJ still wanted Darnell to see his partner come back in one piece.
The lands outside of town have gotten safer to traverse through over the years, allowing for longer distance explorations. CJ and Darnell decided to go out and check for survivors and useful equipment. Their trip ends up longer than expected, taking the horses all the way to CJ's old home. When the couple returned, however, did they not talk too often about the painful nostalgia of seeing the remains of CJ's past life. Instead, they preferred to tell the story of how they found Cristoff had become infected, leaving CJ with 'no choice but to kill his ass.'
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markizydore · 1 year
Vinyl Records are Making a Comeback
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An accountant with over four decades of work experience, Mark Izydore is a co-manager at CJ Consultants, a financial and healthcare advisory company in Jupiter, Florida. In his early years, Mark Izydore was a blogger who focused on vinyl and record reviews.
Vinyl records used to be the most popular physical music format. In the 1970s, nearly 530 million vinyl records were sold yearly. However, the emergence of new formats caused the vinyl market to vanish virtually. In the 1990s, vinyl sales dropped to less than 10 million units per year.
During the last 15 years, however, a gradual yearly increase in vinyl sales was noted. These are small increases, but they are poised for a huge comeback. In 2021, 17 million vinyl albums were sold in the first half of the year alone. Experts say the millennial hipsters, those aged below 35, prefer tangible assets over digital copies. According to a YouGov poll in 2019, 36 percent of baby boomers, 33 percent of Gen X, 28 percent of millennials, and 26 percent of Gen Z are willing to spend money to buy vinyl records.
Vinyl manufacturers have also reported that they struggle to keep pace with the growing demand for vinyl records. Manufacturers say that nationwide, the backlog is between six and eight months. Manufacturers say that new pressing plants were built but are not enough to cover the growing demand.
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