#uroboros orlin
uroboros-if ยท 1 year
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๐ŸŒฟ Deity of Wisdom
ORLIN. The soft spoken deity of wisdom. The wind seems to blow in just the right direction, and the stars appear to align for you when Orlin asks they do as much. Xe is the hand that guides mortals back to home and safety, kind and ever-patient. Only when xe feel truly at ease does a more humorous, sarcastic side of xem arise.
Orlin is also the deity of travels and navigation.
APPEARANCE. A soft, earnest smile graces xyr features. Chestnut hair is neatly and wisely kept at a short length, xyr fringe just enough over xyr eyes and hair falling at xyr neck. Even xyr clothes appear to fit just right, everything about xem smart. Xe moves about with ease, smooth in their measured steps as xe carefully scrutinizes the world.
PERSONALITY. Patient, considerate, reliable, responsible, friendly. // Melancholic, self-critical, overworking, cowardly, feeble.
RELATIONSHIPS. The child of Cosette, the goddess of fire, and Andreas, the god of water. Their relationship is rife with disagreement, as well as a lot of love and passion; thus, Orlin finds xemself naturally falling into the more diplomatic role of the family to balance all their tempers. It is at times a thankless job, but xyr parents and sibling never fail to make their appreciation known through their abundant adoration for xem. Always the good one!
AMONG MORTALS. Xe enjoys an excellent image among mortals, with xyr kindness to bring mortals back home when they find themselves stranded at sea never going amissed. Xe makes sure no one will ever lose their way, and see their loved ones again. There is also a sizable following of academics and scholars who pray to xem for insight and safety during their research.
TESATA DICERAGA. Letters written to xem, of thanks or of good news, is one that is greatly welcomed. Xe values the written word and the wisdom of the people, and thus, even the smallest nugget of gossip on the streets about who is getting married, or who shall move on to the city, is one even xe will accept.
NOTE. Tesata diceraga" means "sacred information" within the language of the world, which is specifically to refer to the lore of the gods..
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