#unrelated to anything but please imagine tasuku playing dnd. the image came unbidden to my head and i almost cried laughing
winter-blossoms-yume · 5 months
Snow and acorns for whoever you choose!!!
doin tsumu + tasu for this one because i've been feelin them lately. wife and other wife.
6. Snow — What hobbies do you two have in common or enjoy doing together?
THEATER. Chel will drop everything to see a show with the two of them.
On a more individual note they'll garden with Tsumugi in the mornings from time to time, and they'll OCCASIONALLY join Tasuku and the soccer club for practice. Once they stop being afraid of the ball. (It's a long process.)
12. Acorns — Do you and your f/o have nicknames for one another? If so, what are they?
Chel LOVES nicknames but they tend for more simple stuff so uh. just Tsumu and Tasu, mostly. Though they'll get pet names here and there.
Chel is NOTORIOUSLY hard to nickname so 204 usually just. Don't. Tasuku tends to use surnames anyway, unless the other Jubilees are around.
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