#unplanned and unscripted whoops 👀
aheathen-conceivably · 1 year
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Dearest Zelda,
I write to you with the most joyous news! Not long after the wedding we discovered that Summer was pregnant. Of course I was quite worried; she and Isaiah are still so young and only just settling in to their lives together on the farm, so I was unsure if the two of them would be able to adjust to their new roles as parents.
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However, your brother was the pinnacle of love and care throughout her pregnancy. During Summer’s third trimester, we were hit with a horrible heatwave, one so strong that I do not think I’ve felt anything like it since I myself was pregnant with Isaiah.
Dearest Summer was stuck indoors, sweltering, and still your brother did all the housework, cooking for her when I was out with the animals or helping her to walk about the house.
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When the heat finally abated for one afternoon he planned a picnic near the tree they used to climb as teenagers. I do not know if I have ever seen a happier pair than them, and truth be told I think that Isaiah may have been even more excited about the prospect of a child than she was.
Of course I am delighted as well. I love Wally with all my heart, but I relish the thought of new children growing in this cottage the way that you and your siblings once did.
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One warm afternoon our waiting finally came to an end, when Summer gave birth to a little girl named Annabelle. Virginia insisted that she labor at the hospital, but luckily the birth went smoothly, and no medical intervention was required. It is such a wonder how much medicine has grown since the things your grandmother Adelia taught me in the last century.
I do wish that you could meet little Annabelle. She has the most shocking head of curly brown hair, just like her mother. I must say, I am tempted to think that girls must run in the Darlington family, even after all these years.
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It was not long until we were able to welcome Summer and little Annabelle back home to the cottage. In the weeks before the birth, we transformed Isaiah's old room into a nursery for her. Summer spends much of her time there now, playing with her daughter in the afternoon sun before she falls asleep for her nap.
Although she is but a few months old, Annabelle already reminds me so much of Isaiah at that age. She is so spirited and lively, and I could swear that she knows exactly what to do to make her mother and father laugh.
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I have also included a photograph from Annabelle’s christening for your records. I am sure that you must have acquired quite the collection by now. Please keep them safe. Sometimes I look at a photograph of you or your father, or even all of us together when we were young, and simply marvel at the wonder of their existence.
What curious things they are, these photographs, like external remnants of our memories, tiny fragments remaining from people and times that have long gone by. Sometimes it feels as though they will be all that remain of our lives in generations to come. I hope that no matter what the future brings, you can look at them and remember us always.
Your Mother,
Florence Darlington
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