#unlike other expenses of similar cost this one is season dependent
bakurapika · 1 year
looking out the window and sighed and apologized to my cat and told her the reasons i couldn't buy her a catio yet
and i uh. sort of argued myself into it. so i just spent almost $300.
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karkiosk · 11 months
How to Understand Used Car Insurance
Consider purchasing a used car. Congratulations on your excellent deal finding! Now that you've found your ideal set of wheels, it's time to consider insuring your purchase to safeguard your financial investment. Although choosing the ideal used car may be more showy and thrilling, used car insurance is a crucial step in assuring peace of mind when driving. This blog post will walk you through all you need to know about used car insurance, whether you're a novice buyer or a seasoned veteran. So secure your seatbelt and get ready for some insightful information that will aid in your decision-making and help you save money as you go!
How Does Insurance For Used Cars Work?
It's critical to comprehend the underlying idea of used automobile insurance in order to comprehend how it functions. Similar to traditional auto insurance, used automobile insurance offers financial security against mishaps, theft, and other unanticipated circumstances. The main distinction is that used cars have already undergone wear and tear, which makes them more vulnerable to certain threats.
You normally have two choices when buying a used automobile insurance policy: comprehensive coverage or liability coverage. The minimum degree of protection mandated by law in the majority of states is liability coverage. It covers losses and injuries brought on by your car to other accident victims. A higher degree of security is provided, however, by comprehensive coverage, which includes pays for losses or damages to your own car that result from mishaps or natural disasters.
Your driving record, age, location, the brand and model of your car, and in certain situations even your credit score will be taken into account when calculating the price of your used car insurance premium. Insurance companies create customized prices for each client based on these factors and their own risk assessment methods.
You would typically get in touch with your insurer directly in the event that you were to make a claim under your used car insurance policy. Your insurer will walk you through the claims procedure step-by-step. Before granting compensation for repairs or replacements in accordance with the terms agreed upon when acquiring the policy, they will evaluate the situation in light of their rules and policies.
However, if you're financing or leasing a used car through a loan or lease agreement then often lenders require borrowers/lessees carry comprehensive coverage until they complete paying off their loaned amount/scheduled lease term - this helps protect both parties' financial interests in case something happens during this period. Having used car insurance is not legally required, unlike liability coverage is for all drivers.
To ensure you have the right level of coverage and make informed decisions, it is essential to understand how used car insurance works.
Who Needs Insurance for Used Cars?
Who needs insurance for used cars? In a nutshell, everybody who drives a used car! Whether you recently bought a pre-owned car or have been driving one for a while, insurance coverage is crucial.
Insurance for used cars offers financial security in the event of collisions, theft, or damage to your vehicles. It guarantees that you won't be stuck paying for expensive repairs or medical costs. In addition, many states make it a requirement to get insurance.
Having insurance is essential even if your car isn't very expensive. Anyone might be involved in an accident at any time, and even minor collisions can necessitate costly repairs. Without insurance, you can have a lot of out-of-pocket expenses.
Having trustworthy vehicle insurance is even more important if you depend on your car for everyday commuting or transportation. You can become trapped without a mode of transportation due to a breakdown or accident.
Having the right coverage will provide you piece of mind knowing that you're financially protected against unanticipated events, regardless of whether you use your used automobile primarily for personal or professional purposes.
Don't undervalue the significance of used automobile insurance, to sum up. It's an investment that protects both your bank account and your mental stability while traveling. So be careful to research several policy options and comparison shop to discover the most affordable prices for comprehensive coverage that is customized just for your used car!
Used-Car Insurance Types
1. Liability Insurance: This sort of auto insurance is the most fundamental and is mandated by law in the majority of states. It covers any injuries or property damage you might inflict to someone else after an accident that was your responsibility.
2. Collision Insurance: Regardless of who was at fault, this coverage pays for repairs to your car if it is damaged in a collision with another car or object.
3. Comprehensive Insurance: Comprehensive insurance offers protection from non-collision occurrences like burglary, arson, fire, and weather-related catastrophes like floods and storms.
4. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage protects you if you are in a collision with a driver who does not have enough insurance (or any insurance at all) to pay for the damages.
5. Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Regardless of who caused the accident, PIP pays for your and your passengers' post-accident medical bills and lost wages.
6. Gap Insurance: If your used automobile is wrecked in an accident and you still owe more on the loan than the car is actually worth, gap insurance will cover the difference.
7. Rental Reimbursement Coverage: In the event that your pre-owned car needs repairs after an accident, rental reimbursement coverage assists in covering the cost of a rented car while yours is out of service.
Keep in mind that there are minimal levels of coverage that auto insurance policy must meet in each state. Before buying a coverage, be sure to research local laws.
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Advantages of Used Vehicle Insurance
The benefits of used car insurance for car owners are numerous. It primarily offers financial security in the event of an accident or vehicle damage. If you have the correct insurance coverage, you can avoid expensive repairs and medical bills that would otherwise drain your finances.
Additionally, used car insurance gives you comfort in knowing that you are protected from unanticipated events. Having insurance means you won't have to worry about the financial repercussions of any mishap, no matter how minor.
Another benefit is that damage and theft are frequently covered by used car insurance. This implies that your insurer will make up the difference in loss if your car is stolen or harmed maliciously.
Some insurers also provide rental reimbursement and roadside assistance in their used car insurance packages. When you are stuck on the side of the road or want a temporary replacement car, these extra benefits might be quite helpful.
Additionally, having used car insurance could encourage you to drive more safely. Driving responsibly and following traffic regulations is encouraged by knowing that any incidents are covered by your insurance.
Choosing used car insurance has many advantages, like encouraging safe driving habits while providing financial security, peace of mind, and protection against theft and vandalism. It also offers extra services like roadside assistance and rental reimbursement. Anyone who drives a used car has to think about getting comprehensive insurance that is tailored to their needs.
Cons of Used Auto Insurance
The fact that certain insurers can have restrictions on coverage for older automobiles is another drawback. This implies that some types of damage or repairs might not be protected by your insurance, leaving you liable for any out-of-pocket costs.
Additionally, having full coverage insurance might not be economical if you drive an older vehicle with a lower market value. In order to determine if the expense of comprehensive and collision insurance surpasses the potential benefit in the event of an accident or theft, it is vital to do this assessment.
Furthermore, it might occasionally be difficult to obtain inexpensive used automobile insurance. Your driving record and credit score are only two of the many variables that insurance companies take into account when calculating prices. Higher rates may be the result if you have a spotty driving record or poor credit.
A used car insurance policy may have unique requirements for making claims. Depreciation is frequently taken into account by insurance companies when resolving claims for older automobiles. This implies that they might only reimburse you based on the vehicle's current market worth rather than the amount you originally paid for it.
Even while used car insurance has its limitations, it is still a necessity for many drivers who cannot afford new automobiles or just choose to purchase used cars. By being aware of these drawbacks and requesting quotes from various insurers, you can locate a policy that meets your demands at a reasonable price without sacrificing the standard of coverage.
How to Find the Cheapest Used Car Insurance
Priority one should be given to shopping about and comparing prices from various insurance companies. This can assist you make an informed choice by giving you an idea of the rates that are accessible.
Consider grouping your auto insurance with other policies, such as house or renters insurance, to get a reduced premium. For consumers who have numerous policies with them, many insurers give discounts.
Maintaining a clean driving record might also be advantageous when trying to get a better deal on used car insurance. By avoiding collisions and moving offenses, you may demonstrate to insurance that you are a safe driver.
The deductible amount you select is another element that may have an impact on your premium. Generally speaking, a bigger deductible results in lower premiums, but it's crucial to strike the ideal balance for your budget.
Think about the kind of insurance your secondhand car actually needs. Comprehensive coverage might not be necessary if the value of your car has declined dramatically, which might save you money on premiums.
You may improve your chances of finding the greatest deal on used car insurance that meets your needs and your budget by thinking about these variables and doing some research before making a selection.
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superbbeardllama · 1 year
A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About cheap cars for sale Tredegar 20 Years Ago
Long-lasting car service permits leasing a vehicle for a specified time, whether one month or one year. The minimal rental duration is 30 days, and also there is no restriction to the period of the contract. There are times when small business car rental makes even more feeling than purchasing or leasing an auto. Whether it is due to the seasonality of the local business (like running only in summertime), a substantial staff member turn over, or the demand to keep the cash flow, car rental comes with numerous advantages. Learn exactly how it works as well as what are the primary advantages listed below.
The two are extremely similar on numerous degrees. Leasing and also long-term leasing are based on a vehicle lease for a period showed in the arrangement, as well as in both situations, the car continues to be the residential or commercial property of the leasing/rental business. Nonetheless, there are some important differences, too. The very first one is that small business vehicle rental alleviates the auto individual from paying the operating expense. All the expenses-- such as insurance coverage, fixings, as well as maintenance-- are paid for by the rental business. Therefore, lasting automobile rentals are advised for firms that focus on ready-made remedies as well as simplicity of use. The 2nd difference in between long-term leasing and leasing depends on the issue of vehicle possession. After the termination or expiration of the agreement, the vehicle is gone back to the cars and truck rental or dealer. Under the leasing problems, the car is an asset of the company. Thinking about the loss of value of the cars and truck as well as the prices connected to its exploitation throughout the leasing duration, it is not necessarily a benefit.
On the other hand, renting the car suggests that the cars and truck is only a tax-deductible cost rather than weights as a firm asset, offering the small business more financial liberty. The third difference is full adaptability when it involves the duration of the contract. cars in Tredegar Leasing always stipulates a minimum contract size, yet the benefit of a service is that it permits you to select the length of time you intend to have the automobile for!
Among the most considerable benefits of long-term vehicle service is anticipating the operational prices related to running an auto fleet. This permits the small businesses for easier budgeting and financial planning, ultimately simplifying their bookkeeping and strategy. The regular monthly rental fee has a tendency to be much lower than the one incurred by purchasing or renting an auto and also can be included as an overhead, resulting in cost savings on a tax bill. What is more, unlike getting or leasing a car, lasting cars and truck service does not influence its credit report; neither does it freeze the funding or limit the company's capital. All the above aspects significantly decrease the risk of facing economic troubles, especially for small companies with a less stable market position.
An additional important benefit of a vehicle service includes the benefit it brings. As opposed to managing all the duties associated with car-owning, all the individual has to do is pay the month-to-month installments, refuel the tank, and also take great care of the vehicle. Sorts all the various other issues like insurance, cars and truck registration, regular maintenance, towing costs necessary in case of malfunction, and also even the seasonal tire adjustment!
One more great feature of lasting leasing? The opportunity to end the rental agreement any time, without incurring high charges! Several local business operate on a seasonal basis, which implies there is usually no demand to spend for a car all the time. Additionally, some have a considerable staff member turn over and do not need an entire fleet in any way times. By leasing an automobile, the firm can determine how much time they want to lease the lorry for, be it a month, a period, or a year!
Unlike large corporate clients, small companies might not have a number of team committed only to operations monitoring, and also frequently, the business proprietor themselves must guarantee all deadlines are satisfied. Possessing or renting multiple vehicles indicates that any type of extra responsibilities like maintaining the servicing days as well as paying for repair costs can cause headaches and confusion. Long-term auto leasing eliminates all these concerns.
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go2goio · 1 year
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Indoor Water Fountains Manufacturers in Jalandhar
One of the most attractive and adaptable upgrades you can do is an indoor water fountain. Perfect for people who wish to make an amazing, dynamic, and one-of-a-kind statement in their house. It's amazing how many different types are offered online. Indoor water wall elements come in a wide variety of styles, proportions, and costs. Finding the best Indoor Water Fountains Manufacturers in Jalandhar
Is very difficult if you do not know the product and services. Sandeep Fountains is known to be the best fountain manufacturer. 
What are the Benefits of a Water Feature Indoors
Ionize negatively
Higher Humidity
An improved interior design
Cause Relaxation
What is an Indoor Water Feature?
A fountain on your site may add to the decor of your entire home since the sound of streaming water is peaceful and relaxing. However, an indoor fountain is always available, unlike a water fountain in your front yard, which may only be operable during certain seasons of the year. This is especially true if you reside somewhere with severe winters.
In that it flows water in a regulated and limited manner for just ornamental purposes, an inside water feature is similar to an outside water fountain. The style of an indoor water feature can range from traditional to modern, or from straightforward to quite complex. Depending on your choices, you may install them on the wall or set them on a table.
Fiberglass, marble, glass fiber, and stone are used to create indoor waterfalls. The size, kind of material utilized, and design are just a few of the variables that affect the cost of the Indoor Water Fountains in Jalandhar. For example, a fiber indoor water feature is less expensive than one constructed of stone.
Different Types of Indoor Water Fountains
We provide floor fountains, wall fountains, and tabletop fountains, three various forms of indoor water fountains. We have designs in all three of these collections that go with every style of decor scheme. There are additional customized options available for some of our indoor water fountain design options.
Table fountains
Wall fountains
Floor fountains
Water Fountain Installation in your Home
One of the most soothing and wonderful choices you will ever make in your life is adding a water feature to your house. However, careful preparation should be done before you install the water feature, especially concerning where you want to position the fixture.
Keep in mind that interior water features, especially those built of concrete and stone, are rather weighty, making it risky and expensive to place them directly on drywall or another weak surface. Finding the right wall stud on which to hang the water site's frame is the most important step in the procedure.
Things you should know before installing a Water Fountain 
Maintenance Needs
Water Pumps
Assembly Requirement
Fountains that are delicate and beautiful
Although it must be an eye-catching feature, an indoor fountain must never obstruct the surrounding area or visitors. The fountain shouldn't make a lot of noise, inflict discomfort, or splash about because these things might annoy visitors to the area. There are several sorts of nozzles available to produce eye-catching effects and maintain them under control.  However, for a home fountain, any nozzle that doesn't make splashing or noise may be smart.
Why choose us?
You can locate customized fountains if you can't find your ideal fountain among the countless possibilities. Any area in your home may easily be furnished with comfort and warmth thanks to the amazing range of Water Fountains at Sandeep Fountains, the best Indoor Water Fountains in Jalandhar. Even the hardest business settings may benefit from the calming sounds of nature thanks to custom indoor water fountains. Although there are other fountain options, many customers choose these models of indoor water fountains for their homes and places of business. Including It in Your Decor A water feature may be incorporated into décor in one of two ways, either free-standing or installed on the wall, in addition to material choice.
What is the Process of our service?
Sandeep Fountains provide services like:
We hope that you have learned in detail about our service of Indoor Water Fountains. If you need our amazing services get in touch with us. We provide end-to-end perfect services with amazing results. Visit our website http://sandeepfountains.com/ 
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Advantages of a Metal Roof
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There are a number of advantages to a metal roof, including its stamina, longevity, and power performance. Additionally, these roofing systems can withstand several sorts of weather conditions. They likewise reflect solar energy and also are reduced upkeep. In fact, several steel roof coverings have been around for centuries. As early as the 18th century, copper and also lead roofs were used on important public structures. Later, mass-produced steel and also light weight aluminum started covering houses and also barns. The enhancement of paint finishings expanded the lifespan of steel roof covering also additionally. Because steel roofings can be made from many different sorts of metal, they can be aesthetically pleasing. Hire the austin metal roof experts as they are the best in this field.
They look similar to typical roof, and they can also be covered with multi-layer factory finishes and also granulated rock topcoats to boost the look. Whether you favor a standard roofing or a much more modern-day one, steel roofing uses longevity and a tidy, modern look. The rate of a metal roof covering depends upon the kind of product utilized, but it is generally less costly than a shingle roofing system. In addition, a metal roof can last for up to 50 years, compared to just 20. It can also be reused, which makes it environmentally friendly. A steel roofing can also save you cash on your insurance coverage costs. Another major advantage of steel roofing systems is its energy performance.
 These roof coverings are recognized for their ability to mirror solar power as well as decrease power expenses throughout hot summer seasons and cold winters. In summer season, metal roofing systems can mirror as much as 50 levels of heat from the sun, which can reduce your heating and cooling bills. Additionally, they are less prone to the danger of fire from lightning strikes. In addition, the warmth of your house is kept many thanks to the insulated attic. Another benefit of steel roofings is that they are quieter than other kinds of roofs. They are generally much less loud in hailstorms than various other sorts of roof coverings. 
On top of that, considering that steel roof is often mounted over a solid substratum, it offers a between the steel roof covering and the indoor living spaces. Metal roof coverings are additionally highly resistant to rot as well as fire. Properly set up metal roofs can last as much as half a century. These roofings can endure high winds, seal out water, as well as lost snow easily. They likewise resist bugs and mildew. Nonetheless, metal roofings can last for a much shorter period if the installment is inadequate. An additional benefit to steel roof coverings is that they are 100% recyclable. As a matter of fact, lots of steel roofing suppliers use a minimum of 25 percent recycled materials in their production process. You can find more information here on metal roofing techniques.
Therefore, metal roofing systems are taken into consideration environmentally friendly by the Florida Department of Environmental Management. They can also be resealed to extend their lifecycle. This function makes them unlikely to wind up in a landfill. The downside to a steel roofing system is its expense. It can set you back 2 or three times greater than a conventional roofing. However, if you take into consideration the price of energy and also maintenance, metal roofs may be a great financial investment. On top of that, they will certainly not require to be changed anytime quickly.
Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrugated_galvanised_iron.
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Black Navy Print Cashmere Leopard Scarf In Blue
This offer isn't relevant to purchases being shipped internationally. Take your fashion to the wild aspect with this leopard print Autograph scarf. Crafted from ultra-soft and opulent cashmere. Please email us on to advise us you are returning the garment and if you'll like a refund or exchange for one more garment https://strandfirm.com/product/cashmere-leopard-scarf/.
My new scarf was beautiful over simple black pants and prime, seemed very glamour.
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We will organize a return postage label so the merchandise could be returned to us when in a position. We will ship you an e mail as quickly as we obtain the returned garment and purpose to course of your return inside 2 enterprise days of receipt. All items returned should be in the identical situation during which they had been acquired.
Scarves are uniquely hand woven and hand printed making every bit tremendous luxurious and tremendous gentle. Embrace fine and opulent layers with this pure cashmere leopard scarf from hush. With a sizeable size and width, this scarf is roofed in a catchy leopard print that is related and on-point season after season. I ordered this online and was really disappointed when I opened the parcel. For virtually £70 I was anticipating a luxury merchandise - nevertheless it fell well short.
We have never met a Leopard print we didn’t love !! And we are huge fans of this lovely deep cobalt blue color. This cashmere scarf was created to put on all winter lengthy with leather jackets and good blazer fits to offer you a luxury look. Update your 2018 accent assortment with the hanging colors of our new scarf. Created from the best cashmere and silk and that includes our classic leopard print, unique to Leatham Cashmere, this scarf will smarten any outfit. All 100 percent cashmere, our scarves, hats and socks are loving made by hand within the tiny kingdom of Nepal.
If you have already got items in your basket, please note that they wiil be shipped to the country you will choose. Please also note that the shipping rates for lots of items we sell are weight-based. The weight of any such item can be discovered on its element web page. To reflect the policies of the shipping corporations we use, all weights shall be rounded as much as the following full pound.
Please note that lots of our merchandise are individually crafted by skilled artisans. Slight variations are a pure results of this process and add to the distinctive magnificence and persona of every piece. Our Leopard Scarves are hand-woven and hand-printed in Nepal. The weavers "dress" the loom in a width that's higher than the finished size, and make it longer, too. The resulting fabric is then felted by hand, which involves washing and mild agitation to aid within the interlocking of the very fine cashmere fibers.
All clothes are checked by us earlier than preparing your order for packing. In the unlikely event that the garment is faulty on arrival, incorrect or broken in transit, please notify us immediately on receipt of goods. We will arrange for the merchandise to be returned to us. If we're unable to provide you with a replacement, we will refund your cost of the merchandise. This is a 100% cashmere fine-woven scarf, however it is massive sufficient to also make a comfortable wrap. The background is the pure white color of the cashmere goat hair, with pale camel and black spots screen printed on the individual items.
We won't accept returns of used, dirty, or broken merchandise. We have the best to deny a credit if the merchandise returned doesn't meet our return policy necessities. To return an alpinecashmere.com item, email to acquire a return authorization quantity and pay as you go return label.
This wrap is noted as one hundred pc cashmere, however the weave and thread rely is similar to that of a burlap bag. To calculate the general star rating and proportion breakdown by star, we don’t use a easy average. Instead, our system considers things like how current a review is and if the reviewer purchased the merchandise on Amazon. It additionally analyses critiques to verify trustworthiness.
Modifying the language doesn't modify the chosen country and currency. 3) The color perhaps slightly difference compare the picture with actual merchandise as a outcome of monitor replicate. Sign as a lot as our newsletter and be the primary to hear the most recent offers, occasions, information and updates from Wolf & Badger.
The leopard print is just on one facet of the fabric and the quality of the cashmere wasn’t as anticipated. Machine wash your 100% cashmere scarf underneath the wool setting with temperature set as cold, and spin it at 500 rpm. You can also hand wash your cashmere scarf in chilly water. Handwoven cashmere scarves printed by hand with striking leopard prints in all the richest trend colours imaginable. Asneh's leopard scarf is a recent tackle a timeless classic. It’s crafted from the softest cashmere, expertly woven and screen printed by hand.
The delivery provide is mechanically applied at checkout when standard transport is chosen and the threshold is reached in a single transaction. Orders arrive inside three to four enterprise days if orders are positioned by three PM ET . Orders containing fragrances, rugs, or lighting and orders higher than 30 units are not eligible for quick delivery. Regular expenses will apply to all other transport strategies. Amounts donated to the Pink Pony Fund don't count towards the brink quantity.
1) Selecting high quality cashmere materials, keeps you heat all day lengthy. Please observe we're unable to supply a value match for merchandise sold through impartial retailers, or being shipped internationally. Every time you put on or wash your cashmere, it'll reward you by changing into somewhat softer. Please be assured that these cookies don't retailer any personal knowledge.
This course of provides bulk, softness and loft to the completed scarf. Pashmina is the traditional name for the very finest grade of cashmere wool. Ralph Lauren presents packaging designed to reduce waste. To receive your order with Reduced Packaging, choose the verify box on the Shipping web page during checkout. Register to obtain exclusive offers tailored to you, plus rewards and promotions earlier than anyone else. Just choose ‘YES’ throughout step three on the subsequent web page and by no means miss a thing.
In the case of an exchange, if the garment is in inventory we'll dispatch it inside 2 enterprise days of receiving the returned garment. If we do not have it in stock, but will probably be arriving into inventory shortly, we'll notify you and you'll determine whether or not you want to wait or obtain a refund. If there's a distinction in price between the returned garment and the garment you wish to change for, we are going to contact you to organise fee. Your personal data might be used to assist your experience all through this web site, to manage access to your account, and for different purposes described in our privacy coverage.
This is a timeless accent that will elevate any outfit and keep you toasty through the colder months. You might return your purchase for a full credit, so long as the product is returned in the identical situation because it was despatched. Altered products can't be returned for refunds or change.
They additionally improve the functionality and personalization of our website, such as using movies. Receive by Thursday, May 27, when you order by 3 PM ET and select Fast transport at checkout. Scarfe exactly as described and superbly packaged. This company clearly cares very a lot about who they're and their buyer's experience. I think I will get a lot of use of the wrap this winter.
Items are shipped to you instantly by our brands, using tracked, contactless supply. Instead of hanging, retailer your cashmere folded so it'll keep its shape. Smooth out the garment on a clear, dry towel and allow it to dry naturally, molding it back to its authentic form because it dries. ALL FLASH SALE ITEMS FINAL SALE. All other claims have to be made inside 10 days of supply for a refund. Please note, we don't ship on Saturdays, Sundays, and U.S. holidays.
Personalized items and reward packing containers can't be returned. I bought this scarf on-line after a lot of deliberation contemplating hearty value. The service I acquired in local M&S meals corridor on choose up left me very upset. I had obtained notification my parcel was prepared for choose up. Staff arguing with me in retailer in front of orher clients made me feel very uncomfortable. The scarf is so gentle and warm, it is a pleasure to put on - which I have already got.
Please notice, we can not provide pay as you go return labels for international returns. Customers are answerable for the delivery for all returns coming from outside the United States. Luxurious handcrafted cashmere knits and hand woven scarves from Nepal. Designed in England for a up to date wardrobe. A Lily and Lionel signature, the leopard print has been shrunk to a micro scale this season for an summary, polka dot design, on a caramel-toned backdrop. Printed on one hundred pc cashmere, finished with an eyelash hem.
It is obligatory to acquire person consent previous to running these cookies in your web site. When you place an order, we are going to estimate transport and delivery dates for you based mostly on the provision of your items and the transport options you select. Depending on the delivery supplier you choose, transport date estimates may seem on the shipping quotes web page. Please hand wash with impartial detergent after which dry within the air. Knitted cashmere may be dry cleaned, or ideally, washed by hand.
The return delivery is your duty. We make elegance easy with trendy laid-back designs for real life. All our designs are made from cashmere, silk and other natural fibres. Our products are fall-in-love-pieces in irresistible quality and design.
We do not compromise; looking gorgeous and feeling good are mutually imperative for us. Woven in Italy from a lustrous cashmere-and-silk mix, this elegant scarf showcases a traditional leopard print. Meticulously completed with hand-rolled edges, its elongated silhouette makes for a highly versatile accent. Free Fast Shipping on Orders $150+ & Free Returns |Details Enjoy free quick delivery on orders of $150 or more and free returns at RalphLauren.com only.
In caramel tones, our monster leopard scarf is a worthwhile cold climate funding piece. In this classic color way, it'll work with all of your present wardrobe and can look good draped casually spherical your neck. Enjoy free returns and exchanges within 30 days of the order shipment date.
Shipping time is calculated primarily based on when the order is shipped, not when the order is placed. We wish to get your Alpine Cashmere gadgets to you as quickly as possible and so strive to ship orders positioned by midday EST the identical day, but that isn't assured. Typically orders ship within one business day. Cookies permit us to report details about shopping through our web site so as to give you personalised provides.
Wear it with a jacket for or layer it with a sweater and coat in cold weather. We recommend teaming it with our Fallon beret and fingerless gloves. A luxurious scarf in basic leopard print and crafted using Grade A cashmere.
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sciencespies · 4 years
A New Generation of Autonomous Vessels Is Looking to Catch Illegal Fishers
A New Generation of Autonomous Vessels Is Looking to Catch Illegal Fishers
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The first time engineers from Open Ocean Robotics pushed Scooby, a three-meter robotic boat, onto a lake near their office in Victoria, British Columbia, the small craft drove straight into the bushes. Clearly, the team had more work to do on the vessel’s autopilot.
Since that early mission last year, the start-up has won innovation awards, secured seed funding, and “spent tons of time on the water” ironing out the kinks in their autonomous vessels, says Julie Angus, the company’s CEO and cofounder. The 12-person team is now up against Connecticut-based tech company ThayerMahan and Marine Advanced Robotics from Silicon Valley in a cutting-edge design challenge to build a robot that can police illegal fishing in marine protected areas (MPAs). Scooby‘s successor (named after another character) completed the first stage in the multiyear project: a three-day field demonstration using surveillance technology to track boats, detect fishing activity, and collect evidence.
To protect marine wildlife and ecosystems and sustain fisheries, the United Nations, governments, and NGOs are pushing for more and bigger MPAs. But without a clear means of enforcing the regulations that govern them, these areas often draw criticism for being little more than paper parks. In partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), these three robotics companies are racing to prove that uncrewed vessels are up to the task.
Originally, the trial was planned for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary off Santa Barbara, California, but pandemic restrictions meant the participants tested their prototypes separately from around North America and presented the results to the judges remotely. Justin Manley, founder of Just Innovation, the Massachusetts-based marine robotics consultancy coordinating the project, says the upside of the disparate testing is that it let them see how effectively the robots detected different types of fishing boats.
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Daphne, an autonomous vessel, rests on blocks at the Open Ocean Robotics facility with its upper half removed so Colin Angus, the company’s cofounder and chief technology officer, can access the electrical systems.
(Vanessa Minke-Martin)
For the 72-hour trial, Daphne followed a route programmed by Open Ocean Robotics engineers. The craft switched between patrolling around Danger Reefs, a rockfish conservation area off Vancouver Island’s east coast, mapping the seafloor, and loitering in a safe anchorage. Back in a control room at the company’s office, team members had a multi-sensor view of the ocean environment. An array of screens displayed maps crisscrossed by Daphne’s path, red-on-black radar imagery, a high definition video stream, and other real-time data, all transmitted by cellular network. As two hired salmon trollers mimicked fishing in the protected area, a remote operator moved Daphne closer so the 360-degree and thermal cameras could capture images of the trollers’ names and fishing lines.
Daphne​’s surveillance systems collect different types of evidence. With radar, Open Ocean Robotics can identify, locate, and track targets. Angus says operators can infer suspicious activity if a ship is loitering or moving back and forth in a protected area, rather than transiting through. Comparing radar with automated information system (AIS) ship-tracking data is also useful for spotting suspect targets—“if a boat is fishing illegally, quite likely they’re going to turn their AIS off,” Angus says. Daphne also tows a hydrophone to collect corroborating audio, such as the whine of a hydraulic winch hoisting a fishing net.
For years, robots have worked underwater and on the sea’s surface to complete tasks too dangerous, expensive, or dull for humans. Now, they’re tackling more complex problems that require artificial intelligence, such as autonomously patrolling for submarines for the Australian Department of Defence. Civilian work, like policing MPAs, draws on similar technology.
The real question,” says Manley, “is can we collect enough information that law enforcement would act?” To do so, Daphne and its ilk will have to identify fishing activity with a high degree of accuracy.
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One small Open Ocean Robotics vessel costs several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the sensors with which it is equipped.
(Open Ocean Robotics)
But this is an untested frontier. In the United States, no court case has relied entirely on information gathered by robots. In California, a vessel having fishing gear in the water in off-limits areas is grounds enough to prosecute. The design challenge judges—California state attorneys, and conservation and enforcement experts from NOAA and CDFW—are now gauging whether the evidence collected by the uncrewed vessels could hold up in court.
For the best robot design, there’s a staggering amount of work on the horizon. The United States has nearly 1,000 MPAs covering 26 percent of its territorial waters. Some, such as the 1,508,870-square kilometer Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in Hawai‘i, are completely closed to fishing, while others have closures based on season, gear, or species.
Globally, there is a wide disparity in MPA enforcement capability—a gulf that is unlikely to be filled by robots like Daphne, given their substantial upfront costs. One small Open Ocean Robotics vessel costs several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the sensors with which it is equipped. But, Angus says, that price is one-tenth of the cost of a ship and crew time. “And you have the ability to deploy it 24/7,” she says.
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From the Open Ocean Robotics control room, operators can program vessel movements and monitor surveillance data in real time.
(Vanessa Minke-Martin)
Lekelia Jenkins, a marine sustainability scientist at Arizona State University, says some developing countries do not have the resources for patrol boats and personnel. Even if these governments can obtain ocean robots, she adds, they “often don’t have the scientific manpower to analyze all that data.” In many cases, investing in healthcare, education, and overcoming poverty take precedence over fisheries enforcement.
Jenkins also says there’s a real trade-off to robots replacing people on the water. When local residents work as guardians or in ecotourism in protected areas, “people can point back and go, Here’s how I’ve benefitted financially from the MPA.”
Autonomous vessels reduce the need for people, Jenkins says, and robotics companies are more likely to bring in expertise than invest in training local residents to build specialized infrastructure or operate vessels.
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The design challenge’s next stage will test the vessels on longer, more remote deployments.
(Open Ocean Robotics)
But long before docks are built to launch oceangoing bots, the participants need to show their technology is up to the task. The design challenge’s next stage will test the vessels on longer, more remote deployments. In those conditions, autonomous vessels will need to use AI to identify objects of interest then notify operators by satellite—capabilities that Open Ocean Robotics is currently developing.
Todd Jacobs, NOAA’s chief technology officer for unmanned systems, says developing AI is crucial to the use of uncrewed vessels. “There’s not enough data storage in the world to [keep] high definition images of the monotony of empty water, which is 90 or 98 percent what you’re going to see,” he says.
Agency wide, NOAA is investing US $12.7-million to increase its use of autonomous and remotely operated vessels, airplanes, and drones for science and enforcement. Over time, Jacobs says, data collected by uncrewed vessels will help NOAA discern patterns of illegal fishing activity, so the agency can focus enforcement efforts.
The future of robot police is nearly here—and governments are rushing to meet it.
Open Ocean Robotics’ technology has come a long way since that first day on the lake. On the ocean near Victoria this fall, Daphne surprised the engineers by moving off its programmed track to surf the wake of their research boat—on its own. If Open Ocean Robotics progresses to the next round, Daphne may soon be catching waves off California or Hawai‘i.
This article is from Hakai Magazine, an online publication about science and society in coastal ecosystems. Read more stories like this at hakaimagazine.com.
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endlesspicsofmm · 4 years
How to choose a good cookware
Here, by telling you all the secrets of pots and pans, we will be more sincere than a home shopping, because we do not want to sell you anything, but simply give you some tips on how to buy the best of essential items for home cooking and not. By probing the characteristics of pots and pans, we discover a larger and more complicated world than it seems at first. These are tools in which the food we eat is found, so the choice is also linked by a double thread to our health, because they also come into play in the dynamics linked to the toxicity of production materials.
What to look for in a set of best cookware
What should you consider when buying a set of kitchen utensils? Here are the main features to keep in mind.
The material and construction of your cookware is important. This affects durability, price and quality (and where) you can cook.
The non-stick pans are coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), usually Teflon. When used at high temperatures, they can release toxic fumes into the air. So, to be safe, you will want to use them at low temperatures only (500 ° F or less). However, they are very resistant to adhesion and therefore easy to clean.
Stainless steel cookware is safe for cooktops and ovens, dishwasher safe and very durable. It also tends to be in the middle of the road when it comes to price. However, it can lose heat if it is not reinforced with aluminum or copper.
Ceramic coated cookware is another option for those who want something non-sticky. Unlike fully ceramic cookware, which can only go in the oven, ceramic coated cookware is usually made of metal (aluminum or stainless steel) which has a ceramic coating. It is not as durable as Teflon coated cookware, but some prefer it.
Copper pots and pans heat up the fastest, but they are very expensive, require regular maintenance and polishing, and do not work with induction cooktops.
Cast iron pans can be used anywhere (on the stove, oven, broiler and even on the grill). They are also extremely durable. However, they do not heat uniformly, they are heavy and bulky, and it takes more work to clean them.
Aluminum is light, affordable and scratch resistant. It works on stoves and ovens, but if not anodized, it can give a metallic taste to your food.
To choose the best material for your pots and pans, think about what is important to you. Where do you cook most often (on the stove or in the oven)? Is ease of cleaning more important to you than temperature control?
Kitchen battery sets can cost anywhere from $ 80 to $ 1,500, with the average price of a set being a few hundred dollars.
To get the best price for your cookware, it is again important to consider your needs. If you don't cook often, a budget could work. However, if you want more control over your cooking, a more expensive option can make you much happier. In general, more expensive assemblies last longer, but it mostly depends on the material used (the inclusion of copper tends to increase the cost of stainless steel assemblies, but it also improves their thermal conductivity).
Be wary of buying large sets, as the number of pots and pans also drives up prices. Do not let a 14 or 17 piece set attract you if you will never use most of the items. Instead, opt for a more practical set of 10 or 12 pieces.
Kitchen battery sets include a variety of sizes and types of kitchen batteries. Some are also made to go in the oven.
Think carefully about what you expect from your cookware. If you cook regularly on the stove and in the oven, you need a device that is compatible with both. Look for stainless steel, cast iron, copper, and aluminum sets. If your recipes tend to rely more on the stove only, a nonstick set might be all you need.
Also, think about the recipes you use. If you create a lot of sauces, a set with more pans may be more beneficial to you than one with additional hotplates and steamers.
Why do I need a set of better cookware?
In theory, a set of cooking pots seems like a great idea, but do you really need it? If any of the following describes you, chances are you will need a set of cookware.
You must replace several cookware at the same time. If you've found yourself in a situation where multiple pots and pans have been lost or worn out, it can often be more profitable to buy a new set of kitchen utensils than to buy individual parts.
You move into a house. If you are moving into your own home, you will need your own pots and pans for cooking. A set of kitchen utensils is a perfect housewarming gift for you, or anyone else in a similar position, such as honeymooners and graduates.
You have a tight budget. Typically, a set of kitchen pans is much cheaper than buying the ten items separately. This is because the manufacturers design these items to work as a whole, and they may be slightly smaller in size than the parts on their own. Although you may need to randomly purchase items for special recipes, such as a cast-iron skillet for fajitas or a slow cooker for meal preparation, the cookware will meet most cooking needs.
When don't you need cookware? If you already have a good selection of pots and pans, it probably makes more sense to buy new ones, rather than buying a whole new set that can clutter up your kitchen.
Types of cookware
Stainless steel
One of the most common types of stainless steel cookware you will find, and for good reason. It does not rust, stain or reacts to the cooking of acidic foods. It can also withstand high temperatures and can be used on induction hobs. While stainless steel tends to be on the price side, pots can be made cheaper by making the sides of the pots thinner, while high-end pots tend to have thicker sides and are generally more heavy.
Some high-end stainless steels are actually a plated material, with layers of other metals sandwiched inside the stainless steel to provide the cooking benefits of these metals with the ease of stainless steel. Some stainless steel cookware has a disc attached to the bottom of the pan which offers some of the same benefits as plated cookware at a lower price. Although stainless steel is generally dishwasher safe, you should consult the manufacturer's cleaning instructions to be sure.
Coated aluminum
Although uncoated aluminum is not a desirable material for cookware, coated aluminum is ideal because non-stick materials readily adhere to metal, thereby protecting the aluminum and making the coating more durable. In addition to having a non-stick interior coating, some aluminum cookware has an anodized exterior that hardens the metal, creates a colored surface, and protects the exterior from stains and corrosion. Anodized cookware usually has a non-stick coating on the inside or a thin layer of stainless steel on the inside, so that no part of the aluminum is exposed. Aluminum cannot be used on induction cooktops unless the cookware has a stainless steel disc on the bottom to allow the induction cooktop to recognize it. Although some non-stick aluminum cookware is dishwasher safe, you should check with the manufacturer to make sure.
Cast iron retains heat well, making it ideal for searing, frying, baking and braising, and will keep food warm after cooking is complete. It is also very heavy, so it is not as easy to move around the stove or enter and exit the warehouse. Cast iron cookware can be coated or not, but both are compatible with the induction cooktop.
Uncoated cast iron cookware requires special care and cleaning, but often comes pre-seasoned, so it can be used right away. Further cooking and seasoning will make it even more non-stick over time. Uncoated cast iron should generally not be used with acidic foods like tomatoes, but well-seasoned casseroles can tolerate certain acidic foods for short periods of time. Uncoated cast iron cookware is nearly indestructible and can usually be used on the stove, in the oven, on the grill, and possibly even over a campfire, but it should be hand washed and may require occasional retry.
Coated cast iron cookware, usually covered with layers of enameled material, never needs seasoning and can be used safely with acidic foods. Some cast iron cookware has a bright, enameled exterior and a rough, mat interior that looks like uncoated cast iron but is impermeable to acidic foods. Some coated cast iron cookware is dishwasher safe, but you should check with the manufacturer to make sure dishwasher detergent can damage the coating.
Copper is a metal that is very sensitive to heat, so it heats and cools quickly. Unfortunately, it also reacts to acidic foods and discolors over time and use, which requires maintenance to maintain its shiny appearance. Some copper cookware only has a thin layer of copper on the outside of the pan, which is purely aesthetic, but high-quality copper cookware is made entirely of copper, often with a thin layer of tin or stainless steel inside to be used with any type of food. Real copper cookware is not compatible with induction cooktops, but stainless steel cookware with decorative copper coating should be compatible with induction.
Although steel pans are not as common as other materials for household cookware, carbon steel and blue steel is sometimes used for woks and other specialty pans. Cookware should be seasoned before use and oiled after cooking to prevent rusting during storage. Enamelled steel cookware is no longer as common today as it once was, but it is still found occasionally, especially in large pots used for canning in a double boiler. The enamel coating protects the steel from rust, but if the coating flakes or cracks, it can rust. Steel cookware should be compatible with induction, but if the material is extremely thin.
Also Read on :  [TOP 5] Best Blue Diamond Cookware Review
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topfygad · 5 years
Arctic vs. Antarctic: how to pick your polar adventure
If you’ve ever dreamt about visiting one of the polar regions, use our guide to picking your Polar adventure: Arctic vs. Antarctic.
The North and South Poles were only “conquered” in relatively recent history. The South Pole was first set foot upon in 1911 by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen after his epic race with the ill-fated Scott. The conquest of the North Pole is a little murkier thanks to its location in the middle of the Arctic Ocean amid waters that are almost permanently covered with permanently shifting sea ice.
It’s possible that Frederick Cook was the first to reach the North Pole in 1908, or perhaps it was Robert Peary in 1911 or maybe Richard E. Byrd who was the first to fly over it in 1926… But it wasn’t until Roald Amundsen’s definitive flight over the Pole on 12th May 1926 that the first consistent, verified and scientifically convincing attainment of the North Pole was recorded.
Polar exploration has long sparked the public’s imagination and in recent years, travellers’ appetite for adventure means there is even more on offer than ever before.
Kia and I both dream of taking trips to the Polar circles – it’s just that we’re not sure when and where to go. (Well, that and the lack of funds…)
If you’ve ever dreamt about visiting one of these faraway destinations, use our guide to picking your Polar adventure: Arctic vs. Antarctic.
Whether you head north or south you’re going to be cold. Very cold. However, it’s useful to know that unlike the rest of the planet, the south is colder than the north.
Broadly speaking, the Arctic region will experience temperatures between -43 and +5°C (-45 and 41°F) with coastal areas (which is where tourists are most likely to be) reaching +10°C (50°F) in the summer months. Average July temperatures range from about -10 to +10°C (14 to 50°F) with some inner land areas occasionally exceeding 30°C (86°F) in summer!
The Antarctic is a different story. It is the coldest continent on Earth. In 1983, researchers at the Soviet Antarctic station recorded the lowest natural temperature ever at ground level of -89.2°C (-128.6°F). Temperatures in Antarctica regularly reach -80°C (-112°F) in the interior in winter and between 5°C (41°F) and 15°C (59°F) near the coast in summer.
The Antarctic is considerably colder than the Arctic.
When to go
Winters and summers in the Polar regions are easier to define than in most destinations.
Put simply, the Arctic is closed from October to March thanks to much of the region being icebound, meaning ships cannot pass. The six-month darkness of the Polar night engulfs the region making sightseeing a rather tedious affair. Likewise, the Antarctic is closed from April to October due to freezing temperatures, the Polar night and pack ice reaching up to 1,000km beyond the edge of the continent.
Outside these timeframes, it largely depends on what you want to see and do and where exactly you want to go. For example, if you’re only interested in the bragging rights that come with crossing the Arctic Circle then this can be done year round in Scandinavia without leaving mainland Europe. At the other end of the world you’ll have to wait for the pack ice to break up between January and March to have a shot at crossing the Antarctic Circle.
The table below gives an idea of the best time to visit depending on your interests.
Best time for… Arctic Antarctic Largest icebergs Apr-Jun Nov-Jan Whales Apr-Sep Dec-Apr Humpback whales Apr-Jul – Narwhals Apr-Sep – Bird life Apr-Sep Dec-Mar Penguins – Dec-Feb Northwest passage accessible Jun-Aug – Ross Sea accessible – Jan-Feb Arctic circle crossing Year-round – Antarctic circle crossing – Jan-Mar North Pole expedition Feb-Apr – South Pole expedition – Nov-Jan Svalbard Jun-Aug – Greenland Apr-Sep – Falklands – Oct-Feb South Georgia – Oct-Jan Aurora watching Jan-Mar Mar-Sep
Even though the two Polar regions share many similar traits, they differ greatly in wildlife with a much wider range found in the north. This is because much of the landmass in the north is attached to continents that stretch further south while the Antarctic is completely isolated. This means the Arctic homes far more terrestrial mammals.
On land in the north you’ll find muskox, reindeer, caribou, foxes, hares, wolves, lemmings and of course, the polar bear. Marine mammals include seals, walruses, and several species of whale: humpback whales, baleen whales, narwhals, killer whales (orcas) and belugas.
In the south it’s slim pickings on land. The flightless midge, Belgica antarctica, is just 6mm (0.25in) in size and is the largest purely terrestrial animal in Antarctica. In the water there’s more to see with several species of penguin including Emperor, Adélie, Rockhopper, King, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins all living in the Antarctic peninsular. Additionally, there are blue whales, killer whales, colossal squids and fur seals.
If you want to see how you measure up against the great Polar explorers of the past then here are a few of the best options available.
It’s unfair to call those unmoved by the above unadventurous – surely travelling to the Polar Regions is adventurous by definition. However, if you would prefer a little more comfort then there are plenty of cruise and activity holidays available which won’t leave your loved ones biting their nails until your safe return.
I have my eyes on the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland as well as a trip to Tromsø in Norway to see the northern lights after our failed attempt to catch them in Iceland several years ago. Quark Expeditions offer a range of cruise-based holidays in the Polar regions.
The Arctic Circle Trail follows a course through an area known as the “land of one hundred lakes” (Image: Visit Greenland, Limited Commercial License)
Northern vs. Southern lights
One of the most stunning natural phenomena in the world are the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, more commonly known as the Northern and Southern Lights. Unless you’re a Norwegian astronomer there really is little difference between the northern lights and the Southern Lights other than geographical location. They both take place over the Polar regions and are basically the same phenomenon.
That said, the northern lights are far more accessible. They  can be viewed from Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, Russia, Greenland, Canada and Alaska. Outside of continental Antarctica, the Southern Lights can only be seen from southernmost New Zealand, Argentina and Australia.
Arctic nations include Canada, Greenland (a territory of Denmark), Russia, United States (Alaska), Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Within these nations, around four million people live within the Arctic Circle. Unlike the Antarctic, the Arctic has an indigenous population stretching back thousands of years.
The Inuit people inhabit the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska, while other Circumpolar North indigenous peoples include the Buryat, Chukchi, Evenks, Inupiat, Khanty, Koryaks, Nenets, Sami, Yukaghir and Yupik. There are also industrialised cities within the Arctic Circle. The four largest communities within are in Russia and Norway: Murmansk (population 307,257), Norilsk (175,365), Tromsø (71,590) and Vorkuta (70,548).
Nenet woman among reindeer, Yamal Peninsula in Siberia © Lexi Novitske
In the Antarctic, there is no indigenous population. There are zero permanent inhabitants but there are numerous research stations set up across the continent. In the summer as many as 5,000 people reside in the Antarctic but this drops to around 1,000 in the winter. You won’t be visiting any craft markets here!
Simply put, Polar travel is expensive. You will be visiting the most inhospitable regions on the planet where life is hard. The Arctic Circle is far more popular due to its accessibility and the fact that travel is cheaper there. That said, some of the most expensive countries in the world (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia) are located along and within the Arctic Circle, making even the cheapest Polar weekend break an expensive affair.
The Antarctic is without doubt more expensive than its northern sibling. It is further away from transport hubs, there is no permanent accommodation available and life is simply harder further south. For an easy comparison of costs, a 13-day Arctic cruise and flight with Quark costs $7,995. In comparison, a similar 10-day Antarctic cruise and flight will set you back $11,595 – considerably more for considerably less.
Likewise, at the expedition end of the scale, Adventure Consultants’ North Pole – Ski the Last Degree trip (15-19 days) starts at $42,000 while the equivalent South Pole – Ski the Last Degree trip (15 days) costs $62,500.
Arctic vs. Antarctic
Polar travel like most forms of travel is on the rise. It is almost impossible to verify how many people visit the Arctic but during the 2009-2010 tourist season, over 37,000 people visited Antarctica – twice the estimated 14,000 that visited in the 1999-2000 season 10 years before. One assumes that this figure will continue to double every 10 years although I doubt (and hope) the Antarctic or the harder-to-reach areas of the Arctic will ever compete with Thailand or other popular destinations.
For me, the Antarctic is the very definition of adventure. The very mention of its name evokes tales of against-the-odds survival and iconic names such as Amundsen, Shackleton and Scott. I dream of completing the seven summits which means that one day I will have to climb Vinson Massif in Antarctica – an ambition I look forward to with both boyish enthusiasm and wary trepidation.
The South Pole was first set foot upon in 1911 by the Norwegion Roald Amundsen
Kia and I were in Tierra del Fuego last year but at the wrong time for a trip to Earth’s southernmost continent. We will just have to go back one day…
Maybe it’s because we live in Europe but the Arctic simply doesn’t have the same allure as the Antarctic. Sure, we want to visit Greenland, trek the Arctic Circle Trail, see the northern lights and cross the Arctic Circle. But considering many of these are just a (relatively) short plane ride away, it just doesn’t have the same end-of-the-Earth appeal.
For me, the Antarctic still grabs all the headlines.
G Adventures are the largest small-group adventure travel company in the world with over 650 small group adventures to choose from and offer a range of Antarctica cruises.
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Medicare for All? For More? Here’s How Medicare Works
Medicare, the government medical coverage program for individuals who are 65 or more seasoned, has progressed toward becoming something of a panacea in the Democratic presidential race.
Some applicants, including Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, need to offer it to everybody and even extend its advantages. Others, similar to previous Representative Beto O’Rourke, need to give it consequently to individuals who don␙t have other medical coverage. Many, including previous Vice President Joseph R. Biden, need to give individuals the privilege to become tied up with a Medicare-like general health care coverage program.
Whatever their positions, Medicare is the thing that a large portion of the competitors are holding up as a model for all inclusive inclusion, an objective they all grasp.
Medicare is prominent among its 60 million recipients, yet the program likewise has impediments, and it is positively not вђњfree.вђќ Co-installments can be high for certain individuals, particularly for long haul hospitalization and a few meds. Some Democratic proposition, including those from Mr. Sanders and Ms. Warren, would change that by dispensing with premiums and deductibles, and pay for the program rather with higher assessments.
As extension of Medicare turns into a battle season energizing cry, we investigated what itвђ™s like to be on Medicare now.
Here are a few responses to essential questions.
What precisely does Medicare spread? Are the advantages great?
The advantages are complete, however not thorough. Medicare partitions benefits into classes. One, Part A, covers inpatient care at clinics and вђ" with certain cutoff points вђ" talented nursing offices, where individuals frequently go to recoup from damage or disease. It additionally covers hospice care and, in certain conditions, home social insurance. Another class, Part B, covers physical checkups, outpatient strategies and tests, some psychological well-being administrations, just as wheelchairs, walkers and other hardware. Professionally prescribed medications are secured under Part D. Part C is a secretly run overseen care choice called Medicare Advantage.
What doesnвђ™t Medicare cover?
Medicare doesn't cover glasses, fundamental eye tests, portable amplifiers and most dental consideration вђ" disappointing oversights for some recipients, who are at an age when they are bound to require these administrations. It likewise wonвђ™t pay for consideration got outside the United States.
But by a wide margin the most costly thing Medicare doesnвђ™t pay for is long haul care in nursing homes, helped living offices or at home. A few people purchase long haul care protection, or spend down their advantages for meet all requirements for Medicaid, which covers nursing home consideration. A private room in a nursing home cost a normal of $100,375 a year ago, as per Genworth, a monetary company.
How much does it cost?
Part An ordinarily has no month to month premiums (like Social Security, itвђ™s financed by finance assesses all specialists pay), however it has a deductible of $1,364 per вђњepisode of illness,вђќ in addition to a fixed sum вђ" as high as $682 per day вђ" in the event that you go through over 60 days in the emergency clinic.
For Part B вђ" doctorвђ™s visits and outpatient care вђ" premiums depend on pay. The standard premium this year is $135.50 per month, yet money related assistance is accessible for individuals with low livelihoods who donвђ™t meet all requirements for Medicaid, the administration wellbeing program for poor people, which covers pretty much everything.
Richer Medicare recipients вђ" people with yearly salaries over $500,000 вђ" pay $460.50 per month. Premiums are regularly deducted from peopleвђ™s Social Security checks. Part B likewise has a deductible of $185 per year, and co-installments of 20 percent after you come to your deductible.
Many individuals purchase supplemental “Medigap” protection to cover Medicare␙s out-of-pocket costs.
Unlike Affordable Care Act plans, Medicare has no top on out-of-pocket spending, so the expense can climb very high for wiped out individuals. An examination by the unprejudiced Kaiser Family Foundation found that Medicare enrollees in reasonable or weakness spent a normal of $6,128 in 2013, or 47 percent of normal Social Security income.
Prescription medication expenses can likewise be high in Medicare, and they speak to one of the most perplexing, confounding pieces of the program. Medicare Part D plans are controlled by private back up plans, and the premiums cost $40 every month all things considered for the current year, as indicated by Kaiser. There are likewise yearly deductibles before inclusion kicks in вђ" they are topped at $415 this year вђ" in addition to co-installments and coinsurance. In any case, if your pay is low enough, you may fit the bill for additional assistance paying for medications, and at times, owe no premiums or out-of-pocket costs.
Then, there is the feared вђњdoughnut holeвђќ вђ" a hole wherein the Medicare medication plans donвђ™t pay for patientsвђ™ prescriptions after they have spent a specific sum вђ" this year, $3,820. By then, enrollees need to pay 25 percent of the expense of brand-name drugs, and 37 percent of the expense of conventional medications, until their aggregate out-of-pocket spending has come to $5,100. When they hit that, they fit the bill for вђњcatastrophic coverage,вђќ and just pay a little co-installment for secured drugs for the remainder of the year.
Kaiser as of late found that one million Medicare recipients had out-of-pocket spending over the calamitous limit in 2017, averaging $3,214.
What is Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Advantage is an inexorably prominent option in contrast to conventional Medicare. Bit of leeway plans are offered by private safety net providers that have contracts with Medicare. These plans have no different advantages as customary Medicare, and regularly progressively, for example, dental consideration or gym enrollments. Co-pays and deductibles shift contingent upon the arrangement. In contrast to customary Medicare, all Medicare Advantage plans have limits вђ" $6,700 this year much of the time вђ" on out-of-pocket spending.
Medicare pays Advantage designs a fixed month to month aggregate for every recipient, while in conventional Medicare, suppliers are paid for each assistance dependent on a yearly charge plan. Subsequently, Advantage plans will in general use apparatuses like pre-approval prerequisites and severe supplier systems to control costs.
Those limitations can be a side road to individuals with a ton of restorative needs. A few information proposes individuals with Medicare Advantage will in general be more beneficial yet less affluent than those with conventional Medicare. One thing is sure: the private plans are developing in prevalence. Around 33% of Medicare beneficiaries, or 22 million individuals, presently have them, up from 6,000,000 in 2005.
Can individuals pick any specialist they need?
This depends generally on whether they have conventional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. Customary Medicare enables recipients to look for consideration from any specialist or emergency clinic in the United States that acknowledges it, and doesn't expect referrals to pros or earlier approval for administrations.
But Medicare Advantage designs commonly have exacting systems of medicinal suppliers that recipients need to utilize except if they are happy to pay more. Some Advantage plans may cover care outside the system, as per the Center for Medicare Advocacy, yet the out-of-pocket expenses are commonly higher than for in-arrange care. Favorable position plans do cover crisis care outside their system вђ" on the off chance that you are voyaging locally, for instance вђ" yet nothing else.
Does each specialist and emergency clinic acknowledge Medicare?
No, however generally do. As indicated by the government Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, 2,752 specialists and different suppliers quit Medicare in 2018 вђ" a moment number considering there are more than one million rehearsing specialists alone. Specialists are the greatest classification of specialists who quit, as per Kaiser.
A little portion of specialists who acknowledge Medicare are called вђњnonparticipating providers,вђќ meaning they can charge Medicare patients higher expenses, up to a specific farthest point. The patients are in charge of paying everything past what Medicare pays вђ" a training called balance billing.
It is much progressively uncommon for an emergency clinic not to acknowledge Medicare, albeit some private mental or other claim to fame clinics that take into account the well off may not.
Can you request a choice if Medicare will not cover a help?
Yes, albeit few individuals make this stride, at any rate as per a report a year ago by the overseer general at the Department of Health and Human Services. The report found that recipients and suppliers advanced in excess of 863,000 dissents from 2014 through 2016 вђ" just around 1 percent of the complete number of disavowals during that period. Be that as it may, their prosperity rate was high: About 70 percent of the interests were completely fruitful at the main level (there are five potential levels to continue speaking to), as per the report. Most were from suppliers with respect to installments that had been denied, not patients in regards to administrations that had been denied.
Reed Abelson contributed reporting.
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grid6ix · 5 years
The Effect of Institutional Design on Transportation Planning
Now that I am thoroughly familiar with the geography and politics of both Ottawa and Toronto, I am able to compare, contrast and comment on the state of transit planning in both cities. Upon examination of the City of Ottawa’s plans for future LRT extensions, the first thing you will likely notice is the city’s insistence for grade separation everywhere, even in the suburbs where ridership and frequency is lower, and where space often permits surface operation. The justification for this is the possible decreased minimum headways which become possible when an entire line is grade separated, and the city plans on grade separating even the peripheral branches of their LRT lines, such as the Confederation Line extension into Barrhaven which is supposed to be trenched and elevated along Woodroffe Avenue. Although full grade separation is a feature of the two main lines currently in development, the city has in its future plans surface rapid transit on Carling and Baseline. This prioritization of grade separation stands in contrast to the proposed LRT lines in the City of Toronto proper, and even those in the suburbs. The best comparison to the Confederation Line in Ottawa is the Eglinton Line in Toronto: both lines run from one side of town to the other, partially on the surface and in tunnels, and both lines are projected to have subway-level ridership numbers requiring coupled LRVs from day one. The main difference between them is that where the Confederation Line runs on the surface, it retains full grade separation using bridges and trenches, most of which survive from the transitway the line is to replace. The Eglinton Line on the other hand, effectively behaves as a streetcar along its surface section, operating in the median through signalized intersections and more frequent stations. Extensions to the line further into the inner suburbs are also planned to operate primarily on the surface. There is no question that grade-separated rail lines, despite their significantly higher capital costs, are conducive to greater speeds, frequencies and distances than their streetcar-style counterparts, which are best suited for local uses. It then becomes necessary to ask what caused these differences between otherwise similar lines. If one were to focus only on the first phases of both lines, they would think that the presence of a former transitway corridor along the Confederation Line is responsible for its grade separtation, but when planned future phases are considered, they would notice that the Confederation Line is to be grade separated even in the suburbs where transitways currently do not exist, and that the Eglinton Line is planned to run on the surface along its extension towards the airport, where space permits viaducts or trenches. As it pertains to politics, the first and most obvious answer relates to the sizes of the respective cities: the Confederation Line is the flagship project in a metro of just over 1 million, and the Eglinton Line is one of many lines being planned and built in a metro of close to 7 million. Because federal and provincial governments want to broaden their appeal across numerous ridings, suburbs and smaller cities receive disproportionately high levels of transit funding, it is safe to say that transit dollars increase, but degress, as population density increases. Beyond funding it is necessary to pay attention to municipal structure in both metros. Both Toronto and Ottawa were the subject of amalgamation forced by the Harris government in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s. Both cities are now as a result, under the jurisdiction of a municipality whose boundaries include the old city as well as suburbs. But the difference is that while Toronto was merged only with the inner suburbs that comprised its former regional government, which are far more urban and dense than what is usually considered a suburb by Canadian standards, Ottawa’s amalgamation included, among other things, all of its suburbs, such as those outside of the greenbelt and those which are better characterized as rural satellite villages. A municipal government that answers to urban and suburban concerns is one that will design a transit network for commutes from the suburbs to employment centres, that is to say: rapid transit should be as fast as possible and be optimized for long distances at the expense of local travel. If Toronto had been amalgamated with municipalities in Peel, York and Durham, it is likely that the Eglinton Line and other rapid transit projects would have been designed with long-distance trips in mind.
The Ford government has proposed uploading subway construction and operations to the provincial level. Although personally I believe this would create more problems than it would fix, because urban transit projects would never get off the ground and would suffer from stagnant funding when managed by an agency that answers to the whole province (look at the state-run MTA), it is a move in the right direction that goes too far. Rapid and regional transit systems in the GTA are increasingly used by suburban residents for traversing long distances, it makes sense that they would have input in their design and planning. TTC surface routes on the other hand, are predominantly used by residents of the city, and should remain in the hands of local government. For Toronto, I would prefer the subway (and possibly commuter rail) systems to be administered by a regional agency, either following the London model which would result in further amalgamation of the region into a two-tier mega municipality; or the Vancouver model, where rapid transit is provided by an agency that answers to the mayors of the municipalities in the region, which themselves would remain intact. I prefer the Vancouver model because it doesn’t require such great reorganization of municipal government in all aspects to achieve only one goal. I do not agree with those who seek to get politics entirely out of transit planning, this is public money being used for public benefit, and the public ought to have reasonable input. I do however, think it necessary to decrease the influence of the mayor and council of Toronto as it pertains to matters whose impact goes beyond city limits. I would like to see established, a dedicated assembly comprised of delegations sent by the respective municipal councils, whose votes would be weighted in regressive proportion to their respective populations. I would include in the assembly all cities reasonably connected and concerned with the rapid transit network centred on downtown Toronto, such as: Mississauga, Brampton, Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Oakville and Pickering. The assembly would meet 2-3 times per year to give approval to measures and decisions made by a partially-independent commission, who would be working on planning and designing rapid transit full-time. 5 of the commission’s members would serve at the pleasure of the aforementioned assembly, and the other 5 elected by it for staggered terms of fixed length (say 6 years). The agency would receive consistent and stable funding (from the fare box, its constituent municipalities and from the province) for the carrying out of its projects, and potentially would be endowed with the ability to levy indirect taxes on residents subject to its jurisdiction. Since cash flow would be largely fixed and independent from political pressure, I feel as if the fear that commonly arises in response to subway-upload proposals, that most money would be spent almost exclusively in the suburbs because the city would be outnumbered in the assembly, would fail to materialize. Firstly, the suburbs would not be able to petition desperate federal and provincial governments for funding during election season. More specifically, government MPPs in Toronto ridings, whose party’s incumbency depends on their performance in swing suburban districts, are more likely to support disproportionate transit funds going to the suburbs, than are delegates of the Toronto city council, whose incumbency and ability to govern has no dependence on suburban politics. Each suburb benefits more from projects that happen in the city than they do from projects happening in another suburb, so while small amounts of money would be appropriately allocated to suburban BRT projects for instance, the bulk of the funding available would go towards significant central projects that directly or indirectly benefit the vast majority of constituent municipalities. Because the assembly and the commission would be so diverse, projects already approved and underway would be less likely to suffer from cancellation unless public pressure is so great. A regional agency of this nature would only function without setbacks if it is able to act notwithstanding the wishes of the respective city council, it needs to be independent from interference of that type. An example of this is LACMTA (better known as Metro), which is an agency of Los Angeles County and thus prevails over the county’s many subordinate local governments.
Ottawa being fully amalgamated unlike Toronto, I feel as if it does a better job of planning truly rapid transit for the whole metro, but since local transit is planned at the same level, it suffers from being designed for the same long-haul purposes (I often joked this summer that the first municipal service provided to every new Ottawa subdivision is a direct bus to Mackenzie King Station in downtown), and as a result, Ottawa is just now implementing a grid pattern for its transit routes. There are some drawbacks to non-unitary local transit, namely that what may otherwise be a continuous route along a single corridor may be two or three routes requiring a transfer and potentially a different fare. I feel as if the assembly and commission I proposed for the GTA would lack the local expertise of a municipal council or transit provider required to plan and operate surface routes, the best a regional agency can do for local transit is to facilitate fare integration, which itself would prove to be less important for interface between local transit providers when rapid transit transcends city limits (in other words, rapid transit services would be the primary vehicle through which municipal borders are crossed when they are constructed across and without regard for them). Beyond that, I am most concerned about inter-provincial transit planning for the National Capital Region. I am sure that the Harris government would have amalgamated Gatineau into the City of Ottawa if they could, but interestingly enough, Gatineau went through its own amalgamatory process ordered by Quebec City. As a result, both cities independently enjoy the benefits of amalgamation in rapid transit planning, but actual action to integrate the two networks across the river still seems unlikely. For the National Capital Region, I would propose the creation of an inter-provincial agency tasked with providing long-distance rapid transit to both cities. This would include LRT lines, as well as Transitway and Rapibus Services, and long distance rush hour commuter routes to satellite villages such as Rockland and Richmond. Inter-provincial agencies are quite rare in Canada because there are very few metro areas that straddle provincial boundaries (Ottawa-Gatineau is the only one of significant size), but they do exist. Lloydminster is another such border town which is jointly administered by Alberta and Saskatchewan. Cooperation of this type between the constituent governments of a federation is far more common south of the border, where it seems like most major cities are close, if not adjacent to a state line. There are countless examples of interstate agencies that operate rapid transit services across state lines, the best example of which is WMATA (again better known as Metro), which operates the Washington DC Transit Network. It is a particularly interesting example because it operates services in two states and the federal district. Again I would prefer that local transit be retained by local government in the National Capital Region, but there are only a handful of bridges across the Ottawa river, the choke points they form are by far the worst place to neglect rapid transit development.
I will admit that what I propose in Ottawa is made extremely hard by the requirement that two separate but equal governments co-operate. But what I propose in Toronto is one Act of the Legislative Assembly away from happening. What I appreciate most about the Ford government is its willingness to consider institutional reform as a legitimate vehicle through which deficiencies may be addressed, but I feel as if inquiries into uploading and amalgamation were long overdue and were bound to be undertaken as soon as a party other than the Liberals formed government.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
The Bold Type 3x08 “Revival” Review
And just like that… we only have two episodes left? It seems like yesterday I was reviewing the season premiere. Now it’s almost over, and I’m hyped for the finale. I have to say, this week’s episode did a great job of building that hype.
All three of our girls go through some rough patches this week. As part of those rough patches? Sutton and Richard have a disagreement about money. Shocking, I know.
We finally get to see Sutton at one of her design seminars (the shirt that won was HIDEOUS), but unfortunately, she’s stuck using her old, practically broken sewing machine. Her lack of a dependable sewing machine is definitely making things harder for her, so Richard decides to buy her a sewing machine that costs over two thousand dollars. Now, I’m not an expert or anything, but that seems like… a lot for a sewing machine.
As per usual, Sutton is taken aback by this — from day one she’s been uncomfortable about Richard’s wealthy lifestyle (remember that maid argument?). Also as per usual, Richard is seemingly unable to understand why. The sewing machine is a gift, and boyfriends give their girlfriends gifts, right? So what’s the big deal?
Sutton does her best to explain why she’s refusing the sewing machine, and, unlike Richard, I completely understand her reasoning. We know that Sutton grew up poor, and we find out in this episode that as she was growing up, watching her mother wait for her child support check and panic when it didn’t arrive was something that really affected her. Money is power, especially to people who don’t have any. Seeing her mother be so dependant on someone else for financial support made her determined that she wouldn’t have to go through the same thing.
To my suprise, the role of gender never got brought up in a significant way in regards to Sutton and Richard disagreeing. During a “stitch and bitch” session at Jane’s (and Alex’s for now) apartment they did hint at it. Alex told Sutton she was overreacting, only to have Jane flip the situation and ask him how he would feel if his girlfriend would insist on paying for everything. He admitted it would make him uncomfortable. See? Money = power, especially for women. Actually, maybe I should rephrase. Money = independence.
In an attempt for Richard to get the point across, he makes a chart that breaks down every little expense that they share, divided equally into two parts. He lists rent, household expenses, and even what Sutton’s share of the OJ is in the morning. He’s trying to show her what it would be like if they were truly equal when it comes to financial matters and, basically, to tell her that she hasn’t been paying her full half this whole time, so why start now. His explanation might have been nicer, but that’s certainly how I saw it.
Now, Sutton is fine with this (and she ends up accepting that sewing machine) — but to be honest, I would have walked out. Taking the time to type up, organize, and color coordinate a spreadsheet of exactly how much money he’s spent on her, especially knowing how she feels about money? Honestly, that’s borderline emotional abuse, and it makes no sense that Sutton would be okay with that.
This is the third or fourth episode in a row where Sutton and Richard have an argument about something, most of the time that something being money. If you remember any of my previous reviews you’d know that I feel neutral about Richard, but after this season I just might become an anti. He has a fundamental misunderstanding about her feelings at LEAST once an episode, and it’s becoming clear that them moving in together has only exaggerated their differences. I also don’t know why Sutton would be interested in Richard — sure, we’ve seen that she’s attracted to him and that she loves him, but I don’t think we’ve ever been shown why.
Meanwhile, Jane and Jacqueline’s Pamela Dolan story is progressing fast. They’ve managed to get a handful of models to agree to open up about the abuse they endured, despite the fact that they’ve all signed NDAs. Jane and Jacqueline assure them that they won’t face any legal repercussions from breaking this contract, which confuses me. It’s a legal document that they signed in which they agreed to not speak about their experiences with Pamela Dolan under penalty of law — I don’t think that’s something you could avoid. This might be one of those “we know it doesn’t hold up but we need it to work for the plot,” which we’ve certainly seen from this show before.
Besides her professional stress, Jane is also experiencing some stress in her personal life. Pinstripe has left on his book tour and they’re struggling to connect, which is normal considering their hectic schedules and professional commitments. I have a feeling this is setting the stage for some kind of drama in the season finale, but as of now I’m interpreting it as a normal thing to experience. Alex, however, doesn’t help the situation — after reading Pinstripe’s book he points out that the main character has some questionable opinions about relationships, causing Jane some more stress.
In my opinion, Alex inferring that Pinstripe thinks the same things as his main character is… super dumb. He’s a writer, and if he’s a good one, he’ll know how to write about things that are different from his own opinions and thoughts. He does later on take back these assumptions, citing Madame Bovary, a book about a woman who has an affair that was written by a man, to Jane as a way to remind himself that writers step outside of themselves all the time when writing.
Um, obviously? I’m pretty sure J.K. Rowling isn’t an eleven-year-old wizard. I’m surprised that made it to the episode, if I’m honest.
(Also, I saw the Madame Bovary movie — please save yourself two hours and don’t watch it. It’s awful and there’s literally no point. Sorry, Mia Wasikowska, you were great, but that’s about it).  
Also Also, Jane jokingly referred to Alex as “Jeff-lex” a few times this episode, which is a reference to a few episodes ago in which Alex found himself the subject of a #MeToo story describing how he pressured a woman into sex, who chose to use the name “Jeff”  in the story to protect his identity.
Hey, Bold Type writers, how exactly is this funny? By joking about that story, both Jane and Alex are making light of what that woman went through, and by default, everyone else with a similar story. It’s not funny, it’s disgusting. Shame on you.
And now for Kat. Poor, sweet Kat. Just as things are heating up with Tia and they’re finally in a good place, Adena is back in town and asking to see her. This is further complicated when Adena is chosen to do the photoshoot of the models speaking out against Pamela Dolan, and her and Kat end up running into each other at Scarlet. I, for one, am glad that Adena is back. Even if her and Kat don’t end up getting back together, I think it’s important to offer both Kat and the audience some closure. Adena was incredibly important for Kat and her discovering her queerness. As a pretty significant character for the first two seasons she was (and is) also important to the audience as well, and let’s not forget the stellar representation she brought to the show as a lesbian Muslim woman of color.
The second season, however, didn’t do a lot to justify them being together, but I don’t necessarily think that was on purpose. I think that, without getting too much into last season, the writer’s wanted to create drama and instead created a list of reasons why they didn’t belong together.
Just as an example — one episode, Kat is shown to be pretty jealous of Adena hanging out with her ex, worried that there would be some lingering feelings. In a serious contrast, the very next episode saw Kat kissing a stranger at a bar.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t support them getting back together — but I would be sad for Tia, and confused as to why that relationship has been built up to all season. If they do choose to go that route I would need a realistic wrap up to Kat and Tia’s story, and for the clumsy storylines they forced on Kat and Adena in season two to not make a come back.
Alyssa’s episode rating: 🐝🐝 for the Jeff-lex comment alone
The Bold Type airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on Freeform.
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barberparty0 · 2 years
Advised Luxury Cross-Body And Shoulder Bags Suitable For Spring
If certainly, then undoubtedly maintain scrolling since below I have organized a list of the best 10 developer handbag worth spending in. Coming from commuting to travel to daily trips, the absolute best purse can be found in a number of shapes, colours and styles. You can discover an array of shoulder bags in an array of colours, forms and layouts. Unlike big bags, handbag carry out certainly not place any kind of tension on the shoulders and also back, so they may be brought all around with no problems during a day of taking in the sights. Whether you like a trendy option like a Gucci bag or even a Lesportsac satchel, there's a shoulder bag for every person. The next bag features a padded layout with a YSL monogrammed fastener and also a completely easily-removed shoulder band that allows you to wear the bag as a clutch. This Madewell shoulder band is actually large sufficient to fit more basics as well as possesses a cute switch fastener along with a teardrop front end. A bag similar to this DKNY is large sufficient to keep a phone and also a couple of memory cards. Besides a cut-resistant shoulder strap, this bag from Travelon additionally features lockable areas as well as slots for RFID-blocked visa or mastercard and also keys. Not just is this charming Baggallini shoulder bag ultralight and water resistant, it likewise has loads of interior pockets to help maintain you organised, plus an RFID-protected bag to safeguard your bank card as well as IDs. The Valentino Rockstud Mini Shoulder Bag is actually very little in size, nonetheless you'll be actually shocked to see exactly how several basics it can keep. Additionally, the cushioned tape bag includes a flexible shoulder strap that enables it to become brought cross-body or even cross-body. I still can't warrant purchasing this little bit of Celine Triomphe Canvas and also Leather Bag, but if you get the possibility, be actually sure to obtain it for spring. I include Gucci Dionysus Celine ex lover aequo in my list of the best classic financial investment bags since I have actually located that there are actually other bags from this label that are fated to final (like Mini Luggage or even Classic). The Speedy bag is actually offered in lots of designs, dimensions and also colors and has most definitely turned into one of my everlasting favorite bags in the professional bag cosmos. This is just one of one of the most recent traditional bags currently on the downtrend, specifically in some urban areas like Milan, but has actually dealt with to make an area in the ranks of the very best luxurious bags to purchase a couple of years. This upcoming bag expenses merely over $1,000, making it a great option for very first time purchasers of a developer bag. Currently, I'm definitely not suggesting costs that considerably, but if you're appearing to own a developer bag, you'll locate some of the greatest designer bags to choose from below. While it may be actually difficult to find actually inexpensive professional bags (depending on what you mean by low-priced), it is actually definitely possible to decide on a bag from the absolute best companies that you can easily use for a lot of, a lot of years. When it concerns purchasing professional ladies handbags, you are actually very likely to utilize them a whole lot more when matched up to your clothing. Fossil bags, well recognized for making well-designed watches, are actually also worth a look. If you desire everyone to understand you're holding a designer bag, New York-based brand name Rebecca Minkoff may be an excellent choice. Her bags are actually understood to be actually trendier than a few of the a lot more traditional designs on the listing, so you'll discover an assortment of fashionable designs and fabrics. The traditional Prussian blue bag is actually a gorgeous shade that will certainly complement your spring season outfits. If you prefer to incorporate something to your outfit this springtime, this green printed bag is just $24.99. I got a lovely blue purse coming from Mark Cross in 2014, however as it swiftly marketed out, I incorporated a couple of additional blue versions along with lovely woven, canvass and also lightweight natural leather options for spring and summer months. This little bit of blue Chloe textured natural leather purse is the same design as well as color as the lovely blue shoulder bag. Frye Melissa Amazon Mini Leather Shoulder Bag Frye Melissa Mini Leather Shoulder Bag Imagine this Frye Melissa mini natural leather shoulder bag along with a motorcycle jacket.
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A leather-made Balenciaga Everyday XS cam bag along with detachable shoulder strap as well as slim top take care of. Made by Karl Lagerfeld as well as Virginie Viart (right now Chanel's new artistic director), the Chanel 19 bag admires the traditional 2.55 bag. 둘러보기 of the most up to date additions to the Bottega Veneta bag variation is actually the Padded Cassette Bag. The bag is on call in 39 colours as well as costs under $25, confirming you do not possess to invest a great deal of funds on a high-quality trip bag. Our company've explored the coolest shoulder bags coming from an assortment of best labels as well as professionals if you're appearing for something even more minimalistic or modern. Because when you determine to devote a specific quantity of loan on a pleasant bag, you would like to know if it is actually an excellent "expenditure", one that not just meets all the efficient requires a bag must have, yet also a professional extra. Satisfying, yet most notably, creating your garments even more classy as well as sturdy. Unlike big bags, shoulder bags perform certainly not put any tension on the shoulders and back, so they can be carried all around without any sort of troubles in the course of a time of taking in the sights. The Speedy bag is accessible in many shapes, different colors and measurements and also has undoubtedly become one of my all-time favored bags in the professional bag cosmos. Right now, I am actually absolutely certainly not recommending costs that a lot, yet if you're looking to own a professional bag, you'll find some of the greatest developer bags to opt for coming from beneath. While it can easily be hard to discover really low-priced developer bags (relying on what you imply by low-priced), it's undoubtedly achievable to pick a bag from the absolute best brands that you can put on for a lot of, many years. Frye Melissa Amazon Mini Leather Shoulder Bag Frye Melissa Mini Leather Shoulder Bag Imagine this Frye Melissa mini natural leather shoulder bag with a bike coat.
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frankgiunta · 2 years
3 Remedies When Your Employer Does Not Carry Workers Comp Insurance
3 Remedies When Your Employer Does Not Carry Workers Comp Insurance
When employees get injured at work, they usually file a workers’ compensation claim to receive medical and wage replacement benefits for every employer is required to carry workers’ comp insurance in most states and territories in the country. It’s done in order to provide financial assistance to employees who got injured in the course of their employment. Failure to maintain this type of insurance can be serious trouble for employers and entrepreneurs.   For instance, not having workers’ comp can be considered a felony in a number of jurisdictions for companies with five or more personnel. Those with a lesser number of team members may also be appalled to provide insurance coverage.   However, what happens if your employer doesn’t have workers’ compensation insurance. What can you do to recover just compensation for your work-related injury? To answer that question, below are the three possible remedies you can consider in the event that you sustain a form of injury while rendering your job’s duties and your employer doesn’t carry workers’ compensation insurance:   File A Personal Injury Lawsuit   Generally, when your employer doesn’t have workers’ compensation insurance, you can file a personal injury lawsuit in court to get compensated for your injury.  A personal injury lawsuit refers to a legal action allowing an injured victim to get paid for the losses they’ve incurred because of the negligence of another party (in this case, the employer). Thus, if you were hurt at work due to your employer’s negligent acts, you may have a legal ground to bring an injury lawsuit against your employer.   In case you’re planning to bring up a case against the alleged infractions of your boss, you can seek help from professional and seasoned lawyers from www.ksa-atty.com and other online law firms. Moreover, unlike in the workers’ compensation insurance, a personal injury lawsuit allows you to be compensated for the non-economic losses you sustained due to a workplace accident. The indemnity you can get isn’t only limited to the economic damages. It may also include payment for losses which is difficult to quantify. Essentially, some common losses that can be recovered can consist of:  Medical costs;   Lost income and capacity to earn;   Pain and suffering;  Emotional distress; and Loss of enjoyment in life and other similar situations.   Yet like in the workers’ compensation claims, filing a personal injury lawsuit still requires you to prove that your injury occurred in the workplace because of another person’s carelessness. Because of this, it’s best to hire a dedicated attorney to help you out in your quest for justice. They can help you gather valuable pieces of evidence that can support your case. These can include:  Medical records;  Accident reports;  Photos of the accident scene and injuries; and Witness testimonies and other relevant documentation.   Obtain Compensation From Your State’s Uninsured Employers’ Funds  Aside from instituting a personal injury lawsuit, there are other ways to get compensated for your work-related injury even without your employer’s workers’ comp insurance coverage.  It’s said that a number of state governments allocate special funds for injured individuals while rendering services for an uninsured employer. They’re commonly referred to as ‘uninsured employers’ funds. Mostly, each one may only cover a limited number of injuries depending on the legislation present in each locality. Benefits may also vary.    Suppose the said fund covers your injury. In that case, you may receive compensation for your medical expenses or specific payment for the lost wages you’ve incurred due to your inability to work for a certain amount of time. If you want to know more about these funds, talk to a legal professional so they can explain how you can seek compensation for your work injury. Non-profit workers’ rights groups may also lend you a hand.    Submit A Short-Term Disability Insurance Claim   Many states require employers operating within their borders to carry short-term disability insurance. Thus, if you’ve been injured at work and need to take some time off for a few days, you can file a short-term disability claim against your employer’s insurance company for compensation. In doing so, you can receive partial pay replacement benefits to cover those days you can’t work because of the injury you’ve sustained.   Nevertheless, you must remember that the rules on eligibility for short-term disability insurance programs may be different from one state to another. As such, you need to talk to a trustworthy lawyer to know if filing a short-term disability insurance claim can be a good remedy when your employer has no workers’ comp insurance.    Bottomline   Typically, the workers’ compensation insurance program can only work best for injured employees if your employer has coverage. But, if your employer is uninsured, you may find financial and physical recovery from your injury almost impossible. Nonetheless, getting compensated for all the losses you’ve sustained because of a workplace injury doesn’t only rely upon your employer’s workers’ comp insurance program.   Even if they don’t have one, you can still receive the compensation you deserve through the aforementioned remedies. Just make sure to seek legal help soon as possible. A dedicated lawyer can advise you about viable options you can consider, fill out the claims forms correctly, deal with the insurance companies, and represent you in court, if necessary. With your attorney at your side, you can get paid for your injury in the fastest time possible.  
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livingcorner · 3 years
6 Things To Know Before Installing an Inground Pool
There are few home features that can create as much fun and excitement as an in-ground swimming pool. A pool can instantly transform any boring backyard into a sun-splashed oasis, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. And while in-ground pools require a significant investment in time and money, their popularity isn’t waning any time soon. According to the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, there are over 5 million existing in-ground pools in the U.S., and nearly 200,000 new pools are built each year.
So, if you’re ready to take the plunge, so to speak, and get an in-ground swimming pool, here are six key steps to take to ensure you get the perfect pool for your home and family.
You're reading: 6 Things To Know Before Installing an Inground Pool
Pool Types
There are three main types of in-ground pools. In order of popularity they are: concrete, vinyl-lined and fiberglass. In small pockets of the country, you might also find steel- or aluminum-walled pools.
Concrete pools are truly custom-built and can be formed to virtually any size, shape or depth. These pools are often called Gunite or Shotcrete pools because concrete is shot from a gun onto steel-reinforced walls. Once the concrete cures, the pool is plastered, painted and finished with a textured surface, or tiled.
It takes longer to install a concrete pool than any other kind—generally between three and 12 weeks—but it’s the strongest, most durable type of pool. In fact, there are many concrete pools still in use today that are well over 50 years old. And, unlike other types of in-ground pool, existing concrete pools can be remodeled, enlarged and updated.
Vinyl pools are made from a preformed flexible liner that fits into the excavated hole. It’s secured to a reinforced frame made of steel, aluminum or non-corrosive polymer. A vast majority of vinyl pools are rectangular, but L-shaped and freeform liners are available from some manufacturers. Construction time for building a vinyl-lined pool is generally one to three weeks.
When considering a vinyl pool, be aware that pool toys, pets and sharp objects can puncture the liner. And while liners can be repaired, it’s best to choose one that’s at least 20 to 30mm (about ¾ to 1 in.) thick.
Fiberglass pools are factory-molded into one giant bowl, which is set into the excavated hole by a crane. As a result, fiberglass pools can be installed much faster than other pool types. In some cases, as little as three days. Fiberglass pools have a super-smooth gel coat finish that’s extremely durable and stain resistant. And unlike concrete pools, fiberglass is nonporous, so it uses fewer pool chemicals and harbors less algae.
However, fiberglass pools come in fewer sizes and shapes than concrete or vinyl pools, which might be an issue if you’ve got a small or uniquely shaped backyard. And the huge molded pool must be shipped via truck, which might be forced to take a long, circuitous route to your house. That’s because the transportation of oversized loads is regulated by individual states, and truckers often have to drive around several states to deliver a fiberglass pool.
And once the pool arrives, there must be adequate space in your yard for the crane to drive close to the site and maneuver the molded shell into the excavated hole. Note that access is sometimes only available through a neighboring property. Be sure to check with the trucking company or pool contractor to confirm that there’s enough space for the crane to operate.
All three types of pools—concrete, vinyl and fiberglass—are available nationwide. However, some types are more prevalent than others in certain regions. The flexibility of fiberglass and vinyl liners makes them ideal for cold climates where freezing and thawing cycles can damage a rigid concrete structure. Vinyl pools are sold in most areas, while fiberglass is most popular in the south.
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If you’re not sure which type of pool to get, rely on the expertise of local pool contractors. If they’re primarily installing one type of pool, there’s probably a very good reason why. (It often has to do with the local climate and soil conditions.) And once you decide on the type of pool you want, be sure to hire a contractor with extensive experience installing that particular type.
Cost Comparisons
It’s impossible to say precisely how much your pool will cost since prices vary widely depending on where you live, soil conditions, water-circulation system, and the type and size of the pool. The time of year can also influence the final price since many contractors offer discounts for pools built during the off-season when business is slow.
Generally speaking, concrete pools are the most expensive, followed closely by vinyl-lined pools, and then fiberglass. However, a high-end, tricked-out fiberglass pool could cost more than a barebones concrete pool.
I can tell you that here in New England, where I live, a simple rectangular 20- x 40-ft. concrete pool costs about $45,000, including the filtration system, initial water fill-up, underwater lights and stone coping around the pool’s edge. It does not include the cost of the fencing, landscaping, decking and other pool-related items. And keep in mind that most homeowners spend about twice the pool cost to complete their swimming pool project. So, if you buy a $50,000 pool, be prepared to spend an additional $40,000 to $50,000 before all is said and done.
Zoning Rules
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In-ground swimming pools are subject to building and zoning regulations, so you must apply for a building permit and receive approval before any work can begin.
Building and zoning rules differ from town to town, but ordinarily you must satisfy certain setback distances from the pool to property lines, septic tanks, wells, sewer lines, and wetlands. There are also codes concerning pool barriers and gate hardware.
Generally, a perimeter wall or fence must be at least 4 ft. tall and equipped with self-closing, self-latching gates. Fence boards or balusters must not be spaced more than 4 in. apart. Chain-link fences must have openings no larger than 1-1/4 in. wide.
For an extra level of protection, especially if you’ve got young children or grandchildren, consider mounting alarms on all house doors and gates leading to the pool, and installing a power safety cover over the pool. For a list of specific rules and restrictions, contact the local building department or zoning board.
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Picking the Proper Site
Picking the best place for your pool is as important as the pool itself. An experienced pool contractor can provide valuable insight, but be sure to consider the following pool-placement tips:
Capture the Sun: Take advantage of free solar energy by choosing a pool location that’s open to the sun and well away from any trees. Such a location will not only warm up the water, it’ll also reduce the number of leaves that drop into the pool.
Block Breezes: Building a pool in a windy location greatly increases water evaporation, which means you’ll have keep adding water to maintain the proper level. Strong winds can also make you feel uncomfortably cool when wet. Create a windbreak by erecting a solid-board fence, or by planting a row of thick shrubs.
High and Dry: Don’t set the pool in a low-lying area, which could result in the pool flooding with mud and debris during periods of heavy rain.
All Clear Above and Below: The pool shouldn’t be located beneath overhead telephone or electrical wires, or directly over buried sewer lines, septic systems or electrical cables.
Keep Eye Contact: Whenever possible, build the pool within view of the house. That way, you can keep an eye on swimmers even while you’re indoors.
Circulation System
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A pool’s circulation system uses both filtration and sanitization to keep the swimming water clean and crystal clear. The filtration pump draws water from the pool’s bottom drains, sends the surface water through an automatic skimmer, and then passes everything through a filter before re-circulating back into the pool. There are three types of filters commonly used: sand, cartridge and diatomaceous earth (DE).
All three types of filters work well when properly installed and well maintained, and an experienced contractor will help you decide which filtration system is best for your pool.
Sand filters are the oldest and most common method of pool-water filtration. They use special filter sand to trap dirt and debris. As the sand particles “load up” or become clogged, they trap smaller and smaller particles. Sand filters are cleaned by backwashing, which involves reversing the water flow through the filter and flushing the dirty water into a waste line.
Cartridge filters use large cylindrical cartridges to screen out dirt. Most pool builders recommend using cartridges with 500 to 600 sq. ft. of filter area. Unlike sand filters, cartridges don’t require backwashing. Instead, you simply rinse them off with a garden hose, a process that uses much less water than backwashing.
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Diatomaceous earth is a porous powder that has microscopic openings, similar to tiny sponges. As water passes through the openings, particles are trapped. DE filters can strain out dirt, dust, algae and some forms of bacteria. When DE filters become dirty, they’re cleaned by backwashing, but use far less water than sand filters. Afterward, fresh DE is added to the filter.
The pool’s water-filtration system removes debris, but a chemical sanitizer is needed to kill organic contaminants, such as bacteria and algae. And an oxidizer is used to kill both inorganic and organic contaminants. There are three EPA-registered sanitizers commonly used in swimming pools: chlorine, bromine and PHMB.
Chlorine is by far the most commonly used pool sanitizer; it’s also an effective oxidizer. When dissolved in water, chlorine releases free-available chlorine, also known as hypochlorous acid. There are different kinds of chlorine sanitizers available, including cal hypo, dichlor, gaseous chlorine, liquid chlorine, lithium hypochlorite and trichlor.
Bromine (hypobromous acid) tablets can also be used as a pool sanitizer. The solid white tablets slowly dissolve to produce free-available bromine, which is also a strong oxidizer.
PHMB (polyhexamethylene biguanide) is a pool sanitizer that’s used in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide and an algaecide. Hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidizer.
Salt chlorine generators represent the latest advancement in pool sanitization. Instead of using standard pool chlorine, this system transforms common table salt into chlorine. Contrary to what you may have heard, salt chlorine generators don’t create saltwater swimming pools.
Note that it’s important to test the pool water before adding any chemicals. Take a water sample to a local pool store for analysis, or buy a do-it-yourself test kit. Maintain the pH between 7.2 and 7.8, and keep the alkalinity between 80 and 120 parts per million. And during long stretches of very hot weather, be sure to test the water several times per week to maintain the proper balance.
Beware of Budget-Busters
As mentioned earlier, the final price of an in-ground pool is usually about twice the cost of the pool itself. That’s because there’s so much more to an in-ground pool than a hole filled with water.
Here’s a list of items that aren’t typically included in the price of the pool: outdoor lighting, landscaping, pathways, decks, fencing, patios, privacy screens, whirlpool spas, outdoor sound system, pool cover, water test kits, shade structure, patio furniture, equipment shed, storage cabinet, pool toys, and additional outdoor electrical outlets.
Now, you’re not likely to need all of these items, but keep them in mind when formulating your construction budget.
Joseph Truini Joe is a former carpenter and cabinetmaker who writes extensively about remodeling, woodworking, and tool techniques.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/6-things-to-know-before-installing-an-inground-pool/
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