#unless she was doing it to protect annalise and the team
thetwistedfaun · 5 years
if laurel really tried to make herself and christopher vanish why didn’t she ask michaela to go with her, or at least keep michaela in the loop and make her swear to keep it a secret?!?!
honestly thought laurel and michaela were closer than that, wtf!!! so disappointed in her
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twstsimping · 4 years
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I’m finally ready to introduce her properly!!! Meet Jay Blanc, the resident disaster of savanaclaw~!
More info under the cut!
Personal information
Name: Jay Blanc
Gender: female
Age: 15
Birthday: august 27th
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 173cm
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: ginger
Homeland: undisclosed
Professional information
Dorm: Savanaclaw
School year: 1st
Class: 1A
Occupation: student
Club: gargoyle research club
Best subject: flying
Fun facts
Dominant hand: right
Favourite food: anything sweet
Least favourite food: onions
Dislikes: heights, the dark, insects
Hobby: drawing
Talent: falling asleep standing up
Jay loud and easily excitable, somewhat like a puppy. She gets along easily with practically everyone due to her friendly, sunshine-y attitude, and is good at being in everyone’s good books. However, she often shifts how she acts with different people so that they’ll like her, so her relationships often lack sincerity, and she struggle to deeply connect with others. Despite this, she’s very genuine in wanting to help everyone, even if she doesn’t know them very well, and it shows in her advice. She’s ready to give her whole heart to anyone who needs it, and is often used a very good shoulder to cry on, who is always genuine when needed, and can give surprisingly good advice. She’s very awkward socially due to a lack of understanding of how other people work, and often trips over her words trying to say the correct thing. She will also say some very strange things when in a social situation she isn’t comfortable with, and can come off as quite strange and eccentric. Even though there’s a lot more to her personality, it isn’t wrong to say that she is quite eccentric, having a strange sense of humour and being very loud. She’s constantly trying to done her personality and excitement, because she is very aware that she can be very annoying. She gets easily over excited and can be very overbearing to people who aren’t used to her. Even with her friends, she still worries that if she lets herself go completely they’ll stop liking her. Her fear of isolation and overall clingy ness causes her to grow attached very quickly. She can be overwhelming for quiet or aloof people due to the amount of love and affection she’s constantly giving to everyone she knows. She gets so easily attached to people that she can even get a bit possessive, not liking it when they spend more time with others than her, or when they ignore her. She doesn’t get angry when this happens, but instead very depresses. She’ll have a complete personality 180 at the smallest thing, going from happy and bubbly to silent and brooding. Because of her sudden mood swings it’s quite hard to predict what she’s gonna do next, and you need to have slight caution over what you say, so as to not hit a nerve. Having grown up as the only neurotypical child in her house, she was given the role as the happy one, and eventually it became the only thing she could use to define herself. Even after she changed a lot and got a lot of self esteem issues, she still continued to be attached to that title, never daring to stop always smiling out of fear that she wouldn’t be wanted or needed if she changed. She suffers from a bad inferiority complex which reveolves around her sister, Annalise Blanc. She’s very attached to Annalise, and will practically never want to leave her side, always calling out to her when they pass by eachother in the hallways and coming to visit her dorm. Despite this, Jay has a lot of pent up resentment towards Annalise, who was always the parents favourite. She doesn’t like her friends being close to Annalise because she’s afraid that they’ll grow to like her more and she’ll be left alone.
Unique magic
Jays unique magic is called ‘Guiding lights’
It’s quite simple and lacks many practical uses. She can create any number of lights and control them as long as they are within her eyesight. However, the further away from her they go, the dimmer they get. They can dispel magical darkness, but apart from that they’re just regular lights. Jay uses it most often at night, when she’s scared of the dark.
Jay is a perfectionist, needing to be the best at everything she does. However, she doesn’t put any effort into things she isn’t naturally good at, and so she’s always left disappointed.
Jay learned to sleep standing up when she joined savanaclaw and had to wake up at 6am every morning. She got so tired that she eventually just started sleeping during practice.
Jay is scared of a lot of things, and always has very colourful reactions when she has to face them, especially bugs, in which she will scream and jump into the arms of the nearest person to her.
Despite being very against violence, Jay will often challenge people to fights as a joke. If she didn’t have the protection of some of the scariest people in the school, she’d probably be very hurt by now.
Jay always tries to be a nice person, but when she’s comfortable around someone, her ‘smug bastard’ mode will come out, where she’ll laugh at their misfortune and make fun of them relentlessly. She’ll always stop this if she goes too far however.
Jay only joined the gargoyle research club to hang out with malleus. When she learned how passionate about it he was, she started revising about gargoyles in her fee time.
When Jay first joined the school, she knew practically no Japanese. She signed a contract with Azul to get him to help her learn, and as a result ended up working in the monstro lounge for a couple of months, until she was practically fluent.
Jay is very bad at relaxing, and is almost always thinking of something else she should be doing instead. She often needs another person to help slow down the pace of her life so she doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Jays hobby is drawing, and she’s very passionate about it. Her favourite pastime is listening to some music and just going ham.
When she was younger, Jay had a very bad lisp, and she had to get speech therapy to get it removed. She’s much better at speaking without it now, but fo she gets too exited/nervous and startes talking too fast it’ll come through.
Jay is very attached to all sorts of plushies, and has a mountain of them on her bed. She’s constantly worried that the rest of savanaclaw will find out, she she makes sure that her room is completely secure constantly.
Jay hates savanaclaw. It’s always hot and she thinks the outfit is hideous. She’s always complaining about how she wants to move dorm, but whenever someone brings it up she always comes up with a convenient excuse.
Due to her many fears of the dark and demons etc, Jay will often camp out in Leonas room. He gets a lot less sleep because of her constantly waking him up so they can go check if that was Ruggie or cuthulu coming to claim her soul.
Jay hates physical activity. She’s always been the more artsy type, and she hates the outdoors. However, there’s one thing she loves more than anything else, and that’s money. When her dad started offering her money for physical labour, she suddenly got a lot more athletic.
In the same vane, it’s rumoured that Jay will do anything of you pay her enough. In reality, this is mostly true, unless it involves her hurting someone else.
Jay is very good at flying, even though she is scared of heights. This means that she will zoom up into the sky and then have a panic attack because she’s too high.
Jays on the starting line up for the savanaclaw magishift team, mostly due to her great combo attacks with Ruggie.
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youngerdrgrey · 4 years
easy there, oedipus (or, how to get away with impregnating your law professor) [DRAFTS 2]
about: alternatively titled, how to get away with impregnating your law professor and secretly parenting your child; or moments from a fic unwritten, updated and revamped for a season that only feeds into my need for Annalise and Wes to fall into the abyss together. — takes place in season 3
a/n: Drafts from before the show hurt me w/ season three’s finale; shared in case anyone wanted more of the story -- here are some vignettes and headcanons about the story.
Getting Away With… Annalise and Michaela bonding
At some point in the pregnancy, Annalise gets sick and Wes is there, every night, with her, feeding her, helping her, calling the doctor.
Asher says, “Mommy issues.”
Connor says, “Better him than us.”
Michaela brings soup and some magazines one night, but she feels dumb once she gets upstairs. Annalise takes pity on her and tells her to come in the damn room and sit down (Ms. Pratt).
Michaela sits, on the edge, with the soup still in her hands and the potholder in her lap. They sit in silence until Annalise tells her to talk.
“About what?”
“Anything. Except the next exam.”
So, Michaela talks about moving on from Aiden, and how Connor’s still fake going to NA, and how Laurel makes the best cheesecake, even if it’s pity food. How she wishes sometimes that she could’ve just loved someone like Wes because everyone is so lucky to have a guy like him around, and how she hopes that she gets to meet the baby (and she can totally do that even if Annalise doesn’t keep her around so it’s not, like she’s being presumptuous, she swears).
She keeps talking until Annalise drifts off, and Wes comes back and slips onto the edge of the bed like he belongs there. No hesitation. He doesn’t lie down, or get too close, but the ease in his shoulders the moment he sees Annalise -- Michaela leaves.
Leaves and bites on her tongue next time someone brings up Mommy issues.
Getting Away With... Laurel’s Q&A
Later, when people know, Laurel asks what Wes got out of this — out of a kid that he can’t claim publicly and a woman who will never, ever be his.
He thinks of the way Annalise’s hands shook around the pregnancy test, the tears in her eyes, the unspoken plea for him to let her have this, the thank you on her lips and soon on his before he slid his lips from hers and hung his head so his forehead rested against hers and his breath landed against the tears on her cheek, and he said, “No one can ever know. Can they?”
“We’ll know,” she’d said, as if that was enough, as it no one else in the world even began to matter.
“Another one of our secrets.”
~ In the moment with Laurel, he says that no one’s ever looked prouder of him, no one as thankful and grateful and just happy that he existed. He says it might be messed up to keep a baby to make someone happy, but
Well, it worked.
Getting Away With… telling everyone
Annalise calls all of them to attention from the bottom of the stairwell. It’s only been a few weeks since she found out, but the way her eyes meet Wes’ tell him everything he needs to know about what this team conversation is about.
Everyone shifts as she walks closer. She stops on the rug she bought to replace the one Sam got rolled up in.
“Now, normally, I wouldn’t bother telling you all something like this, but it will affect the way I work and therefore affect all of you as well.”
She unclasps her hands from where they’ve been hanging in front of her and places them both on her stomach. Wes can hear the squeak of a gasp that comes from Michaela and feels the shift in the couch as Laurel leans in closer.
“I’m pregnant,” Annalise says, “and I will do my best to keep everything the same around here. I’ll have more appointments, but you’ll have Bonnie whenever I can’t be here. Any questions?”
Her eyes scan their faces. Michaela’s jaw looks slightly unhinged. Laurel looks pensive. 
Asher narrows his eyes and asks, “Who’s the father?”
All eyes whip to him as Annalise bristles. 
“If I’d meant for you to know, I would’ve told you. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” She heads for her office.
The rest of the team wait for the doors to slide closed before throwing pillows and hissing, “Asher!”
“What, it’s an honest question!”
Connor ignores him, turning in his chair to face the other three of the group, especially Michaela. “Can you believe Mom’s replacing us?”
Michaela rolls her eyes. “God, Connor, don’t call her that.” He shrugs. She goes on, “And Annalise isn’t replacing anyone. A baby can’t practice law.”
“Ten bucks says that kid grows up just like us,” Connor says.
Wes imagines their kid will be different. He could see his kid as a toddler, tossing papers out of boxes on the floor and crawling inside to make his own little court room. Wes could play fake judge, or fake jury, if all the stuffed animals will let him join.
Michaela claps her hand in Connor’s, bringing Wes back to the moment.
“You’re on,” she says. “No one wants to be their parents.”
Asher scoffs. “Hey.”
“Sorry, no one interesting wants to be their parents.”
Asher glowers and corrects, “Parent. She’s totes going in solo since Nate’s gone MIA.”
“It’s not Nate’s,” Wes says. It gets quiet, and eyes snap to him -- three sets, equal parts guilty and worried. He clears his throat, schools his voice. “The timing’s off. She should’ve been showing a while ago if it was Nate’s.”
Asher shrugs. “She has been gaining weight. I didn’t want to say anything before, but—“
Everyone’s glaring at him. He stops. Laurel rolls her eyes.
“She’d probably tell us if we asked. We’ve known worse secrets.”
Connor scoffs. “She bit his head off ten seconds ago, Einstein.”
Laurel scoffs right back. “Not who, genius; when.”
Michaela nods. “You’re right. And we kind of deserve to know anyway since when she’s due will affect when classes are cancelled. If we have to take breaks in our case load, if—“
“She’s gonna be a raging bitch for finals.”
He throws his hands in the air. “Legitimate question! Again!”
And he’s right, to some degree. Her emotions will be changing for sure. Her due date’s not right for finals though. It’ll be next school year actually, and Wes’ll be someone else’s student, and — everybody’s staring at him.
Wes fidgets. “What? Why’re you looking at me?”
“You’re the favorite,” Connor says.
“If anyone’s gonna ask…” Michaela tries to smile.
Laurel sighs. “We could all try, together, but studies show: you’re the one she trusts the most.”
Wes bounces in his seat before getting up and heading to the office. He knocks. Bonnie opens it, sees him, and sighs.
“It’s not a good time,” Bonnie says.
“I get that. I just have a question. We all do,” Wes says.
Bonnie glances at the others. “Stop conspiring and get back to work.”
The others look down. Wes rolls his shoulders.
“You gonna let me through?”
She does.
He gets to Annalise whose face looks like it does around one of her vomiting spells. Shit, is that why it’s not a good time? He should leave then, shouldn’t he? He already knows when she’s due, and he can just go tell them the answer without asking.
Only, he has a really good excuse to be in here, and he doesn’t get many of those, and there’s so much that he wants to say and ask, so he clears his throat.
Her eyes snap up — wide and alarmed — but they flatten out once she notices who it is.
“Mr. Gibbins.” A warning dressed like a greeting. Definitely not a good time. But she did just tell everyone she’s having his baby, so she doesn’t get to send him away just yet.
The door’s still cracked; Bonnie’s right there and is no doubt listening in since Annalise hasn’t dismissed her yet.
Wes gets closer, to the desk, staying on his side though. “You don’t look so good.”
“Thank you for the compliment.”
“I just meant — sorry, I —“ suck at this dad thing already. He frowns. “Do you need anything?”
“It would be nice if I could keep my lunch down, but I’m not getting picky.”
He almost groans. Of course Annalise would stand strong through morning sickness. She’ll stand strong through it all — the cravings, the swelling, the mood swings and near insatiable appetite for se—
“I asked, why are you in here?”
“Right. Sorry. Again.” He scratched the back of his head. “We all — well, they, not that I’m not also curious, but when is the baby due?”
Annalise looks confused a moment, then she tells him, “October 23rd.”
He shouldn’t feel pride at the sound of that. It’s a date — a bunch of letters and numbers. It’s not a baby. It’s not something to smile about. Yet, his cheeks burn just the same.
“Right before Halloween,” he says. “You’ll have to dress them up.”
“Them?” she repeats, eyes widening back.
He scrambles out. “Gender neutral pronoun, not saying you’re having twins.” Unless… “Are you?”
“I certainly hope not. I’ve already got my hands full with everyone out there. I don’t need two more lives to protect.”
He winds around a pen on her desk. He can’t look at her while he says, “You wouldn’t be alone.”
The air gets really still, like no one anywhere in the house wants to move or even begin to dissect the almost hesitantly wistful way he’d said that sentence.
“I figured.” Annalise shifts in her seat, and her voice comes out stronger, more assured and planned. “You don’t think I’m paying for a nanny when I’ve got capable interns, do you?”
A groan’s heard from the living room. Wes finds a way to breathe again, turns his next exhale into an almost laugh.
“Just make sure Michaela takes off her ring first.”
It’s not funny, but he laughs just the same. Annalise too.
(In the living room, Michaela pouts, and maybe this won’t have to be so hard. Maybe, somehow, they can make this work.”)
Getting Away With... Financial Support
A week after Wes agrees to keep their secret, Annalise gives him some money. He starts freaking out, like “Why are you doing this?” and he low-key accuses her of trying to buy his silence.
Well, not low-key.
He’s like, “What — you don’t want me to tell anyone and now you’re giving me money? That’s not the way this works. I’m not gonna tell anyone like it hurts all of us.”
Annalise bristles. “How could you even think I would do something like that?” She knew that his loan still wasn’t going through. (She had Frank check.) She wanted to make sure that he got the chance to stick around. For all of them.
And it’s his turn to be like, “Oh.” Fuck. “Annalise—“
“Save it. Either take the money or don’t. Spare me your apologies. You can think the worst of me all you’d like.”
“It’s not— I’m sorry.” He stresses it. “No one outside of my family has ever helped me without wanting something in return.” He steps closer but not close enough to touch her. “I’m no good at saying thank you.”
She barely softens, but she does. “You better learn soon. I’m not really the type to sit on my hands.”
She looks a moment longer, then goes back to her files. “You may go.”
He lingers, heads for the door, pauses. “Thank you.”
She grins (not that he looks to see). “You’re welcome.”
Getting Away With... Mama Harkness’ Return
Mama Harkness watches him a moment too long. He shifts. She shakes her head.
“What’s so special about you?” He’s a bit confused. “Lord knows this wasn’t the only time Anna slept with someone she shouldn’t.”
He sputters. “I — ma’am, you—“
“You gon’ lie to me, boy?”
Beat. “No, ma’am.”
“Thought so. Now, I’m not telling nobody what I know. I just want you to know that I know it. And I’m watching you. You hear me?”
Getting Away With... Names and Michaela Finding Out
Connor calling little man bible verses, like “316, how you been, buddy?”
Laurel calls him Matt.
Michaela calls him Matthew and tells him to grow into it and respect it because nicknames don’t do anything but allow us to hide from our full potential.
Wes calls him kid a lot.
At another time, when something’s wrong with the baby, they all rush to the hospital. Wes tries to get in the room, in full intense Dad mode, but Connor catches him by the shoulders. Says, “Easy there, Oedipus, you can’t go in there.”
Michaela snaps at Connor for being insensitive when they’re all worried. Connor slips up and mutters, “But it’s their baby so, ugh.”
Michaela repeats it, “Their baby.” Then again, as Connor’s, Laurel’s, and Wes’ eyes all go wide. She sputters, and everything just clicks. “My God.”
“He’s —”
Wes shakes his head. “I don’t have time for this.” Storms off to try and get into the room.
Michaela slaps Connor’s arm, hard as shit. “How long have you known?”
“A couple weeks—“
“But I couldn’t tell you—“
“You tell me everything! You told me when you changed your toothpaste!”
“This wasn’t my secret to tell.”
She gets that, she really does, it just sucks finding out so late. Annalise is struggling to hold on, baby Matthew’s got heart problems, and — “Oh, God, Wes.” He must be a mess.
Getting Away With... Keeping the Baby?
So, they reach a point where Annalise finds out that basically keeping the baby in longer could kill her. They’re at the hospital, and Wes is in the room when they hear the news. The doctors leave them alone to process, and Annalise is speechless.
Wes tries to find some words. He tells her that he — well, he doesn’t know what to do, or say. He’s finally maybe on the right track with Annalise towards something they can have and sustain, and now the baby’s really sick and Annalise could die?
He clears his throat and says, “I want to be here. I do. I just....”
And she gets him. Tells him, “Get some air. I’ll get some here.” 
He nods and he almost chokes on whatever it is inside of him. He says, “Five minutes. I’ll be back in five minutes.”
Then he rushes the fuck out of there.
Michaela and Connor come in together. They saw Wes run off, and Laurel went after Wes, but it’s Michaela and Connor who go in to see Annalise first.
Michaela can’t really form words right away.
Connor says, “Look, we really kinda need our jobs, and your house, and... you. You’re not like our mom or anything, but we need you too.”
Michaela squeaks in agreement, and then she says that if anyone could get through this, it would be Annalise. “Whatever you decide, we will stand by you. It’s what you’ve trained us to do.”
Annalise tells them to get it together or get out. They hug her. She tries not to cry.
Bonnie and Frank want her to let the baby go, but they also know she won’t, so they’re making plans and schedules on who will be monitoring her, and when and for how long. They immediately make plans and deals with nurses to reserve a bed in the NICU for the baby.
Wes literally goes outside and starts wailing on dumpsters and screaming. 
Laurel mentions that they should invest in soundproof rooms at hospitals for this purpose. She reminds him that he freaked out less when Sam died than now.
He tells her that this has to be karma. This is what happens when you kill a woman’s husband and then get her pregnant. “God laughs at you. He gives you everything you could have possibly imagined. He gives you the possibility of having a family, a real one that will support you and care for you and foster you into who you’re meant to be. And then just when it seems like maybe everything’s going to work out, He rips them away from you.”
Laurel says, “Wes, it’s not karma —“
“It is! I did this! I killed her.”
“You didn’t—“
His finger jams into his chest so hard that she fears he’s gonna break it. “I got her pregnant. I gave her this hope. And now she’s gonna die. Because of me.”
“Because her heart’s overworked.”
“No, because I protected Rebecca instead of —“
“Instead of what? Letting Sam kill her? Listen to yourself.”
“I can’t! I can’t even think right now. I should be in there with her, comforting her, saying whatever it is she needs to hear to make the right decision and save herself over this baby. Only… only…”
He has tears in his eyes, and Laurel understands why.
“You want the baby.”
A tear slips out, and Wes groans. “I want her so badly.”
They decide to go with Bonnie and Frank’s plan -- have the baby but stay on top of everything. They’ve lost enough people in this life, and they’re not losing anyone else.
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niuttuc · 5 years
If all of you walkers competed at Valor's Reach how would they team up and who do you think would have the best chance of going all the way?
Oof. I have quite a few of these. Let's see, with only the planeswalkers...
Ivegard ( R ) / Nyrhen (G) : Nyrhen's more accepting of Ivegard than other Eyeblights because people from Lorwyn automatically are better. Ivegard can't stand the guy, but it isn't her first time working with him. They're a scary combination that I wouldn't want to stand against. Ivegard might manage to stop Nyrhen from murdering his opponents or the referee. They'd have a chance to win the tournament.
Ecxilet (WUB) / Arega (GU) : A lot of complementaries between the two, and similar enough minds for them to work well together. If Dulbert is with them, a decent chance at victory, otherwise they will only last a few rounds.
Icalia (W(B)) / Arnoss (WRG) : removing the opponents' magic levels the playing field to a fight, and Arnoss can protect Icalia when her wings couldn't. There isn't much that can take him directly without magic, and Icalia has a few other tricks. They could get decently far.
The Cursetamer (UBG) / Annalise (WBG) : Yes, she cheated, Annalise isn't a planeswalker. She does that. They'd likely stomp through opposition together, and be disqualified for murder through the protection spells on round 1.
Licid (Colorless) / Kavu (RG) : Licid prefers sentient hosts, but they can take the lead. I have no idea how the team would even subscribe or actually participate in a tournament, but Alamir isn't a planeswalker so he isn't invited. Does not make it past the admission forms.
Quzawe (URG) / Regellen ( R ) : They wouldn't have it any other way, and are very, very dangerous. Perhaps for the audience, too, unless they keep it down. Likely not interested in competing anyway.
Dolores (BR) / Dancing-Hands (WU): An odd pairing, for sure though one with potential. They can agree on pragmatism and paper cuts hurt. Dancing-Hands can provide protection to Dolores while she works, and her work can be very incapacitating while nonlethal. A very decent fighting chance all and all.
Szyra (UBG) / Anedia Kosel (UB) : they'd fit well together and a variant of dementia magic associated with nightmares can always work well. Still, neither of their magic is very useful in an arena fight, so they'd lose pretty quickly.
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