#unfortunately to her shes living her trauma getting framed and being sent to prison AGAIN
I Don’t Know Who I am Without You Ch4
A/N: It's been a long time since I updated this one. I hope you like the chapter and I hope it provides a welcome distraction from the crisis we are currently experiencing all around the world.
Curtis frowned when he walked into the bunker and found a box sitting on the table addressed to Team Arrow. He opened the small box to reveal a picture of Felicity and William and beneath it a drive. 
Brow furrowing, he grabbed the drive and plugged it in and watched horrified as Diaz broke into Felicity's home and attacked her. 
"What the hell is that?" 
Curtis jumped at the sound of John's booming voice, he spun around and saw John's eyes zeroed in on the footage. 
"I found this addressed to the team." Curtis held out the photo. 
John took it, and his hand started to shake as he stared at the faces of Felicity and William. William looking into the camera, a light in his eyes. Felicity laughing freely, her arm tucked around the boy. 
Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the photo. "Diaz sent this?"
"I think so, and there's a surveillance video."
"Play it," John ordered. 
John's heart pounded as he watches Felicity walk into the frame then stumble back suddenly as Diaz entered the room. He tensed as he watched Felicity grab the nearest thing she had. A coffee pot and throw it at Diaz before running. 
Diaz slammed into her from behind, she crashed into the floor, head smashing against the coffee table. Still, she rolled and kicked Diaz in the chest, knocking him back. 
"Felicity!" William appeared in the frame, scared. 
"Run! Get out now!" Felicity yelled at him, and the young boy hesitated. "Now, William!" 
William took off running, and Felicity grabbed a hot poker and swung it at Diaz, sending him crashing to the floor, but he kicked her feet out from beneath her. Felicity hit the floor hard, she scrambled back to her feet, reaching for the fallen poker. 
Diaz threw himself at her sending her crashing into the table. He turned her and slammed his fist into her face, splitting her lip and pulled out a gun, slowly getting back to his feet and aimed it at her. 
"Do you have any idea how much I wish Oliver was here?" Diaz grunted, his voice low and scratchy. "To have him helpless as I put a bullet in your skull. How satisfying it would be for him to see his son's chest riddled with bullets."
"If you touch him, I'll..-"
"You'll what? Hack me to death? Make idle threats you can't back up?"
"I'll kill you." 
Diaz laughed. "You don't have what it takes to kill, sweetheart."
"You don't know what I'm willing to do to protect my son!" 
"You can't protect anyone when you're dead." he ground out, his finger tightening on the trigger.  
"No!" William appeared suddenly, throwing himself into Diaz. 
The gun sounded, and Digg flinched. His chest tightening as Felicity gave a startled cry of pain. 
Felicity lept to her feet, yanking William away from Diaz and grabbed the hot poker, and swung it at Diaz's head when he started to get back up. 
He collapses to the floor, clutching his head, and Felicity grabbed William by the arm, dragging him out. "Get to the car!" 
John watched with bated breath as the screen went black for several minutes then came back, with the image of a car, speeding down the street. 
He knew it was coming, but it didn't stop the pain from ripping into him as he watches the car explode, fire engulfing it until nothing was left. 
"God, that was hard to watch." Curtis swallowed the lump in his throat. 
John shook, hands clenching into a fist, the picture in his hands crumpled. In a fit of anger, he swept his arm out, sending the computers crashing. 
"John!" Curtis yelled. 
John didn't stop there though, he picked up a fallen computer and sent it crashing into the glass case that held his spartan suit, glass flying everywhere. 
Curtis backed away alarmed, not used to seeing John Diggle, who was, for the most part, calm and collected so livid with rage. 
John whirled around anger burning in his eyes. "He doesn't get away with this. I don't care what we have to do. We're going to take this son of a bitch down. He is not going to kill another family."
Curtis nodded. There was nothing to say. John was right. Diaz needed to be brought to justice for what he did to their own. 
                                                    ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
"You've got a letter, Queen." 
Oliver didn't so much as look up as the letter landed on his cell floor. Instead, he stared at his hands, discovered black and blue, the skin split, splatters of blood. 
Oliver clenched his fist, and he felt pain, but it was nothing compared to the pain in his chest with every breath he took, knowing he was alone. 
His son was dead, and Felicity was gone from the world. Why was he even still breathing? What was the point?
"I think you should really take a look at that letter, Queen, or should I say Green Arrow." 
Oliver looked up slowly, eyes hard as he stared at the guard. He didn't like the way the man's eyes gleamed or the sick smirk tugging at his lips. 
Oliver stood and knelt down, grabbing the letter, seeing it only had his name and no forward address, he opened it. Inside was a small note. 
Such a shame to lose your family so brutally. I wish you could have seen it. You still can. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did, Diaz.
Oliver crumpled the letter up in his hand, dropping it to the floor. He pulled out a small stack of photos. He clenched his jaw as his eyes iced over.
The picture of a burning car, staring back at him, had his heart clenching in the worst way imaginable. Just the sight of it made him believe he could hear the sound of his wife and son's cries as they were burnt alive. Hear William crying out for his father, hear Felicity screaming for him. 
He moved to the second picture, and it was another one of the vehicle, the flames burning higher. He moved to the last film, the fire was out, but all that was left was the charred wreckage. 
Oliver's grief and sorrow were quickly being consumed by the raw anger coursing through his veins. 
"Diaz sends his regards." Oliver's head snapped up to the guard, seeing his hands wrapped around the bars. 
The smirk, his words, the look in his eyes, all of it was triggering, screaming at him one fact. He was one of the people under Diaz's pay.
Oliver lunge, his arms reaching between the bars and yanking the officer into them until he could grasp him by the head. He slammed the guard's head against the bars again and again. Inmates started to yell and cheer. 
Minutes later, the other guards intervened, swinging their batons at his arms, weakening his hold and dragging the officer out of his reach. 
The guard was unconscious and bleeding, his face covered in so much blood. The blood had dripped down on Oliver's wrist and arms. 
Seeing the man bloody and battered did nothing to quell Oliver's rage. When the other guards opened his cell. He fought because why the hell not he needed an outlet for his anger.
He took down three of them before one took his baton and struck behind his bad knee, sending him to the floor. After they were like a pack of hyenas, hitting him all at once, he didn't block the blows. 
Oliver allowed every strike to hit him. 
The pain that shook him was welcoming. He wanted it. 
Felicity and William's last moments on this earth were filled with excruciating pain. It was only right that he suffer even a small fraction of that pain. 
He was the reason they were dead. If he had been there, maybe his wife and son would still be alive. 
He never should have left the island. He never should have come home. 
Felicity would be alive and safe, probably running her own company by now. 
And William would still be alive, living with Samantha in Central City. 
Everything that went wrong in their lives boiled down to him. He destroyed everything he touched. No matter how much he loved them, it didn't change one undeniable fact. 
He was poison to everyone he came into contact with. 
It was going to stop when he killed Diaz. 
Once he accomplished that there would be nothing left for him. There was no point for him to go on. 
                                                    ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Being thrown into the hole had become the new norm in the coming weeks for Oliver. 
He spent more time there than he did in his actual cell. 
It got to the point that he no longer could keep track of the time or the days. 
When Oliver was free, he spent it searching for anyone inside who had ties to Diaz he could exploit, but so far, he was coming up empty. The only connection he found was the dirty prison guard he bloodied his hands with. Unfortunately, for both of them, the man had too much head trauma and had fallen into a coma. 
It was one thing Oliver did not feel an ounce of guilt for doing. 
He was sure he would finish the job if the guard ever woke up. 
It was no surprise that he snapped on a single notice in the prison yard when he was approached by a man twice his size, with an ugly smirk. 
The man really should have never even mentioned his wife. 
"Arrow, what good was it saving the city when you couldn't even protect your own wife." 
Oliver was on a weight bench, but he rose up slowly, eyes narrowing as the man pulled out his picture of Felicity from his jumpsuit. 
"How did you get that?" Oliver ground out, his eyes darkening rapidly. 
The man smirked. "She really is a looker. I'll give you that. Too bad she's dead. I get out in two months. I would have loved to get between her thighs and give her what you no longer can. I could have been your son's new father. I hate kids, but if I could have stuck it to your wife, it would have been worth it." 
"One more word about my wife, and I will break you." Oliver's vision was decreasing rapidly, and all he could see was this piece shit speaking of his late wife, his soulmate, so disrespectfully.
The guy steps closer. "Tell me, was she a screamer? How good was she?"
Oliver snapped. He struck his hand out, his hand smashing into the man's breast bone. 
The man stumbled back, abruptly coughing. 
Oliver struck again, chopping him in the throat. As the man choked, clutching his neck, he whirled around, ripping the weight bar from the bench and slammed it into the man's ribs. He followed it up with an attempt to take the man's head off, swinging the bar like it was a baseball bat. 
The man crash to the ground with a sickening crack. Oliver kicked him onto his back, the thought of stopping, not even crossing his mind. 
He climbed over the man, tossing the weight bar aside and started pounding his fist into the bastard's face. His words ringing in his ears. 
He didn't stop. He couldn't. He struck him again and again until he felt the shocks of a taser. The sharp stab of a needle in his neck, something being injected into him. The alarms of the prison blaring loudly. 
His vision blurred. The last thing he saw was the man he had beaten to the inch of his life, face bloody, near unrecognizable. 
Oliver slumped to the ground, the darkness surrounding him, and he welcomed it.
It was all he had left. 
                                                 ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Digg walked through the doors of Slab Slide. He hadn't been there since he had delivered the news of Felicity's and William's death.
It had been weeks. It was no easier walking through the doors with the intent to see Oliver than it was the first time. Digg's chest was heavy with failure every second of every day. He failed to do the one thing Oliver asked of him. To protect his family. 
Still, he had received calls from a friend who worked inside Slab Slide who spoke of Oliver's outburst. How he had attacked a guard. Digg came to see Oliver with the intention of trying to reach his friend. 
Oliver needed to be reminded of the man Felicity fell in love with. 
She wouldn't want this for him. He failed to protect Felicity and William, but there was still a chance he could save Oliver from himself, from the darkness he was letting consume him. 
"What do you mean, I can't see him?" Digg demanded after he was told, Oliver's rights to visitors had been revoked. 
"Mr. Queen has been experiencing violent outbursts. It's gotten to the point that we had to separate him from the other prisoners."
"What did he do?" John asked warily. He hoped Oliver hadn't completely lost it and killed someone in cold blood. He had watched his brother come so far since his days as the Hood. 
"I'm not at liberty to discuss that." The officer replied. 
Diggle glared harshly. "If I cannot see my brother, the least you can do is tell me why?"
His glare must have done exactly what he wanted because the guard looked around nervously before replying. "He attacked a guard, putting him in a coma, and he beat another inmate nearly to death a few days ago. He hasn't woken up, and there is little brain activity. It doesn't look good. If he doesn't pull through, Mr. Queen is looking at another murder charge." 
"Jesus, Oliver." Digg cursed. Maybe he was too late. Maybe he couldn't stop Oliver from giving in to his demons and becoming the man he was when he first met him. A man who was lost, searching for the light, only this time, his guiding light had been extinguished. 
                                               ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Lyla was unsure what more she could do to help her husband. 
Johnny was having such a hard time with everything. He blamed himself for William and Felicity's death, for Oliver's turn to his darker side. 
It wasn't his fault. Lyla wanted to help him see that, but she was starting to think that the only way to do that was to give him closure. 
Maybe then, he would be able to stop blaming himself for something he could not change. 
The only way she thought he would be able to do that was to make peace with what happened. She didn't know how to help him do that, but she figured a good start would be to go to the crime scene. 
Maybe if she found something, anything that could lead them back to Diaz, it would help Johnny and the Team in some way, and perhaps it could give Oliver peace of mind. 
Oliver was never going to be able to get justice for his family as long as he was behind bars. It was up to her and Johnny and the Team to get it for him. 
They owed not only Oliver that much but Felicity and William as well. 
Lyla started with the safe house, other than Argus, and the feds investigating the scene everything was left as it was the day Felicity and William were killed. The living room and kitchen were in shambles, there were spots of blood staining the floor. 
Lyla moved through the home, realizing Felicity and William's things were still there. 
She swallowed down the lump that filled her throat. Since Donna and Thea were still in the dark about what happened, it was up to Johnny and her to take care of Felicity and William's belongings, and they hadn't. 
A part of her knew they stayed away because if they left their belongings alone, it was almost like they were waiting for them to come home. 
It was a misplaced hope because Felicity and William were never walking back through the door. They were gone. 
Lyla picked up a framed picture. It was at Oliver and Felicity's reception. 
They were all gathered around a table, laughing. Felicity was tucked between her boys, and William was tuck into his father's other side.  
Lyla opened the frame and took the picture, slipping the photograph into her jacket. Wanting to give it to Johnny so he could have something of the other side of their family. 
She walked out following the path she knew where it happened. 
Where Felicity's car blew up with her and William inside it. 
The wreckage was no longer there, but Lyla still remembered walking onto the crime scene the first time, seeing the destroyed vehicle for herself. How it had been burnt so badly, no human remains could survive such an explosion.
Lyla's eyes moved over the scene. She frowned when she spotted something on the ground a few feet away from where the car was found. She crouched down low. 
There was a stain of blood on the ground leading into an alley. 
Her frown deepened. Why hadn't they noticed the blood before? 
How could they have overlooked such an important detail? 
They knew from the shell casing that was discovered at the crime scene that a gun had been fired. What if someone was actually hit?
What if Felicity or William had been hit? 
If they were bleeding but were in the car when it exploded, how did their blood end up on the ground? 
Unless Felicity and William had escaped the car before it blew and that would explain why there were nobodies. 
She followed the blood. It led her to an alley with a dumpster. The blood stopped. She whirled around her heart, sinking as the trailed ended. 
She turned again, and something glittered, poking out from behind the dumpster. 
Frowning, Lyla scooped down, heart pounding in her chest, as she lifted the white gold charmed bracelet. 
She would recognize it anywhere. 
Johnny gave it to Felicity for her birthday two years ago. It was a beautiful charm bracelet with an arrowhead, a knight, and a wifi charm.
Felicity wore the bracelet every single day. 
Lyla's breath rushed out of her. A weight being lifted off her chest as she was filled with a knowledge she believed with every fiber of her being. 
Felicity and William were not in the car when it blew. They had gotten out. They got away, and they were out there somewhere.
She had to tell Johnny. They had to tell Oliver and the rest of the Team. 
And most importantly, they had to find them at all cost and make this right. 
A/N: Thanks for reading. Until next time. Stay safe everyone!
I don’t currently have tag list for this story so if you want me tag just let me know. 
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