#underestimating my overfixations
bartimaeus · 3 months
Yesterday I told my therapist that I've been following the same TV show for the past seven months and I can't get over it (YES OF COURSE IT'S GOOS OMENS)
And her reaction was "Wow, how many episodes is it? It must be a long ass show if you haven't finished it in 7 months!"
Me: *neurodivergent silence*
Me: "No, it's not that, I've been rewatching it over and over ever since"
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redlenai · 2 years
So, Red, did you get your results to know if you’re autistic?
I lost the interest the moment my mom literally said to my face that my career is an overfixation. Well, more like that lost the interest is more like
“Oh, great, another reason to be underestimated and labeled? Then I don’t want it”
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bananagrin · 5 years
【Give Me a Character】
It’s Bushroot’s turn, he’s one complex nugget
Why I like them
He... Dr. Reginald Bushroot. He has a lot of potential; I admit he’s got Prah-blems Disorder with a capital P, yet his episodes make me root for him to do something good despite.
Reggie is an emotional man who’s in touch with his wants and his passions. However, he’s also acutely aware of his shortcomings - and I don’t just mean his flaws, I mean what he doesn’t have, what he can’t do.
The way I see it, he could go one of two ways: he could use his hypersensitivity to generate significant amounts of sympathy and kindness should he learn to work with what he has, or he could become a self-driven emotional sinkhole obsessed with repairing himself by lashing out at others, AKA revenge, and eventually go mad and dig himself so deep he’ll be alone and friendless for the rest of his life.
Either of those extremes are just as likely; I don’t see him being able to hang around “true neutral” for very long. Additionally, he could be a fantastic ally towards women if he tried, as an abuse victim himself. But the way he is in the show, he has a lot of work to do and fortunately he’s not too far gone.
Two more things: I love that he’s a villainous version of an INFP. There aren’t a lot of those, and it’s one of the reasons INFPs are so underestimated. Emotional overfixation can be a hell of a drug. And then also, relatedly, since there are a lot of INFPs who are like this in my experience, his connection and compassion towards plants is admirable. I love characters who have a genuine understanding of living entities so unlike themselves, it’s very refreshing.
Why I don’t
Need I say? He’s quite mean for someone who’s “not sinister.” He’s a bit of a hypocrite, which is very annoying, both on its own and because he uses it to cover up personal issues he could be addressing.
And then, there’s his history with women. Reggie. My dude. Yikes. Bad vibes, my dude, bad vibes. You need a major vibe check
Also, I didn’t notice this when I watched him as a tween?? But he is so whiny. It gets grating, just, use your normal voice Reg.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Unusually for me, the noncanon A Star is Scorned has some great Bootboy in it. &The first half of It’s a Wonderful Leaf
Favorite season/movie
Still... still the whole thing. Two whole seasons, I think?
Favorite line
Not much of a standout, but his spontaneous “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you” to Gosalyn was probably the most instinctively kind act he did in the whole show
Favorite outfit
Hhhhe... nakey. You could call it “au natural” *bdm-tsh*
But IMO he ought to wear his lab coat more.
Nope. No. Not yet, not how he is. He needs to learn how to be a good friend first. And before that he needs to learn to be a good mutant Grass-type Pokemon in general
Literally anyone, I guess. There isn’t really anyone on the show who meshes with him... He’s actually kind of reserved, for somebody whose motivation is to have a companion.
Head Canon
This is a very out-there headcanon inspired by the sci-fi/horror themes of his first episode, but I like to imagine that, in addition to the entire rest of his body changes (cellular, outer, inner... he apparently gots no bones in there) his brain chemistry also changed. There are some emotions, like certain evolutionary fears, for instance, that are instinctual for animals. Perhaps he can’t connect to people as well as he could before his mutation, because the way he experiences life is forever altered by his strange new genetics. It’s a spooky thought, and I like it.
Unpopular opinion
He... is not an “uwu cutie sweet innocent boy.” He is not naive, he is not all that mellow, he is not weak; he murdered two people and his empathy has an on/off switch, which is kind of terrifying
A wish
Please get better, Dr. Boots. You can do it
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
Please don’t get a girlfriend any time soon
5 words to best describe them
Driven, touchy, layered, nerdy, underestimated
My nickname for them
I call him “Boots” as a shortening of Bushroot. (I do the same for Gyro Gearloose, who I call “Goose” and “Juice”)
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