#uhhhh how much of a thing are exe ocs even on tumblr. idk. well wahtever
wr0ngwarp · 2 years
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----- finally make an actual exe oc AND hes loosely based on blue knuckles from sonic 3 and knuckles. ya. his name is debug_hero......... rambling about him a little bit under the cut
basicaly the cartridge he was in got totally fucked up and corrupted which ended up killing off the main heroes (and possibly also eggman, after all blue knuckles largely only fights eggrobo ingame). "blue knuckles" (or... whatever i'll call him lmao) was put together from the heroes by an unknown third party in order to continue trying to play out the motions of saving the world, but since everything's so busted he wasnt really. Able. to do that without the use of debug mode, which has corrupted things even further to near-unrecognizability
he has a sort of detached and quiet personality, and has a weird combination of being sort of nihilistic (comes with the package of being a corpse zombie in a broken videogame?) but also firmly responsible and dedicated to his "job." scared of (and prone to violently lashing out at) change and new things even if they're not necessarily bad because he doesn't want to lose what's left but doesn't think a better world would have any place for something like himself. the souls of the og sonic, tails, and knuckles are still kind of present and "attached" to him though and come to the surface sometimes. (he has the memories of all three, which is. overwhelming for him.) HATES anyone seeing his true form for any reason, though even in his "disguise" he still has pretty visibly jerky, limping movements.
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