#uhhh most ntable with all this is also ment of nuclear apocalypse
adhdo5 · 3 years
I would like to know reasons (though I think I can guess 12’s)
Under cut for Long, and obviously bodily harm/injury 
- Founder and Outsider’s are self explanatory. Watsonian: Founder augmented before starting the band and later helped formalize/standardize the secular/standard mechanization process, and Outsider met Founder onplanet somewhere and converted to the space Mekhanite church before being mechanized standardways. Doylian: if it ain’t broke don’t fix it - Nazarene’s as stigmata is (Watsonian) not actually related to her immortality; considered a prototype drive. Doylian-wise it’s also just the most iconic injury  - Philosopher’s in-universe is a result of suffocation/drowning and out-of-universe was picked bc of his breathing/hyperventilation/drowning motifs in general  - Ambassador Watsonian: had gotten in trouble with a rough crowd that cut his tongue out before getting picked up by the band and mechanized; Doylian: “silver-tongued” metaphor and I also didn’t want to draw a face/skin mechanism  - Forward Watsonian is yet undecided but the Doylian reason is because of the agency fuckery motifs that come with the whole motion control thing and also the general exoskeleton vibe  - Cowboy Watsonian is that he’d fucked his hearing up with firearm use pre-mechanization and Doylian is that he was already similarly afflicted in mainline and the same symbolism applies - Teeth is Teeth in every AU  - Lesser’s Watsonian is also yet undecided and Doylian is that it kinda works with the fact that his muse does stand sometimes but refuses to do so for long periods of time  - Archivist’s in-universe and metaphorical reasons are similar: bone marrow is one of the tissues most immediately damaged by radiation. She’s literally felt Armageddon in her bones (her planet got fucked by nuclear apocalypse and she was dying of radiation damage when she was mechanized) - Bureaucrat has perception fuckery motifs and he cut his own eyes out pre-mechanization upon witnessing [DATA EXPUNGED]. Also he keeps his eyes covered most of the time anyway in most of the stuff I draw with him so it works  - Physician lungs because waterbreathing obviously but less obviously: the TCM associations of lungs with overall circulation of fluids and Qi throughout the body, assumed role in protection from external pathogens, and emotional associations with grief and Letting Go (in his case, of literal memories)  - Tamlin’s was also not intrinsic to her immortality, but rather a cope thereof -- once she stumbled into the time fuckery she was unable to deal with/conceptualize it until she was mechanized! I am going with the hippocampus bc as far as I can tell that is involved with a LOT of memory storage which is a key part of time perception 
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