#uhhh Black is black tie hes rich and he lives alone in some giant mansion and when
vani-ash · 3 months
Happy BirthdayJeff! Have some Jeffcest! :)
Sunshine watched as Ghost led Lucid to the garden he had been secretly tending to.
Lucid had a blindfold covering his eyes, and Ghost led him by his hand, a soft and excited smile on his face.
"Okay, stop, we're here," Ghost said and let go of Lucids hand.
He stepped closer into Lucids personal space and took a few more seconds than necessary, staring at the smile on Lucids face before finally moving to remove the blindfold.
Sunshine couldn't blame Ghost, Lucid was very pretty with the blindfold on. Maybe Sunshine should ask Ghost to borrow it sometime...
Ghost walked around to stand behind Lucid and slowly undid the knot, pulling the blindfold off and stepping back.
The look of wonder and astonishment on Lucids face was a sight Sunshine wanted to burn into his brain.
Lucid looked back at Ghost for a second,"You... You did this? You made this garden?"
Ghost nods,"Do you like it?" He asks, slightly nervous. Ghost knew he shouldn't be nervous. He had spent months tending to the garden until he deemed it worth of Lucid. He knew it was good, and yet he was still nervous that somehow Lucid wouldn't like it.
Lucid tilts his head to the side and laughs softly before he takes a few steps, closing the distance between them. "I love it." Lucid says as he grabs Ghost face and kisses him.
Sunshine feels his lips twitch up at one side.
Lucid, let's go of Ghosts face slowly pulling back. Sunshine can see his lips moving, but he is too far away to hear it, then Lucid is spinning away from Ghost, reaching out to pull his hand and practically bouncing away to look at the gift he had just been bestowed, dragging Ghost along behind him.
Lucids eyes shone as he takes it all in.
How Ghost had managed to plant and maintain everything in such a hostile environment was a miracle to Lucid.
Lucid stops his boncing around at one particular flower bush. He stays completely still and gently lets go of Ghosts hand and lifts it out to the flower. When Lucid pulls back, Sunshine can see that a butterfly has landed on his finger.
Lucids turn around slowly and show the butterfly to Ghost,"Look," Lucid speaks softly, but even from Sunshines spot, he can tell how excited Lucid is.
"It's been so long since I last saw one." Lucid continues wistfully.
Ghost seems mesmerised by the insect. His mouth parted as he watched Lucid take the garden in.
"I've... I've never seen one." Ghost admits.
Lucids head turns from the butterfly on his finger to Ghost so fast Sunshine would be surprised if he didn't feel a little pain during the motion.
"Never?" He exclaims.
Ghost shakes his head,"I mean, I've seen photos before, but not like a real one, it's pretty."
Lucid looks back and forth between the butterfly sitting on his finger to Ghost. He moves his hand so it's directly in front of Ghosts face, but it's too quick for the butterfly and causes it to fly away.
Ghost smiles as Lucid smiles sheepishly,"Sorry, I scared it, and it flew off, I'll catch it again."
Before he can go after the butterfly, Ghost grabs Lucids wrist and shakes his head,"Don't worry about it." Ghost nods his head in a direction,"Come on this way."
Following along, Lucid eyes keep darting around every direction, still taking in the view.
When they stop, he looks up to see a tree. He tilts his head in question at Ghost, who laughs, before taking out a knife.
Lucid watched confused as Ghost started to carve into the tree.
"What are you..."
When Ghost pulls away, Lucid can see a heart with the letters 'G + L' inside.
"So this is where you disappeared too."
Turning away from the view below of Lucid pushing Ghost into the tree and kissing him, Sunshine sees Black walking towards him.
Sunshine grins at him,"Miss me?"
Black scoffs,"No."
Sunshine laughs to himself and gestures to the seat opposite himself. He looks back down at the other two for a brief moment. They were so caught up in each other that they had still yet to notice their audience.
Sunshine then turns his attention back to Black.
"You wound me." Sunshine places his elbows on the table and leans his head into his hands, pouting up at Black.
Black just stares unimpressed at him but does take the offered seat.
Black glances down at the two in the garden,"What are they- are they fucking in my garden?" Black exclaims.
Sunshine laughs.
"When I said he could do what he wanted with that wasteland eyesore, I didn't mean have sex in it!"
Sunshine pulls back and looks back down into the garden,"No? Should have specified then."
Black grumbles to himself for a minute, and when Sunshine notices him about to call out to the two, he stops him.
"Let them be."
Black glares at Sunshine,"If they want to fuck they can do it in private. Not where I can see."
Sunshine watches Black for a moment.
When he had first met him, he was just a spoiled rich kid who had their face, but now Sunshine could see he was so much more but he hid it behind his anger and coldness.
Black was lonely. That's why he let them stay.
"You don't need to be jealous." Sunshine stated, watching as Blacks eyes widened and he started going slightly red.
"Why would I- I'm not- They- You!"
Sunshine stands up and quickly leans across the table, cupping Blacks face with one hand and using the other to pull on Blacks tie and bring him closer. Sunshine kisses him forcefully.
How could he have let one of them feel lonely?
Black is too stunned to react at first, but then he pulls back and slaps Sunshine.
"Bastard!" Black yells before standing up and running away.
Sunshine watches him go. He brings his hand to his cheek and smiles.
When Black is entirely out of view, Sunshine turns back to the garden.
Ghost and Lucid staring up at him confused.
Sunshine waves his other hand down at them.
"Where's my initial?" He calls down.
"Come carve it yourself!" Lucid calls back holding the knife out as if Sunshine could reach it from where he was.
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