#ugh i'll shut up but my god am i appalled
whoiskt · 2 years
End-of-year questions for 2021 under cut
1: What did you do in 2021 that you’d never done before?
Lots of running related based ones so I'll just say the biggest accomplishment which was running a 5k, without hardly stopping to walk. Got my passport finally. Went the furthest East I've ever been. Finished and wore an entirely handmade cosplay. I worked 9 days in a row which was horrible. See, not all new experiences are good 😅
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution was to stop saying "I think" so much, especially when I was completely sure. Confidence-based thing yet. I've gotten better but I still mess up.
What matters most to me going into the new year is getting out and doing stuff. I want to go out more and just do more of everything. So, my resolution will probably be something related. Thinking of making weekly goals even?
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
4: Did anyone close to you die?
Also, no!
5: What countries did you visit?
I stayed right where I am, thank you continued global pandemic.
6: What would you like to have in 2022 that you lacked in 2021?
(Leans into mic) a career, please. AND ALL THE FOO FIGHTERS MERCH (the character not the band)
7: What dates from 2021 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
You overestimate my memory.
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I made a friend :) and many people have told me that the pictures I took of them was their all-time fave which means so much to me 💕
9: What was your biggest failure?
Eh, probably not finding a job still but that's acting like I haven't given up which most of the time I have. I study and practice for interviews but I'm just not a smooth talker. Just isn't cutting it, I guess.
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
I got sick 3 times this year!! THREE! And they were all pretty nasty. I hate working in retail, oh my god.
11: What was the best thing you bought?
My phone. Although it was a gift... But I was prepared to buy it myself.
I also rocked at Christmas gifting this year. 🤟 Hell yeah!
12: Whose behavior merited celebration?
I love my boyfriend so I'm always inclined to say Will. He's so nice to me 🥲
I also enjoy the people who stand up for themselves. One little example of this was there was a new boss at work who was helping a customer who swore at him and he shut it down like, "Ma'am I'm trying to help you but if you're going to use language like that then we're done here and you can shop elsewhere." Mad respect.
13: Whose behavior made you appalled?
So, so many people. Definitely the guy who was revealed to only being hanging out with us to get to this one girl, cheated on his girlfriend with her, and messed up our friend group. I'd legit slash his tires but I hold back.
14: Where did most of your money go?
Damn, I don't even KNOW sometimes.
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going back to in-person events. Vacation. Ugh, I just love being in hotels away from home. So magical.
16: What song will always remind you of 2021?
Probably the big Lil Nas X songs released this year.
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer?
Probably happier? Bring quarantined was not fun. Probably about the same, idk. Also still probably about the same, haha. Richer in having more stuff, I guess?
18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Chores. But in that way where I more wish they were done by past me rather than current me having to do them. Ya know?
19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sweat. 😅
20: How did you spend Christmas?
Usual Christmas with the family back home. I will never do anything different.
21: Did you fall in love in 2021?
I fall more in love everyday and it fucking rocks.
22: What was your favorite TV program?
Some things I enjoyed this year: Mob Psycho, Invincible, HunterxHunter, New Girl, Castlevania, Schitt's Creek, Demon Slayer, The Queen's Gambit, Attack on Titan, and Doctor Stone. Did a lot of rewatching this year too 😅
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Yes 😒
24: What was the best book you read?
I haven't been reading books but I got Dune for Christmas so I'm gonna read that soon. I read Chainsaw Man and loved that, though.
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
Not sure I branched it too much this year? Or I branched so much out and forgot to discover?
26: What did you want and get?
Foo Fighters merch increased from 2 extremely obscure keychain/figure, to now several things. I haven't actually bought any of them yet though.
27: What did you want and not get?
A jooooooob 😔
28: What was your favorite film of this year?
I have some catching up to do because quite a few films I wanted to see I accidentally missed their run in theaters. Spiderman was pretty good. I'm glad Tom Holland finally got his own movie since the previous Spiderman movies were more about Ironman than him. I also enjoyed Free Guy.
29: What one thing that made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Stone Ocean announcement and first batch of episodes dropped.
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2021?
Target apparel. Pretty much exclusively. 😂 Using that discount.
31: What kept you sane?
Foo Fighters animated. Vacation planning. Periodically melting down. Socializing (even when I didn't want to).
Going for walks/runs.
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
None but I keep seeing the actor who plays Winston in New Girl everywhere in ads and I scream every time. Not for the actor. For Winston.
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
Hm, well abortion access is back under threat this year. Worker's rights. Vaccination. Fatphobia. Transphobia. I don't know I get stirred by a lot of things it's probably not good for me mentally.
34: Who did you miss?
I miss many people. Some I'm not sure I know. Will's in the other room right now and I miss him.
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2021.
It's all about connecting with people who are open to growth. It's about consistently dedicating yourself to personal change. I suck at that but it's true. (Kinda knew this already but! Sometimes you gotta learn a lesson multiple times.)
Not the best year for my social anxiety. It is deadass so hard to become my friend right now because I don't trust anyone. What I realized about closing myself off to people is it doesn't hurt any less when the "betrayal" comes. It doesn't feel like a bullet dodged, it's still a wound.
So, it's not about avoiding people. It's about finding the right ones.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
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enigmaticmaki · 4 years
A Stor Mo Chroi
In which our character will miss a certain Senpai as his graduation looms near. Reblogs are appreciated! Enjoy!
A/N: My OC's name is Fulnis, but feel free to imagine your character as well lol
"Would you play a song for me?"
Johann looks over at you in surprise, fingers pausing their motion on the cello's bridge, bow suspended as the music halted into a quiet.
"Wasn't I already?" He asks, golden eyes squinted in confusion.
You run your hands across the velvet plush seats, aligned in rows extending towards the back of the auditorium, with the abrupt urge to dig your nails into them.
You were here with Johann Chu to hear him practice his piece for the opening ceremony in honor of the incoming freshmen. A whole year has passed, and your senpai had one final year in Cassell College before officially being a dragonslayer. One final year before he is forced into the path fate deemed him suitable. It somehow made your gut wrench, and your lips quirk into an emotionless smile wondering if you'd miss him.
You probably will. Terribly.
Gods you still had a year, why were you so emotional? If anything, he'd probably go with a bang. Caesar would throw Johann's farewell party himself just to spite him, despite having already graduated this year.
The thought lightened your mood a bit.
You whirled around to meet his eyes, and answered "No, none of that classical shit you're playing. Besides, you seem more of a Brahms instead of a Bach."
Johann somehow took offense in this, though he had no idea what you meant. Seeing the appalled look on his face, you shrugged and came over to the stage where he sat by his lonesome; footsteps echoing through the haunting silence of the empty auditorium.
"You said you liked Irish folk songs, didn't you?" You asked, moving past him and settling yourself on the piano.
"I seem to recall having said so, yes," Johann replied, turning over to watch you run your fingers across black and white keys. The song was more suited to a harp but you supposed a piano would do.
"Are you familiar with A Stor Mo Chroi?"
Johann's eyebrows raise in surprise, before closing his eyes in contemplation.
"I think I remember the notes to it, yes."
"Play it with me."
You raise your fingers towards the keys, and begin playing the opening notes knowing Johann will follow along the melody on his cello.
Once you hear him start playing, you softly sing the words.
A stor mo chroi when you're far away
From the home you will soon be leaving
It's many's the time by night and by day
When your heart will be sorely grieving
For the stranger's land may be bright and fair
Rich in its treasures golden
But you'll pine I know for days long long ago
And the love that is never olden
A stor mo chroi in the stranger's land
There is plenty of wealth and wailing
Where gems adorn the great and the grand
Where the faces with hunger paling
To your surprise, you hear him join along for the second verse; voice carrying over well across the empty hall.
Damn, this wasn't fair, he was athletic, smart, musically inclined and he could sing??
His baritone blended with your alto, creating a harmony that carried the somber mood of the song well.
When the road it is tiresome and hard to tread
And the lights of their cities blind you
Oh turn a stor to Erin's shore
And the one that you leave behind you
A stor mo chroi when the evening mist
Over mountain and sea is falling
Oh turn a stor and then you list
And maybe you will hear me calling
For the sound of a voice you will surely miss
Somebody speedily returning
A run a run won't you come back soon
To the one that will always love you
You lift your hands from the piano as the last notes recede and the song ends, looking towards Johann. You slightly jump in your seat as you find he was already looking at you, golden eyes boring into you like they were fire.
"Is there something you'd like to say to me?"
You flinch, surprised by his instinct and taken aback at his rather straightforward question.
"None at all," you lie, averting your eyes to the empty seats as if an audience had magically appeared, "I just heard the song somewhere and thought it would be nice to share with you."
"Mmhhmm," Johann hums, slightly amused by your expression. "And I don't suppose this has to do with me graduating this year and leaving you behind?"
Damn it, when did he get so perceptive...?
You turn to him in a huff, deciding to just be honest and get it over with. You hated beating around the bush.
"And so what if I am? You're leaving in less than a year then it's probably off to the Japan Division where you get to slay dragons and attract Japanese women, not that I care."
Johann sets down his bow and cello, putting them away gently in their case and turns to you. You continue your rambling, unaware of a small smile forming on his face.
"I'm just mad they still wouldn't give me that extra credit class when you took like, three! I could be a year ahead by now as well but noooo, Professor Manstein had to be a prude and keep me in my own batch--"
"Not to mention I'll have no one to spar or train with. Luminous is there sure, but he'd rather rot in his room than go out training-"
"Hey, Fulnis."
"And this is definitely not because I'm sulking. What is there to sulk about anyway? The fact that you're going away without even addressing this thing we have between us? Was there even a thing? Ugh I don't even know why I'd call it a 'thing' when-"
You gasp and promptly choke on air when you see Johann's face hovering not 5 inches away from yours, his hands firm on your shoulders in an attempt to gain your attention.
In your ramblings, your eyes have screwed shut in an attempt to block out the severe headache that was coming on, and partly because of embarassment, and thus, have failed to notice that Johann had stood up to shake you out of your stupor.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you stare at his eyes. They really were ethereal, and you thanked Raja he didn't wear contacts today.
Fuck you fell hard, didn't you? You silently mused.
"Fulnis, are you alright?" Johann asks, bemusement lying under notes of concern.
"...A stor mo chroi." You whispered, after a moment's pause.
"I'm sorry?" He asks, not having heard you clearly.
"You. You're my stor mo chroi."
Golden eyes widen as Johann processes your words. You curse yourself silently for confessing in the manner that you did, and the heat on your cheeks has evolved into a full blown blush.
A few seconds of agonizing silence passes, and just when you were sure your heart felt heavy enough as it is, you felt a pair of hands softly take yours.
"I may be graduating, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you behind," Johann says, pulling you up to stand in front of him. You feel his fingers dance on your knuckles, your hands impossibly tiny in his.
"The Johann Chu you got to know isn't someone who leaves the ones he loves behind. The Johann Chu you know is more than the A-grader, basketball player, and celloist. Your Johann Chu is the one who likes Pony and Friends, is scared to go on extreme rides, and listens to Irish Folk songs."
He takes ahold of your chin, guiding your head to look up at him; you were holding back unwelcome tears by schooling your expression into a blank one. But your body betrayed your facade, as your shoulders visibly shook.
"That Johann Chu is yours."
Yours. He said yours. Johann Chu was yours?
You stare at him speechless. There was a ringing in your ears growing louder with each passing second, and you feel Johann clasp your hands in worry as you failed to respond.
The ringing stops and your hands escape his, only to find themselves framing his face and pulling him in for a kiss.
The silence in the auditorium had never been louder, but even that seemed muffled when you feel him reciprocate; his hands on your waist and kissing you back with such a gentleness that your heart ached.
And in the back of your mind, the Irish folk song echoed:
A run a run won't you come back soon, to the one that will always love you.
I did an angst fic, now have a kinda soft one!
A Stor Mo Chroi is a traditional Irish folk song about love and loss, and I got inspired to write this while listening to it.
The direct translation to the title is 'Darling of my Heart'.
Have a listen here!
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