#tysm bones ily!! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– once again i'm so sorry for how long my answers are lmao i am incapable of shutting up about them!!
arklay ยท 2 years
2, 11, 22, 33 and 45 for the ewskers >:)
2. how's their team work? do they share well?
i'm going to be honest, i am not sure what this means exactly, so bear with me. if we are talking in terms of working on something together and sharing the responsibilities, then it depends. they are both very domineering personalities who like to do things their own way and be in control, so as you can imagine, this can be difficult at times. they typically agree a lot on the ways things should be handled, but when they don't it will take a while of them discussing it to figure out a compromise lmao but it's rare that they'll argue over it, turning it into more of a standstill than anything until either one of them stops being stubborn, or they see the other's idea in a different perspective. that's why, in general, they don't work on the same project, and when they do, they split the responsibilities and work on them on their own
there's a lot to this question though with them i feel, because that's me just thinking mainly of them working together on scientific projects, which they don't usually do โ€“ the only time being when they work on a certain project and are employed by a certain organisation... lmao that's so vague but i'm sure you know what i'm talking about โ€“ but if we're talking about little things, they're usually good at communicating and getting it done. but i did mention in the linked ask below that they literally can't cook together or one of them (or both honestly) will get irritated, and this is just because of that whole aspect of them both being control freaks. but with things like that, they do just laugh it off immediately afterwards. so general rule of thumb is to break up the work between them and try not to overpower the other, which they've gotten better with over time
11. do they celebrate holidays? anniversaries?
short answer: no. long answer: in terms of holidays, they don't celebrate any, but funnily enough, their first Definitely Not A Date was on christmas lmao i want to write this one day because it's actually really cute, but i'm always willing to scream about it (and anything with them) if asked in dms heheh but usually they don't really do anything for any holidays because to them, it's just another day. but if one of them has an idea for plans to spend time together that don't necessarily relate to the celebrations, they will make use of the public holiday or long weekend to do that
they typically don't make a big fuss about anniversaries either, because once again, just another day, but they do try and leave work on time for once and have a nice dinner together. or if their wedding anniversary falls on a weekend that year then yeah... um, perhaps a little something in the morning before he makes her breakfast in bed <3 but they almost always celebrate at home, and i feel like they mostly just reminisce about the events over the years. i'd say he is the one who usually does more though. he has a shockingly good memory so he remembers the dates of literally everything: when they met, their first date, first kiss, the day she told him she loved him then the day he said it back, when he proposed, when they got married etc etc and will always just whisper a little 'happy [this little thing] anniversary' in her ear when they're waking up
22. does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
for the most part, not really. i think because they are both such workaholics and so focused on their ambitions, they both knew what they were getting into when their relationship took a turn towards the romantic. their work was always going to come first, and their relationship second... until it didn't. when their work keeps one of them away from home for a few more hours, the other is more interested in what's made them so focused rather than if they're okay or not, though he is more prone to worrying about her (pre-infection), only considering she's been targeted multiple times by the organisations they've worked with and she doesn't have the level of combat training he does, or the almost invincibility granted to him by the prototype virus. but time away from each other due to their work never makes them question the strength of their relationship
however, the good old uroboros project was a whole other story. that almost broke their marriage, or at least almost changed it beyond repair, because i doubt they would ever split up, probably just stay together even if it turned loveless. and funnily enough, they were working on it together. his obsession with perfecting the virus and this ideal of becoming a god in a new world made them bicker more than they ever had, and it led to arguments they never would've had beforehand, all because they were spending so much time on their work that they forgot to check in with each other. they didn't discuss their feelings much anymore, or confide in one another, and for diana, she bottled things up because she didn't want to bother him and that led to emotional outbursts. they learn from this in the future though, and go back to how they were before
33. what kind of presents do they get each other? do they only do it on special occasions?
already answered!
45. any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? any heartbreaks? regrets?
already answered!
send me a ship and a number and i'll tell you!
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