#twunter douchehands
hislittleraincloud · 10 months
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Casting could not have gotten a more boring, bland actor to play Tyler.
I saw some Wyler fan complain (somewhere on Facebook) about how awful and creepy Xavier was to have entered Wednesday's room without consent (when she was off with Enid and Tyler at the Gates Mansion).
Bitch, you did not fucking forget that Wednesday her goddamn self broke into Xavier's room and went through his stuff in the second goddamn episode.
I mean. I guess your rationale is that it's just how Wednesday rolls, huh? And that other characters are held to a higher standard, even though here on this show, they are all equally powerful until the last episode.
Well shit, if you want to talk about lack of consent, how about the several times Wednesday was pressured to please Tyler? She damn well did not want to nor plan to go to the dance, but since he was stupidly standing there, she was pressured/coerced/emotionally manipulated into going. Granted, that's Thing's fault, but it was all Tyler when he coerced her into a date because he was making her feel like she owed it to him for "nearly getting him killed" (when all of that time he stood there securing his fucking date and all she wanted to do was leave, HE WAS MANIPULATING HER SINCE HE DIDN'T ALMOST GET KILLED...do y'all not remember that? The date wasn't owed. It was all manipulation.).
She had said no and behaved like she wasn't interested since the frickin' beginning. When Tyler whined about "I thought we liked each other", he was manipulating her, because she was Laurel's target. (And speaking of Laurel, Tyler had more chemistry with Laurel than he did with Wednesday. #Gatesmonster)
So to that, I give another warm
Fuck that monster🫠🔥
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