#two idiots in a trench coat ❤️
septimus-heap · 2 years
I like to imagine marcia and silas just. Didn't mention to alther that they knew each other. Like they both know they're the previous/current eoa so they're fully aware they're gonna run into each other at some point but they both assume the other has filled alther in on their particular brand of nonsense. So when they finally see each other, from althers pov it looks like his new apprentice and his old apprentice have literally met not 2 seconds ago and r already hurling insults
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septimus-heap · 2 years
Silas and marcia are so funny they're like if u took romance, reversed it, then made it between the head of state and the most Just A Guy in the area
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septimus-heap · 2 years
I think. Marcia and silas are both adhd/autistic but marcia is the kind of person who does The Task and only The Task and nothing else until its done. 0 other things until The Task is completed and then there is Another task. Etc. And silas is the "get up. Do The Task. I need to do The Task. I need to do it. I have to get up. Oh fuck it im making coffee instead" type
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septimus-heap · 3 years
I want to see marcia and silas work together on something that Literally No One Else cares about,, like translating smth or Figuring Out something,,, I just think it'd be fun
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septimus-heap · 3 years
Thinking abt silas seeing marcia for the first time since she got out of dungeon number one and his first instinct being to hug her bc he heard how bad it was from alther and he knows alther wasn't even telling him everything. But also knowing that him and marcia aren't friends and that there's a good chance she wouldn't even want to be hugged and he remembers back when she was an apprentice she didn't rlly like to be touched so for like a good few seconds he's just standing there staring at her. And eventually he just asks if it's okay because like. It's the sensible route ya know
And thinking abt marcia who's gone like 10 years without any kind of physical affection being just,, Stunned when he asks because this is silas and he hates her??? Right???? She wouldn't expect him to give her the time of day let alone a hug and yet here they are. Except she really does want to say yes bc it's been so long and so much has happened and she's tired but she's got an image to keep up ya know? And this really shouldn't be such a big thing but it is and maybe it's because she hasn't slept in days or because zeldas cooking has finally fucked up her brain but she does say yes or at least she nods
And silas is So relieved bc he thought he'd majorly fucked up when she went quiet and anyway they Do hug and marcia doesn't back out of it for a while bc she started crying and was hiding it. And she makes silas swear not to tell anyone but she's not Mean about it bc,, it's a hell of a dick move to be a bitch to the guy who's shoulder u were just crying on 10 seconds ago.
And maybe silas makes tea and they both sit by the fire and the kids come back from playing out on the island and silas convinces marcia to go get some actual sleep instead of just pretending. And she tries to argue but silas is every bit as stubborn as she is and on a good day they couldve had that argument for hours. But it's not a good day bc marcia is Exhausted and half asleep already so she goes and it's the first night in a month and a bit that she doesn't have a nightmare
@ananas-pineapple-thing here's ur post :)
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septimus-heap · 2 years
So many thoughts on marcia and silas. Most of them r contradictory but <3 oh well <3
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septimus-heap · 3 years
First - Previous - Next
Silas takes a step forward, clearing his throat to remind alther that he is there. Alther spins around, a slightly unnerving motion from a ghost, and smiles. "Marcia, this is silas. I believe you've met?"
She nods silently, watching him. He has the brightest green eyes of anyone she's ever seen, excluding her father, and she knows he's never been ashamed of them. He looks more tired than when she last saw him, although his clothes are no longer ripped.
He walks over, swinging his bag off his shoulder and crouching in front of her in the same motion. He pulls a small box out of his bag and holds the handle in his teeth as he closes the bag and puts it to one side. He still hasn't said anything and it is freaking her out
He glances at Alther, then looks at her. "I can help with your ankle. Can I see?"
She shows him and he winces, looking like he's about to ask what happened to it but thinks better of it and nods. Fifteen minutes later it is clean and wrapped in a bandage and the painkiller should kick in sometime soon. Silas looks at her and finally shows some emotion - he smiles, asks how she feels. She hums slightly.
He told her a lot while he was treating the burn. He has a wife, and four kids with a fifth on the way, and he has friends who can help hide her and get her out of the castle when she's in a state to do so. He told her that alther had spoken about her and how he was sure that once they managed to contact enough people that the queen would see that she was a good person and free her - legally
She doesn't tell him that she doesn't deserve any of this. She doesn't know why he's being nice when in the past they had disagreed at every opportunity they could. He hands her a canteen of water and tells her to sip it or she'll make herself sick and she mumbles that she's going to chug it in one go. He snorts, and she sips at it, and her thoughts fall back into line and her head slowly stops aching
He pulls a cloak out of his seemingly never-ending bag and chucks it at her. She doesn't catch it and it lands on her face and he laughs when she sticks her tongue out at him. He says alther told him she didn't have one and that she looked like the only reason she hadn't frozen to death yet was sheer dumb luck, and that he agrees. Marcia makes a face at him and at alther but wraps herself in the cloak anyway and leans back on the broken wall behind her. She feels better than she has in months.
Silas lights a fire and they sit around it until the sun sets. He leaves at sunset to 'go get something' and returns when it's fully dark holding a wooden cane. He offers her a hand up, which she takes, then gives her the cane. "Are you sure it's safe to leave?" she asks. She doesn't deserve this but she'd rather not get caught. "As safe as it'll ever be." he replies.
He sticks close to her as they walk back to ramblings, and good thing too, as her steps are a little wobbly and her ankle threatens to give out at every step. He has to catch her several times but she refuses when he offers to hold onto her as they walk, to keep her steady. She is near collapse when they arrive at the heaps room
She sits on a wobbly chair at a table in the centre of the room, and has to push a stack of books out of the way to have enough space to drop her head onto her arms. She feels a hand on her shoulder and pulls away instinctively. She looks up at silas, who was clearly expecting a different reaction, and shoves down the sudden spike of fear. He's not domdaniel, she reminds herself. He's just silas, and he's an idiot but he won't hurt you.
The idiot looks concerned. Her fear must have shown, and she gives the best smile she can muster, which is very small, and quietly asks what he wants
He sets a bowl of soup in front of her, then a chunk of bread and a spoon. She stares at it - she's not sure what to do, if she should wait until he says something or if she should just eat it quickly before he changes his mind. She decides on the latter and scarfs it down in less than a couple of minutes. Its damn near the best thing she's ever tasted
Silas gives her the bed, saying he'll be fine on the floor, and she falls asleep warm and full of nice food and almost happy and less afraid than she's been in years
@lovelyisadora @ananas-pineapple-thing :)
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septimus-heap · 3 years
Thinks abt silas and marcia talking abt alther. Bc even tho they have him as a ghost it's not the Same and it never will be
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septimus-heap · 3 years
I just love Silas Marcia and Althers dynamic of alther being the tired dad too constantly bickering Marcia and Silas
In a room with a man who raised 7 kids, the head of the city, and a prankster grandpa ghost, the only one with the braincell is the dead guy
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septimus-heap · 3 years
Favourite dynamic ever is Marcia has-never-had-to-censor-herself Overstrand and Silas raised-seven-children Heap bc there must have been at least one conversation that went like
Marcia: SHIT
Silas: language!! >:(
Marcia: oh sorry
Marcia: what the FUCK
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