trumanhqs · 5 years
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1-A is for canon characters only. below is two separate interviews for your muse, which you are can complete together or in one post. there is no due date for this task, as they are all optional, but we feel this is an interesting task for every character to have. even if you want to do it days or weeks or months from now, you’re encouraged to do it. all we ask is that muses interviews are separated into their own posts for organizational purposes. use #truman:task when you’re posting it ! submit the link to @trumanextras​, as we’d really like to read them.
your muse has been taken to a nice, comfortable room, decorated with appropriate decor from their fandom. what else is in the room is determined by their source material. if they’re from a tv show or movie or stage show, there’s a tv ; if they’re from a book series, there’s a giant bookcase with only those books on it ; if they’re from a video game, there’s a tv and a game console. so on, so forth.
for the first half of this task, your muse has absolutely zero canon memories. no familiarities, no nothing. your muse just watched / read / played / etc their source material from start to finish. they know the entire story, including the parts that have nothing to do with them. they don’t even recognize themselves on screen, and it doesn’t register there’s a character with their name. * if your muse’s story is ongoing, or you’re not caught up, just go up to the last canon point you’ve gotten to.
these questions are for them. have them answer in their own words.
* questions will say ‘watched’ but if your muse is from a game, assume it means play ; if they’re from a book, assume it means read.
[right before they watched] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
what do you think of [insert your muse’s name here]? be honest.
if you could give [your muse’s name here] any piece of advice, what would it be?
for this next part, your canon muse has been given every canon memory they have. they’re forced to sit down and watch / read / play / etc their source material again, from start to finish. this time they see themselves, they see their lives, and they’re able to determine that their personal life has been recorded & distributed for the world to see.
these questions are for them. have them answer in their own words.
* again, these questions will say ‘watched’ and ‘show’, just to keep wording simple.
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person? 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
[if your muse died in canon] what was it like to watch your death unfold?
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
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confideinmylions · 5 years
task no. 1-A :the fourth wall 
an interview with tara “terra” markov
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part one: no memories
[RIGHT BEFORE THEY WATCHED] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
teen titans? oh! oh oh oh! this is based on a comic, right? i’ve only started to see some of their stuff recently. their, uh... dc? i don’t know, i’m a marvel girl myself. but i’m sure i’ll like it! i like superheroes and every thing. plus, this team looks like it has some sick ladies. though i hope, since like... they’re teens there isn’t some teen drama bullshit going. balancing superhero and civilian life is all fine and dandy, but i want some action!!
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
i did! i really liked it! they really balanced like... comedy and drama? kinda? i don’t know. i weirdly liked how they have no civilian identities. they’re just... always the teen titans. even when they go out for pizza. ( she laughs. ) i don’t know if they could make more? it had like... a definitve ending? like, i don’t really get why they brought terra back for the finale, but like... i do kinda get it? like with the show ending, its sad but you gotta move on? kinda? i don’t know. i feel kinda bad that the terra chick got like... a season arc... but starfire didn’t. like we see these glimpses of her past life! and like! we could’ve had more of that!! so much more!! but whatever. it’s a good show. i’d rewatch it.
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
beast boy is the obvious fave. he’s funny. you get glimpses of, like, his duality. but he’s funny. and his friendship with cyborg, is just like... the best. i also loved starfire. her innocence and just like... genuine kindness made me really happy. but beast boy is still top.
uh... there’s like a lot of characters that come and go... recurring is slade. obviously. he’s like a typical villian. not really all that interesting. i liked the hive and even mad mod a lot more as villians. slade’s too damn serious. fuck him. if i have to choose a least favorite main titan, i don’t know. probably robin. he’s also too serious, but at least he has his moments.
overrated? uh... maybe robin... a part of me wants to say raven, but she probably had one of the best season arcs, so she get’s like major props for that. like she would’ve been my least favorite character. so! moody! smile for once! but like her season makes me... get her a lot more. like i get it. and robin is just a typical leader. he’s nothing special. also he does some shitty stuff and people seem not to care.
underrated would either be starfire or... maybe cyborg. starfire is kinda shown off as like this ditzy alien sometimes who robin kinda has a crush on, but like fuck that. her innocence and kindness isn’t a weakness and she can clearly kick anyone’s ass. and she didn’t even get her own season... cyborg is just never recognized for his sheer genius. whatever, he’s the literal cyborg thus he’s the tech genuis but like... if i were made part robot, i wouldn’t know any of that shit. give that boy some credit.
uh... starfire definitely deserves better, in terms of her use in the show. in terms of like... what happens to them... terra? maybe? she’s gets like a seaon arc but the titans go from like really pissed at her betrayal, which like, rightfully so. really rightfully so, but then try to pull the “we’re still your friends! you don’t have to be this way!” like fuck ooooofffffffffffff. everyone’s in the wrong here. if slade didn’t take control of her body slash powers, i would be surprised if she would still have sacrificed herself. also, how the hell did that turn her into a statue? like what’s up with that?
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
like i said, i don’t get the whole episode being like... beast boy stalking the terra-lookalike. that was weird. i get the message of like moving on and things changing, but... i don’t know how else you would have ended it. they didn’t like... have to use the girl beast boy had a crush on to portray the message. i’m sure there’s other ways to get the same thing across, but it kinda works, i guess. i’m a little sad it had to end in the first place.
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
um... i really liked starfire. like, yeah, they could’ve given her more depth but i think that just comes from her lack of a season-long arc. like we only see glimpse of her tamaranian life, and they’re kinda far and few between. 
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
i don’t really... like actively ship characters. i like the depth of relationships and i love love love friendships, especially complex ones but... romantic stuff can just get in the way. that being said, i’m happy like there’s not too many romantic subplot. 
my favorite is... i really liked watching the innocent relationship between beast boy and terra. do i think beast boy should have stayed, like, obsessed with her? no. of course not. but i liked their dynamic. it’s like a first real crush kind of thing. terra isn’t used to like... people actually sticking by her. like being her friend at all. and beast boy is funny! people rather thing he’s so funny! so it’s no wonder he had a little crush on her back! it’s cute, i guess.
robin and starfire! ugh! like, whatever, i get it. there has to be like one couple on the team i guess, but snoozefest. she kisses him for like knowledge. get over yourself, birdboy. and in that... movie thing... uh, whatever, i don’t care about your romance! give me action and friendship. that’s what i’m here for. thanks.
what do you think of TERRA? be honest.
i can... see myself in her a bit. she’s cool, but so so so so so so so dumb. she jumps to conclusions, doesn’t really listen to anyone. she’s super distrustful. i don’t think she like... knows... how to have any sort of relationship. it’s not super explained. it’s just like... hinted she doesn’t have a home and is like a wanderer. i don’t know. she’s cool, albeit i don’t know if they needed to keep using her for beast boy development. 
if you could give TERRA any piece of advice, what would it be?
girl needs to be more patient. like it’s so damn obvious that you don’t have control of your powers. it’s not that fucking hard for the team to see that shit. beast boy didn’t rat you out. nobody ratted you out. don’t just fucking run away, god.
part two: memories and realization
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
... shitty. i don’t need people seeing my dirty laundry.
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
i mean, yeah. i remember why i did what i did. i... didn’t think i could trust anyone. i wouldn’t even say i trusted slade. i mean, okay, yeah. i did. i’m the idiot that trusted the main villian. i’m dumb, i never denied that, but... i did what i did. i probably would’ve done that even if i wasn’t uh... a cartoon character.
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
i know i’m dumb! i get it! let it go! i didn’t want to be used to torture beast boy either! he deserved better! he didn’t deserve my bullshit! i agree! but c’mon!!! be a little nicer...
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
i was like a main character for a season. i’d argue. i was with em for a while. a long while, but they obviously existed a long time before and after me, so that’s accurate. i’m just glad i got like... a sympathetic edit. like it showed my redemption, and i definitely didn’t deserve it. i deserved the game show backstabbing bitch edit, for sure.
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
the whole... ( she’s struggling to find the words. ) the like... date with beast boy. that whole... thing. the deed was kinda already done when bb gave me the ( she lightly chuckles ) the mirror box thing he made and asked me out. i, obviously, said yes. eventually. i just wanted to get him out of titan tower. i didn’t want him to get hurt. in hindsight, i really didn’t want anyone to get hurt. but i really didn’t want bb to get hurt. and it was a really fun night too. i was about to own up to everything i did! really! i was! but then slade just had to show up and... i wasn’t proud of what i did! but then beast boy said... “slade was right... you don’t have any friends...” and... and i didn’t really have a choice anymore? did i?
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
i, uh... i didn’t know uh... the whole little memorial the titans had for me. or like bb’s little speech. ( she can’t help but smile. ) maybe if i knew that i wouldn’t have like... straight up disappeared.
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
they didn’t show a lot. i probably would’ve preferred if my, uh, “date” with beast boy. like they needed to show my, like... whatever. it helped with the plot but i really wish that whole night was more private.
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
uh, yeah, no shit i have regrets. beast boy didn’t tell the titans anything. i just jump to conclusions. all of my bullshit could’ve been avoided if i didn’t leave in the first place!! i’m an idiot! i own up to that. i only went down hill from there. i realized my mistake too late. i shouldn’t have listened to slade and i should have trusted the titans lot more. 
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
they were always kind to me. i mean, until i betrayed them, but then they like kinda showed me some mercy and then after i died they were really nice about remembering me, but yeah. they definitely didn’t have to like... honor my sacrifice. i deserved to have perished after what i did to them. they needed need the whole... “a teen titan. a true friend.” thing. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
i’m not defending anything i did. what i did was wrong. i eventually knew that. that’s why when i, er, woke up, i refused to face the titans again.
[IF YOUR MUSE DIED IN CANON] what was it like to watch your death unfold?
i mean... i sacrificed myself... it was literally my own doing... i knew what was going to happen. okay, maybe i didn’t i didn’t expect to turn into a statue. i also didn’t expect to like... get turned back to normal... so did i really die?
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
anxiety and self-doubt are two very powerful drugs. i think i’m a little more patient now... but yeah. also i still find it hard to trust people. so who knows if i’ve actually grown. whoops?
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
Task One: Rapunzel
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Rapunzel was brought into a beautiful room, with purple banners everywhere. On each banner is a golden sun and small painted images of a tower and a girl with golden hair. There’s even a wanted poster of a criminal with a strange nose. Rapunzel sits on a couch that has little pink flowers in its pattern. 
[right before they watched] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
 Well I certainly like the decor. Is it always this cheerful? I especially like the lanterns. I’ve always really liked lanterns, I’m not really sure why. It doesn’t seem like a horror movie or anything which is great because I am not a fan of horror. 
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
Definitely! It was so sweet how she found her family a the end. [sigh] And all the songs were so great. I like to sing too, and boy can I relate to her hair situation! 
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
My favorite was Pascal followed closely by Fly--Eugene. I liked Rapunzel, I mean she was fine but a little too cheerful if you ask me. I didn’t really like Cassandra, I mean why was she so grumpy? And when you find out who her real mother is! I guess I can understand but I just don’t understand why she betrayed her friends like that! 
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
Well it’s not really over yet is it? I mean they’re going to find Cassandra right? I’m not sure...I guess if it ended with the movie I’d be okay with it. I’m just a little sad that the princess never got to grow up with her real family. 
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
I’m not sure Rapunzel and Eugene are a very good fit. I mean, yeah they were cute together in the movie, but once we got into the TV show he’s basically the comic relief right?
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
Well there’s really only Rapunzel and Eugene right? Are there other couples? 
what do you think of Rapunzel? be honest.
I think she’s sweet but how is she supposed to take care of herself? No one ever took care of her unless you count that psychopath, Gothel. I mean now she’s got to take care of a whole kingdom. It just seems like a lot for a girl. 
if you could give Rapunzel any piece of advice, what would it be?
I would ask her to be kind to herself first. And I guess...to forgive herself. 
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There’s a click as the final episode of “Tangled the Series” ends. She’s not sure how many hours she’s been in this room that is covered with her life. The suns everywhere seem to be mocking her. This whole time she was what? Just a story for others to consume? She had no idea where to even start to wrap her head around this. 
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
That sounds absolutely crazy! I’m just a normal person! I mean...no I’m a princess. Except...wait. This is all too much for me to handle. 
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
Yes. Those were my actions and choices. I didn’t realize everyone was watching me but I still stand by them. 
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
I would ask them why they thought it was okay to rip me away from my parents. Why was it okay to put me with Mother Gothel? Why did they make me happy in the face of all of it? 
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
I don’t know why my story is more important than Eugene’s or Cassandra’s or even Pascal’s. I guess mine just has a happy ending. 
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
Seeing Gothel manipulate me. I look so stupid when I see it actually play out. I can’t believe I ever believed anything she said to me. 
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
I didn’t know how Cassandra was feeling. And it was nice to see how much Eugene cares about me, and what he was doing when I wasn’t looking but I knew how great he was already. 
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
I wish Cass’s betrayal wasn’t common knowledge. Or when I first ran away and freaked out, that was kind of embarrassing! 
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
I wish I had left my tower sooner. 
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
I think ultimately the people I care about care about me. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
I think my actions speak for themselves. My only regrets are that I can’t help everyone that I want to all the time, but I’ve always done my best. 
[if your muse died in canon] what was it like to watch your death unfold?
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
I’ll do my best. 
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trumanextras · 5 years
the tags
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trumanhqs · 5 years
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1-B is for actor characters only. below is an interview for your muse as an actor. there is no due date for this task, as they are all optional, but we feel this is an interesting task for every character to have. even if you want to do it days or weeks or months from now, you’re encouraged to do it. all we ask is that muses interviews are separated into their own posts for organizational purposes. use #truman:task when you’re posting it ! submit the link to @trumanextras​, as we’d really like to read them.
by this point, your muse has done dozens of interviews with press. normally, they’re not allowed to bad mouth the company or the show, but for this one, complete honesty will not terminate their career the way it usually does.
please answer all questions in the muse’s own words.
ah, well, you’re not [fake character name] at all, are you? let’s start off simple. who are you, really? where are you from? give us the ‘early life’ section of your story. 
what do your loved ones think of you being on the show? surely, they must not hear from you a whole lot, unless they’re on it with you.
before coming onto the truman show, what fandoms were you apart of? what stories do you know really, really well?
how did you become an actor? how did you end up on the truman show? 
before joining the cast, did you expect the canon characters to actually be real people?
there is a large percent of the population strongly against the truman show. do you think they’re right in thinking the show is exploitative, manipulative, and essentially kidnapping?
are you attached to any canon characters? do you grow to actually care about them? love them, hate them, make love to them? or is it just all part of the job? where is the line between fiction and reality?
how much of your life do you spend inside the dome? how often do you get to go to your actual home?
when you’re not in a scene, and you’re off camera, how do you fill your time?
you’re one of the most recognizable faces in the industry. what’s it like navigating so much fame? do you have anything you’d like to say to your fans? 
you must be fully aware that there are some dangerous, powerful beings in that dome with you. doesn’t it ever scare you? how do you keep yourself safe?
we know the network gave you the basic outline of your character. but obviously, the work is mostly improv. how have you made them your own?
truman rarely lets anyone out of their contracts and it seems whoever causes bad publicity or ratings gets blackballed in hollywood. does this stop you from leaving? if truman would let you walk away scot-free, would you? 
be honest.. do you prefer being your character, or being yourself?
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trumanhqs · 4 years
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there is no due date for this task, as they are all optional, but we feel this is an interesting task for every character to have. even if you want to do it days or weeks or months from now, you’re encouraged to do it. all we ask is that muses interviews are separated into their own posts for organizational purposes. use #truman:task when you’re posting it ! submit the link to @trumanextras​, as we’d really like to read them.
though they are fundamentally opposite , dare gratium & thanksgiving do share few small  similarities. one of them is the fact that its tradition for everyone at the potluck to go around & show gratitude towards something important in their life. for the first part of the task, determine what that thing would be for this year. have your muse finish the sentence “i’m grateful for...” in their own words.
the first night of dare gratium is a community wide potluck. everyone participates by bringing something that can be shared. for the second part , decide what that something is ! the only rule is that it cannot be store bought. 
have a safe holiday this week , americans ! and to all of our indigenous muses & muns : we see you , we respect you , and you deserve the world. 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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Mina looks around the room. Dusty books, a strange costume, an old film reel rest against the wall. There is a theme of blood and fangs and she can only guess this is some terrible prank. As she takes a seat on a chesterfield she can’t help but feel steeped in the macab. 
[right before they read] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to read? do you think you’re going to like it?
Some sort of tacky vampire novel I expect. I’m sure it will hold my interest for the day but I’m not sure I’ll become a fan. 
did you enjoy reading it? would you read it, if more content came out?
I’m not sure. They killed the vampire didn’t they? How many ancient monsters are there in Romania? I do think it would be interesting to see what happened to the little boy. 
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
Jonathan is definitely my favorite, and other than Dracula Lucy is my least favorite. She is so weak, and so willing to take advantage of all the men in the story. 
as a reader, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
Yes I suppose, they killed the bad guy, didn’t they?
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
I personally think Lucy should have chosen Doctor Seward, he was a much better choice than Arthur. Is that an unpopular opinion?
who are your favorite couple(s) to read about? how about least favorite?
Jonathan and Mina were adorable. I loved how supportive Mina was and how good of a wife she was. 
what do you think of Mina? be honest.
She’s very brave, I think you’d be hard pressed to find such a woman today. 
if you could give Mina any piece of advice, what would it be?
I’m not sure I could, she seems to have it all together. 
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Closing the book for the second time, Mina feels her fingers begin to tremble. How could she have forgotten? How devastating it was to lose Lucy, to lose Quincy... How horrified her husband would be to know what she’d become. She had failed all of them completely. 
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
Is that how you see it? I think it’s more likely this Mr. Stoker managed to get ahold of our diaries and publish it as a novel. Maybe he even meant to warn everyone, but it’s too late now, apparently they all think it’s fiction. 
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
Whose else would they be? Only I can speak for my actions. 
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
I’m not sure what I could say to them. I don’t know how they can find something so terrifying to live through as entertaining. I feel like I’ve gone to war and when I come back people want to make a comedy of it. This wasn’t fun, this wasn’t easy. People I cared deeply for died! 
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
I’m not sure my part is as large as it seems in the books. It was all the men, if I hadn’t been afflicted they would never have put me in harm’s way. 
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
Hearing what it looked like when he...when that monster turned me into what I am now. 
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
Seeing as how I put it all together, there is nothing I learned. Although that note at the end by Jonathan was very sweet. 
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
I am not sure there were any particularly private moments. There were some moments with Arthur and Dr. Seward that were a bit tender and I do feel they could be viewed in the wrong light. But I have never been unfaithful to Jonathan and that is abundantly clear. 
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
I wish I had not been careless and had not been caught in the Monster’s clutches, but other than that, no. We did, after all, triumph. 
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
I think they have entirely too much generosity for me. I am only doing what any good woman would. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
I wish only that I had believed Dr. Van Helsing when he tried to save Lucy. It was my own fault she was captured, innocent creature. If I had known the full danger I never would have taken the garlic from her neck or the crucifix from her room. I would have held a stake in my hand and destroyed the monster myself if I had known. 
[if your muse died in canon] what was it like to watch your death unfold?
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
I almost wish I could see myself the way I did before. I’m not sure I’m as held together as the brave woman in the book. I suppose I should learn to accept what I’m capable of now. 
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confideinmylions · 5 years
task no. 1-A :the fourth wall
an interview with julia adams trojan
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part one: no memories
[RIGHT BEFORE THEY WATCHED] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
um, well... it says the new american musical, so i’m going to guess it’s a musical. ( she laughs. ) and i’m guessing it’s about a bandstand, like some musical competition. i like musicals a lot! especially old timey movie ones! so i’ll probably like this one, i imagine.
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
it was really really good! it was emotionally strong! i definitely wanted to cry and scream out for some of the characters. musicals don’t usually get sequels, so i probably wouldn’t watch more. i’d listen to, like, unreleased music maybe. or maybe some cut scenes. i don’t think they could really continue the story, though. they just become a touring band sensation. that wouldn’t be as interesting to watch. fun, maybe, but there isn’t much of a story.
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
donny, obviously. the whole shows about him! you really see his struggles with ptsd from the very beginning, how he struggles to adapt to civilian life again, and how he copes with it. oh, and when he breaks down about michael. i just. i just lost it. like you can’t imagine how hard that is. not only watching your best friend die but... but being the cause.
i liked all the characters! nick was probably, i don’t know. one of the least fleshed out, so maybe he’s the least favorite. he just kind of has an attitude. a little selfish. perhaps just everyone had a little more personality, i don’t know. i like everyone!
no one’s overrated! no one. everyone is underrated. the whole band. but especially julia’s mom, june. like she’s the most detached from everything, but she’s a funny side character that actually has some wisdom and obviously cares so deeply for her daughter. 
the whole band deserved better. that’s all.
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
oh, i was very satisfied. i was happy to see them like... not sell out, i guess? like they weren’t about to give up their hard work. they wanted to stand for themselves and the other veterans. like the whole contents was to “support the troops” but it was all to really sell bayer’s aspin! they took their platform and did the right thing! i’m also glad that it worked out for them. like, they became a touring band and had lots of fans and they just all turned out pretty happy.
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
perhaps i’m boring. i don’t think i have all that many unpopular opinions. perhaps i would’ve like to see julia forgive donny but not like... get together with him so soon after? like with time, perhaps. and maybe time isn’t really portrayed all that well in the musical, but i don’t know. it seems hard to like... fall in love with the man who, albeit accidentally, killed your husband.
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
there’s, like, only one couple. it’s julia and donny. it’s pretty easy to see that something is gonna come out between them, and you really do root for them! julia wants to move on, but it’s hard! donny is not only a great dude, but he’s the only one that can give her closure! it’s a really interesting dynamic, but after he admits to friendly fire, it’s kinda hard. like you root for them to like reconnect, but it has to be hard. like how do you look him in the eye, after that? yeah, june, stuff happens, but it’s still hard.
what do you think of JULIA? be honest.
she’s just along for the ride. like she never fully truly grasps what the boys are going through, but she tries. the boys all get each other, and all she can do is observe and try to help where she can. though, to be far, none of them probably fully understand her either. i appreciate her, like, never trying to act like she ever entirely knows whats going on with the boys but she still makes it clear that she sees them. she see their struggles. she’s a good person.
if you could give JULIA any piece of advice, what would it be?
i don’t know what advice i’d have for her. like, in the beginning, i’d say she needs to break out more. be more open and welcoming to new things and actively try to move on and not just linger in who she used to be. like don’t try to be who you were, be who you are. but i feel like she kinda learns that by the end? maybe just with her newfound fame, take it slow? appreciate even the small things? ( she chuckles ) i’m unsure what else to say.
part two: memories and realization
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
it’s all very personal, obviously but... i sang the original welcome home on national television. our whole goal was to share our story; show what it was really like. so i can’t say it feels bad. there’s no better way to share our story than... well then this! a musical! i can’t think of a better way! i definitely couldn’t have written half that stuff, so whoever... made this... did a pretty good job, at least!
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
i mean, yes? maybe... maybe all that stuff didn’t really... happen, but it’s still real in a sense. there’s truth in it all. i don’t think i’m some figment of one person’s imagination. i’m real. my life is real. even if there’s no exact real life tale just like mine, my life is my truth. i still feel sad thinking about michael. i still feel mad. i still feel happy. i still feel. period.
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
thank you for enjoying our story. it’s obviously a hard one, but... i hope it helped someone. or made people feel something. i’m glad people got to enjoy the journey, i guess. it means a lot to me.
also, thanks for the creators for making it a musical! i’m obviously a fan of showtunes, and this show is no exception.
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
well, i would never paint myself as a leading lady before but... i guess that’s what i am. ( she chuckles. )
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
donny admitting to what happened in the trench. i... i didn’t need to see us both like that again. i also didn’t need to imagine my michael like that again. like, i’m glad he told me, i guess... but... that was hard for the both of us. i’m glad donny didn’t have to watch any of this. or... i hope he didn’t have to... everything looks so much harder than i could ever see.
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
everything that the boys went through. just... how even the littlest things set them off. just how much the music helped them. just how much they really helped each other. like, i could obviously see some of it, but there’s only so much a blind eye can see. i’m really glad i could be even the smallest part of helping them get through it all. and i really was just the smallest part of it all...
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
i wouldn’t say i was upset to see any of my moments. like i lived it, and i relived it again, but i’m fine sharing all of it. but... the opening... with michael and donny and all of the soldiers... that was a lot. i know it doesn’t even show the whole scope of what really happened. but... it’s so much harder to watch even a part of it then listening to what happened.
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
i don’t think so. maybe i shouldn’t have been so nosy or question some of the boys habits in the beginning. i should have just minded my business a bit more. actually, i definitely shouldn’t have pushed donny so much about michael. i loved hearing about their adventures together. ( she smiles. ) like, i really loved it, but... he obviously didn’t want to talk about how michael died. it was obvious. so obvious. but i still pushed it. knowing what i know now, perhaps i should have wait a lot longer...
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
i don’t know? ( she laughs. ) they obvious valued me as a member of the band. i mean, eventually. i kinda had to prove myself for wayne a little bit. they could be a little distant, but i guess they actually liked me. they weren’t pretending. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
i just... really wanted closure. i mean, everyone in the band wishes things could go back to what life was before the war. they obviously saw the worst of the worst. but how do you move on when you don’t even know how your husband died? i shouldn’t have pushed donny. really, i shouldn’t have. but... there was no other way for me to find out what happened to him. to michael.
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
i mean, i definitely learned some sort of lesson. i try to be less pushy now. perhaps i just don’t have anything to be pushy about anymore, though.  also, i like to believe whatever fame we had never went to my head.
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