#tru riddlerustic
katiekatdragon27 · 11 months
Do you ever make a super messed up OC for a show for babies? I did. I regret nothing.
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Bio and stuff below cuz it's pretty wordy:
Ruth Riddlerustic is a storybot conspiracy theorist who has extreme paranoia and attachment issues.
After her dad's disappearance, Tru decided to become a journalist in order to uncover the reason for it. She got way more information than she bargained for, both on her dad and other storybots that have gone missing. Tru tried writing about said information, but got shut down almost immediately, being fired and tossed to the streets. They tried to get other jobs, but writing super controversial articles when you live in the internet tends to follow you around. Hard. Almost everyone refused to hear Tru out.
The progressive isolation from others took a massive toll on her mental and physical health. Their family eventually started avoiding her, even ex-communicating her from anything relating to them.
The only bot she had for support was News, another journalist at the time. She let Tru stay at her place until they could get on their feet again. Tru gained an unhealthy attachment to News as a result. After a nasty fight between the two that damaged News's arm, Tru was kicked from her apartment, officially becoming homeless.
She now sits on the streets, shouting stuff no one cares to listen to.
So yeah, just a little messed up. I wanted to go at a different angle for this OC, especially since a good chunk of her beliefs are questions that I had about Answer Time's world-building (especially the Internet episode).
Like, how many horrific things have they scanned and sent to other routers? Are they responsible for things to trend or are there different departments for that stuff? How would crypto work if it's mined on computers? Are there crypto miners? Do they live in those servers to mine Ethereum and stuff?? Are they aware of the impact of that stuff and are just powerless to do or say anything about it???
What a horrid existence. I wonder if the bots in charge of that suff are super hush hush about it. This is why almost adults shouldn't watch kid shows.
Anyway, some images of only them and her original sketch.
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Thanks for reading my mindless dribble, and have a nice day :)
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