#tristan mardoris
rhetoricalrogue · 1 year
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @evilbunnyking to find trace, touch, kiss, and laugh in my WiPs.
Trace and touch, from an Astrid/Adam snippet that's still being picked on:
Cool fingers traced along the edge of her scar, causing gooseflesh in their wake. "How old were you when this happened?"
She watched as his hand reached the deeper marks along her ankle where the scarring went deeper. "Nineteen." Astrid settled further against the sofa, trying her best to act unaffected by his touch. She knew she wasn't doing a good job either, but he had the grace not to say anything. "Nineteen with the entire world ahead of me, before some guy t-boned my coach's car."
"I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay. We were lucky to make it out of that crash without being hurt worse. I don't know how lucrative a career in professional fencing would have been and you only get to go to the Olympics once every four years." She wiggled her toes. "It would have been nice to have been able to go to the one I qualified for instead of healing up from surgery, though."
Kiss, from some vague Elena/Arturo feelings that are still percolating in the noggin:
"Doctor Martinez."
Elena saluted her co-worker with her chipped coffee mug before setting it down to grab a clipboard with her daily rounds. "Doctor Jimenez. Cold enough for you this morning?"
He gave a quick look around the infirmary tent to make sure there weren't any eyes on them before moving close. "It sure was." Reaching out, he took her mug and drank from it, making sure to press his lips to the place hers had been. It wasn't exactly a kiss, but for two people trying to fly under the radar to avoid the no fraternization rule, it would have to do. "The other side of the cot was cold without you."
Laugh, from a Lilian + Tristan + Sunny beach day idea that's been keeping me company this week:
"He's barely fifteen months old," Lilian protested. "I don't think he's going to be swimming laps any time soon."
"Hey, it's never too early to teach him! I was just a little'un myself when the priestesses taught me to swim in the lake behind the temple."
Lilian smiled as Tristan's babyish shrieks of laugher filled the air, the barest bubbles of surf rushing over his feet as she held him upright, wet sand scrunching between his toes. "Give him a year or so, then you can take him out to swim to your heart's content. Until then," she picked her son up in her arms and pressed a smacking kiss against his sun-warmed cheek. "There's a picnic lunch to be eaten and naps in the shade to be had."
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