#tried my best with the translation but pls lmk if I fucked anything up ;-;
randee0 · 8 months
to me this song is basically literally just Revy's theme, and im curious to hear other peoples thoughts on this. IMHO it fits her eerily, eerily well......
you can find translations online if ur curious, but just take a look at the snippets below:
Intro: "Još sam tad bio dečko mlad, pamtim sve i sad" I was still a young lad back then, I still remember everything now
"Školu, ovce, prodao bih sve, za kaubojske filmove…" x2 The school, the sheep, I'd sell everything, [just] for the cowboy films… x2
then comes chorus 1, and it kinda just fits Revy's backstory to a T:
Chorus 1: “Joe Dinamitaš, idol mi je bio” Dynamite Joe, he was my idol
“Ološ mlatio, pravdu je dijelio” Beat up the scum, served justice
“A mene u selu, mlatili su svi” While everyone in the village, they all beat up on me
“Moj pijani babo… Ponajviše tiiiiii…” [and] My drunken dad… Especially youuuuuuu…
and then the second chorus is just....... *chefs kiss*
Chorus 2: "Žarko sam želio da budem kao Joe" I badly wanted to be like Joe
"Al’ nisam stvoren ja za to…" But I wasn't made for it…
"A kauboji danas, dobro prolaze, lakše bi mi bilo sve…" x2 But cowboys today, have it [really] good, everything would be easier for me… x2
its not like its explicitly said that Revy ever idolized westerns or whatever (at least AFAIK), but... she basically is a modern cowboy. i guess 'gunslinger' is the more apt term here......... but like just look at this mf cmon
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her pistols are just semi-auto and modernized, instead of the classic 6-shot wheelguns…. thats basically it. but yea thanks for coming to my tedx talk
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lino-jagiyaa · 1 year
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forget me not - lee minho
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genre: angst | pairing: minho × gender neutral reader I warnings: breakups, heartbreak, swearing, mentions of self-doubt & depression, lying, toxic communication & behavior, dishonesty, jealousy | masterlist | words: 5224 | do not repost or translate ©︎ lino-jagiyaa
song recs: good enough - xdinary heroes {i’m so sorry, this song is so sad but just trust me.} then a happier song to go with the ending | feel special - twice
taglist: @dadonbabysworld @lynanist @lix-ables @comet-falls @strayingawayy @alyszaen
note : so sorry it took me forever to finish this and that it ended up so long 😭 but don’t worry, there's a happy ending !! i tried my best to proofread all of it but if i missed something or missed a warning, pls lmk! ♡
💭 things between and minho didn't seem to work out. but maybe now you're starting to see things from his perspective
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losing minho took a toll on you. most breakups would do that to anyone, but this one, this one was nothing like any breakup you’ve ever had. he was special to you. hell, you envisioned a future with him. moving in together, marriage, kids even.
but that all ended the day he decided to break your heart. he simply left and never looked back. or was there more to it? there had to be an explanation for his actions. he wouldn’t just leave without reason, would he?
all the questions racking your brain. it’s been six months. six months without him. six months of losing sleep over the emptiness and cold of his side of your bed. six months without speaking to him, only ever hearing how he’s doing through mutual friends and nothing more.
you felt as though you were losing your mind. obsessing over the possibilities of what could have been. what you could’ve missed. what were you missing? you blamed yourself, having no other explanation in your head. the only thing that stuck.
you couldn’t stop thinking back to that day. what he said to you, how he said it, how he pushed you away. sure, he was always a bit reserved. always had been since the day you met him. but that day, that day was so much different. he pushed you away and you couldn’t do anything to stop it or convince him to stay.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
“minho, please. please talk to me!”
“i can’t do this, i have to go.”
his face emotionless, trying to cover up the pain and guilt he was carrying. his back turned to you now as he grabbed his bag, and headed for the front door.
“is this it? are you breaking up with me?,” you reached out to grab his arm to make him face you
“don’t touch me.” he nudged you off of him
“min, please! is it something i did? i can’t lose you, just talk to me!” you pleaded
“this is what’s best for both of us. i’m sorry, y/n.”
he turned to you one more time before opening the front door, standing in the doorway for a few seconds before making his way back to his car.
“how could you!? you’re a coward you know, can’t even fucking face me and explain yourself,” you screamed, hot tears falling from your eyes and blurring your vision as you broke down. hearing the door finally click close. the whole thing felt painfully slow.
your friends would always sympathize with you, trying to assure you that everything is okay and that minho just had ‘things to sort out within himself’, but it just didn’t seem right. they were hiding something from you. they had to be.
so here you are, six months after the breakup, sitting in your sociology class waiting for it to end. you had to get to the bottom of this. find out what was really going on in minho’s head.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
“minho,” chan starts
“can i ask you something?”
“of course, hyung. what is it?” he questioned, “promise you won’t get mad, okay?”
“spit it out already,” he sighed
“do you miss y/n?”
“no.” minho looks away
“i don’t believe you.”
“you should, it’s the truth.” he huffed
“min, i see the way you look at them when they’re not looking. you must care about them a little, right?”
minho stayed silent. he didn’t want to be having this discussion right now, not at all really. he just didn’t want to think about the way he hurt you.
“don’t lie to me. you can still fix things, you know.” chan continues
“would you just stop it already!? i don’t want to talk about this anymore, chris. i can’t.”
tears started to swell in minho’s eyes. he wanted to fix things between the two of you, and he does. he just doesn’t know how. he doesn’t want to hurt you even more than he already has. but he knows that chan is right, he has to at least try.
“let me ask you this one question, then i’ll stop. i won’t bring them up to you after this, okay?”
“do you love them?”
“y- yes.”
“then fix it. make things right between the two of you.”
“i- i don’t know how… i can’t just come back into their life after six months of silence and hurt them all over again.” minho stammered, sniffling away his tears
“how about i set up a meeting for the two of you, yeah?” chan proposed
chan could see the nervous look on minho’s face now and decided to move closer to him, softly grabbing onto his shoulders, “how about i talk to y/n and set up a time and place for you to meet up and if you’re still anxious about the whole thing by the time i’m done, i’ll go with you. sound good?”
“having you there even just observing would be good, yes.” minho replied
“okay then, it’s settled. now i’m gonna go make the call and let you know the details, okay?”
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
chan decided to text you first since he knew you still had class this hour and didn’t want to disturb you just in case you had your notifications on.
chan: hey, is your class almost over?
you: yeah. i’ve got like ten mins till.
chan: ok. can you call me like right after? i need to talk to you about something and i think it’ll be better to talk over the phone.
you: sure?
chan: thanks 👍🏼
after texting with chan you were…nervous to say the least. what was all of this about? ten minutes never felt so long. nonetheless, after the minutes passed and your last lecture of the day was over, you headed out of the room to call chan.
you: hey, you gonna tell me what’s going on?
chan: “well, good afternoon to you too.”
you: sorry, i’m just a little on edge at the moment.” you sigh
chan: i can tell. and i’m sorry to freak you out,” chan let out a nervous laugh, “but…it’s about minho. and before you hang up, i think the two of you need to sort some things out. the whole breakup is taking a toll on you both and i don’t know how long i can just sit back and watch the two of you wither away.” he stressed
you sighed before answering him, “okay.”
chan: “okay?”
you: “yes, that’s what i said. do you want me to meet up with him or not?”
chan: “y-yeah, that’d be great. thank you.”
you: "alright, text me the address and i’ll be on my way.”
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
after the two of you hung up, you quickly made your way to your apartment to drop off your school bag and get ready for your meet-up with minho. you took a shower and tried to find a decent outfit while you quickly dry your hair. soo after, you received a text from chan telling you the address. it wasn’t far from your apartment so you had enough time to finish getting ready and hopefully shake off any nerves you had on the walk there.
chan: levanter cafe. it’s the one 7 mins away from your apartment. no rush to get here, okay? take your time.
you took one more look at yourself through your hallway mirror before putting on your shoes and walking out the door. the walk to the cafe helped you clear your thoughts more. but it was a relief you were finally getting to clear things up with minho. a second chance to really see his point of view. to understand him better.
when you walked up to the cafe, you could see chan at the counter ordering a drink so you texted him that you had arrived.
you: hey, i’m here.
almost comically, chan started looking in all directions trying to spot you, until he finally saw you step through the door. he reached out an arm to hug you when you walked up to him, “hey, you still okay to do this?” he asked “yeah, don’t worry. it’s okay.” you smiled back at him before hugging him back. “alright, i’m just checking. you know i have to.” “i know channie. where is he?” you ask “at the table in the back. oh, and here’s your drink. i know you’ll need the caffeine. here’s minho’s as well.”
you took it from him and he waved you in the direction of minho. when you got to the table, minho was still looking down at his phone, not expecting you to have arrived yet, assuming chan had come back with their drinks. so you were the first to speak.
you took a seat in the chair right in front of him and set down his and your drinks before speaking. “hi…” you started softly, not wanting to startle him. it didn’t seem to work because once he heard your voice he jumped up in his seat a little bit, putting his phone on the table and straightening up his posture.
“y/n…hi, i wasn’t sure you’d come today.”
you laughed a bit. he was nervous and you could tell. maybe more than you now. “well, i wasn’t so sure i’d show up either. but it was time.” he nods in agreement. “how about i start?” you continue, “i know it’s been hard for you, is hard for you. and it has been for me as well. like really fucking hard and i missed you and life was just shitty for a while, you know?”
“y/n, i am so sorry. i didn’t mean to hurt you. i-i should’ve handled it correctly and told you how i was feeling instead of just leaving and avoiding you.” his head hung low now as he avoided your eyes. he felt like he couldn’t face you. he felt horrible.
“so how were you feeling? what happened to us?”
he looked up now, “it wasn’t your fault. you did nothing wrong, it was all me.” tears, starting to fill his eyes
“you left me. you left and i didn’t know what to do with myself for a long time. i couldn’t eat or sleep. my whole life fell to pieces. so tell me, tell me minho what made you want to do that.”
“i didn’t want to, i swear. i just- just couldn’t figure out what i was feeling. how i was feeling. i knew that i loved you- still love you and i want to be with you but… i was scared. i was scared, y/n because i had never felt so strongly for someone as much as i did for you and i just didn’t want to fuck it up and i ended up doing it anyways. i’m so sorry for hurting you and making you feel that way. i should’ve expressed how i was feeling to you and i should’ve handled it better. i want to fix my mistakes now.” he replied, eyelashes sticking together as his tears began to fall down his face. chan monitoring from a table close by.
“i understand. it’s good that you’re letting it out now, so thank you. i want to fix things between us too. but we can’t just rush it out. we have to take our time. but other than that, i agree. that i’ve never felt what i feel for you, for anyone else and i know that it’ll stay that way forever. even if you hurt me, even if the last words you said to me was awful. i forgive you minho. we can figure this out together if you’re willing” you say, now wiping your own tears.
“i would love that. can i walk you home tonight?”
“doesn’t sound half bad. we should probably finish our drinks first and invite chan back over here before he hurts himself, the way he’s craning his neck to hear us.” you laugh
“you’re right,” minho looked over to chan and motioned for him to come to your table
nearly stumbling out of his chair, chan managed to get up and walk over to the two of you. “so?…” he questioned
“we’ve got it somewhat worked out. definitely need some more time to figure out the rest but for the most part, we’re okay.” you smile
“thank god, i was starting to lose my mind trying to get you two to talk to each other again so i’m glad.”
“oh shut up!” you and minho both replied to chan
chan just laughed at you both. he could see that the two of you did want to be together and you just needed to figure things out slowly. “but i really hope you guys start communicating better, yeah?”
“we will, i promise.” minho replies, sure that it’s the truth this time.
“oh, and once we’re done with our drinks and everything, i’m going to walk y/n home so we can talk a little more.”
“alright, i’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. do you want me to pick you up after?”
minho looked at you for an answer and you were contemplating whether you actually wanted him to go home tonight. “i mean, we can talk about it on the way there? the spare bedroom is still up for grabs if you do want to stay the night, it won't bother me having you there. especially since i haven’t seen you in so long, plus you still have clothes there if you want a shower…”
“oh…yeah that would be nice, thank you.” minho trailed off, trying to distract from the blush growing on his cheeks, acknowledging chan was still there while you were mentioning him spending the night
“well then, i think that’s my cue to leave,” chan chuckled, “text me when you two get there okay?”
“okay, and thanks again… for everything,” you reply
“of course, have a good night you two.”
chan leaves and the two of you just sit there in silence for a bit before heading out yourselves after throwing away your empty cups and waving the baristas goodnight. the walk home seemed slower than usual tonight. like the two of you were too caught up in each other to notice how slowly you were walking. “y/n,” minho called to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. “yeah?”
“um… would it be okay if i took you on a date sometime tomorrow?”
“that would be nice, minho. yes.”
“great, great. we can plan for it together if you want. only since i’m not sure where i want to take you, only that i know i want to spend the day with you,” he laughed nervously, scratching the nape of his neck.
“sure thing. we can figure it out when we get inside so come on.” you say as you unlock and drag him through the front door of your apartment.
after settling in, the both of you had taken showers and changed into comfier clothes and decided to watch something together in your living room. the two of you sat in the comfortable silence of each other’s presence for a while before you decided to break the ice. “hey, min?”
“hm?” he turned to face you with the softest look on his face.
“oh, i just was wondering if you wanted to take the guest room tonight? it’s already set up. but you don't have to sleep in there tonight if you don’t want-”
“where do you want me to sleep tonight?” he said gently, turning his whole body to face you now and resting his hands in the space separating the two of you. it took you a second to respond to him. you wanted to make sure you said the right thing, not wanting to push him away or push any boundaries since the two of you had just started to reconnect only today.
“well, i’m not opposed to you sleeping in my room. o-only if you want to of course. it’s no pressure if you don’t. and-” you were babbling and waving your hand defensively, so minho gently grabbed onto both of them, holding them in his own to calm you down.
“y/n, it’s okay. i’m comfortable as long as you are, so wherever you’re the most comfortable with me sleeping tonight is where i’ll stay.” he gave you a soft smile to reassure you.
you were relieved, to say the least. your mind still racing on the fact that he’s sitting in front of you right now, holding your hands.
“do you just wanna call it a night and sleep now? i’ve noticed the way you’ve looked exhausted since we got home, it’s okay to get some rest.”
“of course you’d notice,” you laugh
“well that’s what happens when you’ve been in love with someone for so long. now come on, i’ll stay with you for a while then go to the guest room if you get sick of me,” minho laughed back, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you to your once shared room.
you felt your face heat up at his comment, yet you say nothing.
once the two of you were settled in, you both just sat on opposite sides of the bed facing towards your bedroom door, not sure if you should talk or just go to bed.
“well…i should probably try to go to sleep now. goodnight minho.” you blurt out and carefully roll onto your side, so as not to accidentally bump into minho.
“alright. sweet dreams, y/n. i’ll sleep in a bit. i’m not too tired yet.”
“that’s fine,” you say as you close your eyes
you had been asleep for an hour, maybe an hour and a half when you felt minho shifting on the bed. your back was facing him so you couldn’t see him at all but you noticed he was kind of tossing and turning. it was obvious he couldn’t fall asleep but you didn’t say anything or make it obvious at all that you were awake now.
minho huffed, now laying on his back and with his arms on top of the blanket you two shared. you kept your eyes closed, attempting to get back to sleep, hoping minho would finally be able to as well. but that wasn’t the case.
a few minutes goes by and you assumed minho had ust falle asleep since he hadn’t really moved in a while, but as soon as you had almost drifted back to sleep, minho leaned a little closer to your side of the bed.
“y/n, are you asleep?”
“hm?” you reply
“sorry to wake you, i just couldn’t fall asleep.”
you turn on your other side to face him, “no, no. it’s okay minho, what do you need?”
“um, if it’s okay with you, can we cuddle? if you’re not comfortable, it’s okay. i’ll just go for a walk or something to get tired.” minho says, looking away from you
“no, it’s too late to go for a walk,” you thought about it for a second before answering, “it’s okay. we can cuddle.” you gave him a reassuring smile
“a-are you sure? you don’t have to, it’s fine-”
“i know. i figure you haven’t been sleeping well lately either?”
“well, we can fix that today then.” you tell him, scooting closer to him and moving his arms to frame your waist. nuzzling your face into his chest to get comfortable.
“goodnight minho.”
“goodnight.” you waited a bit to make sure he was actually asleep before drifting off yourself. you knew it was time once you felt his chest slowly rise and fall and his heartbeat matching the speed of yours.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
when you woke up, the sun was peeking through your curtains and you groaned. wanting to stretch and shield your eyes from what felt like blinding light shining in your face. but you couldn’t move much. you had almost forgotten that minho had stayed over last night when you looked up and say that he was still holding onto you but he seemed to be fully awake now, scrolling on his phone.
“good morning sleepy head,” he smirked
you groaned again before replying, “why are you up so early?”
“early? honey, it’s already 10 am. you’re lucky it’s already the weekend, otherwise you’d be late to class.”
you almost jumped out of bed after hearing him. “what!? minho, why did you let me sleep so late? weren’t we supposed to go out today?” you complained
“y/n, it’s fine,” he laughed at your concern, “ we hadn’t even made a solid plan about it yet, remember? you were sleepy so i was waiting till morning to bring it up again.”
you slump back down in the bed, now laying on your back and staring at the ceiling. “oh, that’s right. well then did you end up thinking of somewhere to go?”
minho put his phone down on his lap, “mm, at first i was thinking we could go for a walk in the park and then have a picnic there but then i was thinking about how you haven’t seen soonie, doongi, and dori in a while and that you probably miss them. would you like to see them today?”
“yeah, i do miss seeing them. but i also think going for a walk and a picnic is a good idea too,” you smile
“okay, then that’s what we’ll do.” he smiled back
“oh, don’t you have to go back to your place to change and everything?” you ask
“mhm. i’ll do that when you’re getting ready and once you’re done you can text me and i’ll be back to pick you up.”
“sounds good- wait…i still have you blocked…”
minho laughs, “i get it. at least you didn’t get a new number or delete my contact. so it’s fine.”
you awkwardly laugh and go to grab your phone so you could unblock him.
“check if you can text me now.”
he typed something short and a second later your phone pinged with his message. you also realized you had changed his contact name, but you weren’t going to let him know that part.
minho had called chan to let him know that he needed to be picked up and would be going back over to your place after showering and getting everything ready for your date. so once chan pulled up in your driveway, you walked with minho to your front door to wake goodbye to chan who was waiting in his car for him. once the two of them left, you went to go take your shower.
stepping out of the shower, you dried yourself off and went to search for an outfit. you wanted something casual since you were going to end up playing around with minho’s cats but you also wanted something cute since you were going on your first date with minho in forever. in the end, you had decided on a simple short-sleeved top that you could pair with a cardigan if the weather became more windy. and you were going to pair it with a pair of black corduroy pants.
looking at yourself in the mirror, you caught yourself smiling. you were so excited to finally be back in minho’s life and him in yours. and you could tell he was just as excited, considering the way he acted the night before and this morning.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
once you were done getting yourself ready, you wanted to bring something with you for the picnic so that minho wasn’t the only one showing up with food so you texted chan to see what minho was going to bring.
you: hey, chan? are you with minho rn? chan: yeah, something wrong? you: no, nothing is wrong. i was just wondering what minho was packing for our picnic date and didn’t want to ask him directly since i wanted what i’m bringing to be a surprise. chan: ah, i see. he’s still cooking right now but he said he was bringing ox bone soup and dumplings. he didn’t say anything about drinks so you could probably bring those? you: okay thank you. chan: yeah, no problem
with what chan had told you about the food minho was bringing, you decided to make some gimbap and go out to buy your and minho’s favorite drinks from the convenience store that was within walking distance from your apartment. after grabbing the drinks, you found some candy that you thought minho might want to share with you so you bought that and the drinks and headed back home to make the gimbap.
since you only had one thing to make, it didn’t take you very long so you packed the food and snacks up into bento boxes and wrapped them in a cloth so they would stay together on the way to the park. you made sure you had everything you needed in your bag before texting minho letting him know that you were ready for him to pick you up.
it didn’t take him long to pull into your driveway and once he did, you grabbed your things and made sure your door was locked.
“hey, you all set?” minho asks you with a smile as you open the passenger door “mhm,” you smile back “oh you brought food? you didn’t have to, i had made some as well.” “i know. i wanted to surprise you. but don’t worry, it’s something small and some drinks for us.” “ooh okay, well then we can head off now.”
the drive back to minho’s place was filled with the soft music that played on his radio and the comfortable silence you shared. you just stared out your window, lost in your own thoughts as you watched the city pass by.
“we’re here,” minho said as he pulled into his driveway
it felt kind of strange being back at his apartment after all this time but in the same moment, it felt good being able to be here and not feel that churning feeling in the pit of your stomach. you didn’t feel anxious or worried. everything right now feels good and happy.
as soon as minho opened the door, his cats came swarming at him but they stopped as soon as they noticed you were right behind him. you thought it was maybe because they had forgotten you or didn’t like you anymore, but that was far from the case.
the three of them looked so happy to see you again. all nudging against your ankles and meowing for your attention. so you crouched down to pet them properly and it seemed as though they were all fighting for your attention, now ignoring minho as he attempted to greet them some more.
you had somewhat forgotten that some animals' perception of time is frayed. a day can feel like a long time, never mind six months. but luckily, the sweet cats that you missed had remembered you and were visibly happy to see you.
after playing with them for what felt like hours, minho haad ordered dinner in for the two of you so you ate while watching a drama before calling it a night.
minho drove you home as the sun started setting. the drive back to your place felt so calm. the sound of the wind brushing past your ears and minho kept stealing glances at you every once in a while. once the two of you got back to your apartment, minho had insisted in walking you back to your door.
“our date today was perfect, hopefully you feel the same.” minho smiled
“mhm, i had so much fun. it was nice to go out again.” you reply, smiling ear to ear
“maybe i can take you on another date soon, if you’d like?” he asked
“i’d love that, minho”
he held onto your hands just like he had a few hours before, you were kind of glad that he was making all of the first moves. you were nervous to mess something up.
“can i…kiss you?”
“i was wondering when you were going to ask. yes, minho.”
with that, he leaned in, planting the softest kiss to your lips. you missed this feeling. you missed this feeling with him. the butterflies growing in your stomach as minho gently placed a hand on your face. he smiling into the kiss, which was driving you crazy.
when the both of you pulled away, you could feel the redness forming on your face and see the way minho’s was the same. “you have no idea how much i missed doing that.” minho laughed
“oh, trust me. i do.”
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
weeks had gone by since your first do over date with minho and the two of you were on great terms. since then, the two of yu had been going on weekly dates. and those weekly dates turned into dates two days a week. soon enough, the both of you were starting to consider yourselves a couple again. spending almost everyday with each other if possible. that meant walking each other to classes on school days, driving the other to work depending on who had earlier hours, and hanging out anytime in between.
everything between you was starting to come together again. and the two of you were sure this time that you’d make it work no matter what.
you gotta fight for what you love, right?
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
if you enjoyed my fic, please consider reblogging and leaving a comment! i'd love to hear your thoughts/feedback ♡
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luvring · 2 months
NIA THAT WAS AMAZING TY FOR ANSWERING MY KEIJI ASK 🫶🫶 and that bkak comic was so cute !!! pls tell me all ur thoughts on them Please 🙏 would love u forever if u did
Thank U Anon. love u. they're just niacore... the fluff! the humour! knowing each other completely! unwavering support! inspiring each other to be better! my cat and dog! ☹️
they're both vry comforting and lovely 2 me albeit in different ways, so Together. . .Wow. W-O-W. Stars Align Worlds Collide Heaven On Earth. put me in coach. furudate wrote them 4 me specifically 🫂
bkak hcs bkak hcs ouaghhh!!!
first and foremost. bkak rescued a cat together. Walk with me. the story me and my irl (summer) concocted long ago is that they saw a cat in a parking lot late at night and got vry worried !! bokuto is more outwardly panick-y and akaashi gets him to calm down (devastated inside) so they can run to the nearest pet store to get food... they go through the whole process of checking for a name tag + going to the vet etc but in the end !! they adopt the kitty!! YAAAY!! we never picked a gender or name or what it looks like or anything. i will have 2 ask my irls for ideas... if u have any Lmk.
^ they spoil the cat sooo much. SOO much the first day it's at their house they just watch as it explores and take so many pics... get a comfy bed and cat tree and treats and toys yeahhh spoiled baby. i know they were giggling over it having one of their last names btw. I KNOWWW 🙁
i really love the idea of bkak thrifting for home decor together actually. because u know they're gonna get something silly.. maybe start a little animal sculpture collection... a piece of abstract art they discussed for 15 minutes because bokuto swears he can see a giraffe in it and akaashi is stuck squinting confused. their place is really quite nice but there's these little things around!
bokuto asking akaashi to kiss him after each workout set as motivation 🥹 akaashi asking for a kiss after he's done reviewing another chapter 🥹
we must allow akaashi keiji to be a little weird. a silly boyfailure. WE MUSTTT WE MUST!!! bokuto knows this better than anyone... leans into akaashi's weird shirts and looks out for them when he's on trips... akaashi says something just so incoherent while he's tired and bokuto acts as a translator and or rubs his shoulders and chides him for staying up so late... yeah.
i know akaashi cooks for bokuto in the comic but 🥹🥹 bokuto trying to cook for akaashi as a surprise... puts on an apron, watches videos, reads recipes like he takes it Seriously! tries so hard and even asks osamu for help, so even if it isn't the best in the world akaashi thinks he might cry like omg 🙁
i think i've said this here before but. akaashi has so much access to official bokuto merch y'know. he's kou's #1 supporter fr fr and when kou gets him stuff for free he's like !!!! BUT! no akaashi merch :( ? this is devastating for bokuto... what does he do ? get custom pieces made of course. the pride and giddiness on his face while he wears his new sweater with akaashi's name. keiji's face is so red. BOKUTO GETTING A KEIJI DOLL. "now make them hold hands" "now kiss" yeahvyeah yehnayeau
akaashi broke his glasses once by accidentally falling asleep with them on so when bokuto notices he takes them off for him! and carries him to bed obviously.
rent a boyfriend with Bokuaka. Walk With Me. it truly works either way and in so many scenarios... one needs a date to a wedding? one was told to do so by a friend? one was drunk and said fuck it? the butterflies and tension... the confusion... being closer than they would be with a regular client... bumping into each other on a regular day... I love u bokuaka.
touches water and watches it ripple... bokuto inviting akaashi to play volleyball with him.... it's been ages since keiji's gotten to set... but then bokuto spikes and they remember what it felt like to play together.. and and amdnanffnff
here's translated versions of bkak letters that someone wrote. I actually felt my chest cave in before i found out it was a threadfic. IT HURTSOSBAD
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and here's a bunch of art. for u. for me.
Twitter user 45__kk Means The World To Me. here are a few posts: one two three four five six. i could keep going. 45__KK U MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!
this and this changed my lifoie.r. Thiswchsngemfylfirnd. and this
any art where akaashi wears bokuto's jersey... < This changed mylifr. It's over. Everybody Go Home. this one specifically has changed me forever. no joke. NOjoek. Ouggnggngn
this video means the world to me. really anything where akaashi goes to bokuto for a hug. any. an. pelaspe.
this art shifted something inside my soul 4ever
it can't be overstated what chengongzi123 has done for me. they don't do a lot of bkak anymore but they've changed my life forever. here's some: one two three four five six seven (< college au..)
i also love GyappiM... many sketches. Love my life. one two three
BARBIE! adore this artist too.
CATS 😭😭🫶🫶 national cat day.. Best day ever. MY BOKUAKA. yeah. can't scroll down enough on my twt to get more butbyeahh.
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