traumadriven · 2 months
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❝ Are you sure? ❞ he asks, his tone teasing as he smile sat her holding up the lollypop to her. He shouldn't be trying to get on her nerves - after all she is pregnant with twins. Not just twins, but the twins of his best friend and his husband. And yet here he is teasing, treating Nurse Brooks as though she were one of the smaller patients.
❝ Because I'll be honest -- ❞ he says with a grin ❝ You're kind of acting like one. ❞
And he knows he said the wrong thing right now , he can almost hear Maggie giving him the look behind his back but he doesn't seem to be bothered. The way he still holds up the candy and smiles at Elyse.
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❝ You really don't want the lolly? ❞
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" i am not a child, doctor brendan. " the nurse was more tired then normal, all because she was pregnant with david and patricks twins, maggie practically dragged her to a treatment room, even if she was fine, she even paged her obgyn just to check on the babies. " you guys are being ridiculous. " she said, loud enough for maggie to hear. she had patients of her own. @traumabraved
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empathichearts · 2 months
@traumabraved gets a starter -- get yours here!
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  ❝ i hate to bug you in the middle of dinner -- you sure you don't want to tell me to go? ❞ she's been struggling lately in ways that she knows that only elyse could understand. maybe her showing up was all of the red wine talking after a hard shift and her mother-in-law insisting on keeping owen overnight -- which was a whole moral dilemma in itself.
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timeguardians · 6 days
" can i help you with that ? " for violet or novak
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A cordial, amicable smile glides across the medic's lips. "That would be AMAZING!" She answers. "I'm Lizzie Novak. You are?" Of course she could read the badge, but that would take away the personal touch of being properly introduced.
Novak splays open the field medic kit across the table. "I was shown into this supply room by another doctor. I don't think they realized I'm new here. I have no idea where things are. Can you possibly show me where the butterfly needles are? And gauze? And maybe saline solution?" It's a lot to ask, Novak knows. Doing so, would make their layover before shift far softer.
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protectxthem · 1 month
❤ crockett marcel
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME - Send my character a ❤ and I'll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours. | Accepting
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No | Probably Have sex on the first date? Yes | No | If they both agree to it Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No | Probably if they talk about it first Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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storminmyveins · 4 days
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𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 but no more or no less. It's not the first time he's been met with this question and he knows, certainly, it will not be the last.
❝ Elyse, you are more than allowed to cry. You can yell, scream, sob, laugh, tell a bad joke ... that's the thing about emotions. There is no right or wrong one to have at anything.❞ He adjusts his glasses.
❝ And if anyone tells you otherwise, well to be honest -- they're an idiot. ❞ While he isn't often that frank, he is right now to make her smile a little. What she's been through is troubling, and to be the one going through it even worse.
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❝ Plus, you have a support team here , not only co-workers but friends. And family. Whatever you need from us, not only as your psychiatrist...but as your friend. ❞
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am i allowed to cry? / Daniel charles @traumabraved
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prettytragcdies · 22 days
🔄 + muse of your choice!
Send “🔄” + question about my muse and I’ll have an NPC or side character of theirs answer it.
( We're pretending the question was Alexandra's favorite childhood memory. )
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"Alexandra always thoroughly enjoyed tea parties with her father," Sable recalled, warm smile appearing against the soft features of her face at the memories. Some of them felt like yesterday, despite the fact that they took place over three decades ago now.
Sable could still remember how Dex would play along with their daughter's precocious imagination and the bouts of giggles his reactions would elicit from the little girl. She could still remember the way they would eventually come and find her to declare they were all out of tea and needed more, usually when it was nearing Ali's bedtime. The tiny tot would feign a pout until both parents promised to tuck her in, and for a few minutes they actually felt like a perfect, happy little family. "That and dressing up in my entire wardrobe, along with my diamonds."
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awalkoflife · 30 days
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
lauren !!!! you're such a sweetheart and the passion and dedication that you put into all of your muses is so inspiring ! i feel like patrick and david could easily fit into ANY contemporary medical drama and be the most beloved duo of doctor husbands. you bring them to life with such vivacity and writing with you is a pleasure. thank you for sending this to me and for embracing lucy, noelle and marcus with open arms. <3
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storiesfabled · 1 month
just wanna pop in here and say I love you so much bestie ❤️❤️
aww this was such a sweet message to see pop up! I love you too 🥰
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crumblingdcwn · 1 month
@traumabraved asked: “ how do i look ? ”
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"Let's just say, you might have to remind him to breathe, much less actually speak when he sees you in this hot little number," Lauren smirked, walking a quick circle around the other woman, just to make sure all of the finishing touches were complete and she was indeed ready for the evening ahead. Her dress was classy and respectable, yet it was also cut just low enough to show the perfect amount of cleveage at the top and leg at the bottom. "It's probably a good thing that he's a doctor and you're a nurse," she added teasingly, readjusting a few stray brunette locks before standing back and admiring her finished product. Yes, Elyse was most certainly photoshoot ready now. "Okay, enough primping. We need to get you out of here before you're fashionably late." Grabbing the nearby handbag, she handed it over before exiting the room and leading the way to the front door. "I'll be waiting to hear all the juicy details tomorrow morning. Just saying."
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neveragcd · 2 months
@traumabraved liked for a STARTER! ( still accepting )
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he's no stranger to rough days. there's no shortage of them in the emergency room, and even if he tends to insist on braving his out alone, he wouldn't wish the same on anyone else. that's why he decides to greet elyse with a cup of coffee from the truck outside, placing a lukewarm paper cup in front of her with a lopsided little smile. "figured you could use this," he muses, nudging the cup closer with his index finger.
"honestly, it's kinda cold by now so it's probably not too helpful, but . . . it's the thought that counts, right?" smile turns sheepish, and the doctor moves to take a seat in one of the vacant chairs in the lounge, close but not too close. he drapes his arms across the table, leaning forward. "i know that look," the redhead informs her, brows raising high and curious. "it's the 'heavily contemplatin' packin' your bags and runnin' to a tropical island on a whim' look."
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traumadriven · 2 months
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Ty he tries to keep a straight face. New measures put into the hospital and for good reason so he can't be upset by it. Yet he turns to look at Elyse and he can't help but let himself smile.
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❝ Mm, and what's that I'm sensing on you..." He asks. " Mm, a temp of what...? 89.4? .5 ? ❞ He asks as his lips curl up into a grin. ❝ Honestly I feel like a pampered poodle.❞ All that air blowing around he can't deny it's done wonders for his hair.
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" doctor brendan , you look so .... whats the word um . . . decontaminated " @traumabraved
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empathichearts · 2 months
@traumabraved gets a starter -- get yours here!
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❝ and this feels endless -- ❞ in that moment, he's catching himself. opening up is not his strong suit, but every time he feels like he is out of from under the heel of his dad's shoe, cornelius finds another way to use his money to have leverage over him. if not saving him from his own young and stupid mistakes, then he's making sure he's a shareholder in the hospital connor works at. a job that his father has done nothing but demean since he'd returned to chicago. ❝ i'm sorry. you should enjoy your night. i'm going to go take a walk to clear my head. ❞
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whomuses · 2 months
@traumabraved liked for Will and I can only resist whump for so long -- He'd taken the opportunity to slip into a free room for a super brief breather. The lounge was too busy - he didn't really want anyone getting worried about him. Just needed a moment - just to breathe - pretty sure nobody had seen him dip away. He pressed the heel of his hand into his chest, exhaling slowly, eyes shut and back to the door. Just a moment, then he'd get back, he swore...
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protectxthem · 11 hours
MULTIMUSE ASK MEME | Accepting send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
My One Chicago muses
Max Goodwin
Perhaps my Station 19 muses
and 911/911: Lone Star Muses
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storminmyveins · 23 days
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  𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 toward Elyse, and she tried to not let out a giggle even though part of her really wanted too. Yet she keeps it professional ; as professional as they can in this conversation.
❝ You know...for someone who says she doesn't like that man at all you certainly do keep a number of tabs on him. ❞ It's noted nonchalantly in fact, but she can't help the look she gives to her fellow nurse.
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❝ I'm starting to think you have a crush, Elyse. Which, I don't blame you for that...❞ as she too glances over at Tyler Brendan, then back at Elyse. ❝ You can tell me I'm wrong, but...❞ she's Maggie, she's rarely every wrong.
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❝ i could see it from a mile away. ❞ Maggie lockwood @traumabraved
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prettytragcdies · 24 days
" just give me five minutes of your time." kate ross
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To say that Kate's most recent shift was exhausting would be a vast understatement. Someone in the emergency department must have mentioned the dreaded "Q" word early on, because for the past however many hours, it had felt like they were being inundated with one trauma after the other. Time was supposed to pass by quickly when you were incredibly busy, yet each time she was sure it was time to clock-out, another gurney would come rolling through the doors and she would be right back to work. Finally making it out of the locker room, Kate swung her bag over shoulder and began the small trek to the front lobby of the hospital so she could head out for the evening. She'd barely made it past the gift shop when Elyse caught her attention, asking for five quick minutes of her time. "What's up? Is everything okay?" The young resident did her best to sound upbeat, despite the fact that all she wanted to do right then was soak in a hot bath and then curl up under her warm covers and sleep until she actually felt rested the next time she woke up.
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