#traditional sophistication
naturepound · 11 months
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Traditional Home Office - Home Office Study room - mid-sized traditional freestanding desk medium tone wood floor study room idea with white walls and no fireplace
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nicothenick · 1 year
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Guest Bedroom in Orange County Example of a large classic guest carpeted bedroom design with pink walls and no fireplace
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toyastales · 4 months
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An elegant bathroom
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If only the entire movie had this aesthetic 😩
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lbat1901 · 2 months
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He casts thunder spell
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nosleepgummitato · 7 months
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I. . . Here.
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fallen-moss · 9 months
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“You can’t start the party without us!” — ⭐️🎉
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uselessalexis165 · 6 months
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fantasyflash · 1 month
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A Haunting Blend
In a surprising twist that blends the eerie charm of the past with the timeless elegance of tradition, the legendary Count Dracula has been spotted in his new penthouse in the heart of New York City. Our exclusive interview with the enigmatic vampire offers a rare glimpse into his hauntingly beautiful living space, where Gothic elements seamlessly intertwine with classic furnishings.
Upon entering Dracula's penthouse, one is immediately struck by the juxtaposition of old and new. The grandeur of the Gothic architecture is evident in the vaulted ceilings, ornate moldings, and towering windows that flood the space with natural light. Yet, alongside these historic features, traditional furnishings add a touch of timeless elegance to the interior.
During our tour of the apartment, Dracula graciously showed us around, highlighting his favorite areas and explaining his design choices. One of the most intriguing features of his new home is undoubtedly his custom-made coffin, complete with air conditioning and Wi-Fi connectivity. This innovative addition seamlessly integrates with his smart home system, allowing Dracula to rest in comfort while staying connected to the modern world.
As we ventured further into the penthouse, we were struck by the attention to detail in every room. From the opulent master bedroom with its velvet draperies and antique furniture to the state-of-the-art kitchen equipped with the latest appliances, every inch of the space reflects Dracula's impeccable taste and style.
Despite the dark and mysterious aura that surrounds him, Dracula's penthouse exudes an undeniable warmth and sophistication. It is a testament to his ability to embrace the past while celebrating tradition, creating a truly unique and captivating living space that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
As we bid farewell to the legendary vampire and his stunning penthouse, we couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of Gothic and traditional design. Dracula may be a creature of the night, but his new home proves that even the darkest of souls can appreciate the beauty of classic living.
www.facebook.com/horst.waschinski www.flickr.com/waschinski
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
So happy we got somewhat of an explanation for Gojo's new outfit. He's dressed for a ceremony.
And now I am climbing the walls over imaging young Satoru getting taught to move to traditional dances. He's so in control of his own body I feel like it would be a true sight. So excited for that part to be animated someday.
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picturesquepalette · 10 months
current wip:
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tkhuluq · 4 months
Swedish Gravlax: Mastering the Art of Crafting Homemade Cured Salmon
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Start a cooking journey as we introduce the splendid world of Swedish Gravlax - a delicacy that changes fresh salmon right into a superb work of art. In this assist, we'll discover the art of crafting home made healed salmon, permitting you to relish the abundant tastes of Scandinavia in the convenience of your personal cooking area.
Area 1: The Significance of Gravlax
Uncover the significance of Gravlax, a standard Swedish recipe that weds the quality of salmon with a symphony of tastes stemmed from a special healing procedure. This cooking joy, instilled with a unified mix of dill, sugar, as well as salt, uses a superb preference of Nordic gastronomy.
Area 2: Crucial Active ingredients
To start this gastronomic trip, collect the crucial active ingredients that make Gravlax an amazing cooking experience. Beginning with premium salmon fillet, fresh dill, kosher salt, white sugar, as well as split black pepper. These active ingredients operate in consistency to develop a delicious as well as flawlessly healed salmon.
Area 3: The Healing Procedure
Understand the art of the healing procedure to attain the best Gravlax appearance. Layer the salmon fillet with the dill-sugar-salt blend, making sure an also circulation of tastes. Cover it securely as well as allow it remainder in the fridge, permitting time for the healing magic to unravel. This careful procedure assures a superb, melt-in-your-mouth experience.
Area 4: Taste Mixture
Discover the subtleties of taste mixture as the salmon undertakes the healing procedure. Look into the marital relationship of dill's organic keeps in mind, sugar's refined sweet taste, as well as salt's transformative power, developing a account that's both innovative as well as indulgent. The outcome is a Gravlax that captivates the palate with each fragile attack.
Area 5: Offering Ideas
Boost your Gravlax experience by discovering imaginative offering ideas. Whether very finely sliced on rye bread with mustard sauce or as a sophisticated enhancement to a brunch platter, this home made healed salmon includes a touch of class to any kind of celebration.
Area 6: Cooking Virtuosity
Emphasize the cooking virtuosity associated with developing Swedish Gravlax, showcasing exactly just how the stabilize of tastes as well as the healing procedure boost this recipe to exquisite standing. Enjoy the contentment of offering a home made delicacy that opponents the most effective offerings from high end fish and shellfish facilities.
Finally, understanding the art of crafting Swedish Gravlax brings the attraction of Scandinavian food in your residence. With its fragile stabilize of tastes as well as the transformative power of the healing procedure, home made healed salmon comes to be a cooking work of art. Welcome the abundant practice of Gravlax, as well as allow its splendid preference come to be a centerpiece in your gastronomic arsenal.
Tags : Swedish Gravlax, Homemade Cured Salmon, Nordic Culinary Delight
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whtober day 4 - "recognition"
the scene where Sirius recognises his childhood friend...
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toyastales · 1 year
Sophisticated living room.
Love the barn photography over the fireplace.
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fierifiction · 2 years
Traditional Cuban food with a little bit of sophistication. FIERI: but abandoned misery, something veteran employee Joan Blanco is proud of. Her name comes from the Cuban island of Cuba, but it is quite rare for a person to use such an old name in a restaurant. FIERI: and the Cuban flag stands on top of a large pedestal, as if to announce its absence.
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lbat1901 · 3 months
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Stayed Gone but it's Brent and Sophist
Basically an AU where Brent suddenly disappears which gives Sophist a 7 year win streak in every Mario Party game. However, once those 7 years passed, Brent returns to challenge Sophist
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