#top gun x desi! Reader
The Heartbreak Prince - Chapter Five
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Word count - 2.1K
A/N - okay.... this takes place in the past, most of it. but get ready because the series is ending soon. only two chapters left for this. and I really hope you like this <3 enjoy and take care <3
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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Erin had not left her side since last night, holding her throughout her breakdown. He fed her dinner and tried to distract her with a game of charades and a story about his crazy pet iguana from when he was a kid. However, it couldn’t lift her spirits. He finally sat on her bed rubbing her back as she exhausted herself to sleep.
Careful not to disturb Erin sleeping next to her, she got up quietly. The soft sunrise light filtered through her room from the open window and her vision cleared, watching as the day started.
Another day without Dhruv.
She walked to the window and gazed at the sky slowly lighting up. She thanked any god who graced her with the strength to finally escape from the hell she was living in.
November was the month of weddings in the bustling city of Kolkata, and her parents dragged her away to every wedding in her family and neighborhood to introduce their daughter, Dr Bagchi, a professor at NYU.
Nisha stood quietly in a corner hiding away from an entire group of middle-aged women staring her down with a scowl on.
The aunties gossiped about her being almost thirty and unmarried.
“They are not talking about you by the way.” She looked at the source and saw a man standing next to her.
Wearing a black kurta, matching his eyes, he sipped a cup of tea as he smiled at her, “I’m thirty-two, and I rejected the fourth girl in a row… who just so happens to be Rina auntie’s niece.” He points at a woman in the crowd wearing an extravagant lehenga, drowning in jewels.
“Wait,” Nisha sniffles a laugh, “she’s the bride’s mother.”
“…and I refused to marry the bride’s cousin.” He grimaced, looking at his chai in defeat.
“Well, you’re out of the radar for now, Rina auntie’s about to trash mouth you to every girl’s mother.”
"Oh, Prabhu Dhanyabad!" Oh, God thank you! He sighed of relief.
Nisha threw her head back in laughter and had to hold back as she attracted the eyes of every elder around her.
“Do you always laugh so loud at the misfortune of others?” he asked.
She raised her eyebrows. “Do you always reject young women and their mothers?”
The man looked at her as he took a long sip of chai, “Only when they are after my money.”
“What are you? Like a landlord or something?” Nisha scoffed.
“Or something.” He smirked, looking at her right in her eyes. The intensity of black in his eyes took her aback. They made her uncomfortable but intimidated her enough to stare back. They were hypnotic, like a whirlpool of secrets.
That should have been the first sign.
“Dhruv Maheshwari.” He extended his hand, flashing a smile.
“Nisha Bagchi.”
Dhruv Maheshwari had a pharmaceutical company in Manhattan, and his family came from old money.
Dhruv had a habit of owning anything he wanted. Be it buildings, land, paintings, you name it. Nisha cursed herself later for years for not noticing what he wanted from the start.
He wanted to own her.
Since their first date, he has tried to show her his money in any shape and form. He took her to the finest restaurants and bought her dresses and shoes a bit too flashy for her style. When she refused to accept the gifts, he would go silent for days, until Nisha agreed to accept them.
She thought after Bradley, after loving someone from one side, she was on the other side, receiving it.
She was blinded by love, enamored by his dark eyes and his addicting touch on her skin. However, he was not the fresh breeze of summer she craved ever since Virginia.
He was a pit of quicksand, slowly engulfing her entire existence to fit his vision of her.
Her mind begged her to see some sense after meeting her parents for the first time. His mother commented on her job and body countless times, and Dhruv laughed.
His parents met hers and fixed a wedding date without her knowledge.
Her birthday that year turned into a surprise engagement party with all her relatives and friends.
Every time she complained, he would hold her face in his hands, wiping tears away from her eyes. He would say, “I do this because I love you, Nisha. I love you so much and you don’t see it.” His dark eyes bore into hers as a storm engulfed the sea, and no matter how many times she tried to accept them back, to get used to them, she never could.
Her last straw was a party thrown by Dhruv’s father in honour of his only son, who then proceeded to demean Nisha’s parents and call her job a ‘fool’s dream’. His mother then threatened her to quit her job and marry Dhruv.
All the while Dhruv sat in his seat and held Nisha’s hand in a death grip, telling her not to overreact.
That night, she told him she would leave him if he told her to quit her job. It was her dream, the result of her blood, sweat and tears. Dhruv opened the main door of his penthouse and stood as Nisha left his doorstep in tears, never to return.
He didn’t call her, called off the wedding, and his parents badmouthed her family any chance they got. This was so much so that Nisha was actually glad her parents no longer lived in New York.
He sent back her things by mail, and two months later a wedding invitation to his wedding with the same girl he rejected two years ago.
Nisha had been gathering up the pieces of her shattered heart ever since that, changing colleges, dating nobody, and as much as she tries to deny it… drinking. As much as she could actually. Nobody knew about this, not even her parents. The reason she never came to The Hard Deck even after being invited so many times by Eric, was because she couldn’t stand the alcohol stench.
Bradley’s alarm startled him. His eyes shifted straight to the open window of Penny’s living room. He watched the early sunrise from the ocean.
Nisha’s face was the only thing he saw the entire night. No matter how hard he tried to sleep, he couldn’t forget how pain resonated from every inch of her face.
He recalled how he would cry harder whenever he saw her cry. He would try his wits not to, and the second he heard her sob, he couldn’t control the tears falling down his eyes.
Involuntarily his mind turned to a conversation he had with Nisha. He took a deep breath as he tried not to remember, but that memory flooded his eyes when he closed them in exhaustion.
It’s been 2 months since Carol passed away peacefully in her sleep. Bradley had cried only twice, once at the hospital after the doctors broke the news, and once when they lowered her casket.
After that, Bradley talked about everything but her. Maverick’s flat became his bed, and Nisha’s house into his Study Room. When she suggested going back to his place to study, he got up abruptly and left without a word.
He could not return to the house. Everywhere he looked, he could see his mother. Her essence was in every house fragment.
Nisha was careful around him. He was silently healing, and there was very little she could do. His good-for-nothing girlfriend left for vacation after the funeral and refused to call him.
“Can you be there?” He told her while stuffing fries in his mouth, sitting in Nisha's room after a study session.
He bought it out of nowhere. He felt Nisha freeze when he said that. After 6 months of training, the air force holds a tap-out ceremony where families congratulate the new recruits.
 “Maverick, Uncle Ice, and Uncle Slider will be with the officials. I don’t have any other person to –”
“Sunny,” Nisha squeezed his hand, “of course I’ll be there” she smiled.
“Really?” He looked at her with hopeful eyes, almost as if he expected her to say no.
“How else will I get a party from you? I know you won’t give it willingly.” She laughed.
“Hey!” He throws a fry at her and she gets up, pulling his cheeks and dodging another fry thrown at her.
He was the last to be tapped out at the ceremony, by Phoenix’s family. He tried his best to keep his emotions at bay the entire evening but broke down remembering Nisha in his dorm room.
Bradley left to become a better person, and he was damn proud of becoming what he is today. However, he left without a goodbye. When he stopped drowning in grief and anger, he realized how wrong he had been all those years ago. He wanted to return to Nisha, the only true friend from his childhood.
But he couldn’t.
Why would she wait for him? He was some boy from her childhood who she trusted wholeheartedly, someone who didn't give her a second thought before leaving.
But he thought of her, after fighting with Mav, after boarding his flight to the Academy, after moving into his dorm room, after flying a jet for the first time.
He wanted to tell her everything, he longed for her while having awkward first conversations with new friends. As he ate in the mess provided by the navy, he craved her homemade food, her company after a long day at work, to tell her what was going on in his head since she understood.
He was too ashamed to return to Nisha.
And now he lost her.
“Are you done wallowing in grief like an adolescent?" Bradley frowned, following the voice as Amelia stood next to the couch. “I could play my Taylor Swift album to set the mood for you?” she huffed out.
“Amelie, not now please,” Bradley grumbled as he got up.
Amelia looked at him. His usual upbeat demeanor was forgotten. He looked sad and tired. It was so unlike him; he was a literal ray of sunshine.
"Bradshaw?" she asked before he left the room.
He replies, expecting a quick jab at his state.
“I have a friend in high school, Elsie. She has been best friends with Amira forever. They did everything together; nobody has seen them without each other. Anyone could see they were in love with each other, except them. Elsie, to be specific.”
Bradley turned to her, intrigued by the story.
“The day Elsie announced she would move to Canada for further studies, I caught Amira crying in the bathroom stall. She loved her so damn much, it hurt her so much, but she still loved her unconditionally. And before Elsie left, she realized she loved her too, but it was too late.”
“Why are you telling me this?” he asked.
“I’m just saying, sometimes you don’t see things right in front of you until it’s too late.” Amelia pats him on the back and leaves for the kitchen. “I’ll make breakfast, get ready, okay?" she smiles at him and gets to work.
Bradley couldn’t help but smile at this 16-something little girl. She had herself suffered through so much and still saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
He needed to have a talk with Nisha, soon.
A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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birdy-bat-writes · 1 year
Tu Maan Meri Jaan
Jake Seresin x Desi!Reader Headcanon + The Dagger Squad and Maverick
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A/N: Hey Guys! So, @girl-in-the-chairs-void and I sort of slipped into the topic of conversation of a Jake getting married to a Desi woman and we both were so in love with the idea that we came up with this. I want to thank you, Pav, for always helping me break out of creative blocks and always being there for me in general. And ofc, I also want to thank you for working with me to create something that can desi and brown girls in this fandom can relate to. To all you, We hope you love it! Now, even I sometimes forget some of the terms that are used for Indian wedding functions so I’ll try to drop a quick explanation in parenthesis after specific terms 😊 But if I miss anything or you’re confused, just let me know in a comment and I’ll be sure to explain it.
Also, A few months ago I saw a reel on Glen’s Instagram of him at Nick and Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Diwali party so here’s that 😁
I completely melt at the thought of Jake getting married to a South Asian bride and they make the wedding half Western and half South Asian.
I feel like he’d already just love the parts of your culture that you share with him. When you go to plan your wedding, he’d already be down to do a multiple-function, multi-day wedding and his sisters and parents would be so excited.
When you first started dating, he didn’t understand the things you whisper to him in your language. 
He makes it his mission to learn a little bit of your language without telling you. So, when you speak to your family or friends and it’s mostly them teasing you two, he knows but doesn’t mention it until later.
Like on the reception he just whispers “meri jaan” My life or something sweet in your ear as the Pandit (Priest) officiates it. 
All the little kids calling him the various names for “uncle” and you’re feeling so proud and holding them all close to you, he looks at you so softly, getting the kids to leave the stage as they scurry off after hugging both of you.
Jake on a horse, riding his way to your house with the Baraat, and being a natural because he’s no stranger to horse riding.
Him seeing you in the wedding lehenga for the first time and just forgetting how to speak.
You are not expecting to be as speechless as you are when you see him in his wedding outfit. And he would tease the hell out of you about it.
His dirty blond hair glistening in the harsh light coming from the camera man and seeing the rest of the squad in traditional desi clothes is the cherry on top.
He had his hands in the air as the dhol and drums (a traditional drumset that plays live at weddings) echo loudly, mimicking some of the dance moves your father or brother may have taught him.
He gets down on one knee as he approaches the stage where you stand, a ring in hand, maybe saying a few sentences in your language that has you crying.
“Main aur kisi ke bare main kaise soch sakta hoon jab meri duniya mere samne hai?” Basically how can I think about someone else when my whole world is in front of me?
Also, I headcanon sometimes that Jake loves to dance and his whole family really enjoys dancing at the wedding. It usually take a glass of wine or so to get him loose but the man can dance.
They drag him onto the stage and what people don’t know is that he has been practicing his moves.
If a lot of Punjabi families are there, then we know we got the booze flowing and as soon as the songs come on, he is going at it.
You are laughing and giggling in your chair as you watch him do bhangra or any other type of dance that he has up his sleeve.
You’re just like, “Babe…. where did you learn to dance like that? When did you find the time to learn this?” “Well, I am a Seresin, Darlin’.”
The wedding vows go like this: 
“The things I do for you my love, but today, I wanna dedicate this day, not to us; but to you. Because my heart has been so full of you that I simply cannot call it mine anymore. My soul has been bewitched and my mind has been taken over by every thought of you. I am a mere reflection- a shadow of you. There was a quote in this movie we watched on our third date: om shanti om (apologies for the pronunciation); you said it was your favorite movie growing up and you cried when shah rukh khan said; "Itni shiddat se maine tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai, ki har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai. So today as our worlds gather around us to witness this beautiful moment, I want to say to you; mujhse shaadi karogi?”
To which you just laugh and say “We’re already married, dumbass” while tugging him up to kiss him and whisper, “A thousand times yes.”
The food, omg, okay. So, in your 5 year long relationship, you have never seen him enjoy pani-puri as much as you do at your own wedding. He happily ate them whenever you went out to eat at an Indian restaurant or made him eat Lamb Karahi (for my Pakistani girls out there), he ate it with a smile on his face, but usually, all he could feel was his mouth going numb at the spice.
But now, he is just gobbling them down. The shocking part? He’s eating them with the spicy water.
You’re shocked because he can handle more spice than you almost. And when you mention it he’s like “Baby you know I like it spicy”😉😉
Every daal or butter chicken or biryani that is brought to the table is just eaten, mostly by him.
When you taste the things yourself, the spice is there but he hasn’t picked up his glass
When you look at him, He just shrugs and says “I’m hungry.”
And you’re already reaching for water now and again.
Rooster and Javy are borderline crying.
And you keep giving them dahi (yogurt) to cut the spice because even you’re starting to
Even Phoenix can handle her spice, but Jake is surpassing that level and your mom is impressed to say the least.
Rooster watching hangman eat straight spicy biryani like 👁👄👁️
The Mehendi (a wedding function in which the bride, groom and guests’ hands and somethings feet are decorated with ethnic temporary tattoos” and Haldi rasam (a wedding function in which a yellow paste made from turmeric is applied to the bride’s and groom’s skin) has you thinking he looks absolutely adorable.
The yellow pastes make his skin glow and while everyone is admiring him all the young girls and aunties eyes are on him, he is just admiring you from the corner of the room as you get the haldi all over you.
You don't notice his eyes on you through the thin curtain until your mother whispers to you: “Everybody’s watching him, but he’s only been looking at you”
If there is haldi left after the ceremony you and Jake just attack Mav and the squad with it. 
And the aunties probably have something to say about how he’s just completely all over you, but you two don’t even care. You’re already too far gone into the bliss of your wedding preparations and traditions that nothing seems to affect your mood.
He’d probably really enjoy the fact that your wedding outfits reveal the midriff if you wear a lehenga. For each function that you wear one or even a sari, he probably really likes being able to feel your skin on his when he puts his arm around your waist.
Maybe if you decide to have a destination wedding in the house you rented, he shows up late at night at your door in a beige or black kurta that your mum made him wear, a few buttons undone from the top, hair a little messy.
He was up with your male family members playing antakshari (a card game often played at celebratory occasions).
If it’s in India, he takes you to a late-night drive to eat ice cream. You introduce him to paan and chai, two common late nigh street foods.
You threaten him that if he ever calls chai, chai tea, you will divorce him. 
When you get back it’s dark and late enough that no one else is awake, he quietly slips into your room as you both try to take in the last few days, barely having a moment to yourselves, as he just stays there and holds you until you drift off to sleep and when you do, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before slipping back into his room.
There’s a tradition where the brides name is written in the groom’s mehndi, and the groom’s name is written in the bride’s. When it comes to him trying to find his name in your hands, it takes him time, but he finds it hiding in the side of your pinky, because when you are nervous you hold onto each other’s pinky’s in a crowded room. It was a small thing you guys used to do before you had started dating.
If you've hidden his name as well, he finds it immediately but takes his name pretending like he didn’t see it just to play with your hands longer.
Yours is hidden in a kaleidoscope of stars and things he’s got on his palms and wrists, it’s in a moon shaped piece that has another thing written under it “mera chaand” My moon.
Phoenix shows up in the most stunning outfits and turns out she has dressed up every single one of the dagger boys.
It came as a surprise to you when she helps you with your jewelry, having known about many uncommon things about the certain things you were putting on.
She manages to take the boys away from you as you are getting ready for your main ceremony.
You both keep a Polaroid of the two of you getting ready, hair and makeup done, mehndi pristine, bangles on, jewelry pretty much all on and your outfits are on the hangers. Standing with arms around each other in tank tops and shorts and it’s the funniest sight. It's a memory you’ll cherish forever with your best friend.
Dude, can you just imagine Javy, Rooster, Mickey and Reuben all lifting the kids at the wedding in the air and pretending like they’re flying fighter jets.The kids are just like “I love Reuben uncle!” And “Jake maamaji is my favorite”.
After the wedding ceremony everyone’s making jokes about how y’all are probably going to get it on but you’re both so tired that you just fall asleep.
Before you do, Jake helps you take off your jewelry.
He counts the huge amount of bobby pins in your hair, the pile is bigger than your head. His eyes are wide by the time he is done taking out the last one. 
“Do you have anything else hiding in your skull somewhere? How did your head not fall?”
“Yeah, now you know why I’m so tired, I’m carrying twice my head’s normal weight.”
You let your clothes just fall to the floor but being the neat freak that he is, he goes to pick them up and put them on the hanger. He groans at the weight of it because it is just so heavy.
“Babe, how were you walking in this? Are you a bodybuilder?”
“Damn, Jake, I thought you navy officers were strong. Can’t even carry a dress??” He glares at you playfully.
He will not stop referring to you as Mrs. Seresin for ages.
You both lay down and just take in the past few days.
He says “Goodnight Mrs. Seresin”. You both just let yourselves fall asleep in like oversized shirts and underwear because you’re too tired to find anything else.
The next day you choose to have a little Western wedding party reception.
And he didn’t know what you were going to wear so when he sees you in a white wedding dress, he loses his mind. Bonus points if it’s Jake’s Mom’s dress.
Mrs. Seresin loves you, and seeing you make her son so happy, just fulfills her life mission.
You look angelic in it.
You remember when he had teased you about how when he gets married he’d take the Garter off with his teeth like some people do and I feel like even if he didn’t, he’d tickle up your leg a little as he took it off with his hands. 
He lets his hands roam around a little longer than needed, announcing that he can’t feel it until he disappears under your dress. He has is in his mouth as he reappears from under your dress, secretly giving it a sniff before tugging it into his pocket.
You get so flustered because your mother and his parents were there too.
Your father would be so mad, as most Asian dads would be in this situation.
Jake's mom might spontaneously combust; “Doesn’t this boy feel embarrassed?”
and the aunties will go feral. You don’t even care though because you’re way too in love with the man in front of you. But everyone had a good laugh over it, it was cute how in love you two are.
You cut cake and toss the bouquet.
Rooster just cuts through- like the diva he is and catches it.
Maybe giving it to your sister or a cousin of yours he’s been eyeing…
And everyone just tells stories from them about how you made naval aviators fall in love with the brown women in your family. Because it’s a common thing for a lot of matches to be made at desi weddings. They’re usually so big; friends and very extended family are invited from both sides and over the 3-7 days you all spend together, it’s not uncommon for some people to exchange numbers or so.
Like it all started there for everyone.
You and Jake take total credit for all the matches that were made.
Even phoenix, she saw your distant cousin that she got along with when your wedding ceremonies started and as she gets to know her; you stumble upon them on the rooftop on a late night, wrapped up in each other’s arms, a blanket around the two of them
Bonus points if you and Jake caught them there together and you all agree to just never mention it because you two weren’t supposed to be there either.
Imagine rooster giving the bouquet to your sister.
Like that man has been following her around the entire time the wedding ceremonies. It’s like a classic trope in a Bollywood movie.
One night, you’re looking for your earring which you’re convinced you sister took. And you walk into her room and he’s just there, minding his own business, chilling on his phone and he just jumps seeing you walk in, trying to explain.
Jake doesn’t even realize that rooster is involved with your sister until he sees them dancing. He just turns to you and is like “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” And you’re just sitting there, smirking. *I know what you are dog meme*
According to Punjabi tradition, you have to wear a red set of bangles after the wedding as a sign of being a newlywed woman. 
According to tradition you need to keep it on until you have kids or like at least for a year. 
It’s not even a year after your marriage that Jake comes home to find your wrists empty of the beloved bangle set he’s so used to. Oh. Oh.
He knows what it means. The empty wrists have him staring, and he’s dying to ask whether you took it off because of discomfort or if there is bigger news behind it. 
After an hour of pondering, he gives up his patience and asks you. 
“Oh, I was waiting until later to tell you this but…” 
You drag him to the nearest seat, sitting him down as you sit opposite, burying your hands into your cardigan pocket and around the plastic stick that felt  a little too heavy now that you were face to face with him. This is what you had been trying for, it's good news. The warmth in his eyes encourages you to let it be, that this was the right time. 
You place the pregnancy test in front of him, he picks it up to inspect as his face lights up with joy that you had only seen the day you got married. In a flurry, he just picks you up and spins you around. You're screeching for him to put you down, but he refuses, burying his face into your stomach as you laugh.
When he does put you down, he makes you sit on the couch with him as he bends down to your stomach; “Hey there champ, you gonna give your ma trouble for the next few months huh?”
@glorified-red Thanks for always supporting me :) @startrekfangirl2233 @darkheartcherry @jstarr86 @alchemxx @keenmarvellover @the-romanian-is-bae @forever-sleepy-sloth @emorychase
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Tu maan meri jaan; a string of headcanons
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A/n; I wanna thank @birdy-bat-writes for this amazing string of head canons, you are truly an inspiration to us all. This little thing is dedicated to all my brown girls and desi’s who long for the representation on any platform. I want you to know that just because there is no opportunity available, doesn’t mean you can’t make an opportunity for yourself. I hope you like this as much as I do <333
Jake seresin x desi!reader (feat. The dagger squad + Maverick)
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I completely melt at the thought of Jake getting married to a South Asian bride and they make the wedding half Western and half South Asian.
Like on the reception he just whispers “meri jaan” My life or something in your ear as the Pandit officiates it.
All the little kids calling him the versions names for “uncle” and you feeling so proud and holding them all close to you, he looks at you so softly, getting the kids to leave the stage as they scurry off after hugging both of you.
Jake on a horse, riding his way to your house with the Baraat.
When you first started dating, he didn’t understand the things you whispered to him in your language.
Him seeing you in the wedding lehenga for the first time and just forgetting how to speak
He makes it his mission to learn a little bit of your language without telling you. So when you speak to your family or friends and it’s mostly them teasing you two, he knows but doesn’t mention it until later.
You are not expecting to be as speechless as you are when you see him in his wedding outfit. He doesnt stop teasing the hell out of you about it the entire night.
Dirty blond hair glistening in the harsh light coming from the camera man and seeing the rest of the squad in traditional clothes is the cherry on top.
He had his hands in the air as the dhol and drums echo loudly, mimicking some of the moves your father or brother may have taught him.
And then at the reception, you decide to change into a white dress. But he doesn’t know. So when he sees you he’s breathless all over again.
He gets down on one knee as he approaches the stage where you stand, a ring in hand, maybe saying a few sentences in your language that has you crying
“Main aur kisi ke bare main kaise soch sakta hoon jab meri duniya mere samne hai?”How can I think about someone else when my whole world is in front of me?
Maybe he sings a song or two; a song from your favorite bollywood movie, something he spent months practicing and getting the emotions right so he doesnt end up crying halfway. The lyrics are dedicated to you, Ofcourse. And as he brings you onto the dance floor you notice the mic in his hand shaking. But you slowly wrap your hands around his and sing the song with him as it closes out.
It’s no secret that Jake loves to dance and his whole family really enjoys dancing at the wedding.
They drag him onto the stage and what people don’t know is that he has been practicing his moves.
If a lot of Punjabi families are there, then we know we got the booze flowing and as soon as the songs come on he is going at it.
You are laughing and giggling in your chair as you watch him do bhangra or any other type of dance that he has up his sleeve.
You’re just like “….where did you learn to dance like that?”
“When did you find the time to learn this?” “well, i am a Seresin, darlin’”
The wedding vows go like this:
“The things I do for you my love, but today, I wanna dedicate this day, not to us; but to you. Because my heart has been so full of you that I simply cannot call it mine anymore. My soul has been bewitched and my mind has been taken over by every thought of you. I am a mere reflection- a shadow of you. There was a quote in this movie we watched on our third date: om shanti om (apologies for the pronunciation); you said it was your favorite movie growing up and you cried when shah rukh khan said; "Itni shiddat se maine tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai, ki har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai.” (I have tried so hard to get you, that the entire universe has brought you to me.) So today as our families gather around us to witness this beautiful moment, I want to say to you; mujhse shaadi karogi?” (Will you marry me)
To which you just laugh and say “we’re already married dumbass” while tugging him up to kiss him and whisper a thousand yes’.
The Mehendi and Haldi rasam has you thinking he looks absolutely adorable
The yellow pastes make his skin glow and while everyone is admiring him all the young girls and aunties eyes are on him, he is just admiring you from the corner of the room as you get the haldi all over you.
You don't notice his eyes on you through the thin curtain until your mother whispers to you: “Everybody’s watching him but he’s only been looking at you”
He loves the way your hair shines in the light.
If there is haldi left after the ceremony you and Jake just attack Mav and the squad with it.
The aunties probably have something to say about how he’s just completely all over you, but you two don’t even care. You’re already too far gone into the bliss of your wedding preparations and traditions that nothing seems to affect your mood.
He’d probably really enjoy the fact that your wedding outfits reveal the midriff if you wear a lehenga. For each function that you wear one or even a sari, he probably really likes being able to feel your skin on his when he puts his arm around your waist.
Maybe if you decide to have a destination wedding in the house you rented, he shows up late at night at your door in a beige or black kurta that your mum made him wear, a few buttons undone from the top, hair a little messy
He was up with your male family members playing antakshari.
If it’s in India, he takes you to a late night drive to eat ice cream.
You introduce him to paan and chai.
You threaten him that if he ever calls chai, chai tea, you will divorce him. He swore he would never mispronounce a single thing again.
When you get back it’s dark and late enough that no one else is awake, he quietly slips into your room as you both try to take in the last few days, barely having a moment to yourselves, as he just stays there and holds you until you drift off to sleep and when you do, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before slipping back into his room.
Then when it comes to him trying to find his name in your hands, it takes him time but he finds it hiding in the side of your pinky, because when you are nervous you hold onto each other’s pinky’s in a crowded room. It was a small thing you guys used to do before you had started dating.
If you've hidden his call sign as well, he finds it immediately but takes his name pretending like he didn’t see it just to play with your hands longer.
Yours is hidden in a kaleidoscope of stars and things he’s got on his palms and wrists, it’s in a moon shaped piece that has another thing written under it “mera chaand”
Phoenix shows up in the most stunning outfits and turns out she has dressed up every single one of the dagger boys.
It came as a surprise to you when she helped you with your jewelry, having known about many uncommon things about the certain things you were putting on.
She manages to take the boys away from you as you are getting ready for your main ceremony.
You both keep a Polaroid of the two of you getting ready, hair and makeup done, mehendi pristine, bangles on, jewelry pretty much all on and your outfits are on the hangers. Standing with arms around each other in tank tops and shorts and it’s the funniest sight. It's a memory you’ll cherish forever with your best friend.
Dude can you just imagine Javy, Rooster, Mickey and Reuben all lifting the kids at the wedding in the air and pretending like they’re flying fighter jets.The kids are just like “I love Reuben uncle!” And “Jake maamaji is my favorite”.
Phoenix teaches the girls how to fight, defend themselves and kick the boys in the balls.
They manage to experiment their kicks on the squad and even though the girls don’t hurt them enough, they pretend to topple over in faux pain until Phoenix hits Rooster in the balls and he actually does double over in pain as everyone around him just laughs it off. He tries to smile through the pain for the sake of the kids but Phoenix knows that she hurt him where it hurts. All the kids think it’s hilarious because they think it’s fake and Rooster is just trying to smile through the pain.
After the wedding ceremony everyone’s making jokes about how y’all are probably going to get it on but you’re both so tired that you just fall asleep.
Not to mention the fact that he will help you take off your jewelry.
He counts the huge amount of bobby pins in your hair, the pile is bigger than your head.
His eyes are wide by the time he is done taking out the last one.
“Do you have anything else hiding in your skull somewhere? How did your head not fall?”
“Yeah now you wonder why I’m so tired, I’m carrying twice my heads normal weight”
He’s just shocked but damn he is proud of you and probably does a hands down thing after you pile up your outfit, heels and everything and make him pick it up.
He groans at the weight of it because it is just so heavy.
“Babe, how were you walking in this? Are you goddamn bodybuilder?”
“Damn, Jake, I thought you navy officers were strong. Cant even carry a dress??” Him glaring at you playfully.
“I am Mrs. Seresin now, aren’t I? So that automatically makes me strong, like your mom.”
Him melting at that…
He will not stop referring to you as Mrs. Seresin for ages.
You both lay down and just take in the past few days.
He says “goodnight Mrs seresin”. You both just let yourselves fall asleep in like oversized shirts and underwear because you’re too tired to find anything else. Wedding clothes left on the floor.
Maybe you end up getting shared last names, and you correct him that “it's Seresin-L/n”
The next day you choose to have that little western wedding party reception.
And he didn’t know what you were going to wear so when he sees you in a white wedding dress he loses his mind.
Maybe it's Vivienne Westwood (rest in peace queen), bonus points if it’s his moms dress.
Mrs Sersin loves you, and seeing you make her son so happy, just fulfills her life mission.
You look angelic in it
and then midway you might change into a more traditional one
You remember when he had teased you about how when he gets married he’d take the Garter off with his teeth like some people do and I feel like even if he didn’t, he’d tickle up your leg a little as he took it off with his hands.
He lets his hands roam around a little longer than needed, definitely announcing that he can’t feel it until he disappears under your dress. He has is in his mouth as he reappears from under your dress, secretly giving it a sniff before tugging it into his pocket.
You get so flustered because your mother and his parents were there too.
Your father would be so mad, as most asian dads would be in this situation.
Jake's mom might spontaneously combust; “Doesn’t this boy feel embarrassed?”
and the aunties will go feral. You don’t even care though because you’re way too in love with the man in front of you.
You cut cake and toss the bouquet
Rooster just cuts through- like the diva he is and catches it.
Maybe giving it to your sister that he’s been eyeing…
And everyone just tells stories from them about how you made naval aviators fall in love with the brown women in your family.
Like it all started there for everyone.
You and Jake take total credit for all the matches that were made.
Even phoenix, she saw your distant cousin that she got along with when your wedding ceremonies started and as she gets to know her; you stumble upon them on the rooftop on a late night, wrapped up in each others arms, a blanket around the two of them
Bonus points if you and Jake caught them there together and you all agree to just never mention it because you two weren’t supposed to be there either.
You didn’t even know the girl swinged that way but seeing Phoenix follow her around like a puppy dog has you feeling good about your best friend.
The food, omg, okay. So in your 5 year long relationship, you have never seen him enjoy pani puri as much as you do at your own wedding. He happily ate them whenever you went out to eat at an indian restaurant or made him eat Lamb Karahi (for my pakistani girls out there), he ate it with a smile on his face, yet all he can feel is his mouth gong numb at the spices.
But now, he is just gobbling them down. The shocking part? He’s eating them with the spicy water
You’re shocked because he can handle more spice than you, somehow.
He manages to not throw up later that night, because he usually used to get an upset stomach during your last trip to South Asia.
When you mention it he’s like “baby you know I like it spicy”
Every daal or butter chicken or biryani that is brought to the table doesn't last for more than 5 minutes on the table, mostly eaten by him.
When you taste the things yourself, the spice is there but he hasn’t picked up his glass of water to take a single sip.
When you look at him, He just shrugs and says “I’m hungry” while you’re already reaching for water now and again
Rooster and Javy are borderline crying, and you keep giving them dahi.
The moans Jake is letting out just be eating the daal and roti has you choking on your food.
Even Phoenix can handle her spice but Jake is surpassing that level and your mom is impressed to say the least.
Rooster’s in awe, watching hangman eat straight spicy biryani
Oh Rooster,
Imagine Rooster giving the bouquet to your sister though, like that man has been following her around the entire the wedding ceremonies, it makes you think of the classic tropes in Bollywood movies.
Then one night, you’re looking for your earring which you’re convinced you sister took, you walk into her room and he’s just there, minding his own business, chilling on his phone and he just jumps seeing you walk in trying to explain that they haven't done anything besides hang out while leaving room for jesus. Its the funniest sight as your sister suppresses her giggles.
He is doing this one performance with her, where she throws the flower at his ass as part of the act.
Even Jake doesn’t realize that Rooster is involved with your sister until he sees her slingshot the flower and wink at Rooster, which has him blushing- hard.
You’re grinning from ear to ear because you know and Jake just turns to you and is like “are you seeing what I’m seeing?” And you’re just sitting there, smirking.
Jake is a softie and if you’re Punjabi, you have to wear a red set of bangles after the wedding as a sign of being a newlywed woman.
According to tradition you need to keep it on until you have kids or like at least for a year.
It’s not even a year after your marriage that jake comes home to find your wrists empty of the beloved bangle set he’s so used to. Oh.
He knows what it means, your mother had filled him in on this Rasam as well when he was told he wasn't allowed to see you until the day of your wedding.
The empty wrists has him staring, and he’s dying to ask whether you took it off because of discomfort or that there is bigger news behind it.
After an hour of pondering he gives up his patience and asks you.
“Jaan? Where’s the Chura?” “Oh, I was waiting until later to tell you this but…”
You drag him to the nearest seat, sitting him down as you sit opposite, burying your hands into your cardigan pocket and around the plastic stick that felt a little too heavy now that you were face to face with him.
This is what you had been trying for, it's good news. The warmth in his eyes encourages you to let it be, that this was the right time.
you place the pregnancy test in front of him, he picks it up to inspect as his face lights up with joy that you had only seen the day you got married. In a flurry, he just picks you up and spins you around. You're screeching for him to put you down but he refuses, burying his face into your stomach as you laugh.
When he does put you down, he makes you sit on the couch with him as he bends down to your stomach; “Hey there champ, you gonna give your ma trouble for the next few months huh? ”
Your pregnancy was hectic to say the least. A few weeks after you announced it, Jake was deployed, thankfully he got home just in time to help you through the last five months of it.
Your cravings consisted of kheer and achar mixtures and a bunch of other weird foods that you forced him to make.
As tradition asks, he took you to your parents’ house as you approached the end of your pregnancy. You ate every single dish your mum presented you with.
The delivery was tough as most are, he was there to support you through it.
You're pretty sure you cussed him out in your mother tongue multiple times.
Just like that your beautiful daughter was born.
She is absolutely beautiful and all Jake wants to do is protect the two of you from the world, his two best girls.
A few months into parenting has the two of you exhausted to say the least. Your parents come over all the time, you siblings try and teach the infant words that you’re pretty sure she cannot pronounce at this age.
But before she turns a year old, you mimic the sounds of your mother to try and teach her to say “Maa”
To which Jake tries to teach her to say “papa/baba”, that has your heart melting when you stumble upon the two of them eating and him repeating “baba” to her.
@jaaneymann @love-strawberry @shurisneakers @we-out-here-simping @brekkers-desigirl @happypopcornprincess @tongue-like-a-razor @bussyslayer333 @blue-aconite @littlebadariell @ravenhood2792 @dempy @crthurston @fandomunite2107 @fandom-life-12 @elicheel @arson-tm @startrekfangirl2233 @roosterbruiser @roostersrooster @whoreforseresin @desert-fern
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The Heartbreak Prince - Chapter Four
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Word count - 2.1K
A/N - Last semester had me crying on the floor because of the syllabus (pls computer science majors, you have my respect) but I'm back and so are Bradley and Nisha!!! It took me a while to write this chapter please let me know how you liked it and what do you think is gonna happen next? Take care y'all!
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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Natasha was back, and in all the excitement of hanging out with his friends after work, Bradley accidentally slipped that he was headed to the beach.
That led to the entire dagger squad tagging along. He asked Nisha about this. When she said she didn’t mind, and that she is actually excited to meet his friends, he readied himself for the much-needed outing.
He knew Nisha to be reserved, and he knew the dagger squad who would jump at the opportunity to pull his leg. Harvard and Yale challenged everyone to an intense volleyball game on California's shores as Bradley and Reuben played referee.
The sun was over their heads, a cool ocean breeze blew their hair, and a smile was plastered on all their faces. This was as they passed the ball around. It looked like a scene from a summer flick. All they needed was a pop-rock song playing in the background.
He tried to focus on the game and was met by Harvard pausing mid-game and gawking at something just behind him. Bradley then nudged Halo who was on his side to look.
He turned on his seat just in time to hear Halo say, "Uh, guys, a total babe is approaching our way.”
In his view, Nisha was the only person approaching them.
She wore a simple beach outfit, a white tank top, and an ankle-length skirt in deep blue.
And Halo was right, she looked gorgeous without extravagance.
Bradley rose to his feet and greeted her. She smiled blindingly, as she looked behind his shoulder towards his crew. They had all stopped the game and looked at them with rapt attention.
"Hey," he said, unknowingly fumbling with his hands, "You look great." He smiled.
Her brows were raised as she admired his khaki shorts and T-shirt. "Thank you," she said, laughing, "you look great too".
���Stop with the sarcasm.” He deadpanned.
“What? This look has been your trademark since the 90s.”
“haha.” He smiles, “Come on, meet the crew.”
Bradley introduced her to the infamous Dagger Squad.
She heard their stories from Erin. The group of insanely hot elite naval pilots that hang around on The Hard Deck all the time. It had only been minutes meeting them, but they had already made her feel so welcome and happy, she felt like exchanging stories with old friends.
The crew settled down in the empty parking lot next to the beach after finishing their match.
Natasha and Jake leaned on her bike as he hugged her waist, Callie, Bob, Mickey, and Reuben fought for a place on her beach towel, all while Billy, Logan, and Brigham watched as chaos ensued, Neil opting to record this on his phone.
Bradley leaned quietly next to her on his Bronco bonnet, laughing now and then watching his friends goof around.
Nisha cheered as Callie was successful in getting rid of Reuben and Mickey and letting only Bob sit with her.
“Bagchi, please tell me he has been through an EMO phase,” Mickey asked, pointing at Bradley as she looked at him.
Bradley stared at Nisha as she smiled softly, “No, he didn't."
And then Bradley’s face dropped when he saw her smirking, "but he did undergo a rock phase so…”
Laughter filled the air as Bradley ducked his head and nudged her shoulder playfully.
Nisha remembers clear as a day, 15 and 16 respectively, lying on his bedroom floor as he introduced her to Guns N’ Roses.
“Guns N’ Roses?” Mickey looks at Bradley.
“O… o, o, o, sweet child of mine…” Harvard, Yale, and Fritz broke into a pitchy version of the song right then and there.
“O… o, o, o, sweet love of mine…” The others joined in just after.
And soon enough, the iconic opening riff to the 80s hit blared through Mickey’s portable speaker, and a dance broke out.
Her hand slipped into Bradley's grasp, and he pulled her forward. Walking out, he smirks, "Come on!"
Bradley dragged her towards his friends and held her hand, slowly swaying to the beat. Eventually, as the temperature rose, the gentle swaying turned into jumping and enjoying it. It was impossible for Nisha to realize when her hair came loose from her hairband, as she was lost in the music, the familiar beats of her youth, and the thrill of dancing with new people. Like she was back in the 2000s, living life in the present without caring about anything else.
As much as she missed this version of herself, she was glad to know that this version of her was still alive after all that had happened.
Bradley turned onto her street at nine.
She laughed, telling some silly story about one of her students who thought it would be a genius to base his physics theoretical paper on Star Wars.
“…and of course, I gave him a piece of my mind, but his research was thorough. Like, really thorough. He somehow managed to explain hypothetical light-year travel with a spacecraft solely based on The Empire Strikes Back.”
“So what did you do?” Bradley asked, slowing down the car.
“I gave him an A. And wrote a recommendation letter for his NASA internship. He was one of my first students. Absolute genius.” She looked out the window.
"I cannot remember the last time I felt so... free," she exhales deeply. This is what I missed, living in the moment and not worrying about tomorrow. Even if it was only for a day, it was nice.” She smiled.
Bradley looked into her eyes. He found a glint in them; the same one she would have when telling him about the latest comic or the book she had read. He would sit for hours and listen to her talk. He loved her voice and the way she told the stories.
Nisha got out of the car, and Bradley came around. The cool evening wind blew around the neighborhood, indicating a storm was coming in soon.
“So,” he breathed out, looking at her trying not to smile.
“So…” she asked with raised eyebrows.
“When will you be free again? ”
Nisha laughed, "Maybe this Sunday but I’m not sure.”
“Okay then, I’ll pick you up at 6.” He smiled.
She looked to the side, trying not to smile. “Okay.”
Nisha extended her hand and shook his, looking at how the wind blew his hair. She stepped closer and brushed some hair away from his face with her other hand.
Bradley froze at his place. The feel of her warm fingers running through his hair made his heart skip a beat.
He held on to her hand for a while.
She glanced at how his hands had engulfed hers fully. Her hands were cold as ice, but he didn’t let go. His heart pounded as she looked him in the eye, slowly closing the distance between them, their chests almost touching. Bradley’s eyes remained fixed on hers for a second, and he saw how they were moistened, tears filling the void in her eyes.
“Hey,” he whispered, gently caressing her face, wiping a stray tear tumbling down her cheeks, “what happened?”
Nisha let out a breath. Her head tilted to one side, and her eyebrows winched. It was as if she remembered something, and her entire body froze.
She jerked back, almost stumbling on the lawn.
“Nisha,” Bradley stepped forward to grab her arm but she stopped him. “Don’t.”
He stood there looking at her, his arms extended to catch her if she falls.
“…just don’t Bradley.” Nisha sniffled, tears falling freely down her face.
Nisha left him standing on the sidewalk as she ran toward the front porch.
The sight of her running away from him broke Bradley's heart. Something big hurt her, and she has yet to recover from it.
“heyyyy” Erin ran to the living room, all ready to hear about her date with Bradley.
But instead, he found her sobbing at the front door.
“Oh honey,” Nisha looked at him as she closed the door, and broke down. She walked up to him and hugged him close.
“I… Erin, he…” She broke down, and Erin struggled to keep her up.
“Nisha, Nisha looks at me,” Erin panicked as he tried to reason with her, who was shaking her head and crying badly. He held her shoulders and faced her, “He isn’t Dhruv.”
Nisha broke down further listening to that name after so long.
Erin began, rubbing her back to calm her down, “He won’t…”
Nisha didn't have the sense to listen to him. Then she squeezed her friend even tighter and cried even harder.
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A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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The Heartbreak Prince - Chapter Six
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Word count - 2.3K
A/N - Angst, angst, angst, ANGST!!!! That's it. *I'm sorry :(*
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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“…Miss Bagchi?”
Nisha’s eyes focused again on the girl sitting before her, staring at her in confusion.
“Yes, Sinopa?”
"I just wanted to know what you thought about supervising my project for my final year. You just grew quiet suddenly. Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine Sinopa. No worries.” Nisha laughed nervously and straightened up in her chair.
“Okay,” she smiled and got up from her chair, “I’ll mail you the project details then.” As Sinopa exited her office, Nisha saw how excited she was, probably overwhelmed by having a project supervisor.
A sad smile spread on her face, rewinding back years ago to watch Bradley do the same on his 18th birthday.
They cleaned the entire house for a birthday party. He refused a party at first, but Elena and her friends wanted one, so he agreed. Ice and Maverick flew in from Miramar. That might be the only positive thing that girl ever did in her life. This is because cleaning the house with Maverick, Ice, and herself made him come back.
The sunshine boy, her Sunny.
She heard his laughter after months. Maverick and Ice started a water fight in the garage while washing his Bronco. This ended up with all four drenched and soapy.
She shook herself out of the memory. Whatever happened in the past didn’t matter anymore.
The west coast sunset was as beautiful as the day Bradley saw them for the first time.
He swam in the shallow water, watching the sun disappear on the horizon. The water was cold as ice, and the clouds overhead approaching the beach were a welcome relief from the heat.
He had turned to the beach for answers since his Miramar posting. With everything going on in his life right now, the only thing that could clear his mind was a swim in the infinite ocean.
He called Nisha countless times and texted her to ask if she was okay. She hadn’t replied to anything. She was the only thing he could think about. It had been forever, but he was too dumb to realize that.
He swam to the shore, where he had left his belongings, carefree as the beach was empty of visitors on this stretch. As he got dressed, the wind blew hard and he shivered. He looked around the sand stretch and noticed someone sitting far away.
The flowy skirt, and her hair blowing in the wind, her eyes locked on the horizon.
The bottle was almost empty. The familiar burn of whiskey on her tongue did little to calm her down.
She had sworn off alcohol since moving to Miramar, but one phone call from her parents was enough for her to return.
Silent tears ran down her eyes thinking about her parents back in India, and how they handled her broken engagement, even after so much time had passed. Shame, ruthless comments from relatives, the shunning from the whole town for rejecting 'The Maheshwaris.'
Her mother cried on the phone, and her father refused to talk to her. They wanted her to get a job in India. With her qualifications, it would have been easy. But she could not go, leave San Diego. It was one place that felt like home after so long. She hadn’t told them why.
She doesn’t want to think about the reason right now. She wants peace.
Oh, how unlucky this day could get!
She turned to the source, and it was Bradley Bradshaw standing right next to her.
She attempts to get up, but stumbles, her head spinning from alcohol effects. If it wasn’t for Bradley, she would have fallen face-first into the sand. He grabs her arm and steadies her, his touch gentle and caring. She stares into his eyes for a moment before pushing him away. “Go away, Bradshaw.”
He straightened her up easily. “So, we’re on a last-name basis now? Great!” He grumbled, looking down at the bottle. He struggled to keep her upright. "You're drunk?” His grip tightened on her arm.
“Uh, huh?" Nisha mumbled, reaching out for what was left in the bottle.
Bradley took it away, “Nisha, why are you drinking?”
“-oh my god! I’m thirty-four for fuck’s sake Bradley, I can drink as much as I want!” Nisha staggered back, trying to get out of his death grip on her arm.
“Nisha, come on!” He dropped the bottle to hold her steady.
Nisha pushed him away. “You idiot!” she screamed. “That was expensive!”
Bradley had never seen her like this. He had no idea what to do. She was alone, and it was getting dark with storm clouds overhead. And there was no way she could go back to her house being this drunk out of her mind.
“Nisha, listen to me,” he tried to hold her hand, but she repelled him, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Nisha, listen-“
“Let. Me. Go!" she growls, walking away from him.
He ran after her. “What’s wrong? Talk to me, Nisha, please."
She didn’t even look at him. “I don’t want to.”
Bradley spoke up, his heart racing up at the way she was acting. “Nisha I’m here! Talk to me!”
Nisha stopped hearing this.
She turns to look at him, with teary eyes and her face etched with hurt and betrayal, she speaks, “Bold of you to say that.”
As much as he tried not to, Bradley felt anger rising in his throat. “Nisha, let’s get you home.”
She laughs humourlessly, “Yeah, no thanks.”
Angrily pointing at him, she shouted, “You don’t have any right to say that,” Before walking away, she said, “You don’t have any right to say that.”
She sobs, "You left. Bradley. You left and never looked back. You don’t get to drop into my life out of nowhere and ask to take me home.”
Bradley had been dreading this inevitable conversation for days. He breathed nervously, “I had nothing left back in Virginia…”
“You had me!” Nisha screamed out, “You had me, Sunny. Okay. You had me, and Dad, and Mom, you had us.” She sniffled.
The wind picked up, and Bradley was frozen looking at her.
“Ever since you helped me on the first day of freshman year I have been there. I was there at every game, every test, every time you fell sick, every time you lost, I was there Bradley.” She cried on. She has been by his side through all the ups and downs, supporting him every step of the way. She has been there to encourage him when he needed it most and to console him when he faced setbacks.
Bradley felt his face heat up, his heart beating fast with an ache in his throat.
“I told you not to go out with Elena. I told you so many times and you called me paranoid.” Nisha wiped off her tears and continued, “And I was still there when she left.”
“I missed Carol.” the ache in his throat grew as he heard his mother’s name. Bradley wanted to speak up but could not, “She was my mentor. I cried and cried for days and tried to make you cry too because you needed to. And when you finally did, I was there.”
His mind told him her words were influenced by alcohol, they meant nothing. However, his heart, his heart took over his senses and cried, “Why?” He screamed. “Why Nisha? Why did you...” He stopped abruptly, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Because I love you, Bradley! I love you.” Nisha screamed out.
A cold wind blew their hair in all directions as the first drops of rain fell, and soon they were drenched in rain. She breathed heavily, and even though it was dark, he could see tears falling from her face. Her hair was stuck to her face, and for a second he saw the bubbly seventeen-year-old girl who was his light at the end of the tunnel.
“Nisha…” he tried to speak up, but she continued, “And no matter how hard I tried not to… I still do.”
Bradley’s vision blurred. He stepped towards her, but she staggered back again, “Don’t…” but before she could say further, her vision blurred, and she passed out seconds before he could catch her. Bradley quickly caught her and laid her down on the ground. He wiped away her tears gently before he closed his eyes and cried silently. He had never seen her so vulnerable before.
“Come on Nishi pick up the goddamn phone!” Eric paced through the living room, looking outside at the weather worsening. Rain hit the windows at full force, the howling wind sending shivers down his spine.
He contemplated calling the University to ask about, and was seconds away from doing so before the doorbell rang. He ran to the door and opened it to give her a piece of his mind but instead, he was face to face with Rooster.
It took Erin a while to register him standing on his doorstep with Nisha on his side, hanging from his arm.
"Hi." Bradley says, adjusting Nisha to his side.
“Rooster?” Erin recognized the regular at the bar instantly and wasted no time taking Nisha’s other hand and carefully guide them to her room.
Bradley sat by her side after.
She dosed off as soon as her body touched the mattress, still in her soaked dress, still with dried tears on her face. His fingers ghosted over her hand.
But they stayed there.
He admired her from afar, her confession still ringing in his ears.
Because I loved you, Bradley! I loved you… And no matter how hard I try not to… I still do.
How blind. Oh, how blind he has been.
He looked around her room, how she had turned it into an exact replica of her Virginia home.
Books stacked everywhere, posters of singers and bands from their youth and… was that a lightsaber? A laugh escaped his lips and his eyes settled on her bookshelf. Or a picture frame to be exact.
He got up and looked closely. It was them. One of their first pictures ever.
They posed in front of their high school’s headstone. His mother held the camera, gesturing for him to move closer to Nisha. She said something, but he couldn’t hear anything.
He looked at her, “Bradley, smile!” Nisha tugged on his arm as she laughed.
His eyes remained fixed on her face as she inched closer. He smiled, a funny sensation rising in his chest, the same one he felt the moment her hand stuck to his with duct tape. He was drawn to her like a magnet, and for a second, he thought he saw the same glimmer in her eyes. In fact, he must be imagining that, but before he could move away, he heard the camera click.
They were forever frozen in that picture. Two kids looking at each other, standing in front of their high school headstone. Unsure of what would happen next.
She fell in the hallway, and he fell for her the moment he looked into her eyes.
Warm and brown.
The same as his.
He loved her since he saw her.
And he didn’t even know it.
Erin's voice broke the silence as he looked at him standing in the doorway. "This will keep her warm," He had bought some blankets, and Bradley helped him cover Nisha with them.
“Thank you,” Erin breathed out. “I was worried sick. She wasn’t picking up her phone and-“
“It’s alright Erin. She’s safe now.” He says, looking at her sleeping form for a last time before moving out.
He couldn't give her peace, but he hoped she would find it in her sleep. She was safe here, with her trusted friend. He will keep her safe.
They left her sleeping in her room. Bradley closed the door after looking at her for the last time. "She was drinking on the beach when I found her. I've never seen her like this, what happned?" he asked Erin.
The young man breathed out, his shoulders falling. "It's not my story to tell. Just... life's been harsh on her for a while." Erin looks at him, "Did she say something to you?"
"No," he replied abruptly.
Erin smiled in response, "I'll let you know when she gets up. You should change before you catch a cold." He pointed towards his wet clothes.
"No, Erin," Bradley replied. "Don't mention me," he said. He looked around the room, then back at Erin. "You take care." He smiled and stepped towards the door.
Before he could step out of her house, Erin spoke, “Be gentle with her Rooster,” he turned to see him standing in her doorway, “she’s healing something she didn’t break for the second time.”
A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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The Heartbreak Prince - Epilogue
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Word count - 3K
A/N - Thank you, everyone, for sticking with me till the end of this series. I had a fantastic time writing Nisha and Bradley. Many thanks to this request to jumpstart this idea in my mind. You are welcome to send asks and recommendations to my inbox. Here you go then, one last chapter for The Heartbreak Prince. Hope y'all like it! :)
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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Two weeks later, Saturday
The Hard Deck was now the bar of The Dagger Squad. They would flood the place every weekend, trying to ward off the week's wariness The squad would take turns buying everyone rounds of drinks. By night's end, the bar was filled with laughter, stories, and support for each other. This became the weekly tradition for The Dagger Squad, a place to unwind with their squadmates and enjoy the weekend, and exchange stories with each other.
All but one of them was absent today.
Sitting on the beach behind the bar, Bradley looked at the horizon. Holding in his hands was what would change his life forever.
It was there. Right there in his hands. A letter that Cyclone gave him after announcing to the team that Bradley was offered a position in Spain. This was everything he had worked for, all those years training and perfecting every move. There were claps, pats on his back, and proud smiles all around.
Despite that, he still felt empty inside.
“Bradley.” A hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality. Pete sat next to him, smiling as he rubbed his shoulder.
“Hey,” he tried to smile, but a frown appeared instead. Pete laughed, “Phoenix and Fanboy searched you inside. I suspect it will end up with you on the piano."
“Nishi is here.” He blurted out.
Pete raised his eyebrows, shocked, “the- your friend from high school?”
“Mav…” Bradley looked him in the eyes, trying to tell him that he fell for her hopelessly, immensely, madly. In realization, Pete's eyes softened, and he laughed out loud as he smiled. “Glad to see you finally realized."
The only thing Bradley could do was laugh in response, confused as to what he was implying.
“Bradshaw…” Pete slapped a hand on his shoulder. "You have been in love with her since ’99. Bagchi had you whipped. She would follow you anywhere, and you would do the same. I knew you would end up together one day or another, but… you left and…” he sighed.
They looked at each other, speechless now, trying to find words for what was running on in their minds.
Pete looks at his dearest Godson. “Bradley, this letter is right here,” he points to his hands. "This is an excellent opportunity for you. I’m not boosting your ego but after the last mission, you caught the eyes of some higher-ups. If you do this, you can be promoted to lieutenant commander.”
Bradley looked at him, his estranged father figure, his mentor with whom he had been cross for so many years, the person who took a missile for him, quite literally. He just wanted to help, wanted what was best for him, to save him from making the same mistakes he did.
“Hey,” Pete straightens up, “I can only show you what paths lie before you Bradley, which one you choose to walk on. That decision is yours.”
He pats Bradley on the back and leaves him to his thoughts.
Bradley doesn’t move, he looks at the setting sun on the horizon, the sky turning bright pink and red.
Nisha Bagchi was like blue wildflowers in spring, the first monsoon rainfall. The doors of her home were always open for him, and he never felt like he did not belong. This is even though he was nothing like her.
The smell of new books, long dark hair braided on her shoulder, spilled ink on her fingers, her kind heart that welcomed everyone, and eyes like dark chocolate. If he could go back to ’99 and play out their first meeting, he would tell her how beautiful she was. She needed that back then; he was too lost in his head to notice it.
She deserves peace. Someone who holds her tight and tells her they love her every day. Someone who could make her laugh her whole life. Someone who won’t leave her without saying goodbye.
But he gets goosebumps recalling the skip in his heartbeat every time his plane takes off, the smell of hot leather in the cockpit, looking down to see the tiny buildings and houses, taking a deep breath after pulling the G’s, the thrill of pulling the controls and going faster than sound.
Flying with his comrades, the banter on the radio, the delight of flying above the clouds where he swears, he could feel the presence of his dad, that lovable, kind-hearted man he had so little time with.
He stands up, folding the letter and tucking it in his pocket. He takes one last look at the ocean before returning to his friends.
He knew what he was going to do.
She takes one last look in the mirror, smoothing her dress. A maroon blouse with a black mid-length skirt. Nisha took a deep breath before leaving the house and meeting Erin in his car.
“You look amazing.” He says as she sits in the passenger seat.
“Please tell me this is a good idea, I-" she was immediately shushed.
“No! no,” Erin points at her, “you are heading to the meeting after your shift. I will wait for you at the center. And I will walk inside with you if you want me to.”
Nisha tried not to cry at that moment, but her eyes were moistened and Erin handed her a napkin. She told him a few days ago that she was thinking of therapy. Erin helped her find names and information about support groups and meetings around town. This was her first day.
“You want to get better Nishi; you told me yourself. You choose to remain kind and caring after suffering through hell and back. Asking for help is the bravest thing can do. And yes, this is not an awful idea, instead, it will make you feel better. Pinky swears.”
He lifts his little finger and shoves her shoulder. As she holds his little finger with hers, Nisha laughs through tears.
“Pinky swears.” She smiles.
“Okay then,” Erin puts on the radio and revs up the engine, “let’s get you to your workplace so you can teach… science and stuff!”
Windows down, and their hair blowing in the wind, they laughed driving through the neighborhood. They took the road running along the beach towards UC San Diego.
Closing her office door and finally done with the day, Nisha descended downstairs. The building was almost empty. Outside, it was a fine evening. The lectures proceeded well, no students requested grades, and the cafeteria had cheesecake for lunch.
Leaving the science building, she waves to some of her colleagues and smiles at the evening sky. Bringing a storm with them in a couple of hours, dark blue clouds floated above, the same shade as-
She shook out of the thought and looked ahead at the road through the Uni. She met the sight of the blue Bronco that had just run through her mind.
Leaning against it, with aviators on, was Bradley Bradshaw.
He was the smell of earth on a rainy day, the first sunshine rays after a snowfall. His hugs always feel full and safe, his heart ready to bleed out for his loved ones.
His smile even with braces on, his unruly outgrown curls falling on his forehead, his chocolaty brown eyes that calmed her on her worst days.
Her Sunny, her first love.
She stops in her tracks, gazing his way, her visceral thoughts invading like they always do with Bradley. He takes off his glasses and waves at her, smiling softly.
Like he used to when they were younger.
She stops in her tracks a few feet away, wearing jeans and a white full sleeve under his open Hawaiian shirt. A soft sigh leaves Nisha’s lips and she speaks, “I heard you were leaving.”
Bradley straightens up, obviously shocked at how she knows, “how did you-“
“Erin heard you guys at the bar," Nisha replied.
“Oh.” That’s all he said, as he shoved his hands in his jeans.
They stayed like that for a while, looking at each other as people passed by them, unaware of the absolute chaos going inside their minds.
She adjusts her bag on her shoulder, “What are you doing here Bradley?” she asks sternly.
He takes a deep breath, “I was… I wanted to tell you… that I’m…” he stutters.
Nisha turns suddenly, and walks off without looking back.
“I’m sorry Punk!”
That makes her halt. His words seem so desperate, laced with guilt and sadness.
Nisha turns to see him standing there, his chest heaving, “I’m so, so, sorry for what I did.” He was looking her right in the eyes, and he walked closer, “I was young, and sad, and angry at the entire world. I wasn’t thinking straight. The day I left, I did it out of spite. I was sitting in the plane halfway to UVA that I realised what I did, leaving you behind.”
Every word hits her straight to the heart. The sincerity in his eyes scares her, she had never seen that before, “When I would call you, I wanted to say sorry, I wanted to mend things between us… I could never gather the courage to stand up to my mistakes, I… I’m sorry to leave you like that. I didn’t even say goodbye”
He sniffled as he walked closer, now a few feet in front of her, all while Nisha was cemented in her place.
“Before you, I didn’t even know what friendship was, it was just me and my mom. You were the first one to look past my appearance, you were nothing but kind to me. I was an idiot, I… Nishi, I… I don’t deserve your forgiveness.” He gulps, his gaze unwavering.
Her chest tightened hearing that, and she opened her mouth to contradict him, but he gestured her to stop, “Nishi… I know something happened to you, something that made you feel like you don’t deserve love. You’re wrong. You deserve peace, and joy, and every good thing that life has to offer.” Nisha’s vison blurred with tears.
She stepped towards him to stop him and Bradley stepped back, “I’m not that person.”
Bradley stares at his shoes, unable to look at her anymore. The gentleness in her eyes was too much for him to stare into. But he couldn't get himself to leave either. Looking at his tears, he breathes deeply and prepares to depart.
Warm hands enclose his. Startled by the touch he looks forward, right into the brown eyes that always soothed him.
Nisha smiles through tears, “If you think punishing yourself for what happened will make this better, you’re wrong.” His hands hold on to hers tighter.
“You were the light that never dimmed, you were my laughter, and you were my support. We can’t change what happened, nobody can.” She looks at their touching hands. “Nobody blames you for what happened. You suffered a loss no child deserves, and soon you lost your mentor.”
He shut his eyes, trying to stop the tears. “I’m sorry,” he sobbed, “I’m sorry Nishi… I never wanted to hurt you… I… I never…”
“Hey,” he felt her caressing his face, “It’s alright.”
His eyes opened to see her face close to his, so close he could feel her body heat.
He breathes out, “I don’t deserve…“
"Don't," she said, pressing her fingers to his lips. “Don’t say that.”
It seemed as if a storm was coming, as the dark clouds loomed overhead became darker and the wind blew faster.
But they stood there unbothered by what was happening around them.
“I’m not leaving.” Bradley blurts out.
Nisha’s eyes blew wide hearing so, “but… Erin said…”
“…that it’s Spain, good opportunity… I know.” A smile creeps through his face, “I was called to teach fighter maneuvers. I can do that by staying in Miramar.”
Nisha’s mouth hangs open in shock. "You're not leaving?” she asks in disbelief.
“Nah,” He whispers, smiling as her shock turns into joy. Warmth spread inside her chest, and she laughed out loud.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, engulfing him in a tight hug. And without warning, Bradley picked her up and swung her around.
She squeals, “Put me down!” laughing in his neck crook.
As she's back on the ground, he holds her waist, and her chest meets his, his face flushed red.
Nisha holds his face in her hands. “Promise me, the next time you leave, you won't be without saying goodbye.”
And in a heartbeat, he answers, “I’m not leaving Nisha, I’ll never leave again." I’m right where I should be."
Nisha was waiting to see if this was a dream. She had plenty in the past about her and Bradley in the past. His face in her palms just inches away from hers, his sandy hair blowing in the wind, his brown eyes looking right inside hers.
Her eyes leave him for a second to gaze at his lips, and when she finds his gaze again, she finds him doing the same.
Bradley leans forward as the first drops ascend from the sky. She meets him halfway. Nisha wraps her arms around his shoulders, heavy rain washing them, and his lips move in tandem with hers. They stand in the rain, oblivious to the world around them. Their kiss lasts for what seems like an eternity until they finally part. Bradley looks into Nisha's eyes and smiles, knowing that nothing else matters in that moment.
They didn’t have to say I love you. They knew now how much they loved one another. They were two pieces of a puzzle solved.
People run to the nearest shelter, but stand there, lost in each other’s touch.
After years of searching for one, they were finally home.
A/N - Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU are mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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The Heartbreak Prince Masterlist
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Status: Completed (07/06/2023)
Pairings - Bradley Bradshaw x OG Desi Character Nisha Bagchi
Premise – From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022), strong and suggestive language, eventual SMUT
A/N - I do not own anything, this is my interpretation of the movie with some OC characters. And I really hope you like it and let me know how you did by replying to the stories. Any requests are welcome and you can submit them in the asks. Enjoy, and have a great day <3
Headcanons, Drabbles, and Requests on this fic are open! :)
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Prequels To This Series
The Wedding Bet Date (Hannix Fic) When "Phoenix" Trace made a stupid bet, she did not expect Jake "Hangman" Sersin to be thrown at her face out of nowhere. Now they are stuck together, forced to confront a past they are trying to forget.
Call Out My Name (Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia X Sersin!Reader) Mickey returns safe and sounds from his latest mission, and the only thing he wants is you. But fate has a different plan, and a surprise awaits.
Headcannons/Requests/Drabbles and Moodboards
Nisha Bagchi vibes Instagram Reel
Nisha Bagchi | Present Day Moodboard
Bradley And Nisha | 1999 Moodboard
Feel free to request anything.
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The Heartbreak Prince - Chapter Three
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Word count - 2.1K
A/N - Amelia saving Bradley's love life, Physics, Bradley being the lovable chaotic millennial we all adore, a lot of MCR and Star Wars references (I'm sorry but prequels were damn good don't fight me), and an easter egg to another one of my story set in the same universe.
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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Next Day, Monday
“Ask her out.”
Bradley side-eyed Amelia sitting in the passenger seat, driving towards her High School. She’s been hanging on his neck ever since she annoyed him into telling her about Nisha. 
“Is she engaged? Married? In a relationship?” she asks, scrolling through her phone. “No. I don’t think so,” he says, trying not to think about the clear absence of a ring from her hand as he tried to focus on the road ahead. Truth be told, he too wanted to know what happened, and he was dying to meet her again.
They had so much to talk about, and years to catch up.
“Her Instagram says she isn't”
She shoved her phone in his face. It was opened on her profile:
NishiiiBagchi Professor at UC San Diego Getting better with age, In physics, that means you get cooler and smarter
He smiled looking at her profile picture, it was Ronnie. He must have been gone by now. That cat spent 4 years of its life hating Bradley to the core. Yet he curled up beside him when he slept over at Nisha’s house for the last time. Almost like it knew Bradey wouldn't return.
“How can you say she’s single?” “She has a cat on her profile pic, she’s single.” Amelia deadpanned.
He huffed out a breath and looked back at the road.
“Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to make an Instagram account. And send requests to everyone you know on the base-” “-Why would I ever-” "-You must do that or else she will learn that you made your account for her when it shows zero followers and no following. When you have at least 5 followers from when your friends follow you, then send her a request and ask her out.” “I will do no such thing.” “Well, then you’re kicking your fate in the ass after it literally led you to the love of your life.” “she’s not-” "You're not getting any younger, Bradshaw. Take the chance, don't be Pete. Plus, I really don't want to be your maid of honor when I'm in a wheelchair." "You sound like a grandma." "I will be one when you finally realize Nisha is it for you!" "Amelie!" “You don’t stammer when you talk to her? Does time stop when she smiles? smiles? And you never thought about what would happen if you were together. Never?”
He was rendered speechless by how goddamn accurate Amelia was. He stares at her, trying to seem calm, “You, miss, have watched way too many rom-coms and you’re trying to make my life one.” Bradley stops the jeep in front of the High School entrance.
Amelia glares back, “Brad-Brad, what I’m about to say is maybe the last time I’ll be saying these words to you so you better listen carefully.”
She grabs her bag and turns to him, “You’re an insanely attractive man. Men and women, young and old, long to be with you. And despite being an elite Aviator and somehow making a porn stache look cool, you are a softie who would sacrifice to lengths for someone you love. I bet if I were Nisha, I would have been pining for you despite your lack of abs in High School. Now stop being the frustratingly clueless bastard in every romance movie and fucking talk to that woman.”
She opens the door, jumps out, dabs, and disappears into the crowd of teenagers.
Bradley keeps staring at the opened door of his Bronco trying to process what the hell just happened. He closes the door in a trance, thinking about the MCR song that got famous recently.
Teenagers do scare the shit out of me.
He looks at the clock on his dashboard, realizing he was running late for the base. And still, here he was 10 minutes later, sitting in the parking lot of his base and making a profile.
There's a chance Amelia Benjamin shook him to his senses, and he'll learn if that's the case real soon.
"- so how about we pull the jet in reverse and call it a day.” Sinopa, the only person in the class with the balls to oppose Nisha was back at it again.
Nisha appreciated the questions from her students more than anything. It means they were studying the subject in depth and were attentive. She never shamed someone for asking questions, unlike her own teachers. No matter how basic or lame they are, she would answer them. Sinopa was one of the students who took her field seriously and never failed to impress her.
“It is possible, but the g-forces applied to the body of the pilot will be dangerously high. We’re talking about 1200 km/s. Almost the speed of a bullet train.” she addresses everyone, nodding to the young woman for her observation. 
Case studies in physics were her favorite. They had a story, something you can easily apply in real life, and questions that toy with your brain. As frustrating as some could get, Nisha loved a challenge.
The bell rang, and the two-hour lecture was finally over.
"Your thesis submission deadline might be a month away, but I expect submissions by the next week. And please, as much as I love Star Wars, no Pop Culture references." There was an uproar of laughter, and her students started to shuffle through the seats, heading out to their next class.
“Dr. Bagchi, please tell me you finally caught up with the MCU. I have so much to discuss.” Sinopa walked towards the table. “I want to talk about everything wrong that happened there. The quantum realm-” “-Quantum Realm?” “Gosh, I’m sorry I don’t want to spoil anything but the theory they presented was insane, you have to watch it.”
"Of course, I will!" she grins at her and looks at her Star Wars t-shirt before walking out of the classroom.
Although she never mentioned it, she felt quite happy when young minds like Sinopa looked up to her, and talked to her about their interests and ideas. This made her realize all the sleepless nights and studying for ungodly hours paid off.
Her office was larger than her LA one, and there was still a lot of space to be filled in the future. She settles down on her chair and mournfully looks at the mountain of papers from the first-year students waiting on her desk. She can only delay it, but not get out of it.
As she was about to pick up the first one, her phone buzzed. Her attention was drawn to the newest notification that had just appeared.
BradshawBradley84 has requested to follow you
She raised her eyebrows at the screen as she read his bio.
BradshawBradley84 Flying is the best way to gain freedom Aviator | Proud Gryffindor
Then she noticed he had sent her a message too. She opened it, and could not stop laughing as she read his text
BradshawBradley84 Deeply saddened by the fact that you let go of your Ravenclaw heritage so easily when I clearly remember you saying, “I can and will be the finest fucking Ravenclaw this world has ever seen”
She replied
NishiiiBagchi Not a way it is to address a Jedi, Bradshaw
BradshawBradley84 And here I was thinking you were a stormtrooper
NishiiiBagchi I was undercover, dammit.
BradshawBradley84 I can bet on the fact you were swooning over Anakin Skywalker when the prequels came out.
NishiiiBagchi Shut. Up.
BradshawBradley84 Oh wait, I was right.
He sends Nisha a pic from her own profile, which was her sitting in her dorm room bed. The wall behind her was filled with posters, including one of Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman from Attack Of The Clones.
BradshawBradley84 Are you free tonight?
Nisha thought about it, a part of her desperate to hang out with him, and the other urging her to act reasonably. She was only recently hired at the university and had only been teaching for weeks. Although she thinks everyone is cool with her, taking a break will be frowned upon by someone.
NishiiiBagchi I got some papers to grade ☹
BradshawBradley84 Well, shit.
Oh, fuck it
NishiiiBagchi I’m heading to the beach on Wednesday. You in?
BradshawBradley84 Yeah, sure! I’ll bring snacks 😊
NishiiiBagchi Cool!
Her heart was filled with warmth. It had been a while since she felt it.
She’s got a date. With Bradley Bradshaw And she was totally cool with it.
“You’re a Gryffindor? I’m Hufflepuff!” Bob gleefully admitted to Bradley, unaware of the fact he was having a stroke reading the text from her, thinking about what to send next.
“Huh?” he asked Bob.
“I’m a Hufflepuff man!” he says, smiling at him
“Um, no offense Bob but I guess everyone guessed that.” Mickey's voice followed.
He laughed as Fanboy and Payback, Mickey and Reuben, joined him, the latter saying, “Really want to meet the person who convinced you to join social media dude, even Hangan couldn’t do it”
“That’s because he wasn’t being nice about it.” He scoffs.
"I have a really cool idea about your first post. Look!" Mickey didn't give him any time as he snatched his phone and took a candid selfie with all four of them. He then proceeded to post it on Bradley's profile with the caption.
A fun day with my fellow aviators. Missing you @ Tasha24 <3
He tagged Natasha, who had to return to her home for a family emergency. She was getting stationed in Arizona, and she swore she would only leave after meeting everyone. Hangman seemed to be chill about it, but that didn't stop the boys from teasing him once in a while.
“Anyways,” Reuben interrupted, “Hard Deck is opening this Sunday and we’re heading there to welcome Penny back. And you have to be there no matter what." “Sure.” He smiled as Reuben and Bob talked about the flight plans for the week.
"Where are you stationed next?” Mickey asked “I have zero idea. Cyclone seemed impressed by the flight plans we've been following so I really hope I get a break before another mission."
"I have a mission with Hangman and Payback. We have a few months before we start, middle of the Pacific." he grinned, but Bradley could clearly sense it was forced.
"What happened? is he bothering you?" he fisked Mickey away to a corner, already forming a speech in his head about what he should say to Hangman.
"No, it's just," he looked around and then said, "I need your advice on something."
"Okay," Bradley says, eager to help his friend.
"So, you know I'm dating this girl. It's only been a few months but I really think she is it for me."
"Yeah, you mentioned her once. Y/N, right?" he remembered a pool game with Payback, Bob, and Mickey after the uranium mission, where they talked about their partners and Mickey told them about Y/N, who was an art student and boy was he floored for her.
"Yeah, Y/N Sersin."
A memory flashed before his eyes, watching a picture on Jake's locker from his High School days. He was holding a little girl on his shoulders while dressed in full football gear. Forget me not big bro, good luck! - Y/N Scribbled under it in neat handwriting.
"Holy shit," Bradley said the only acceptable words that came into his brain at the moment. "Yeah." Mickey grimaced. "Jake will annihilate you. I'm not even kidding." "Don't you think I know that!" he whispered to Bradley. "Why would you voluntarily do something like this?" "I had no idea she was his sister!" He resisted the urge to shake Mickey out of it, "Well, now you do!" "I'm not breaking up with her." "Don't even think about it. Get Y/N and tell him together before he finds out, simple and clear. And please do it in public so someone stops him from committing manslaughter." Mickey looks hopeful. "That's it," he says. "Yeah," Bradley replies
He huffs out a frustrated breath, "There is no way I'm finding a loophole in this, am I?" "Nope." Bradley deadpanned.
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Wanna know what happened when Hangman found out that Mickey and his sister are together? Read it here!
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A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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happypopcornprincess · 11 months
Nisha and Bradley (during flashbacks)
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“You’re so sunny it’s ridiculous,” she said as she chased him around his porch after he pulled her hair. It was a typical winter afternoon, and they were trying to get as much sun as they could before it was dark. Bradley’s dark brown hair was glowing in the sunlight, and his laughter seemed like the brightest thing around them.
“I’m sunny?” his eyes grew wide in amusement.
“Yeah!” she laughs, as she grabs at his shirt, which results in Bradley grabbing her waist and spinning her around.
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Meet them in The Heartbreak Prince Bradley Bradshaw X OC Nisha Bagchi
Premise – From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022), strong and suggestive language
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The Heartbreak Prince (Prequel)
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Pairings - Rooster x OG Desi Character Nisha Bagchi
Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
A/N - For all the girlies asking for a Desi! Reader fic, here it is! This is my first time writing with an original character, this may or may not turn into a series or will be a looong one shot (I can’t decide upon it). This starts just after The Wedding Bet Date Top Gun AU, I will make a separate master list for this universe with all the stories of my Top Gun AU set in this. This is a prequel, full fic will be out this week :) Hope y’all like it.
This was requested Anonymously, whoever you are, thank you!
My Main Masterlist || Send your requests here!
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Living in an oceanfront house with his 15-year-old stepsister who would not listen to him was not on Bradley’s bucket list.
When Maverick and Penny left for their honeymoon after their wedding, they were planning on letting Amelia stay at her friend’s house for the duration of their trip. But after the stunt she pulled at Penny’s Bachelorette, they were paranoid to do so.
Also, the fact that she is a literal carbon copy of her mother, who was infamous for pulling stunts in her youth didn’t help them either.
Penny and Pete practically begged Bradley to keep an eye on Amelia, living at Penny’s home until they return.
Bradley would see his friends and colleagues fight their siblings to death and love them more than themselves. He always thought of it as a peculiar bond between two people. He had lived alone for a long time. It was difficult to fit in with a person who does nothing but talk about pop culture and how tragic Anakin and Padme’s story was. 
Amelia seems like an absolute angel, and she was slowly growing on him. But, she was the sneakiest teenager he had ever come across.
He had his fair share of fun in his teens, but he was never that sneaky. So after he was about to ground her for trying to sneak out yet another time, she gave him the most adorable puppy eyes. He had to agree to a movie night instead.
And here he was now, running around the small naval town trying to find a specific type of popcorn and chips she listed for him.
The small store wasn’t crowded a lot but was still busy on a Saturday night. He roamed around the aisles, his eyes searching the stacks of food as he subconsciously muttered, “Cheddar Cheese” under his breath. He was so lost in doing so, he totally missed the figure coming towards him, and bumped into a shopping cart.
“Whoa!” he stepped back, trying to regain his balance, as he heard a string of apologies thrown towards him.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry! Are you okay?” a familiar voice followed.
Bradley looked at the cart that hit him in the ankle, and then at the person holding it.
Eyes as dark as his stared back at him, the same eyes he'd stared into so many times before. She had shorter hair now, reaching just above her elbows, and apart from her absence of glasses, she looked exactly the same.
He took a sharp breath. “Nisha?” he whispers, desperately trying to believe his eyes.
“It’s been a while, sunny.” she smiles.
Chapter One
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Prequel to this series (Hangman X Phoenix) || The Wedding Bet Date
A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
Requests are open! Feel free to request anything.
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@tuiccim  @parkjammys  @akinrawsx  @asteph22  @iamthebeth  @thefandomqueenuno  @onlyhereforthefics @yikesdameron  @savedfanfics1992  @amigaytho @hoennsficrecs @samwilson-mylove  @xbuchananbarnes-deactivated @jenniweaslee @anna-phora @fluffyprettykitty @ladiesluver
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The Heartbreak Prince - Chapter Two
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Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
A/N - I had to do a literal ton of research for this one, and you can check on google maps that the campus of UC San Diego is a lot closer to Miramar than you might think, even I was shocked. A marvel easter egg if you squint. featuring a very awkward ex-best friend's meeting.
Italics are thoughts and/or emphasized words
Taglist is open and feels free to request headcanons or drabbles on this series
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Present Day
“Hey.” Nisha step forward, donning the same smile that was once Bradley’s favorite thing about her. The way her eyes wrinkled and her nose scrunched, he was always enamored by it.
Can someone’s smile get better with age?
“What- hey!” he practically ran to her, opening his arms to engulf her in a hug at the same time she extended her hand.
He stopped.
He extended his hand to shake hers then, but this time she opened her arms to hug him. They stared at each other, realizing how awkward it was between them after so many years. Bradley retreated his hand and shoved them into the pockets of his khakis. Nisha nodded once and held her cart.
Bradley took his time to look at her. She wore a maroon shirt and black pants. Her hair was loose, falling elegantly on her shoulders, once reaching her waist, but now just above her elbows.
“You finally grew the mustache.” she smiles, pointing at his face.
“Yeah, I did.” He laughed.
Silence fell between them, Nisha subconsciously rolling the shopping cart.
“Okay, I'm just gonna to say this, what are you doing here?” Bradley asks, the question nagging him at the back of his head for quite a while.
“I’m a professor at UC San Diego, I got a transfer from LA.” she nods.
Bradley’s eyes rose up, “wait, so that means…”
“Dr. Bagchi. She points at herself and says, "Doctorate in Physics."
Bradley’s jaw dropped. 
The conversations of their youth played inside his head, how Nisha was dead set on getting the highest grades, the best scores in every single subject. How she could solve lengthy equations in seconds, the piles of books and test papers her room would overflow with. He realized Nisha understood the biggest life lesson first; respect isn't given, it's earned.
“Nisha! I’m so proud of you!” he held his head with both his hands, in awe of his best friend accomplishing her dream. He could just imagine how hard she had to work to get to this point in her life.
Can he still call her that? After years of not exchanging words.
“Thank you. Seeing as you're in fighter town, you're now an aviator?" she asked, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side.
“Yeah, I’ve been flying for 12 years now, give or take.”
"That’s… a lot of jet fuel.”
Bradley rolls his eyes, which in turn makes her grimace, “that was, very lame. I’m sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I did use a lot of jet fuel, you know,” he smiles.
The sound of his ringtone fills the air as he pulls it out of his phone, Amelia’s name flashing on it.
“Just, gimme a second…” he says, and picks it up.
“Hey, there brad brad.”
“Hello,” he answers unamused.
“Just want to say I’m waiting for whatever 80s monstrosity you’re about to show me, and also for my popcorn.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there, just ran into an old friend.”
"Oooh, old girlfriend? Is she hot?”
Bradley turned red, “I’ll be there Amy. Try not to burn the house down.”
He turns to Nisha, “sorry, it’s just Amelia, we’re having a movie night…”
"Who?” she asks him confused. He then realised she had no idea what a roller coaster ride the past few months have been.
How would she? It's not like you talked to her about it, or anything, for years Bradley.
“She’s Penny’s daughter. Mav’s wife.”
“Maverick got married!” her eyes blew wide in shock.
“Yeah, it’s a long story.”
There was no way Bradley was gonna let go of Nisha when she insisted on calling an uber. Therefore, he just grabbed her groceries and shoved them in his bronco. Nisha had no choice but to follow. As they drove towards Nisha’s house, Bradley caught her up in the whirlwind of plot twists that happened in the past few months.
“...and now Pete and Penny are in Hawaii and Amelia is making my life difficult.”
She squints her eyes at him, “Wait, so, Pete has been living in a hangar all this time?” 
“I told you all this and that’s what you ask me?” he laughed out loud.
Nisha looks at Bradley sitting in the passenger seat of his bronco. This brought back memories of how she used to open the window and stick her head out when Bradley would drive on deserted roads. Also, that one time when they spilled milkshakes all over the front and Carole made them clean it in the driveway. He had grown into his features, a darker tan, and a 70s mustache that suited him way more than it should have. Those eyes were just as sweet and bright as they've always been.
We used to laugh until our stomachs hurt.
Her eyes met his and she snapped out, “Enough about me, what about you?” he asked, leaning back in his seat.
“It’s going well. San Diego is an absolute dream. The campus is much more lively than LA, and the people are amazing! Bradley, you have to visit the campus.”
“Of course I will visit!" he exclaims, “Do I have to call you Doctor when I’m there? Or is it reserved for the kids you teach?”
“I don't know, do I have to call you Lieutenant? Or is it reserved for your girl?” Nisha scoffs as Bradley turns red, letting out a chuckle. "Yeah... I don’t have anyone. Too busy with the Navy.”
“Oh shut up! I bet the girls here would be throwing themselves at you any chance they get.”
“They do that because they want one night with a pilot, to tell tales of how they once hooked up with the hot pilot guy from fighter town. I learned my lesson watching Jake.”
“Hmm,” she says, drumming her fingers on the dashboard, resisting the urge to mention Elena, the old ex.
“You got anyone?" he asks as he slows down the jeep nearing the location.
"I did," Nisha says, fidgeting with her fingers. His fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly, he was definitely not expecting this, “What happened?”
“That,” she takes a deep breath, “is a story for another time.” she looks at him and purses her lips, giving a sad smile.
Bradley stops the jeep in front of a small suburban-styled house, complete with a frontal porch and the side door indicating a backyard. It was somewhat similar to her parents' house in Virginia, but that had a wrap-around porch and a swing in the front.
“I have an early lecture tomorrow, got to be there at nine,” she says, as she collects her things, Bradley gets out and helps her with the bags.
“ I’d have dropped you at the campus, but I have to report at the base at 7.”
“It’s fine, thank you sunny.” she squeezes his arm, taking the groceries from him.
“Well, I'll call you, let’s hang out when you’re free.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, ignoring the jump that his heart did at the moment, watching her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I, uh, changed my number.” she shrugs her shoulders.
“Oh, okay then, you’re on my Facebook. I’ll see you there,” he replies.
“You’re still on Facebook?” Nisha chuckles.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?" he furrows his brows, offended.
“Believe me, I got the same question from my class. Everyone’s abandoned the app that started it all!” she backtracks, spreading her hands. She turns to the house, waving back at him, “Bye sunny!”
“See you Pun- uh- see ya,” he shouts, closing his eyes as he almost called her punk.
What the fuck was I thinking?
Nisha rested her head on the door once she was inside. It was spinning from whatever had happened in the past few minutes.
Bradley Bradshaw.
The first guy to sweep her off her feet, who didn’t even know it.
It's always the unrequited ones that hurt the most, isn't it?
Flashes of her past flood her mind, how she would always save his seat during classes, how she would make sure to attend all his games and help him with academics. And him holding onto her hand as they walked, pinching her cheeks during arguments, and lifting her off her feet every time he hugged her, all of his acts that never failed to make her heart race faster.
Without realizing it, their innocent glances and stupid conversations turned into more. She had fallen for him, unapologetically. His smile, his laughter, the way he held her hand, his eyes, his hugs that always felt so full.
Nisha loved him too much, the amount that you couldn’t handle at seventeen.
And Bradley never saw it.
Some part of Nisha knew she will always be his best friend, his punk, but she still waited for that moment when he would see her more than that. In fact, she almost told him on their last night together, and she would often debate whether he would have stayed if she told him.
“Who was that?" The silky voice of Nisha’s friend filled the air, as Erin walked into the living room carrying a box full of doughnuts.
"Bradley Bradshaw,” Nisha replies
Erin gasped loudly and he would have tripped off the box of doughnuts but caught it just in time. "The Bradley Bradshaw!" He practically ran to the front door to catch a glimpse, but he had already left.
“Do you know him?” Nisha asks.
“Do I know him? Girl, the entire town knows him! You were not present at The Hard Deck when he sang that oldie song, had the whole bar on their feet! And he looks like that!" he says, pointing in the general direction where his bronco went.
“Let me guess, it was Great Balls Of Fire.”
“Yes! How do you know that?”
“We were friends in high school,” she says as she takes the groceries to the kitchen.
"Oooh, did you ever hook up? Because I would have if I were you. Oh my god, is he hot now or was he the same back then? Like, on a scale of Zac Effron to Chris Evans.”
“Erin,” she looks at him, crooking her head to the side and giving him a look. He was years younger than her, but he knew exactly what was going on by the look on her face.
“Oh honey,” his smile disappears, “you never told him, did you?”
Nisha takes a deep breath, “It was a long time ago, plus he had someone back then.”
"Nishiii…” he rushes to her and gives her a sideways hug, “it’s gonna be okay honey. I will plot you against each other like the fucking Parent Trap.”
“Erin,” she looks at him, “I don’t… want that. Bad things happen when I fall for someone, and you know it.”
Erin rubs her arm, hugging her tighter. "You say that because you haven’t found the right person yet. When you do, it will feel like you’re at peace, you know. You don’t question yourself, or anything, your inner self knows that it’s true.” he gives her a squeeze and let go, “now,” he straightens up, “I want you to go pick a book, and read it. I’ll make the dinner, and then we’ll have a sleepover.”
“We literally live together!”
“We’re crashing on the couch then, I won’t take a no. Now moooove!" He practically shoved her into her bedroom and Nisha silently thanked the higher power for having friends like Erin. Who annoys the shit out of her, but also has the purest of hearts out there.
Bradley did not protest when Amelia put on some superhero movie instead of Goonies and was fawning over the guy with the metal arm. He let her eat all the popcorn and the chips, leaving the soda, and was zoned out the entire duration of the movie.
His mind reverted back to Nisha's smile. It felt exactly the same, but years in his profession made him question it. He felt like there was something else. A sort of darkness hung over her features. She had grown into a capable and intelligent person. Despite being only a year younger than him, she seemed more mature, more elegant than him. She was more reserved than before, and she kept fidgeting with her hands a lot.
Holy Shit.
Amelia was startled by the sudden movement as Bradley sits up in sudden realization.
Nisha had a lighter tan on the ring finger of her left hand, reminiscent of a ring.
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A/N - Thank you everyone for sticking with me till the end of this fic! if you liked it please let me know through the asks and the comments. Any and all requests, headcanons, and drabble requests about this AU is mostly welcome. Love y'all, Take Care!
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happypopcornprincess · 11 months
From this...
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To this...
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Meet them in The Heartbreak Prince Bradley Bradshaw X OC Nisha Bagchi
Premise – From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022), strong and suggestive language
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happypopcornprincess · 11 months
Nisha Bagchi (Present Day)
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Nisha loved him too much, the amount that you couldn’t handle at seventeen.
And Bradley never saw it.
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Meet her in The Heartbreak Prince Bradley Bradshaw X OC Nisha Bagchi
Premise – From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
Warnings: Major Spoilers for Top Gun (1986) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022), strong and suggestive language, eventual SMUT
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I'm trying to make Nisha a major Physics nerd who grew up in 2000s. It's going to be amazing or disastrous nerdy jokes. And a lot of references to physics topics. I'm sorry im trying to make this as accurate as possible, stop ke if i cross a line my friends😭
Read my latest Bradley Bradshaw series right here!
Heartbreak Prince
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From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
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Main Masterlist
Requests are open! Keep ‘em coming 😏💛
One Shots // Headcanons // Requests
The Heartbreak Prince - A Series From the moment they met, Bradley and Nisha became close friends. An unfortunate event forces Bradley to start a new life, leaving behind everything he has ever known, including Nisha. When they meet again, will they be able to reconnect?
Story Sneak Peeks
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Tu maan meri jaan; a string of headcannons (Teaser)
There is a severe lack of desi!reader fics on this app, so @birdy-bat-writes and I have decided to feed you guys with some Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin and his South Asian Mrs. Seresin…So, without further ado, may we present; a tease...
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 I completely melt at the thought of Jake getting married to a South Asian bride and they make the wedding half Western and half South Asian.
Him seeing you in the wedding lehenga for the first time and just forgetting how to speak
“Main aur kisi ke bare main kaise soch sakta hoon jab meri duniya mere samne hai?” how can I think about someone else when my whole world is in front of me?
The aunties probably have something to say about how he’s just completely all over you, but you two don’t even care. You’re already too far gone into the bliss of your wedding preparations and traditions that nothing seems to affect your mood.
He will not stop referring to you as Mrs. Seresin for ages...
and many more coming soon...
Tags; tagging some of my favourite desi blogs, moots and people who just want to be included in a jake x reader:
@jaaneymann @love-strawberry @shurisneakers @we-out-here-simping @brekkers-desigirl @happypopcornprincess @tongue-like-a-razor @bussyslayer333 @blue-aconite @littlebadariell @ravenhood2792 @dempy @crthurston @fandomunite2107 @fandom-life-12 @elicheel @arson-tm @startrekfangirl2233 @roosterbruiser @roostersrooster @whoreforseresin @desert-fern
(I am not sure how many of you (the desi blogs) like Top gun but I hope you will enjoy this <33)
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