#tony's return to earth in yonderverse went EVEN WORSE than it did in canon
bedlamsbard · 2 years
About 1K written today -- tired, as per usual.  Always tired!  Isn’t that fun.  Probably could have like. Done things? Today? Besides class? But I did not, so it is what it is. (I pulled out stuff to make cookies -- or at least the ingredients that have to come to room tempt -- and then did not do that.)
Snippet from Horizon Natasha flashback 2 (Yonderverse version of the beginning of Endgame).
“Bullshit,” Tony repeated. “Where’s Thor really?  What did you do to him?”
Loki put his head a little to the side, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “My brother is dead,” he repeated.  “He was murdered by Thanos, along with most of those of our people who survived the massacre on Asgard, and he died in terror and in agony while the Titan’s Children forced me to watch every moment of it.  And in case you’re not aware, Stark, it takes an Asgardian a very long time to die.”
By now Natasha had heard him tell this story half a dozen times – never with any further details, like he couldn’t bear to think of it past what he had to say – and the sheer anguish of it never got any less.  Thor’s room was across the hall from Steve’s; she had heard Loki waking up screaming for his brother more nights than she cared to count.  All of them had.
But Tony either wouldn’t or couldn’t hear the barely-comprehending horror in Loki’s voice. He fingered the arc reactor that was still stuck to his chest and said, “Was that before or after you gave him the Tesseract?  Or was that a reward for it?”
“Oh, fuck,” Natasha said, and grabbed for Loki at the same time Steve did.  Even Rocket made a lunge for Loki’s legs.
Their hands passed through him with flickers of green-gold light; Loki was already on the other side of the room, his fist cracking off Tony’s jaw.  He went over in a tangle of wheelchair and IV as Pepper shrieked and Rhodey threw himself between the two of them, his hands up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Loki, hey!”
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
1400 words written today, Yonder prequel story -- figuring out how I want to deal with this, if I want to do it as two different stories (IW and post-IW), as one story (post-IW with flashbacks), or something else.  Meanwhile, the chaos trio just being very chaos.
Snippet from Yonder prequel Natasha concept 1.
“I’m a little sore,” Natasha admitted.  “Been a while, and it’s not like sleeping on the floor helps.  You?”
Steve went an even brighter red. “You know exactly how long it’s been.”
Natasha smirked.
He ducked his head. “I’m a little sore too.  And I’m – fine about –”  He tilted his head towards the door, where Loki’s raised voice could be heard trying to arbitrate the bee problem.
“That’s good, because just think how awkward it would be to tell Ross that you couldn’t be here anymore, and why.”
“He’d probably take it as an excuse to get out, though,” Steve said dryly. “Getting too friendly with the Asgardians and all that.”
“Yeah, we might forget whose side we’re supposed to be on,” Natasha said dryly; Ross had said exactly that to them after he had found out that Loki was at the Avengers Compound and come to take him away – the only prize he thought he’d be able to get after the devastation of the Snap.  He hadn’t made it past the front gates, where Natasha, Steve, Rhodes, and Bruce had been waiting for him.  Natasha was pretty sure Loki had no idea he had been there at all, since after they had come back from killing Thanos Loki had spent most of the time drunk and weeping in Thor’s old bedroom until Carol had finally located the other Asgardians and brought the Valkyrie back to Earth to drag him out of his stupor.  He’d certainly looked baffled when Ross had brought it up to him at the UN.
She was also pretty sure that Tony had been the one to tell Ross that Loki was on Earth, but knew better than to bring that possibility up to anyone until she was absolutely certain and preferably until enough time had passed that the sting of the betrayal was blunted.  She didn’t know if Steve had guessed; she was almost certain Rhodes had.
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