#to undo my mummy’s tomb of pillows so i can go piss.
ghostzzy · 6 months
since apparently i am now in the habit of posting my post-top surgery updates in the middle of the night:
after the puking last night, things have been way smoother. i’m off the pain meds! and now just using edibles as i need them to take the edge off. the drains are also getting much less uncomfortable as the days go on, thank god, and i coughed a lot less yesterday, so that’s good. the incisions are a little pinchy and stingy sometimes but right now the primary discomfort is actually just from my abs and my ribs. my core is not used to being used and my ribs are notoriously slippy and sticky thanks to my eds so the wrappings and the laying-in-one-place-for-hours isn’t super comfortable. but again, it’s not unmanageable. all of this has been really surprisingly manageable as far as pain goes.
van came to visit yesterday and that was rly nice! and i caught up on gbbo with my mom. and everything has been pretty chill. i’m a little bit sad i cant go to my dad’s and participate in thanksgiving - mostly i miss my brother - but my mom & grandma & i will watch the parade and the dog show in the morning and that’ll be nice. actually i’m sadder i wont get to see mishka on her birthday tomorrow ;-; she’s just too rambunctious to be around while i’m this slow and have tubes hanging out of me. but van says i can facetime her.
but yeah all things considered i think i’m doing really well. like physically and emotionally. haven’t cried or freaked out at all yet, being very patient and asking for help without shame, taking it easy, listening to my body and what it needs, etc etc. so far so good. <3
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