#to distinguish human-made vs. machine-made media
aurosoulart · 2 years
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Moth Engineer
I used an AI-generated image in my art process for this! I'm definitely nervous about AI replacing human artists, but I'm experimenting with using it to make my job easier... while I still have one
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tradelight · 2 years
What is Web 3.0 (Web3)?
The third generation of web technologies is known as Web 3.0 (Web3). The World Wide Web, also referred to as the web, serves as the basic building block of the internet by offering website and application services.
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There isn't a single, accepted definition of Web 3.0 because it is still evolving and being defined. However, it is evident that Web 3.0 will heavily emphasize decentralized applications and utilize blockchain-based technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will both be used in Web 3.0 to enable smarter, more adaptive applications.
The idea of a semantic web is another element that is included in the evolving definition of Web 3.0. Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee is one of those who has pushed for semantic technology to be incorporated into the web.
The move from the first web, Web 1.0, to Web 2.0 took more than ten years, and it is anticipated that Web 3.0's complete implementation and reshaping of the web will take just as long, if not longer.
It can be assumed that Web 3.0 will alter both how websites are created and how users interact with them if the trend of change is traced from Web 1.0, a static information provider where people read websites but rarely interacted with them, to Web 2.0, an interactive and social web enabling user collaboration.
Key features
The design of Web 3.0 may take into account ubiquitous characteristics, semantic web, and AI. The rationale for employing AI is to give people faster access to more accurate data. An AI-powered website should be able to sort through the data and present the information it believes a particular user will find useful. Since the results are websites that users have voted on, social bookmarking as a search engine can produce better results than Google. These outcomes, however, are equally subject to human manipulation. AI might be used to distinguish between authentic and fake results, providing outcomes akin to social media and social bookmarking but without negative feedback.
Decentralized. Web 3.0 will be decentralized in contrast to the past two generations of the web, which had heavily centralized governance and applications. A distributed method without a centralized authority will enable applications and services.
Blockchain-based. The development of decentralized applications and services is made possible by blockchain. In contrast to centralized database infrastructure, blockchain uses a distributed way to disseminate data and connections between services. In a decentralized environment, blockchain can also offer an immutable ledger of transactions and activities, assisting in the provision of verified authenticity.
Cryptocurrency-enabled. Use of cryptocurrencies, which primarily replaces the use of fiat money, is a key component of Web 3.0 services.
autonomous and clever artificially. A key aspect of Web 3.0 is more automation overall, which will mostly be driven by AI.
Web 3.0 vs. Web 2.0
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Tim Berners-Lee created and described the first iteration of the web, often known as Web 1.0, in 1989. Basic connectivity and access across static webpages were the focus of Web 1.0. Up until about 2004, when Tim O'Reilly helped develop the phrase "Web 2.0," the first generation of the internet was in use.
Websites and applications that leverage user-generated content for end users are referred to as "Web 2.0." Many websites today use Web 2.0, which primarily emphasizes user interaction and collaboration. More universal network connectivity and communication methods are another key component of Web 2.0.
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Source: TechTarget
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ivarsrideordie · 3 years
Your recent post on AHA being absent from social media got me thinking; my response is verbose and I was nervous it would be annoyingly long to post in the general comment section. So I came here? Is that a thing? Lol. I'm still in my infancy stage with Tumblr. Learning the ropes. So, the thoughts:
Sadly, loneliness and projection are too real. Day dreaming is fun, but scary territory when the dreamer begins to derive their self-worth and happiness from a person or relationship built in the mind. Truth is, this man is merely an attractive stranger whose true personality we can only scratch the suface of. There is no true, substantial two way relationship. So when people 'miss' his presence, who do we miss? The character of Alex developed in the mind? The idea that if he posts, it directly validates his acceptance of 'me' as a person? That he posts because he cares about engaging with 'me'? Alex cannot accept or reject 'me'... he doesn't know 'I' exist. He's engaging with an idea of a group that he hopes is kind but sometimes isn't- a general group of people he's probably grateful for but also weary of. When a fan's emotion and self worth becomes impacted by an actor or influencer's engagement... that's where the line gets real blurry.
I read an article I think of him mentioning that people write to him frequently with heavy thoughts, asking him to respond, to ultimately save them from themselves. That's fking tragic, for both sides. Both humans. My heart breaks for the lonely and the lost who put so much stock in a stranger's validation. Because the savior in their mind is all they have. I'm not judging. I'm not. I understand walking that line more than I'd like to admit. Its too easy to do when you've made inferences in your mind and patchworked together the personality of a potential friend. And what can he do? Its an unfair ask with one person, let alone hundreds, thousands? How can he protect himself from that impossible emotional burden if not by hiding? This person we follow online is just another human in the world who poops like rest of us. And the psychology of acting and influence is heavy. To get the big roles and make a good living, you sell your image, I suppose. You're the product. The more popular, the more valuable in the box office. But also the more exposed, judged, and vulnerable. Do you give up the dream of your passion as an income and the idea of supporting your family because you 'can't handle the heat'?
I do believe all jobs come with a trade off. If I want to earn enough money to afford certain things, I trade time away from my children while working, for example. I don't know if we can change the machine. The psychology behind why his job works like it does. But, just as I am on an endless quest to find balance between what I gain and what I lose as I endeavor to be both happy and provide financially, I imagine he is too. And that's ok. That's fair. Not personal. 
Suffice to say, if I were this dude I'd be ghosting too.
Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you on this.  I actually wanted to be on my laptop so I could answer with more than a 4 word reply.  
First off, WELCOME TO TUMBLR!  I’ll take any comments or questions no matter how long they are so don’t worry about being lengthy.  It’s not hard to use and its both fun and annoying to be on.  This social media platform is becoming just about as bad as Twitter or Facebook.  
You make some very good points.  I agree there is a very fine line between reality vs “reality’ and some fans can’t seem to figure out which is the real one.  When I was younger, I had issues with this.  I have done some stupid stuff that was totally stalkerish.  Then I grew up.  That was also the time I started realizing I was bipolar with high anxiety.  I would have rather been in my own little world with my fake friends then real life.  It takes a lot of hard work and time to pull yourself out of that kind of mentality and also a lot of work to stay out of that kind of thinking as well.  
I’ll admit I say that I miss Alex as well.  It’s not necessarily him that I am missing though.  You are correct.  It is the essence of what Alex puts out there of himself.  We all have come to love him as Ivar.  Some people can’t get away from the fact that he is in fact not actually Ivar so they have that whole image of him in their minds thinking that that is who he is.  I feel for those people.  I feel like some, if not most of the people who have this disassociation have had horrible childhoods.  That was my issue.  And like I said, I have learned through therapy and hard work how to distinguish the two.  
Expecting anything from anyone that doesn’t know you is definitely unfair.  I would never put Alex or anyone in a situation where I would tell them I would die or kill myself if they didn’t talk to me or love me.  That is selfish and unfair to do to anyone.  
That is just my two cents.  Thank you for this comment and somewhat of a debate.  lol  
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