#tldr: rant about max related stuff I need more s5 of to see
lee-thebee · 25 days
What makes me genuinely so depressed is the fact that I KNOW Max would have so much more character development if there was more s5 beyond the four episodes we got. He has already had so much clear development in just the first episode of s5, admitting to being scared of everyone changing and things not being the same as last year, apologizing for his actions and fixing the problem ALL IN THE FIRST EPISODE, which is something that took him like 4 whole seasons to do the previous year.
Also. The fact that he’s a GYMNAST now??!?!? That’s so adorable and could absolutely be used for plots of future episodes. Giving Max a weird and super not Max-like hobby like gymnastics is just too good to not expand on more.
Another thing about Max I’d love to get more of is his home life/his parents cause from the first ep of s5 it seemed to me like homeboy kinda had a rough year?? I mean he basically said that he was glad to be back at camp because camp was better than his life at home and he despises going to camp so. And obviously it’s already shown earlier in the show that his parents are not good parents. AND I also low key want to know why Max was at camp before all the other campers?? We already know his parents just drop him off at camp to get rid of him for the summer, did they purposely drop him off early?? They could have had Max there solely just to recreate the first line of the show with him and David again in the first ep of s5, but I want DETAILS
This would probably never happen but we see in the first ep of s3 that parent’s day had a good response from all the parents and everyone really enjoyed it, so I feel like they could host a parent’s day again or something would happen where the parents just assume a parent’s day is happening again and show up. Once again, this is a stretch but like it’d be cool to see Max’s parents. I’d want to fight them i’d probably be bitting my screen but it could make for an emotional and touching episode.
Smaller detail, but in infested, Neil also points out how Max has been more excited about camp and more engaged this year.
And there are just SO MANY MORE Max details I need. Like I refuse to believe that we only get one dadvid hug in the whole show. Especially because Max is more open with his emotions now, I’d finally be able to die happy if Max hugged David for more than a millisecond.
I know he already got a lot of development in the first four seasons too, but he’s just SUCH a good mc with honestly one of my favorite character arcs in any show, so what would make me the most sad would be to see his character not fully fleshed out, or just to have a lot of potential go unused.
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