#tldr qpac needs a mental health specialist and i need to sleep
imgonnabethatone · 5 months
Pac's fawn response will be the death of me. Cellbit holds a bitchy grudge for 8 years about something that was absolutely his fault and this mf just full on agrees. "I shouldn't have left him on that island" and do what instead, pray tell? Get killed by Mike? Kill him?
Maybe, stay with Cell, somehow.
Get consumed to let yourself feel loveable and loved or something. Give up your life for the facsimile of intimacy you seem to find oh-so familiar, if mind-numbingly terrifying. Cry with fear and choke on panic and pain as the guy who whispered sweet words in your ear eats from you yet again, ultimately uncaring and only taking what he likes best until you are a helpless, hopeless heap of unwanted parts on the ground, getting colder with bloodloss.
Sometimes it feels like Pac really doesn't value himself much, and him actively (though briefly, thank you jvnq) begrudging his survival instinct was... sure something
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