#tiny blueberry bush fam au
Blueberry Bush Family
Hi hello welcome to my TED talk about a new au I made inspired by this post. I hope you all like it! *buries myself in dirt and disappears once again*
Also @brick-a-doodle-do take it
° Eret recently got into gardening and baking so she bought a small blueberry bush she can grow in her garden! Techno and Wilbur agree to help Eret plant it when one of them sees a tiny lil head poke out of the bush…
° The three brothers just look down at the tiny boy very confused on why there is a tiny person in the blueberry bush Eret got
° Then Wilbur calls dibs on the tiny boy and very carefully take some out of the blueberry bush to inspect him, Wilbur has decided this tiny gremlin that is biting his fingers and looks a little bit like a mouse is his lil brother and no one can stop him
° Techno and Eret start inspecting the blueberry bush to see if there's anything else strange about it and find a tiny log leading down into the dirt and a pair of blue eyes staring right back at them from the darkness
° Techno, being the brave soul he is, sticks his finger in and pulls out an angry looking birdman who is also small (but still much bigger than the tiny mouse boy)
° Eret decides after the discovery of yet another tiny person in the blueberry bush gets a small piece of string and ties one of the blueberries that's right to it, she lowers it into the small hole and when she feels something tugging on it quickly pulls another small person out…they look like a black and white bunny person and instantly start crying once they realize they have fallen for a trap
° Techno takes the tiny mouse and tiny bunny boy from his siblings and reunites them with the bird person, they start trying to question the bird man as it's very obvious they can talk (do to the tiny mouse boy swearing like a sailor)
° As the bird man slowly starts to talk Wilbur starts to get attacked with blueberries and Eret sees three more tiny people at the base of the blueberry bush
° Eret carefully picks up the tiny fox, duck, and bunny person so they stop attacking her brother with blueberries
° The three brothers then just sit there awkwardly as the big bird guy who seems to be the eldest of these tiny people starts yelling at them in chirps, well there doing this Eret and Techno just carry the tiny people inside (well Wilbur goes to change his clothes cuz they're staind with blueberries)
° Techno and Eret set the six tiny people down on a pillow on their kitchen table and then properly start asking questions
° they find out all of the tiny's names (Tommy, Philza, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity) and is that the reason they were emerging from the blueberry bush Eret got was that their home had been uprooted with the bush and because they were in a crowded area surrounded by humans they didn't get a chance to properly move before Eret bought there home
° Eret ask the Tiny Family if they possibly want to just stay in their backyard as she's going to use the berry bush to grow a nice small garden and she wouldn't mind them staying there, Philza originally was going to decline but all of his kids instantly start agreeing thinking it would be a great idea
° Techno is then left all alone with the tinys Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity
° Techno being extremely awkward and not actually wanting to socialize takes the tinys to the living room and puts on a marathon of studio Ghibli movies, he succeeds in distracting everyone so they don't have to talk (he does make them snacks)
° Meanwhile outside Eret, Wilbur, and Philza are very carefully bearing the blueberry bush from its pot into the soil of the garden well also making sure they don't accidentally destroy the tiny's home
° Philza also set some basic rules down for the humans telling them that they're not allowed to just take his kids without telling him and they're especially not allowed to take them aside the house
° Philza realizes these rules will be completely ignored by his children when he goes inside and sees them watching something called "movies" and sees how much his kids enjoy them
° Well everyone else is watching the movies Eret ask Philza to help her decide what she should grow in the garden since his family well also be using probably whatever she grows there for food
° Philza really hopes this humans are nice…
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