teebeornotteebe · 3 years
Notes on a Season - Devi, Paxton and everything in between
1. Can I just say, it is so freaking good to see POC teenagers being hot and sweet and swoon-worthy. Like, I feel like we're oddly almost taking this for granted but it is amazing to see POCs (and Asians in particular!) being shown as desirable not only to each other but to other people as well and it is NORMALIZED. Gosh, I love this show.
2. I've seen this mentioned on other pages as well but I have to chime in, the music is sooo good! And extra thumbs up to whoever is selecting the music for Daxton in particular, they are absolutely killing it with the iconic soundtrack to this blossoming relationship!
3. I don't know what it is about this season but Nalini's grief was so poignant to me, even more so than last season. She's really become my second favorite character on the show (behind Pax-Man), Poorna portrays her so wonderfully nuanced, dignified and funny!
4. The Grandparents! Oh my were Devi's grandma and Paxton's grandpa the bestest or what? Adorable, quirky personalities that really brought depth to the family dynamics on the show this season. Loved them and more please!
5. Erica and Trent! Just kidding Eleanor and Trent. This was an unexpected but super cute development, I can so see this! I'm hoping S3 will be more of these two and less of the triangle of absurdity, it about time Trent got some love and I'd much rather see this than another season of Devi (unnecessarily) waffling between two boys again.
6. I'm glad we got to see swimming taken away from Paxton. It wasn't necessarily the fleshing out I wanted it to be but it was something. I've always known there are many layers to him, still waters run deep, but it was good for the show to actually SHOW us this. I wasn't wild about Gigi being the narrator but what can you do? At least we got a Paxton-centric episode. I liked seeing him work at being better at school and being so SATISFIED when he accomplished that. That's a really beautiful part of his relationship with Devi, this is his Achilles heel and she was the perfect support and foil for him where he needed it the most. I love that he recognized that and appreciated her for it too. Devi isn't often vocally appreciated by people. I love that Paxton doesn't hesitate to thank her, it must have felt so good for Devi to hear that.
7. The disbelief in Ben's voice when he sees Paxton and Devi together at the prom... that said so much to me. Ben isn't jealous about Paxton/Devi you guys, he's just jealous of PAXTON. His uber competitiveness strikes again. It's actually already present in flashes throughout Season 1 and I didn't pay much attention before. But yeah, Ben's problem is Paxton and how. At this point it's not about Devi as much as it is, just about winning her back *from* Paxton. I bet my future mortgage that's what's going to play out next season. Ugh.
8. So um... that look down that Paxton does just before he kisses Devi outside the prom? SWOOOOON! It's not the first time he does it (he does it slightly too during THE rain scene) but it's really pronounced here and I love it! I wonder if it's just instinctive or if Darren deliberately inserts this into Paxton and if it's the latter I'm dying to know why. It just really works people. Hehehe.
9. I find it significant that we get to *see * Devi first laying her eyes on Paxton. It could've been a throw away line that states the fact but we got visuals! From the get go, she was a goner. And it wasn't even really about LOOKS at that age! Something about him instantly drew her, fascinated her, compelled her. The Paxton thing is deep with Devi. Her running after him and not Ben after her double dipping comes to light makes all the sense in the world within this context. Paxton's the one that's in her dna almost.
10. Okay so I'm biased and I'm a Daxton stan come rain and shine but I really do think they get the most thought through love scenes, not just the music which is WONDERFUL, but also the way the scenes are shot, the cinematography, the lighting, the *time* that's spent on them, it tells me something. I've seen enough tv to know that this type of treatment for a couple isn't random nor is it wasted. Which brings me to, finally...
11. I've seen many a post here on Tumblr talking about a Benvi "endgame". Errr, no. Firstly because while there's no doubt we are going to have any go-around the triangle of absurdity, I see NOTHING that suggests Ben and Devi are going to be the couple that the series closes out with. Nah. There's been far too much time and DETAIL spent on building Paxton and Devi up. There will be detours and roadblocks, Devi and Paxton aren't smooth sailing by any means but endgame isn't in Ben and Devi's future, I'm almost certain of it.
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