#thnx for comin 2 my tedtalk
lust-bts · 4 years
thank God Bang PD stepped in when he did or we’d have 7 of the most breathtaking and talented men just roaming around SK not knowing they’re literal gods carved by angels from heaven 🙃
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gillbergman · 6 years
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago Gill Bergman?
Hey yall so at the prahm event last night Gill got taken away by the teachers because his parents were there to take him to rehab (*lynn vc* thats so sad alexa play despacito)
Anyway so he’s on his way back to Cali rn. Gill aint getting retired, he’s just on ‘hiatus’ for a month or two while this shit head is there. I wont be posting on him much because.. homie aint at foxcroft lol but if his budz eventually want a thread where they’re like visiting him them lmk (even though it’s gunna be awhile). thnx for comin 2 my tedtalk
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lildailyheroics · 5 years
a jakedirk / dirkjake rp req
ive got sads and canon homestuck is a Sham and i just want two of my stupidest, smartest, most Meant Well boys to have the happiness they deserve after the tragedies they lived.
will sell my soul (or at least my supremely well-received writing talent) for a good, esp long-term JakeDirk rp.
i play both of them so i’ll take Anything, really, but I’d especially love a good Jake bc I happy-cry every time even the most mediocre of partners throws in a spare “gadzooks,” no seriously i’m that weak for it.
they’re the whole #otp tag on my blog, okay.
I’ve been wallowing in their star-crossed would-be romance so much i keep sketching them melodramatically. i’m a writer i can’t live this way, someone save me from myself.
i prefer Discord but can also do email, gdocs, cherp, heckin’,,, tumblr posts/reblogs/whatever, idc. pls send help.
Tumblr media
cool, thnx, peace out 
// ollies off and ascends into the murky blue abyss of the Dash(TM)
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