#this post is meant to inspire more people to draw him in (space) 70's fashion tbh
rotzaprachim · 2 years
the thing about cassian andor is. i truly believe he is TRYING to be fashionable he has so few pleasures in life he would like to be a lil snazzy. however he is also living through the unavoidable fashion panoptican of being a man in the 1970′s. ergo the spacey versions of the demin jacket AND jeans look, the orange espadrilles, the eps 1-3 hair and beard look, the various forms of orange and rust tones, color blocking, stripes. i believe that at some point particularly as a Youth he has worn outfits that involved some form of paisley shirt, some aviator frames, some bell bottoms or perhaps cowboy boots 
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trashunlimited · 6 years
finally i am posting a complete ref for my oc julie, who was mentioned here:http://trashunlimited.tumblr.com/post/174314389519/do-five-facts-about-your-favorite-oc
this is a pic of her i made, i used a base for it made by the-panda-lover on deviantart, and got their permission to post this here(i can’t draw well sorry).
Tumblr media
(this stuff here is copied from my deviantart account):
Here is Julie, my favourite OC and precious baby. She's my version of Rick Sanchez(from Rick and Morty)'s wife. I made her 4 years ago when I first started watching Rick and Morty, and I just can't let go of her, I've put so much hard work and effort into making her. I know Diane exists but she may not even be the real Mrs.Sanchez, even if she was, I wouldn't care, Julie is my baby and I can't abandon her, what kind of mother would I be? To explain, her hair is red because it's meant to explain where Summer's red hair comes from, and since both parents need to carry the red hair gene, Jerry has a direct relative with red hair too. To explain where Beth's blonde hair comes from, I picture Rick as a natural blond(his clones from "Big Trouble in Little Sanchez" are all blue haired because THEY'RE CLONES, and he dyed it blue probably). Beth's nose is also meant to be a mix of Rick's and Julie's noses(rounded like Julie's, slants down like Rick's), also explains where Morty's nose shape comes from. Julie's personality is meant to be the opposite of Rick's, I love opposites attract, beauty and the beast and villains x heroes ships(Rick's not a villain, but he is villainous in nature in a way-STILL COUNTS) and incorporated that into the Rick/Julie pairing. Julie is meant to be similar to Morty in some aspects, while being what I think Rick would need in a partner. Her outfit is also meant to be 70s looking, since that's the decade she and Rick meet, it was inspired by this picture I found when looking up 70s fashion: c8.alamy.com/comp/EXPEM7/1970s… I only found out very recently Mrs.Sanchez was actually unremarkable and mundane, so....oops...the most remarkable thing about her is her being a nurse, but she still seems to be nothing compared to Rick so..I think I'm good? Whatever, IDC bitch.
Full Name:Juliana Lillian Sanchez(nee Kenyon)
Nicknames:Julie, Jubilee, Jules, Red
Birthday:May 16th 1951
Death Date:March 9th 1998
Age:27 years old(main story/midquel), 46 years old(at death), 67 years old(if alive today)
Intelligence Type:Interpersonal(understands people)
Family:Rick Sanchez(husband), Beth Smith(daughter), Jerry Smith(son-in-law), Summer Smith(granddaughter), Morty Smith(grandson)
Romantic Partner:Rick Sanchez
General Description
Juliana “Julie” Kenyon, is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She has a big caring heart, and loves helping those who need it. Julie has an unconditional love for others, and sees the good in all, believing nobody is a completely bad person.
She’s also a very shy, smart bright woman with a love for reading, cooking, space, science and is feminine and girly.
Julie has a kind and gentle heart. She loves helping others and is nice to everyone. She is warm, friendly and is optimistic and positive. Even when things look bleak, she tries to be uplifting and to look on the bright side of things. She is soft, gentle and very sweet to other people. Julie also believes that there is good in everyone, and doesn't believe even the worst don't have any good in them. So she does her best to find this in others. Julie cares for other people deeply and always wants to help them.
Julie is very shy, and tends to be timid and nervous at times. She can also be a bit awkward as well and gets easily embarrassed at times. She isn't good with crowds and doesn't like doing things like public speaking. That's not to say she doesn't like spending time with others, because she does. Julie just gets nervous when it comes to new people or a group of people.
Julie is also an intelligent character in her own right. She loves reading books, particularly romance novels, and is very good with things like math, science and English. These skills allowed her to excel in nursing school. She is also fairly logical and resourceful too, and good at memorizing and remembering things. However, due to the fact Julie becomes foolish when it comes to love, her intelligence is often underestimated and even questioned. She is very curious about the world around her, and loves learning new things.
Julie is a hopeless romantic, having wanted love since she was a little girl. She loves romance novels and movies as well. Love makes her act foolish, and sometimes she may make bad decisions, but she never means to.
Underneath this, Julie has poor self-confidence issues. She doesn't think highly of herself at times, and blames her previous romantic failures on herself. While everyone seems to find her beautiful, Julie only thinks she is average looking. She is passive and tends to go along with things, even if she doesn't want to. Her desire not to upset people prevents her from standing up for herself and being assertive and brave.
Due to Rick's influence, as time passed, Julie slowly grew more brave and confident. She became more assertive and sure of herself. Slowly but surely, she became less timid and shy because of him. But sometimes her old insecurities would still rise to the surface.
After Rick leaves, everything goes down the gutter. Julie became more withdrawn, quiet and asocial as a result. She also developed depression.
Julie was born on May 16th 1951, to her parents Agnes and Gordon Kenyon. Her full birth name is actually Juliana Lillian Kenyon, but she always has preferred to go by Julie, finding Juliana sounds too formal.
From a young age, Julie’s personality was very evident. She was always a happy and innocent girl that liked reading books and always had a smile on her face. But even then, she was a very shy child and found it hard to make friends. Her closest friend growing up was Vivian Curtis, who she had known since she was a baby due to their mothers being best friends. Her love of romance was also very clear, she liked love stories and her favorite Disney movies were the princess ones that existed at the time like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella and later Sleeping Beauty. Her parents had a very clear and strong love for each other, something Julie witnessed. She also once asked her parents how they met and fell in love, which they told her about.
Julie was also bullied a bit as a child for her shy personality, and this is something possibly contributing to her later self-confidence issues as an adult. Boys would also mockingly call her ugly.
As Julie grew up, her kind and gentle personality always remained. When she entered high school in 1965, she attempted dating for the first time. It didn’t go over the smoothest however, leaving her very upset. But her friends assured her she would find “the one” eventually. In regards to the bullying, it stopped. But this is only because everyone suddenly saw her as pretty and the guys wanted to go out with her. Julie met Mark a few years later in 1968, and he moved in with her and her family, and the two developed a brother-sister relationship.
When Julie became an adult in 1971, she began dating again, and later from 1971-1975 would attend nursing school. In 1975, her parents bought her her own house in celebration of her graduation, and she soon moved in. On the way to visit her in her new house for the first time, her parents died in a car crash on the way there. For a while, this was something Julie blamed herself for it and felt a lot of internal guilt about it. After their deaths, Julie continued to remain in the house.
In 1978, Julie felt hopeless and was starting to think she would never find “the one” and was starting to blame herself for it. But in about June, when Julie was coming home from a friend’s house. Rick was running away from the Fyralogin Empire when he stumbled into Julie after coming out of his portal gun. He had been shot in the leg, so Julie offered to help him, which he accepted and stayed at her house for a few days until the wound healed. After his leg was better, they still kept in contact and were now friends.
One day, Cyn, a general from the Fyralogian Empire, arrived on Earth to take back the fuel source Rick had stolen. A fight ensued, and after it, Rick had angrily told Julie to leave, and instantly regretted it. He apologized the next day, and took her a gemstone planet where he got her a crystal rose. Rick also helped Julie’s confidence boost by assuring her there was nothing wrong with sticking to the gender roles. This burst of confidence helped Julie to stand up to Cyn after he shot Rick, the next time Cyn came to Earth.
After that incident, Rick and Julie left Earth to hide away somewhere, arriving on Glorf and being taken in by two alien siblings named Oran and Tyla. They remained on the planet for a few weeks, bonding and growing closer. Julie found herself becoming more confident, but after Oran insulted and slapped her, Julie’s confidence fell down a bit. Rick managed to comfort her, making Julie feel better. During this time, they also went to a nightclub together, where they sang and danced together, increasing Julie’s confidence again.
Julie asked to return to Earth after feeling homesick, so Rick allowed her to go. They both missed each other dearly while they were separated. Julie ended up masturbating while thinking about Rick, while he killed Tyla and Oran for Julie's sake. When she returned, they snuggled and watched the stars together, before Rick kissed her.
They stayed on Glorf a little bit longer, where Rick revealed his past, and the two grew closer. Julie ended up kidnapped by Cyn, so Rick saved her in sacrifice of his own freedom and life. Julie confessed her feelings and begged Rick not to do it, insisting she wasn't worth it. Rick went ahead anyways, and Julie was taken back to Earth. He escaped anyways, and returned to Earth, where he reunited with Julie, and they made love together, officially ending up as a couple.
Julie and Rick continued to spend time together, having their first date and bonding even further, until Cyn returned, intent on killing Rick. The two fought, and it ended with Rick thinking Cyn had killed Julie, so he killed him in return. After learning she was still alive, Rick was more than grateful and cried tears of joy. When Julie awoke from consciousness, she and Rick talked together, where Julie learned what happened.
He ended up moving in with her, where she began doing her best to improve his mental and physical health, as well as better him as a person.
As a mother, Julie was very loving and caring towards her daughter despite her growing sociopathic tendencies. In fact, Julie wasn’t the least bit scared of Beth, even Rick was scared of her to some extent, and many of the neighborhood kids. At the most, she was just a bit weary. She always looked after her daughter and they were very close. She knew Beth admired her and wanted to be like her, and Julie helped and supported her daughter all the way through.
After Rick left in 1994, Julie grew depressed and lonely, only staying around for her daughter’s sake. When Beth became pregnant in 1997, Julie was disappointed, but still supported and cared for her during her pregnancy. She lived to see the birth of her granddaughter Summer, and even helped Beth take care of her. Early the next year, Julie died, when she was only 46 years old, of heart problems. Tropes
Damsel in Distress-Julie is kidnapped, and rescued by Rick
Pacifist-Julie hates violence
World’s Most Beautiful Woman-She is constantly described as being beautiful by most characters
Fool for Love-Julie is usually smart, but love can make her act foolish
In Love With Love-Julie is a hopeless romantic
Cute Bookworm-She’s cute, and she likes reading
Shrinking Violet-Julie is very shy and quiet
The Quiet One-Speaks for itself
Purity Personified-You can’t get more pure than Julie
All-Loving Hero-She loves everyone
I Am Not Pretty-Julie’s self-confidence issues make her doubt her beauty
Obliviously Beautiful-Everyone thinks Julie is beautiful...except for Julie herself
Nice Girl- Speaks for itself
Adorkable-She's an adorable dork
Heart Trauma-Cause of death is heart problems
Cuddle Bug-She loves hugging people, at least those she is close to
Age Progression
As a child, Julie was very shy, timid, quiet and sensitive. She was still a sweet, kind girl, even back then and liked helping others if she could. Julie was a happy, innocent child that liked reading books and looking at the stars with her parents. Regardless, she was also bullied in her childhood, cementing her poor self-image and self-confidence issues later on in life.
Her love of romance and her hopeless romantic personality, stems from her childhood. She adored the love her parents shared, and liked to hear the story of how they fell in love all the time. Her mother would also read her stories featuring romance.
Julie grew up in a time were girls were expected to be housewives and mothers when they grew up, and Julie accepted this. She had her own dolls that she would pretend to be the mother of, and would do things like feeding them, rocking them or tucking them into bed. She dreamed of what her future husband would be like, imagining a dashing handsome man who would sweep her off her feet and kiss her.
This is when Julie went through her “boys crazy” phase. She was even more interested in boys than in the past, but found herself too shy to talk to any.
She also loved listening to popular singers at the time like “The Beach Boys”, Elvis Presley and “The Rolling Stones”.
Even with all the changes that come with the teenage years, Julie remained as sweet and kind as ever. The most that changed in her personality was her desire for her more independence, her parents were a bit hesitant but eventually accepted. Also being a teenage girl in the 1960s, she was a big of “The Beatles”, but also liked other groups too like “The Rolling Stones”, Bob Dylan and “The Jimi Hendrix Experience”.
This is the point when Julie saw that maybe she didn’t need to be a housewife and mother, as women were gaining more rights and freedoms. Julie decided she wanted to be a mother, but also gained an interest in becoming a nurse, and wondered if she could keep that career up and not have to stay as a housewife. In school, she was still expected to take courses about cooking, domestic work and home finances, she had no issue with this and she saw it as useful.
Young Adult
Upon reaching her young adult years, Julie headed off to university and got her degree in nursing. She also dated here and there. When she returned home, she found out her parents had bought her a new house, which Julie moved into. But on her parents visit, they got into a severe car accident on the way there, killing them both. This spiraled Julie, who was only 24 years old, to have her problems of self-confidence and self-image worsen.
Eventually, at 27, Julie met Rick, and found herself becoming immensely happier. He brought out the best in her, genuinely made her happy and she fell in love. They ended up marrying and she gave birth to their first and only child, Beth.
In terms of personality, this is when Julie's problems bubbled to the surface and just became worse, only alleviated when she got with Rick. Despite her initial woes, she did become happy with her life.
The first few years were happy, but after Rick left mysteriously, Julie was never the same. She became depressed, lonely and withdrawn, spending a long time sulking alone in her and Rick’s room.
Despite this, Julie still remained a good, caring and involved mother. She helped Beth and supported her as best as she could (despite Beth hating her and blaming her for Rick leaving) until her death at 46.
Julie doesn't always make it here, but in the realities where she does, she’s very happy and content with her life. She’s still happily married and embraces her role as a grandma, she helps give Morty and Summer advice, remains an involved mom with her daughter Beth, who she has reconciled with, and a loving wife to Rick. She’s also the only one that doesn’t keep putting down Jerry. Relationships
Rick Sanchez
Rick and Julie share a very close and intimate relationship. They bond they share is strong and unbreakable.
These two bring out the best in each other, and Rick believes that Julie is the only person who truly understands him. So he tends to be possessive of Julie, and worries someone will try to take her from him. He isn’t controlling, and doesn’t care about Julie having male friends, but he makes it clear Julie is his and his only. They know each other better than anyone. Rick has made Julie more confident in herself, and Julie has made Rick softer/gentler/kinder and more calm and easygoing.
Julie and Rick also help each other with their problems, and in a natural way as well. They don't force each other to change, they let things happen slowly. Julie makes sure Rick takes care of himself properly and makes him brush his teeth, or makes sure he sleeps long enough or is eating enough as well. Rick in turn helps Julie grow more confident in herself and become more assertive and stronger.
The two met in mid-1978(this is copied from the history part, sorry) when Julie was coming home from a friend’s house. Rick was running away from the Fyralogin Empire when he stumbled into Julie after coming out of his portal gun. He had been shot in the leg, so Julie offered to help him, which he accepted and stayed at her house for a few days until the wound healed. After his leg was better, they still kept in contact and were now friends.
One day, Cyn, a general from the Fyralogian Empire, arrived on Earth to take back the fuel source Rick had stolen. A fight ensued, and after it, Rick had angrily told Julie to leave, and instantly regretted it. He apologized the next day, and took her a gemstone planet where he got her a crystal rose. Rick also helped Julie’s confidence boost by assuring her there was nothing wrong with sticking to the gender roles. This burst of confidence helped Julie to stand up to Cyn after he shot Rick, the next time Cyn came to Earth.
After that incident, Rick and Julie left Earth to hide away somewhere, arriving on Glorf and being taken in by two alien siblings named Oran and Tyla. They remained on the planet for a few weeks, bonding and growing closer. Julie found herself becoming more confident, but after Oran insulted and slapped her, Julie’s confidence fell down a bit. Rick managed to comfort her, making Julie feel better. During this time, they also went to a nightclub together, where they sang and danced together, increasing Julie’s confidence again.
Julie asked to return to Earth after feeling homesick, so Rick allowed her to go. They both missed each other dearly while they were separated. Julie ended up masturbating while thinking about Rick, while he killed Tyla and Oran for Julie's sake. When she returned, they snuggled and watched the stars together, before Rick kissed her.
They stayed on Glorf a little bit longer, where Rick revealed his past, and the two grew closer. Julie ended up kidnapped by Cyn, so Rick saved her in sacrifice of his own freedom and life. Julie confessed her feelings and begged Rick not to do it, insisting she wasn't worth it. Rick went ahead anyways, and Julie was taken back to Earth. He escaped anyways, and returned to Earth, where he reunited with Julie, and they made love together, officially ending up as a couple.
Julie and Rick continued to spend time together, having their first date and bonding even further, until Cyn returned, intent on killing Rick. The two fought, and it ended with Rick thinking Cyn had killed Julie, so he killed him in return. After learning she was still alive, Rick was more than grateful and cried tears of joy. When Julie awoke from consciousness, she and Rick talked together, where Julie learned what happened.
He ended up moving in with her, where she began doing her best to improve his mental and physical health, as well as better him as a person.
After getting married in 1979, they still remained close, and had their daughter Beth in 1980. When Julie began working that same year, they couldn’t see each other as much as they wished, so they were always happy to be together. Julie helped Rick look after Beth as the years passed, and was unaware of the existence of “Froopyland”. Through all these years, they still remained deeply in love with each other.
When Rick left in 1994, Julie still loved him and missed him deeply. She waited for him until her death. On her deathbed, she proclaimed her love for him. Even now after her death, Rick still secretly is in love with her and misses her all the time. He continues to remain sexually active and had that brief relationship with Unity, twice, to try and get over her....hasn't worked so well.
Opposites Attract-Julie is kind, loving and pure. Rick is an asshole who hates others and has seen too much. Despite their differences, they’re meant for each other.
All Girls Want Bad Boys-Rick is not a nice guy, far from it, and is a criminal. Julie loves him anyways
Love Redeems-Julie’s kindness has managed to soften Rick’s cold and hard heart.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl-Rick is pretty brooding, Julie is gentle. She gives him space and allows his growth to be natural and slow
Inconvenient Attraction-Rick is annoyed by his own feelings.
Operation:Jealousy-Rick can’t help but be jealous, even when they weren’t together
You Are Worth Hell-Rick will go through all odds just for Julie’s sake
Flowers of Romance-Rick gives Julie a crystal rose, which is a symbol for their love.
Beth Smith
Julie was always a loving, caring mother figure to her daughter, and only child, Beth.
Ever since she was a teenager, Julie knew she wanted to be a mother. But she decided to wait until she was married, which she did in 1979. A year after in 1980, she became pregnant and gave birth to her and Rick’s daughter Beth at age 29.
Because of the laws at the time, Julie was only able to take 6 weeks off from work, but she made those 6 weeks count. Julie looked after Beth the best she could, and even taught Rick how to properly look after their baby. As Beth grew older, Julie always remained a kind and loving mother. She helped her daughter with her dreams, and was always supportive and understanding. However, Beth didn’t appreciate her, she saw Julie as mundane, boring and unremarkable compared to Rick. This broke Julie’s heart, and despite her attempts to bond with Beth, it never worked.
After Rick left, Beth blamed it on Julie, saying her mother’s “boringness’ caused Rick to leave her. She fought with her mom, hated her and blamed her for all her problems. When Julie died, Beth was sad and did mourn her, but still held resentment towards her. Because Jerry was also similar to Julie, this furthered her dislike for Jerry. She never truly appreciated her.
Jerry Smith
Julie was upset that Jerry had gotten Beth pregnant, but never harbored any resentment towards him. She wanted Beth to be happy, and hoped she and Jerry would have a good life together. Jerry had been a bit weary of Julie at first because he was scared of her possible reaction, but was relieved to see she was kind and gentle.
He was happy to have her as his mother-in-law, and thought she would be a good role model for Summer. After her death, Jerry was saddened, and tried to comfort Beth as much as he could.
Summer Smith
Summer doesn't remember her grandmother, as Julie died when she was still a baby. But in the short time they knew each other, Julie adored her granddaughter and would help Beth take care of her at times.
Vivian Curtis
Vivian and Julie have known each since they were babies, with their mothers even be best friends for years. They have always been close with each other, and have always been supportive of the other as well.
Vivian has always tended to be a bit critical of Julie, usually regarding her choices and boyfriends. She was particularly unhappy with Rick and Julie’s relationship, thinking of Rick as nothing more than a dangerous criminal. But eventually, she got over it as always.
Mark Norris
Julie was introduced to Mark when they were teenagers. She and him instantly became friends from then on. After Mark was rescued, he began living with Julie and her parents. It was from there that they developed a brother-sister relationship that remains strong.
Mark is the most supportive towards Julie of all her friends. He gets angry when someone demeans her, and always jumps her defence. She goes to him for advice, and he always tries to help as best he can
Like Brother and Sister-Mark and Julie are very close. They love each other, but not in the romantic sense. They love each other as the siblings they never had instead.
Platonic Life Partners-They are best friends. It's better that way.
Alliance:Neutral Good
Astrological Sign:Taurus(May 16th)
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Enneagram Type:The Helper
Character Archetypes:Caretaker, Introvert, Samaritan
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Introverted
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Daredevil or Cautious:Cautious
Logical or Emotional:Emotional
Working or Relaxing:Relaxing
Night owl or Early bird:Early bird
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat:Methodical and neat
Native Language:English
Spoken Languages: Other than English, Julie knows a bit of Spanish from Rick and various alien languages
Julie has very neat handwriting, and can easily write in cursive if need be. When out in public, Julie walks around a bit nervously but otherwise, her movement is normal and upright. Occasionally, she does cover her face a bit. She also tends to clap when excited, and twirls her hair with her fingers when being shy, or thinking about someone she's in love with.
Julie loves reading, it's her favourite pastime and she's been reading since she was able to. Her room has a shelf filled with books, and she has a few more books in her living room. Her favourite genre is romance, but she also likes adventure, sci-fi and fantasy stories. She likes classic romance novels such as Pride and Prejudice and A Room With A View, but also more modern love stories(for the 70s..) and likes reading books that have hot muscular guys on the cover. She also doesn’t mind erotica either..
Julie strangely also has a fondness for video games. Since she first played Pong back when it was released into arcades, she thought it was the coolest thing ever and has been hooked since. She owns an Atari 2600 console and has a Pong console too.
She also likes space, and loves looking up at the stars. Living more in the city outskirts, Julie gets a better view of the stars. Her love for it stemmed back into her childhood, when she would sit on a blanket at night and watch the stars with her parents.  She loves learning new things from Rick, and learning in general, and their adventures together. She is fascinated by the things they come across, like a crystal/gemstone planet or a planet with two moons. She has a big curiosity for the multiverse after all.
Being a nurse, Julie also has an interest in biology and medical stuff. She has no aversion to things like blood or needles/syringes either, and is excellent at properly looking after people, including herself. She keeps a first-aid kit in her home.
Julie is also a girly girl and so she likes dressing in pretty, feminine outfits. She also loves shopping, especially for clothes. Despite being very feminine and girly, she still doesn't mind getting dirty, and loves adventures and exploring.
She also loves to cook and bake food. She learned from her mother how to at a young age, and has loved it ever since.
Julie was originally named Tatiana, it was changed to be an English name(jokes on me, Julie actually I found out is French, but its been used in the English-speaking world since the early 20th century so who cares).
Julie only started out as a design for Rick’s wife, then she developed a personality and well...here we are.
She is the only OC of mine to be paired up with a canon character.
Julie was originally not supposed to die, but instead to live and run away, becoming some kind of badass bounty hunter type. This was changed because keeping her alive was more realistic.
Julie’s original birth year was 1949, then it got moved to 1950 before I finally decided on 1951.
Name Meanings and Origins
Both Julie and Juliana are English names meaning “descendant of Jupiter”. Jupiter was the leader of the Roman gods, and the god of sky and lightning. Julie is the French form of Julia, but has been used in the English-speaking world since the 20th century. Juliana is the feminine form of Julius(Iulianus).
Julie and Juliana both have origins in Ancient Rome, when it was “Iulia” (the letter j didn't exist yet). It has been used in England since the 18th century alongside its other form Gillian.
Juliana was the name of a saint and martyr from 14th century Nicomedia, Blessed Juliana of Norwich. She was also a mystic and author. Juliana was also the name of a 20th century queen from the Netherlands.
English name meaning “lilly”.
This name has two possible origins. Either as a diminutive of Elizabeth, or an elaborated form of Lilly. It has been in use in England since the 1500s.
Irish surname meaning “little wolf”.
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