#this post brought to you by the 'recent' tag for the show being unusable rn which is a SHAME because i WANNA LOOK AT EXCITED POSTS
crimeronan Β· 1 year
the other thing about the crows "discourse" is that on a more doylist note, eric heisserer brought the characters into shadow and bone SPECIFICALLY because he LOVED THEM FIRST and Insisted to netflix that he was not going to helm a shadow and bone adaptation that didn't feature these characters.
i get the apprehension and disappointment of not seeing a 1-to-1 blow-by-blow of the book events on the screen but the crows' involvement is not being done out of malice and CERTAINLY isn't being done by showrunners who don't like / care about / understand them. they're in this timeline Because The Creators Adore Them.
again, i won't know if i like this season until i see this season, but like. c'mon. of COURSE show pacing and events will be different from the books. that does not automatically mean that it's all going to suck or that every change is being done in bad faith or as a 'cash grab' or Whatever other negativity i've seen thrown around thus far.
as an example: kaz backstory might seem rushed based on the book timeline, given that we're nowhere near the ice court plot yet. but on a narrative structural level, you learn about it midway through six of crows -- learning about it midway through the second season of a television show where he's introduced in ep1 is Right On Pace. it's not only fine but also GOOD.
you do not need to doommonger about this for a full month before we see where the showrunners are going with it. everything up to this point has indicated that they're perfectly competent and capable writers/directors who give a lot of shits about themes and tales well told. i'm not even like a celebrity stan or anything, like, if i don't end up liking it i'll say To Hell With 'Em, but just. jst
we don't need to approach everything in bad faith looking for stuff to be upset about. it is Literally Fine. your faves are Literally Fine. adapting canon events to better suit a television format n pacing is Literally Fine. okay???
it okay. breathe.
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idoljiminie Β· 6 years
Writers Reflections: Tag Meme
I was tagged by @oathkeeperoxas my ultimate writing senpai uwu β€πŸ’›β€
Rules: answer the following questions about your own writing, whether fanfic or original. If you can't/don't want to answer a question, just put N/A. If you don't have that many posted works, tell us about your WIPs or individual chapters/drabbles or even your ideas! Then tag as many writers as you like :)
AO3 name and link, if applicable: angeltrumpets
What's your most popular fic, by whatever metric is most relevant to you (hits, kudos, comments, reblogs, some other trait)?:
By Any Other Name is the most popular on AO3, but it's the only fic of mine that isn't a oneshot and it's also a soulmate AU (Hdkn from TG) so that just kinda automatically makes it more popular than my other fics.
On tumblr tho, my most popular fic has easily been A Source of Warmth, which as of now has 87 notes. It's a Hdkn TG oneshot I posted when the fandom was at its peak in 2015, however about a year ago it got a bunch more notes like a sudden attention and idk why but it was unexpected that's for sure.
What's your favourite fic that you've written?
Hmmmmmm Dancing Fireflies is my favourite in terms of the context behind it and how much damn fun it was to write, because it's a crack fic, but treated seriously, which made it more fun to write, and I also like going back and reading it again. It's also the fic with the most entertaining comments.
What's your best fic, and is it different from your favourite fic?
Recurring Illusions. It's the most recent thing I've written. (Hdkn oneshot, angst, an excuse for me to never stop being owned by Chapter 136). It really does FEEL like my best fic, as in I had a really good feeling as I was writing it! I was doing a lot that I hadn't written before, and I worked really hard on it! It came out really good!
Unfortunately because the fic is tagged with Graphic Violence and Implied Character Death, not many people are clicking to read it, but I expected that. The Graphic Violence was actually one of the things that was new to me, because most of my writing is very.... hmm uneventful? Like nothing big happens in most of my oneshots. Whereas here it was like Im writing a scene where he's killing people or eating people here how does that get written. Especilly the eating. I am very proud of the eating part of the oneshot especially because I pushed myself to go further with it and not shy away from details. I also am proud of the choices I made when writing it to display what state of mind Kaneki was in at certain parts.
Do you have a fic whose popularity surprised you?
OMG YES!!??!! Coffee And Thieves!! It's my second most viewed and kudosed fic on AO3 and I'm ????? like I'm still lost!!!!! It was a secret santa fic I wrote of the Amon/Hide/Kaneki poly ship and its popularity confuses me for two reasons: 1) I had no idea this many people would be clicking on it and reading it because honestly it's a super rare ship especially being a poly ship and I wouldn't have even known of its existence if it weren't for who I was gifting the fic to! But apparently more people are looking to read the ship than I thought! And 2) quality of writing wise it's more simplistic than some of my other fics. Like it's just fluff and I know people like reading that but it also means there's less room to like... show-off writing capabilities, you feel? Altho again, it's not like people are looking for that when it comes to fluff.
Do you have a fic you wish more people would read?
THE WITCH'S SERVANT! It's easily the oneshot I spent the most time on like I posted it months after starting it because I spent so long getting it right and soooooooo many hours working it out. But yeah it got comparatively much less attention than my other Hdkn fics. But I am still proud of it because I worked really hard on it and I got to write up what I wanted, which was the play that Hide and Kaneki brought up in the series. I wanted to look more into that and write about it, because I had seen meta and theory writers talk about Hide and Kaneki's roles in that play in relation to their roles in the overall story of TG, so I tried to integrate a little of that meta into the fic. I also included dialogue from the unused draft from the last ep from Root A in the fic. So there was a lot I was putting in, and yeah while it's a shame it didn't get more attention, I'm still happy with it and proud of it.
Is there a ship or fandom you haven't written, but really want to?
I have been wanting to write Reigisa from Free since fckn 2014. Every year I have been like "This is the year I contribute to Reigisa Week" and then I don't. And since Ive been with the ship for a long time and seen a lot of it, I feel like I know the characters and ship dynamic well enough to be comfortable writing it. But yeah Ive never gotten around to completely writing anything. Ive started a few, but they had always ended up abandoned.
Tell us a random fact about your writing process:
Ok so Im slow as shit right, like my multichapter fic from earlier has 2 chapters written and I started the fic in March this year so lol i know slowness and going ages without writing is common with a lot of writers tho
Usually what gets me going is a song putting me in a mood. Often the song won't match the mood of the fic I'm writing, as it'll almost always be a more angsty emotional song that gets me motivated, even if what I'm writing is not emotional at all. It just makes me feel like I can get things out more easily and write more interestingly.
I also save my writing docs in dropbox so I can always add to it either on my laptop or phone whenever I feel like it and it's synced up, but it never really ends up that way because nothing happens when I try to write on my phone I'm rarely able to write without the laptop setup.
Tagging @akaaka04 because Red ur the only mutual who first came to mind when I was thinking of mutuals rn who write, anyone else I can think of I'm either not mutuals with or I don't know for sure if they write or not. Sorry if I'm forgetting someone
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