#this playlist is founded in horror‚ this behavior is fucked up irl‚ etc etc
ribbed-vault-heart · 2 years
i finally finished my playlist for obsessive love. i might end up tweaking it a little but i think im finally satisfied with the order. im going to explain it a little because ive been thinking on't for awhile and i looooove to explain things <3
so it starts out with the meeting in hello, i love you. this starts the "love from afar" section or stalking songs. its very poppy and i tried to intersperse pop with alternative for texture. but even the lightest sounding ones have sinister undertones. its laying the groundwork.
then it hits tear you apart, "first encounter". from here it enters what i like to call the sweet spot of "i love you so much i'll do anything for you" with #1 crush. this however quickly devolves into a "i love you so much i'll do anything."
threats of violence emerge in saccharine and rid of me, and by then any genuine care for the other person has faded entirely. this is pure bloody infatuation. passionate. all consuming.
then comes the "possession" or kidnapping section. ive included stalkers tango in this section because although it has stalking in the title it fits quite neatly here with the psychological torment trying to convince the victim that the love is requited.
and finally, with the red means i love you, we hit the crime of passion. bloody bloody murder. the obsessed has killed their lover. and they will do it again, over and over and over with the finale, drowning lessons.
hope you enjoy
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