#this might not be super coherent but in my defense I'm sleepy
warning-heckboop · 2 years
Character Bingo for Jack Manifold? owo
C!JM my beloved
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I will project every one of my issues onto him and no one can stop me, but also like. Feeling abandoned and unwanted and ignored by people you once thought were your friends? Big mood
Fr though he has so much wasted potential, and I think a lot of that is due to the fact that the fans just don't take his storyline seriously. Jack has been through death and back but unlike Tommy or Wilbur, nobody even acknowledged it, so he had to deal with that trauma all on his own. Kid's a 19 year old alcoholic because he literally crawled out of Hell to kill someone and then that person died anyway and his entire life's purpose shattered into itty bitty pieces, and he's never been able to recover. He won't be able to recover unless someone notices how toxically he's handling his trauma and puts their foot down to stop him. He needs help.
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