#this isnt like an arbitrary political decision for brownie points it will actually disrupt all israeli trade through asia which is huge
handweavers · 6 months
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saw this tag re: malaysia banning israeli ships and i just want to note that the gov has not just banned israeli owned ships but ships registered in any country that is travelling to or from israel as well as any ship carrying cargo that is meant to end up in israel, and banning ships from picking up cargo in malaysian ports that they intend to sell to israel. whoever owns the ship is irrelevant in that situation, because it will be banned from docking in malaysia.
another thing to note is that malaysia controls the strait of malacca which is the primary shipping route through southeast asia, particularly when shipping routes cross from the south china sea to the indian ocean and onward (and vice versa) and if ships can't dock in the strait of malacca they have to take a much longer route through indonesia. this decision essentially disrupts most trade through asia that is meant for israel, which is significant.
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