#this isn't to erase the guilt of his crimes or anything
haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Salt incoming.
Shigaraki: consistently portrayed as this sad, pitiful, barely-adult person who has hardly formed a personality outside of the influence his abuser has smothered over him for 16 years
Everyone: OMG he's so badass and independent and has his own goals and his own mindset and makes all of his decisions based on his ideals and came up with these ideas all on his own and--
Shigaraki: uncovers traumatic memories and decides that he is a human weapon and wasn't born for any other purpose than to kill and destroy, fully believing every word his abuser instilled into him since he was 5 years old
Everyone: OMG he finally overcame his trauma and stepped into his role as the leader of a revolution 😍 😍 😍
Shigaraki: remembers the pain he still very much feels from losing his family and remembers how much losing his family affected him right before he wakes up and goes on a tirade. Remembers and quotes his father's words in the middle of a literal war.
Everyone: Shigaraki rejected and moved on from his family and is just mad at society! That's what motivates him!
Shigaraki: currently so helpless in the manga that his physical characteristics are literally disappearing slowly as the story progresses
Everyone: OMG when is he going to take a stand and break out of AFO's control I'm so tired of him not being himself WHEN is he going to kick AFO's ass 🙄🙄🙄
Maybe he's not as much of an independent thinker as y'all are wanting or expecting. Maybe, just maybe, he's never been independent a day of his life.
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waywardprintmaker · 1 year
So. About uncle Solomon.
I'll preface by saying that I'm a Sebastian Apologist. I like him and I didn't send him away on my playthrough. I don't think he deserves Azkaban, definitely not, and I hope we see more of him in the future.
However, I oftentimes see people attempt to fully justify his actions and almost completely erase his crime by saying stuff like "it was self-defense" "Solomon was abusive" "he wouldn't look for a cure"
Sebastian cannot come to terms with the fact that his sister is dying. He won't have it. He probably knows it's true and as the game progresses, he looses grip of the last bits of denial he has. He goes from "she'll get better soon" to touching Sith Holocrons in less than a year. And I know the curse doesn't explicitly say Anne will die, but the words "all we can do is make her comfortable" is code for "it's terminal" in my eyes, like, people who have heard them irl can attest how hard they hit.
And Solomon, being a no-nonsense ex-cop, probably decides that the only reasonable way to deal with this is to face it head on. Anne *will* die, boy, you have to accept that, there shall be no bargaining and no denial in this house, be a man. Not the healthiest way to deal with grief, but therapy hasn't been invented yet.
The whole situation (and this is a weird example, I know, but I immediately thought of it when I made my way through Seb's quests) reminds me of 2017 IT, where Bill keeps coming up with increasingly unlikely theories on where his little brother might be, until his father angrily yells at him that "Georgie is dead" and to just accept that.
And like... I mean, sure, Solomon was absolutely shit at parenting, he failed Sebastian, he offered him 0 support, compared him to his dead father and some people would say that being a terrible parent constitutes as abuse in and of itself. But I really think the game wants us to see things beyond "Sebastian good Solomon bad". I think Solomon was dealing with his own pain, he probably felt guilt for failing to protect his niece, him visibly favoring her over Sebastian is evidence to that, imo, but now his nephew is slipping away and why did his brother had to die, if only he weren't such a nerd...
I am not excusing Solomon's actions, but I'm also firmly against the idea that it excuses Sebastian's actions in any way. Starting from continuously lying to Ominis and ending with murder. We know he regrets it, we heard him in the undercroft, he accepts Anne not wanting anything to do with him, his voice breaks a little, he's sorry. But such a mistake isn't something a few sessions of ugly-crying can wash off, that shit stays with you forever.
And I think that makes him more interesting? I want him to have an arc, to grow and fix his mistakes. I think that makes fanfiction of him more interesting, ya feel me? :) I love a good redemption, I'm an absolute sucker for it.
Anyway, half of this is probably just headcanon and I'm not intending to step on anyone else's headcanon, so don't take it the wrong way.
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celestialastronmy · 3 months
Here we go, I wanted to speak about one of my favorite redemption arcs in video game history
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This is one of the most compelling games, where we get to witness an extraordinary transformation that's as heart-tugging as it is inspiring. Let's delve into the life of Lee Everett - the convicted murderer who rose like a phoenix from the ashes of his past to become a father figure to young Clementine. This is the story of a man who found redemption in the unlikeliest of places, making us feel for him, root for him, and connect with him in a way few characters have managed to do before.
In the dystopian world that is now Lee and Clementine's home, redemption isn't as simple as saying sorry. It's a long, winding road of self-discovery and growth. Our journey starts with Lee in the back of a police car, his past marred by a crime of passion and his future looking anything but bright. But hold on, here's where things take an exciting turn. The zombie apocalypse, terrifying as it may be, offers Lee a chance to start afresh, to build a new identity that's more than his past mistakes.
The crux of Lee's redemption arc is his relationship with Clementine. This isn't a forced bond but one that grows and evolves naturally, giving us a heart-rending look into guilt, responsibility, and the potential for change. From the moment he meets Clementine, Lee becomes her guardian angel. Guided by her innocence and her faith in him, he vows to protect her, a promise that helps him make amends for his past in a way nothing else could.
As we move further into the story, we see Lee's paternal instincts come to the fore. He teaches Clementine how to survive in this harsh new world, helping her become a fighter, and in doing so, he proves his commitment to her well-being. These moments mark his transformation from a convicted criminal to a protective guardian.
Lee's redemption is a masterful narrative device. It's not flashy or over-the-top. It's subtle, profound, and incredibly moving. His redemption comes not from a grand declaration of change, but from small, everyday actions that demonstrate his evolution. It's not about forgetting his past but about his dedication to Clementine's survival.
The real genius in Lee's redemption arc is its setting. The zombie apocalypse, for all its horror, offers Lee a chance at redemption that he could never find in the pre-apocalyptic world. It frees him from the labels society had slapped on him, allowing him to redefine himself as a protector, a mentor, and a father figure.
The final episode of the game is the perfect culmination of Lee's redemption arc. On the brink of turning into a zombie, his last act is to ensure Clementine's safety. He guides her through handcuffing him, ensuring he won't be a threat once he turns. It's his ultimate act of redemption - a man once punished for taking a life now willingly gives up his own to save another.
So there you have it - the redemption arc of Lee in Twdg, a narrative so immersive it sucks you right in. It's a testament to the transformative power of relationships and the potential for change, even in the direst of situations. Lee's bond with Clementine redeems him, not by erasing his past but by allowing him to shape a different future. In the end, Lee Everett is remembered not as a convicted criminal but as a father, a protector, and a teacher. His redemption arc is a beacon of hope - a reminder that even in a world overrun by the dead, there's room for humanity and goodness to flourish.
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frukmerunning · 1 year
How do you reconcile the Nazi-apologia aspects of Hetalia as a Jewish fan (I presume you are Jewish because you made a Passover headcanon, if you are not, apologies). I don't mean this as a callout or accusation or anything, I'm asking for advice. I'm also Jewish, and I want to enjoy Hetalia, like, I stumbled on this fandom and this anime and I want to enjoy it! But I can't get the guilt and shame out of the back of my head.
I don't think Himaru intentionally meant Hetalia to be anti-Semetic. I'm not accusing anyone of being a Holocaust denier for engaging in this fandom. But it doesn't change the fact that this anime is about the Axis Powers during WWII and they're portrayed as good guys. Like, you can't even argue they're villain protagonists or anything they're just straight up lil cinnamon rolls. And it is fucking adorable, but it makes me feel so dirty! Like, its not intentional but when I'm watching any WWII episode or reading one of the WWII strips I'm watching it feels like Nazi apologia. And when these characters' fascist uniforms are their standard designs, when the imagery of fascism is used without context, it unintentionally erases the real, extremely fucked up, and personally traumatizing, history.
So how do you personally find a balance? Like how do you engage in a way you feel like doesn't cause further harm? How do you reconcile canon, history, and your own thoughts on these characters? And do you have any advice on how I can?
I've thought a lot about this question since I got it, and I have a lot of thoughts but I don't know if I can organize them very well. (also yes I am Jewish you assumed right)
So I guess the first thing I'll tackle is that my own thoughts on the characters trump everything in canon, especially with Germany. For an American, I have a pretty strong connection with Germany. I've had a German penpal since I was 13, I've visited Germany, one of my favorite professors was German, and right before I started typing this I spent almost 3 hours talking with the German students that come to the music camp I work at. I've met a LOT of Germans in my relatively short life, so I have that personal connection to influence my thoughts on the Hetalia character. And I've completely separated my view on the German people from my view on that time in their history. I think then it was easy for me to separate the character Germany from that time in history.
Bouncing off from that, Hetalia isn't REALLY about WW2. Yes, the catalyst for Germany, Italy, and Japan being friends is WW2, but there's nothing in the anime that is explicitly WW2. The "battle" scenes take place on a deserted island, their "war meetings" amount to nothing, and no specific dates or events are really mentioned when WW2 is involved. Now in the manga, however, I kinda just steer clear of the specific WW2 stuff?? But even then the only example of Hima explicitly mentioning something that happened in WW2 I can actually recall is an old strip about the Anschluss. That strip is from very early Hetalia though and Hima has definitely shifted his focus to other aspects of world history and culture.
Another thing about Hetalia is that pretty much everyone is a "good guy". There are no real antagonists or villains. There are literally only protagonists, with the main protagonists being the axis powers.
From your ask I kinda gather that you're very new to Hetalia and maybe you have the wrong impression of the anime and fandom from people who hate it. But honestly, Hetalia is not inherently antisemetic or even about WW2 when you really get down to the meat of it. Hetalia is a comedy anime and it doesn't take itself or the things it's presenting seriously (with some exceptions). Hima doesn't really doesn't delve too deeply into ANY of the history he potrays, so it would be a little out of place to see him addressing the very serious war crimes committed by those countries.
Also idk where to fit this in, but the countries in Hetalia are not representative of their government, but their people. Which I think is how Hima avoids talking about serious war crimes committed by governments. He's more interested in talking about culture, rather than history. Or he uses historical settings to talk about fun facts or culture.
I understand feeling guilty though. Personally, I avoid the historical hetalia side of the fandom, just so I never run the risk of seeing something weird (not saying that people regularly write that kind of stuff). In my own art and thoughts about the show, I'm more interested in portraying the characters as real, modern people, based on my own experiences with people from those countries. I also do a lot with my favorite character Austria, who is jewish coded. My favorite characters in the series are the axis affiliated ones, countries I've visited and met people from and built a connection with. But I've also been in the fandom for 10+ years at this point, so it's much easier for me to entirely change Hima's characters and morph them into something that fits what I want.
I'm really tired because I've been working a music camp all week, so I hope this makes sense. I definitely have more thoughts and I'd love to talk to you more about this, please feel free to dm me here and we can exchange discords or something. I always like talking to other jewish hetalia fans, and I think it's nice to have these kinds of conversations so we can help each other.
But to answer your question in a short way - I just don't think about it. Maybe that makes me a bad person but it's what I have to do at this point, because I can't not like hetalia
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Name: Ash Landers
Series: Black Butler
Continuity: Manga
Age: 24 (physical appearance)
Height: 6'1"
Orientation: Biromantic / Demisexual
Species: Angel
Occupation: TBA (Based on RP's)
Sibling(s): Angela Blanc (Unknown status)
Ash Landers is a low ranking angel who's true age is completely unknown. While he was alive when the first angel fell, he was such a low rank and so far from everything as he enjoyed the beauty of Heaven that he didn't quite witness anything. Since he was created, he's long had a love of the simple things in life such as tea making and flowers.
Though he's slowly risen through the ranks, he's still quite low and not even close enough to touch the circle of the far more powerful angels. Yet it doesn't bother him for ranking higher meant he couldn't do what he cared for most, answering prayers.
When a human prays in the depths of despair or plea their life to the Lord, an angel is to come down and answer their prayer. Even if someone prayed for something like money, it still makes him happy. It means he's helping a human, a creature that Ash finds such innocence to even when some were plagued with sin.
Yet one thing he despises is when he is told to turn his back upon a prayer. When a human is filled with too much sin or their family as comitted too much sin for God to handle, the angel has to turn their back and refuse to help. This always devastates Ash, especially when he had heard the cries of two children beg for him. They were from a family called Phantomhive, a family Ash had heard of in Heaven when angels spoke of the tragedy that the wife was here but the husband...Well...
Ash wanted to come to those children, to go against HIM and rescue them. The pleas of such innocent lives like children, a special type of human that Ash adores with all his heart, perhaps it was in that moment he could understand why some angels fall.
Yet he didn't. Instead, Ash had to simply turn away from the sounds of the crying Phantomhive children that rang in his ears for weeks and carry on with the pleas of others. Ash never weeps, yet it was hearing the cries of two children that he did weep for the first time.
Who knows if those children are alive or not, it wasn't Ash's job to know in that sense. Yet sometimes, it wasn't just a simple hand over of a bag of coin or a kiss to alieve physical pain. Sometimes, Ash had to make contracts.
Angelic contracts were that of a holy promise. The human would have to promise to stay away from all temptational sin in the eyes of the holy in exchange for any wish they want to be granted. Though it sounds easy enough, the punishment for this crime was severe. What was the punishment? Their soul were to be erased to save them from hell or forced reincarnation into a life worse than hell. It was rather dependant on the severity of the 'crime'.
It was lucky that Ash never had to do such a thing, every human he's made a holy promise to was good enough to follow.
Yet Ash isn't always forced to stay in the clouds, often he is permitted to go and explore the human world. Though it seems the world grew darker and dreary with every visit, Ash still loved to be by the side of humans. His personal favorite thing is to live in a small home in the city and spend his time making different types of teas.
Ash is a very sweet man with a charitable heart. He'll answer any call upon him yet he isn't always so happy either. There's a melancholy to Ash, a sense of guilt as well from having to turn his back on the cries of humans he cared for so much. Was it wrong of him as an angel to care so deeply towards humanity? Who truly knows, but Ash is ready to help any human who asks for it.
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azurevi · 3 years
enstars charas with an overworked s/o
First time writing enstars🤡 this took kinda long becz exams but i hope its good ^^ also kinda self indulgent hhh
Characters : natsume, ibara, leo, tatsumi, arashi, keito
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Natsume watches from the doorway as your head bobs about, hands tapping unrhythmically on the keyboard. You're already falling asleep, yet you still refuse to go to bed. 
Normally he won't interfere with your work, knowing that you're fully capable of making the right decisions, but it's a pain seeing you pushing yourself so hard. 
"Still working?" he steps in, holding a steaming drink in his hands. 
Your head snaps up at his voice, and you nod. It's a project that you've put off for far too long, and of course, you have to suffer the consequences. 
"The deadline is two days later, if I don't finish this section today I probably won't make it in time,"
He sets the mug beside your hand, observing your wandering gaze and disheveled hair which you must've been running your hand through. "I don't think you can finish it, though. You already look worn out."
You raise the mug to your lips and take a sip of whatever it holds. The drink tastes sweet and refreshing in your mouth, and almost instantly your muscles relax. "You aren't any better, you know,"
That's true. Being a nightowl himself, Natsume's words don't really seem all that persuasive. At first you would lecture him about how little he rested, but you gave up eventually. You suppose he's built differently, seeing as he can still perform well after only three hours of sleep. 
"Pretty sure I'm in better condition," he says, pulling a chair beside you and popping down. The wood scraps against the floor, creaking slightly. It's usually a sound that you find unbearable, but you seem to have missed it as you try to continue your work.
"Come here, love," he stretches his arms out, wiggling his fingers expectantly. You raise a brow, contemplating whether you should give in. It won't be a surprise if you fall asleep right away in his arms. 
"But work…" you sigh, tearing your eyes from him. His shoulders drop immediately, a frown forming from the rejection. "You're just gonna leave me hanging? How cruel…"
You know he's just messing with you when he let out a dramatic huff, but somehow his defeated look still tucks at your heartstrings. 
"Fine, fine…" you sigh, sneaking your arms around his torso and burying your head into his neck. His chest hums with satisfaction as he digs his fingers into your messy hair, soothing out knots he finds along the way gently. With every stroke you're getting drowsier and drowsier, and you know that you're supposed to be working, but the feeling of his hand running through your locks and the steady rise of his chest convince you to stay. 
You fall asleep almost immediately after you close your eyes. Natsume calls out to you and smiles when he hears your slight snoring instead. It's probably the best to get you to the bed and tug you in, but he decides to stay in his spot for a moment longer and relish your presence. 
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Ibara knows from experience just how hard it can be to sway you when you’ve made up your mind. That’s why he doesn’t try to sweet talk you or lecture you into sleeping. 
No, if he really wants to get you to listen, he will have to trick you into it. 
Almost like a hunter watching his prey, Ibara leans against the doorway as he tries to come up with a flawless plan for his mission. Several empty cans are littered around the desk and he can already smell the aroma of coffee from so far away. You had your fist in your hair, and every once in a while you had to stretch your muscles awkwardly from the lack of movement.
“Don’t you think you deserve a break?” he walks towards you, peeking over your shoulder at the work you’re struggling with. It’s yet another project for the other units, and you seem to be stuck in a dilemma.
“I don’t feel like sleeping without finishing this,” you say.
“Right, but I think you added an extra 0 here,” he points at the paper you're working on, where the value had been increased tenfold because of your negligence. 
“Oh goodness,” you sigh deeply, immediately erasing the zero. “How amateurish of me,”
Ibara watches as you rub the space between your eyes, trying to soothe the looming headache that was making your work even harder. “It feels like all the muscles in my body died,”
“You’ve been sitting for hours after all,” Ibara suddenly smiles, his eyes diminishing into thin slits. You don’t need to hear anything to know that he’s plotting something behind the smile. “What if I give you a short massage?”
Well… that is unexpected.
“A massage,” you repeat.
“That’s right,”
Now that is interesting. You’ve heard from Hiyori about how good Ibara’s massages are for more times than you can count, and it’s something you’ve always wanted to try. It just keeps slipping your mind. A massage sounds just as appealing as a five star meal right now considering how tired your limbs feel.
“Come on, I promise it’ll be worth it,”
His smile widens even more. “Alright then! Please get onto the bed,”
“You wanna do it on the bed?” you frown. “I’ll fall asleep,”
“It’s not gonna be long,”
This sounds way too risky especially with the amount of work that’s still unfinished, but his grin is unwavering, as if he already knows what your answer will be.
“God, alright,” you admit defeat and throw yourself onto the bed face first. There is a moment of quiet shuffling before Ibara settles himself behind you, making sure he isn't crushing you under his weight. His hands find their way to your back, and start working their magic.
"Normally I would get massage oils, but that'll be for next time," Ibara says in a low voice, as if trying to lull you to sleep. Hiyori was right about his skills -- you don't think you've ever had a massage so satisfying before. Somehow, he just knows where to knead and how much pressure to put. With every passing minute your muscles are getting looser, as is your mind. You almost feel bad experiencing this for free.
You're about to fall asleep when something suddenly jolted your consciousness, like a big slap to your face. You have no idea how long you've been laying down in that hazy state, but you've still got work to do.
"That was the most incredible massage ever but I have to work now…" is what you're trying to say, but the words come out too jumbled and incoherent to be understood. When you try to get up, Ibara presses you back down, insisting that he's not done with the massage yet.
"I'm going to fall asleep for real," you argue weakly as your body slumps back into the mattress. Ibara watches as your words cease and your face loosens up, mouth slightly ajar as you finally indulge yourself to sleep. Maybe you'll be mad at you in the morning, but seeing you rest makes everything worth it.
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This is so, so ridiculous. 
You've been telling Leo to go to bed for the past two hours, but did he listen? Evidently not, seeing as he's clinging to your arm with half-lidded eyes that are failing him every two seconds.
"Just go to sleep first, kay? I still have tons of stuff to do," you flip the pile of complicated documents around, not wanting to spare them another glance. Alas, there isn't much time left before your work is due, and the only way you can think of to tackle this is to keep pushing through no matter how worn out your body feels.
Your head is throbbing and somehow your sight just won't focus. You're pretty sure you're starving too, but you feel no incentive to leave your seat and grab snacks. No, you have to finish your work as soon as possible.
This might've been a lot easier if not for Leo. In the middle of your working he suddenly jolted awake and whined about wanting to cuddle with you. It's no surprise though, considering how often the two of you cling to each other during your sleep, but tonight just doesn't work out.
"Aren't you tired too? I can't sleep without you…" Leo mumbles.
"Pretty sure you're falling asleep as you speak," you say, even though you shouldn't be the one talking right now, not when you're also getting groggy just from his warmth and presence. 
When you turn to look at him, his face is squished against your arm, mouth slightly ajar as he snores. To prevent him from waking up again, you decide to tuck him in.
Which is a big mistake, because just the sight of the bed is enough to knock you out. Also because Leo's not letting go of your arm even in his sleep.
"Come to rest, please…" he mumbles quietly and you sigh. Trying to work when your body is screaming isn't going to do much anyway, you suppose, and you flop yourself onto the mattress with the boy. Leo may be childish at times, but everything he does comes from wishing for your wellbeing. 
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Lying to Tatsumi feels like committing the worst crime ever, but the guilt of going to sleep with your work still unfinished is even greater. 
That explains why you're here under the dim light of the desk lamp against Tatsumi's advice, trying to fight the sleepiness getting to your head as you type away on the keyboard. Just a few more pages and you will go to sleep, you decide, but 'a few more pages' is looking a lot like five essays right now.
You lean back against the chair, throwing your head back. You dare not close your eyes, because you're sure a second longer than an usual blink and you'll be a goner.
"Come on, come on…" you return to the original position, shoulders slumped and eyes squinting as you try to string sentences together. What is usually an easy task has become an impossible mission, and the voice at the back of your head suggesting you to give up isn't any help.
Absorbed in your work, you fail to notice the ruffling of the blanket and the shuffling of slippers behind you. When Tatsumi sets his hands on the back of your chair and calls you, you flinch dramatically.
"Oh," you sigh after calming down. "Did I wake you up?"
"Not really," he says. "I thought you agreed to go to sleep,"
You grimace at his words that remind you how you made a false promise with him when all he wanted was for you to take care of yourself. "I know I did, but I couldn't really fall asleep thinking of all this stuff," you gesture vaguely at the screen.
"I don't think you're doing well though," 
As if trying to prove his point, a yawn escaped your lips and tears blurred your vision. "I suppose not,"
He sits back onto the bed, reaching out so that he can hold your hands in his. "It's no use trying to work in your current state, you know? I know that you're feeling stressed out from all the work piling up, but rest is important for your productivity too. And I'd hate to see you overworking yourself," he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. "Let's go to bed first, and we'll tackle whatever's on your plate tomorrow, alright?"
He doesn't have to say much to sway you. It's one of his charms anyways -- being able to persuade you without even trying.
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Arashi glances at the clock. 1am. You've been working at your desk since 8, and she can see that you're already starting to fall asleep.
"Sweetheart? You should go rest," she says softly, resting her arms on your shoulders from behind. This brings your mind back to the present, and you sigh realizing that you've zoned out once again.
"Is this due soon?" Arashi asks.
"Not quite, but I don't want to pile everything up. I'm supposed to finish this part today but so many things happened that hindered my plans," you rub you the corners of your eyes. "And I'm already feeling tired,"
"Then you should probably sleep, right? Lack of sleep can mess your face up easily," she turns to cup your face, professionally observing your skin and missing the blush on your face. "You still look cute, but I'd be really sad if you became a victim of sleep deprivation~"
Her voice sounds light and casual, but you can tell that she's genuinely worried about your health. You pull her into a hug, burying your head in her clothes. She always gives the best hugs, hugs that understands you without having to exchange words, hugs that reassure you and rid you of anything on your mind, that remind you even if the world turned its back on you, you'd still have a home to come to.
"Let's go to bed," you suggest, voice woozy. 
"Sure, but let's do some skincare routine first!"
You always enjoy doing routines with her even though you're never one to pay much attention to yourself. But something about her being close and taking care of your face makes you feel at ease, and with her soft hands working on your cheeks, you quickly fall asleep.
Noticing your dropping head, Arashi lets out a sigh before carrying you in her arms, planting a light kiss on your forehead
"Sweet dreams, my love,"
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When you started dating Keito, Kuro was quite delighted. One because he never believed someone could actually put up with the man, and two because someone can finally keep an eye on his atrocious working schedule.
What he didn't expect though, is that you're just as much of a hard worker as Keito. 
As the night passes, the two of you are still working incessantly. Except from the occasional small talks, there's only the sound of paper and keyboard in the room. The tea he brewed a while ago has already been emptied. You turn to look at the green-haired man, and although you can only see his back, he doesn't seem to be too affected by all this work. Perhaps his monstrous workload back in Yumenosaki Academy has turned him into a machine who doesn't feel tired.
But that can't be true. Surely, overworking a lot doesn't make you immune to it. Keito may not be vocal about how he feels, but he's still a human, and he's bound to feel tired,
The tapping sound on his end pauses abruptly as he turns to you, only to meet your observing eyes. This startles him a bit, and you let out a small chuckle.
"You should go rest-" he glances at the clock on the wall and frowns. "-it's already so late,"
"You're one to talk," you retort.
"I can still function without sleeping, but you shouldn't push yourself too hard,"
There it is again. He never seems to acknowledge his own weaknesses, only paying attention to others as he hides his feelings inside the myriad of work thrown at him each day. 
"No one can 'function without sleeping', Keito. You're not a superman,"
Keito's shoulders are still tense, but he seems to be deep in thought as he isn't working on the computer either. After a moment of silence, he shakes his head and resumes typing. Perhaps he's reminded of his responsibilities, of the various roles that he plays, and how he can't afford to let anyone down.
As always, it's hard to move Keito. You brush it off and turn back to your work. 
It isn't until Keito stands up to get himself a new mug of tea that he realizes how drained you look. Your eyelids are drooping and even from far away he can notice errors on the computer screen. Your figure is slouched, leaning towards the table like you just want to fall asleep right there but can't.
"You should really go to bed," Keito walks to you, hand resting on the chair's rail. 
"Are you going to come with me?"
"Are you going to come to bed with me?" you repeat.
"I still have work,"
"Then I'm not gonna rest yet,"
Keito raises his brows. "Are you threatening me with your own health?"
"If this is what I need to do for you to rest, then so be it,"
Silence fills the room. He watches as you tap away on the keyboard, re-typing every once in a while because your fingers just can't seem to find the keys. It's almost painful to watch.
"How incorrigible," Keito sighs. "Alright. Let's go,"
You jump to your feet immediately, dragging him to the bedroom. "No sneaking out after I fall asleep, okay? You have to rest for real,"
"Fine," Keito grunts.
The moment his head falls onto the pillow, he swears he can slip into dreamland right away. You throw your arm across his torso and he instinctively rests his head atop yours, listening as your breathing becomes more and more calm.
The both of you may be hopeless cases, but you always find a way to hold each other up.
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