#this isn't about anything in particular my friend just keeps showing me bad fandom takes lmfao
percified · 4 years
Some of you have forgotten that CR is a stupid Dungeons and Dragons game played by a group of decades-long friends and it shows
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Have H or L ever tolked abt bdsm ??? I’m genuinely confused, no hate … (I’m not exactly new to the fandom, but I don’t know a lot of the stuff 😅) I hope this ask did not make u uncomfortable 😊 sorry if it did
This is called edging.
Hey sweetie, sorry for the late reply, I had to gather some stuff. Also, it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, it's very interesting. To answer your question, ummm yeah kinda yes. Well, it's a very vague thing. I will link you some stuff, but it's not the complete thing and also my interpretation. Make up your own mind.
To start off, most of this is Harry, because he apparently has a thing for showing off to the public about his sex life, sorry Louis No Control is a little too vanilla.
Louis has talked about BDSM in two or three interviews. But it was, like all of his interviews, completely unbelievable. In this interview(9:45), the interviewer asks if he likes kinky stuff and he basically just denies it, like he doesn't even know what it is. But then you have this interview where Louis probably does have a clue. "Being used" yes yes.
I would say Louis has very dominant energy. "Always the boss." "Anything to add, Harry?" "What else, Harry?" "He told me he was intrigued." Sorry, that's just me, my interpretation, just ignore me. Louis' dominance isn't only with Harry, Louis is just a very... interesting friend. Like he's you know edging Niall, get it... okay moving on.
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Harry on the other hand is... a little bit more open. From saying he has been in handcuffs to actually wearing a proper BDSM collar in a photoshoot. He might even have a day collar, even before the blue one. That's a collar so people in your "normal" life don't need to know about your other lifestyle, not that Harry minds. Also his SSC tattoo. Sorry, see the handcuffs... Just for the image I'm trying to show.
Calling people daddy in the most sub way. The chains incident. The other chains and whips incident lately. His SNL skit. Last night... the edging part just hmmm. Going on his knees a lot. Stockholm Syndrome and the beautiful analysis by @bluewinnerangel. Also this beautiful analysis by @swimmingleo . The whole Medicine song.
Larry together is just omfg. Harry is Louis' baby, we know that. We have this handcuffs incident. This interview bit thingy, like nah. They have a thing for... public affection... okay. How they stand or sit, it doesn't really say anything particular, but the way they present themselves is very important. Louis stands wide, demanding space. Harry is always very tiny, taking up as little space as possible.
The thing with BDSM, it's not about chains and whips. It's about power exchange, between two or more people. Because you're new to it I'm not really going to plant any ideas in your head, you have to see for yourself. If you think it's not the case, fine great. I just feel a certain vibe they both give off that just very dom/sub relationship. I know this is a very taboo subject, but why should it be? It's just another part of someone's 'relationship and it's nothing bad or disgusting. Anyway, I hope you had a great time seeing all this stuff.
If you have any other questions, please send them to @fookinlittleshits. This blog isn't supposed to be so serious and I have minor mutuals, so I like to keep it a little clean. There I can talk about anything you want :)
Also thanks @bottomharrykingdom for all the great content. It was much easier to find.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 years
For the ask game, would you please answer questions numbered 2, 8, 14 (all of your titles have such cool names), 18 (I hope Abditory isn't one of them as that story rocks), 21, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 51, 62, 76, 82, 85, 88, 90, and 98.
Sorry for asking so many, but I love your work! Entombed gave me so many feels! I found your stories because author Breanie said to read them in her author's notes. Best rec ever! Thank you for answering.
Wow, that is a lot of asks! Thank you so much for wanting to know so much about little ole me. I think I hit them all in this and my apologies if I missed one. Let me know if I missed one. @breaniebree is awesome and my writing BFF. She is amazing, and I love her.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
So, I’ve written for The X-Files, Supernatural, and Harry Potter. I currently only write for Harry Potter. I would say Harry Potter has always been the most fun.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Random shit. Brontide came to me because I was browsing the HPFanfiction subreddit looking for a story suggestion and someone asked for a story where Harry was addicted to Felix. Only one unfinished dimensional time travel story was listed. It idea sparked me to write my own version. Entombed came to me because I was rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy was buried alive. I knew I wanted to bury Ginny alive. As I stated in the author’s notes of last Kalopsia chapter, I drew inspiration from the Djinn storyline in Supernatural. I write about things I know, too. I have young kids at home so I like writing the Potter children as young because I can mimic their mannerisms in my writing. I’ve even asked my kids to say certain words to emulate their speech pattern in my writing if I’m writing that age group.
14) How did you come up with the title for the XXX? You can ask about multiple stories.
I HATE coming up with titles. My newest trend has been to literally Google “unique words”. There are a ton of Pinterest accounts who make fancy word and definition pictures. I scroll through all these little unique words and pick out ones I think fit a story. Sometimes I Google a unique word for BLANK and see if I can get a cool version of that name. @breaniebree actually helped me with Entombed.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Sadly, I would put Abditory in this category. Never say never though. I think about it from time to time. Honestly, I abandoned it due to such a negative response I was receiving and the lack of positive response. I became discouraged. It wasn’t even negative response due to my writing, it was literally a bunch of “why would you waste your time writing a story about the biggest plot hole in the books? JKR butchered the whole SK storyline and it’s unbearable to read.” So, basically, my reviews and PMs were filled with JKR hate over that plot point in the books. They heavily outweighed the positive reviews I received. Honestly, I think that’s why a bulk of stories get abandoned - lack of positive reviews or enthusiasm for a story. If I didn’t get so many great reviews for my stories, I don’t know if I’d be able to finish them or continuing writing new ones. Fanfiction is free, (as it should be) but it’s a lot of time and hard work. A little appreciation goes a LONG way. So, my advice, review everything you love reading and encourage writers to keep writing. I always say in my authors notes that reviews make me want to write and inspire me. That’s the truth. The moment I stop getting reviews will probably be the time I take a writing break again.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
@breaniebree. I mean she’s dedicated years to a single story with so many plot lines and characters that I’m amazed she did it. She’s a fantastic writer, and I definitely consider her my writing BFF. I feel like I’ve learned a lot from her and enjoy talking about writing with her so much. I’m so glad we’ve become friends.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Horrified. Anytime I get a little steamy in my stories, it goes immediately to @breaniebree who usually adds way too much smut and then I cut it down to still be somewhat PG-13 in order to appeal to a wider audience.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I feel like Kalopsia isn’t getting as much love as my other stories. I’m way behind in my normal review count per chapter. I wonder if it’s just the confusing storyline or if it’s just not as fun to read? But I was definitely worried it wouldn’t get the love I thought it deserved when I started writing it and it’s lived up to that expectation.
30) In contrast to 29, is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Cronus Rising. People still recommend it occasionally and I still get random reviews. I’m like, “why????” Its horribly written and a stupid plot line. I literally was getting back into writing after not writing for a good five years, so it’s abysmal. I’ve often wanted to rage delete it.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
When someone tells me I should write an original novel and they’d buy the hell out of it. I do have some original novel ideas floating around (one I’ve been writing since I was like 15), but crippling fear of rejection from publishers have stopped me from ever actually finish an original novel.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I got some criticism in Brontide for having drama for drama’s sake with no real purpose or goal for said drama. I felt my drama served a purpose, drove the story along, and I add a lot of fluffy and cute family moments. I feel like in real life, when you to your loved one is going through sometime, it feels like nonstop drama and bad news and like a dark cloud just follows you. I wanted to emulate that in real life. So Harry’s POV was often drab because HE was the one going through something horrific and it was all doom and gloom for him.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
“You never think I listen to your ramblings, but it’s kind of hard to block out, mate.”
51) From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Um... I’d say a 3. I think I have some good and unique plots for stories but sometimes I struggle on how to execute those on paper effectively. I struggle with descriptions, action, and showing rather than telling. But I do think I’m good at dialogue and capturing a character’s personality. So, 3.
62) Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
A lot! I have a Teddy/Victoire stalker story in the works that I’m excited about. I have (this is going to sound weird) but an outsider rom-com planned where Ron/Hermione breakup right before Hinny’s wedding and Hinny struggles to get them back together before the big day. I have a Potter family vacation fluff/comedy story planned. I have a game night one-shot planned. I have a short story about Luna’s wedding. So many that I want to write and don’t know which one to write first!!
76) Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I’d say no. I’ve always tried to write my ideas down. Some I’ve never finished because inspiration peters off and some I plan on finishing once my newest big project is done.
82) Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Harry goes through some shit, and Ginny is his soulmate.
85) Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I don’t understand why people don’t ship Harry/Ginny more. I don’t understand the Harry/Daphne obsessions (like just why???) or the Harry/Hermione ship at all. I always see people asking for story recommendation and they specific say “no Harry/Ginny”. They are literally perfect for one another and they are soulmates.
88) If you could ask one other fanfic author three questions about their writing, writing process, or works, what would they be and who would you ask?
@breaniebree .
1.) How do you organize all your charts? Send me the ALL the charts. Because I don’t understand how you keep everything straight!
2.) How do you write so much? You’re like a little writing machine in a cute little package.
3.) Where do all the ideas come from? In a dream? Just thinking? Driving? Do you write everything out in your head like meeee? Can I have some of your writing mojo?
90) How do you process and deal with negative reviews?
I obsess over them. I analyze them. I may get bummed out and not write for a few days. If you don’t like what I write, then don’t read or review. It’s a hobby. I do this for free. I’m not asking you to critique me. Give me a nice review or ask me a question, but don’t be cruel or mean because you can hide behind a keyboard and be a bully to make yourself feel superior.
98) If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to and why?
Music. I grew up with three older brothers. My house was always rowdy and loud and obnoxious. I need it to be loud. I can’t stand the silence or focus when it’s silent. I need music to help me think and write. When I’m home alone, I always turn on the TV or music, because I can’t stand when it’s silent. I think I’d go insane.
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belle82devart · 4 years
73 Question Tag Game
Thank you to the lovey @thewanderer000 ❤
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
I would say a 6 or 7. Life can be so fucking scary (as well as people), but it still has it's charms and quirks that make it enjoyable and something to look forward to.
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
[#scared of everything] or [#justneedsahug]
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He's got the swagger, the sweetness and the salt and pepper look isn't helping sway my opinion at all. Plus he's got strong arms, perfect for cuddles.
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If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
(I hate to admit this, but I had to look up what a fucking marquee was.) The anxious and the strange.
What’s your wakeup ritual?
Get up, shower, have a little time for self loathing and negative personal views. Then go for the self affirmation card and continue the day.
What’s your favorite time of day?
Morning. Most days, the morning is where it all starts. Where the hikes in the mountains begin or where the next big projects begin.
Your go to for having a good laugh?
Crack videos of whatever fandom I'm obsessed with at the time. Or cat videos.
Dream country to visit?
I know it's not a country, but Europe in general. If it had to be a single place, Poland.
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
Finding out while my mother threw up on the side of the road that 'hey, you're gonna be a big sister'!
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Combat boots. Now I can do heels, and I can do sneakers, but boots, especially combat style are my favorite.
Vintage or new?
Vintage all the way! It's oleasing to be able to experience something old and make it new in your eyes. I guess that's why I own a Polaroid camera and Walkman.
Who do you want to write your obituary?
My family. All of them.
Style icon?
My father. I've basically stolen all his band shirts and old biker vest/jackets. Sooo yeah.
What are three things you can’t live without?
Music, art, and friends/family. What's life without companionship? What's life without some sort of art? The world wouldn't suevibe without music, and I can't survive without any of the listed.
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
Ketchup for most things, but not all.
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
- Vincent Price
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- Bob Ross
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- Anyone else who wants to eat my shitty cooking.
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Well, I absoluty am scared to death of spiders, but that's not my biggest fear. Failure and letting those I care for down... That's my biggest fear. I fear that I will never make anyone happy, that I can't do right...
God, this question called me out hard.
Window or aisle seat?
Window all the way. Give me the view !
What’s your current TV obsession?
- The Walking Dead
- The Witcher
- and The Boys
Favorite app?
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
Secret talent?
For some reason, I can put people to sleep really easy when I pet their hair.
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
Went to Washington D.C. I got to see so many museums and cool little places.
How would you define yourself in three words?
Anxious. Sweet. Creative.
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
My leather jacket.
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
Fuzzy socks. Evwryoje deserves to have warm feet!
Superpower you would want?
Teleportation. I can go anywhere I want but also I can leave undesired sistiations when they get overwhelming.
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
People, music, books, movies/shows/games. You name it, i'll get something out of it.
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Never give up, even when the odds seem stackwd agaisnt you. Always keep pushing forward and remember that there will always be someone in the world to fall back on when it gets to be too hard.
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
You'll see and hear a lot of shit in life that'll being you down, that will make everything seem so bad... But it will get better. You'll make it to the next day, and you'll one day see yourself as a good person, even if you need that little push and reminder from your friends.
A book that everyone should read?
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
What would you like to be remembered for?
Being kind and helpful.
How do you define beauty?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it truly can't be defined generally without personal opinion slipping in.
What do you love most about your body?
My eyes. I really don't see anything worth while besides my eyes.
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
Curled up with my cats. I may be allergic but i'll be damned if I don't get a good rest without them.
Favourite place to view art?
Anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes it's fun going to a gallery and seeing the art others have created.
If your life were a song, what would it be?
Ça va ça va - Claudio Capéo
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
Drums or the marimba.
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
Upper arm or as a 3/4 sleeve.
What’s your spirit animal?
Maine Coon
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Best gift you’ve ever received?
A small box made of cedar from my mother for my birthday. I don't know why but I was a sobbing mess when I got it.
Best gift you’ve ever given?
A 4ft x 6 ft painting in dedication to my aunts and their family after their car crash.
What’s your favourite board game?
Risk, Pandemic (Ha! Ironic), Monopoly, and Sorry!
What’s your favourite colour?
Blue and all shades of blue.
Least favourite colour?
Diamonds or pearls?
Neither. Give me some good old fashioned gemstones like quartz and I'll be happiee than a pig in mud.
Drugstore makeup or designer?
Drugstore. One, I don't have the money for designer makeup. Two, you can use drugstore and dollar store make-up to achieve the same look. And three, I don't wear makeup too often, so what's the point od paying top dollar for something I'll only use here and there?
Blow-dry or air-dry?
Either. Depends on how much time I've got on my hands.
Pilates or yoga?
Haven't done either but I would love to try yoga.
Coffee or tea?
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
hullaballoo. noun. 1. Sounds or a sound, especially when loud, confused, or disagreeable: babel, clamor, din, hubbub, noise, pandemonium, racket, rumpus, tumult, uproar.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Both, but also white chocolate!
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
Both. I love the storms during the summer, and the snow during the winter. Especially New York winters (Buffalo in particular).
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
Chicken parmigiana
A dessert you don’t like?
Anything with Nutella.
A skill you’re working on mastering?
Welding. This year i'll be starting the rest of my classes to get certified in it.
Best thing to happen to you today?
Nothings really happened yet, but that can always change!
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
"Wow, you've got some talent" when it comes to my art or writing.
Favourite smell?
Rhododendrons and the forest floor after a rain storm.
Hugs or kisses?
Both! And at the same time makes it so much better.
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
Paranormal locations along the Blue Ridge Parkway or how religion ties in with art.
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
A poem about beauty in death and how the earth always reclaims what has been taken. The poem was truly amazing.
Lipstick or lip gloss?
Sweet or savory?
Girl crush?
Kate Beckinsale
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How you know you’re in love?
I truly have no idea! I mean, I haven't been in love before...
Song you can listen to on repeat?
Fistfight by The Ballroom Thieves
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
Mads Mikkelsen. He's classy, he's goofy, and who wouldn't want to?
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What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
Persuing my passions. I'm on the road to become a Graphic Designer, and that's just so exciting to me!
Tagging: @whitecrawace-mind-palace / @rosadiazbiqueen | @johnlocklover221 | @yancy-trash
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yasuda-yoshiya · 5 years
im so glad you decided to give utena a go! it's my favourite anime and there truly isn't any wrong interpretation of the events, themes, and characters. what are your thoughts on the individual student council members? as well as the black rose duelists, and the black rose arc itself? that part of the series always struck me as very important in the elaboration of themes that are important for the rest, even if its 'filler', lmao. and im glad you liked utena as well!
Utena is great! I’m very glad to have watched it. And I know what you mean about interpretations, haha; I’ve been looking up a lot of people’s meta and analysis about it since I finished watching it, and people really do approach it from so many different cool and interesting ways. I think it’s a really cleverly presented show in the sense that it doesn’t really directly push any particular lesson or moral to the story; it just sort of very accurately observes and portrays a lot of really relatable and recognisable social dynamics, and lets the viewer decide for themselves what they want to take from that. I really like it a lot!
Haha, gosh, that’s a lot of characters to cover! Well, let’s see how quickly I can sum them up… For the student council members, I really liked Saionji; I think they did a good job at balancing the portrayal of his sweet and childish side with his capacity for genuine ugliness when his insecurities cause him to lash out at people. He came across to me as someone who really did want a genuinely mutual emotional connection rather than just “possessing” someone (that exchange diary was very endearing in its ridiculousness) but didn’t really know how to go about that except by clumsily forcing it on people, which feels like a pretty relatable teenager thing.
Then there’s Miki…I felt like his fixation on his memories of Kozue and later Anthy as his “shining thing” was a pretty good portrayal of how idolising and putting people on a pedestal can also be its own way of dehumanising them, and I thought his episodes did a good job of showing how those sorts of feelings can easily get diverted into something ugly despite him being a basically gentle kid at heart. I wasn’t quite sure what to make about the stuff with his parents, exactly, and I felt like the whole plotline with Kozue was a bit all over the place, but I still basically appreciate the core of the character and what he adds to the series.
Juri was interesting! Her bitterness over Shiori felt like a pretty authentic and recognisable emotion to me; it’s certainly a very uncomfortable situation as a teenager to be in that position of having feelings for someone you know you’re not “supposed” to, and then having to put up with people giving you those empty platitudes of “oh, if you like someone then you should just tell them!!” without any real understanding of the situation. I thought her relationship with Shiori was pretty compelling in how messed up and dysfunctional it ended up being on both ends, but then her last couple of episodes with Ruka really didn’t do anything for me; it felt to me like he ended up sort of hijacking her plotline in a weirdly offputting way, so I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it in the end. I still like the character, but I felt like her overall arc had potential to be more interesting to me than it was.
Touga…I didn’t really like Touga very much! He honestly just came across as a very consciously manipulative asshole for most of the series, and the show’s eventual attempts to humanise him felt like too little too late for me. I think I can somewhat see and appreciate the idea of what they were going for in terms of a lot of his gross attitudes being a misguided attempt to emulate people like Akio as role models for what a “prince” should be, and that he was also a victim and a pawn of the system in the end, but on the whole I was pretty much inclined to agree with Saionji when he said “you’ve never actually cared about anyone”. Even after Utena supposedly made him doubt himself, he still seemed to keep acting in the same gross ways for the most part, which I guess was probably meant as an intentional deconstruction of the usual tropes in some respects (falling in love doesn’t actually magically make you a better person), but that still doesn’t really make me like him any more!
Nanami was just hilarious, haha. I expected her to be a really grating character from her introduction, but her comic relief episodes were so completely over-the-top ridiculous that they sort of wrapped around to being weirdly endearing in their way, so I couldn’t really actively dislike her. I also couldn’t ever bring myself to actually take her seriously as a character at all, though; bizarre comedy episodes aside, she seemed like a pretty standard clingy brocon character without a whole lot of nuance. But at least she was a very entertaining one!
Oh yeah, the Black Rose arc was really important, I agree! I wouldn’t really say it felt like filler particularly - I suppose it’s true that Utena and Anthy don’t do much in it, but thematically I think it does add a huge amount, and I enjoyed the way it established Akio as a sort of “wise mentor” figure in the background before really putting him into the spotlight in the final arc. It sort of made me sort of instinctively want to trust him even despite him being really obviously shady, which in retrospect was a pretty impressively complicated feeling for the show to be able to pull off. But yeah, the arc itself was really interesting! I think it was definitely a really effective and thematically important choice to put the focus on the “losers” of the system, giving a voice to people you’d expect to be background characters and giving them the chance to fight for themselves. I know Ikuhara said the Black Rose arc was inspired by him hearing someone on TV say something like “society is divided into the chosen and the unchosen; to be unchosen is to die”, and wanting to explore the feelings of the “unchosen”, and I think it achieved that pretty well; a lot of the Black Rose Duelists’ stories were pretty insightful in criticising the narratives behind that sort of artificial social hierarchy and what it does to people.
I think what left the most impact about it to me, though, was that it just had such a strong atmosphere! Those elevator therapy sequences really managed to be legitimately creepy and disturbing; the juxtaposition of the duelists’ big emotional breakdowns with Mikage’s weirdly impersonal, deadpan, scripted response struck a very effectively unsettling note for me. And the Black Rose Duelists themselves had such a cool and memorable aesthetic, too…it always felt really striking to me whenever we got to see them dueling, probably because most of them really aren’t the kinds of characters you’d expect to be fighting (as opposed to most of the student council members who have established fencing and Kendo skills), so it sort of added to the impression of these people who wouldn’t normally have any power within the system being given a chance to fight. So yes, on the whole I think it’s a really cool arc, with a really fantastic presentation in particular.
As for impressions on each of the Black Rose Duelists individually, hmm, let’s see…Kanae was a good enough introduction to the concept, but didn’t really leave that much impression. I felt bad for her being used by Akio, but she didn’t really get enough screentime for me to get invested. Kozue…I think Kozue never really clicked for me, honestly? Her being so creepily possessive of Miki was sort of offputting to me (this show already has enough incest, you know…?), and I felt like I couldn’t really get a good feel for her character or what drove her on anything more than an abstract level.
Shiori was really interesting! There was a compelling sort of raw desperation behind her panicked, uncomprehending response to finding Juri’s locket that really stuck with me; it’s sort of an ugly reaction but it honestly felt pretty sympathetic to me, I think? Like, if on the one hand your former best friend is totally off-handedly dismissing your attempts to reach out and make amends with her in person and acting like she never wants to see you again, but at the same time you find out she’s also secretly treasuring an old picture of you as her most prized possession and keeping it on her at all times…well, that IS actually pretty weird, you know?! I think most people would be at least a little creeped out by that. So Shiori’s kind of totally confused panic response and weird mix of vindicated elation and anger culminating in that accusing shout of “WHY DO YOU LOOK AT ME THAT WAY?!” honestly felt pretty real to me. I felt like they did a good job of conveying a real constant sense of deep-rooted self-loathing behind her more selfish and manipulative actions that made it hard for me not to feel sorry for her a lot of the time; it seemed to me like she was stuck in a sort of toxic cycle of trying to escape her low self-esteem by “deceiving people into liking her”, which inevitably just made her feel even worse about herself and just fed deeper into the initial assumption that no one would like her unless she deceived them, and so on, which was really painful to watch. I’m not surprised that she seems to evoke such visceral emotional responses from people within the fandom, because I think a lot of what she says and does really feels uncomfortably raw and real in a way that’s difficult to process. She’s a very good character in that way!
Tsuwabuki…well, he didn’t particularly grab me as a character, but I did actually enjoy his Black Rose episode quite a bit. I feel like it makes for a pretty strong illustration of just how little coherent and accessible information there really is out there for young kids trying to understand what sexuality and relationships are like, so it’s easy for people to end up turning to dubious sources and developing weird and messed up ideas about how things work and what “adulthood” actually means. It’s really no wonder that our whole cultural standards around that stuff have become so screwed up and dysfunctional when no one’s even really willing to talk about it.
Wakaba was great! I liked her a lot. She was a genuinely good friend to Utena and a good illustration of the unappreciated strength and value of “normal people”. The end of her arc with Saionji honestly made me really sad! I sort of wish there was a little bit more follow-up after her duel with Utena, though; I would have liked it if the whole thing had a bit more of a lasting impact on Wakaba and how Utena viewed her and their friendship, but it didn’t feel like that ever really happened, so her subplot felt a bit…unresolved, I guess? Well, I think it’s probably intentional that most of the characters besides Utena and Anthy don’t really get a firm “resolution” to their arcs - the potential for growth is there, but they still haven’t broken out of their shells yet, which is fine - but I think I would have at least liked to see her take a few more steps toward being able to see her own worth without needing someone “special” to validate her. (Akio can get lost with his whole “oh normal people only ever get to shine for a short time lol” nonsense, urrgghh.)
I liked Keiko too! Devoting a whole episode to a previously nameless bit character like that was a really cool way of hammering home the whole theme of breaking down the conventional assumptions behind social “hierarchies” even on a meta/narrative level. Keiko herself was interesting to me in the sense that her grievances and anger at having her chance at happiness “denied to her” when she’s no less deserving than anyone else actually felt legit sympathetic at first in isolation, but then you look at the unspoken assumptions framing that narrative and it suddenly becomes really disturbing (this person would make me happy, everyone deserves happiness, therefore I deserve this person).
Mikage…man, I really wanted to like Mikage - the basic ideas behind his character are really cool and fascinating - but I think his arc just felt too rushed for me in the end? It felt like we basically got dumped with his entire plot and backstory immediately before it got resolved, so I didn’t really have time to get emotionally invested in his story before it was already over. Revealing midway that half of his backstory was probably a lie didn’t exactly help things either, as I was left struggling to keep up with what was actually real and what wasn’t; I still don’t feel like I really have a handle on some of the basic points like why he actually set the building on fire or when exactly Mamiya died, which makes it hard for me to really connect with the character and understand what exactly he got out of the illusionary narrative that Akio constructed for him. Theoretically I feel like he should really be exactly the kind of character I absolutely love - someone detached from their own emotions who doubts their basic humanity, who keeps clinging single-mindedly on to his memories of the only people who ever made him actually feel something even after they’re long gone? Wow, sign me up - but the execution just didn’t quite do it for me. I feel like his story might have benefited from being more spread out across the whole Black Rose arc instead of shoved entirely into two episodes, so that we got more of a chance to get more gradually invested in him? As it is, I still think he’s a conceptually fascinating character, and I’ve read a lot of great meta about his place in the story and his parallels with Utena that makes him sound incredibly interesting, but I just couldn’t really feel it from the show itself.
Wow okay I sure did write a lot! Well, that’s my initial impressions on the Utena characters. I expect a lot of those impressions would change if I watched it again, though - like I said, I don’t think I really fully grasped the real aims and themes of the show until the very end, so I’d probably pick up on a lot more nuances a second time around. But those are my thoughts for now!
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