#this is why so many smart people are jews and specifically rabbis or creatives or intellectuals
soloorganaas · 7 months
the funniest thing about the outrage over ivy league students being so idiotically antisemitic is the inherent assumption that ivy leaguers are all incredibly smart people, and I feel like anyone who’s ever met an ivy leaguer knows that’s not true. the smartest people I’ve ever personally met are those who are comfortable with having a minority opinion. and I mean actually comfortable, because they’ve thought critically about their ideas, embraced challenges to them and have mulled over them again and again until they have confidence in their basis - as opposed to having confidence in their opinion only because of the identity attached to it. then you don’t ever need to really think critically or stand on your own two feet. and isn’t that exactly the case for most ivy leaguers? you have this indomitable institution behind you saying you’re inherently smart and correct and that’s what validates your opinion. so you get lazy and stop trying to think on your own at all, or you get stubborn and start believing everyone who disagrees with you just hasn’t reached your plane of thinking. if only they were part of this group too, then they’d get it. but they’re one of the Others so they’re biased and blind and uneducated
for Jews, who have literally always been the Others, this whole thing is just baffling
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