#this is what happens when totk insanity inspires me
skyloftian-nutcase Β· 1 year
A Feathery Encounter (Dad Squad)
The stables were by far Rusl's favorite part of Abel's world... at least the ones that were somewhat functional. It gave him a little piece of home, though it made his heart ache because oh how Link would adore these places.
Rusl found his heart heavy once more, riddled with worry for his boy. He tried to push past it as best as possible. Link was a strong young man, and though Rusl was absolutely doing everything in his power to find him, he had to remind himself that Link was a capable fighter on his own as well.
But if those Yiga hurt a hair on his head... or pelt...
"A what?"
Rusl turned as he listened to the gossip of the few travelers in the area. Most of Abel's Hyrule was fairly desolate, but this one stable was known to be the most visited in the entire country. They'd headed here in the hopes of getting some intel since it would be a haven for people from all over Hyrule, each of whom might have some different information for them.
"I'm telling you, it's true!" the other person said to her companion. "The cucco actually spoke! The rumors were true! This was so worth the journey."
Rusl furrowed his brow. A talking cucco? What?
"I need to go talk to it too!" her companion announced excitedly. "I hear its prophecies are always true!"
A prophetic talking cucco??
Rusl watched the pair rush up a hill, tracing their path towards a large tree. A distinct clucking emitted from just in front of it, though the small crowd gathered there made the cucco impossible to see.
Well. It certainly wasn't the strangest thing that Rusl had encountered. The Ordonian headed to the other side of the stable where Abel and Fierce were quietly eating some food Rusl had forced into their hands. It was already apparent that Abel was quickly slipping into an exhausted and food-driven nap, barely able to hold himself up. Rusl really wanted to let his friend sleep, but this phenomenon required investigating. It could potentially give them a lead, assuming it was true.
"Have you heard of a clairvoyant cucco?" Rusl asked.
Abel froze mid bite and stared at him, brow furrowing in a manner that quite clearly said what the actual hell did you just say.
He supposed he hadn't heard of it, then.
"Is it your golden cucco?" Fierce questioned curiously.
Rusl laughed. "Oh, no, she isn't clairvoyant, just strong as an Ordonian goat."
Abel remained motionless as if he were still trying to process Rusl's first statement.
"The folk here are talking about it," Rusl explained before his friend's mind shorted out. "They say there's a cucco that can talk and tell prophecy. Everyone's flocking here for answers."
The joke immediately went over the deity's head, as predicted, but it at least spurred Abel to unfreeze. The former knight straightened instead, lowering his food to his bowl, though the look of utter bemusement hadn't faded.
"Perhaps it can guide us in finding the yoga performers," Fierce suggested, rising.
"They're not--never mind," Abel tried to say before sighing heavily.
Rusl was going to offer to investigate the matter himself; he simply wanted them to be informed. Nevertheless, both Fierce and Abel followed him to the hill where people had gathered. The warrior god clearly didn't understand the concept of a line and walked by everyone, and though some threw him annoyed looks, no one dared speak to the massive otherworldly man. Rusl gave an apologetic smile as he followed him, while Abel had the look of a man who would prefer the sweet embrace of death over investigating a talking cucco.
"Why don't you try to get some sleep?" Rusl offered to his friend.
"Oh no," Abel replied dully. "I have to see this."
The clucking grew ever louder until Rusl saw Fierce approach the seemingly normal-looking cucco. The bird watched him a moment before flapping its feathers excitedly.
"Thou hast come," came a strange voice from the cucco, though its beak didn't quite move in sync.
Rusl and Abel stared.
"It does talk," Rusl commented aloud in wonder. "Ha! Maybe it can help us, after all."
"This doesn't... this is..." Abel muttered, clearly trying to wrap his mind around the situation.
Rusl laughed, patting him on the back. "The world is filled with far more strange wonders than you can imagine, friend."
Fierce cocked his head to the side. "You carry a strange magic to you, feathered one."
"I am a sage of prophecy," the cucco answered. "Thou must comprehend that I can give thee what thou seekest."
This cucco kind of spoke like the light spirits. Rusl stepped forward hopefully. "Do you protect this land?"
"I do," the cucco replied.
"I'd love to see it fight a guardian," Abel grumbled.
"Thou seekest... a Hero," the cucco said slowly, immediately garnering the men's attention.
"Yes!" Rusl immediately confirmed. "Do you know where they are?"
"For thou to gain such knowledge, thou must complete trials," the cucco pronounced gravely. "Dost thou wish to continue?"
"Speak," Fierce commanded, crossing his arms.
"The first trial... is to feed all the horses in the allotted time."
The men stared. That... was a trial? What?
Rusl glanced at the stable and back at the cucco. He supposed, sage or not, the little feathered creature was just a cucco. Its priorities would likely be different than his own. Not that he didn't mind feeding horses, but... that was supposed to be a trial?
"Prepare thyself."
Rusl turned as the cucco gave them their time limit and counted down. As he quickly made his way back to the stable, he saw that Abel remained behind while Fierce accompanied the blacksmith.
"What sort of trial is this?" Fierce thought aloud. "It tests very little of our abilities."
Rusl shrugged. "I suppose its intelligence only stretches... so... far..."
Honestly, the more he thought about it, the less sense it made. The light spirits were no fools, after all. Nevertheless, they completed the trial quickly enough, though Fierce's offering to 'gather all the horses together to feed them faster' was quickly shot down as Rusl did not want to watch the strange man haul horses singlehandedly into the air to pile them together.
When the pair returned to the cucco, Abel was waiting with his arms crossed, and he cut them off.
"I know what's going on," he hissed quietly. "This is a Yiga trick."
"You think everything is a Yiga trick," Rusl pointed out. "I'll admit this is odd, but it's at least worth inspecting."
"Yoga performers do not have this magic," Fierce assured him.
"They're not--" Abel cut himself off, frustrated. "You know what, just watch."
Storming over to the cucco, Abel glared at it. "Oh great sage, I have a question for you."
The cucco clucked noncommittally.
"Do you like bananas?"
"Oh! I adore bananas!" the cucco immediately answered, its voice pitching in excitement. "They are the most blessed of all food!"
Abel looked pointedly at the pair.
"That... what?" Rusl stared at Abel, confused. Sure, a cucco liking some food he'd never heard of was different, but what in the world was Abel getting at?
"What do you mean what?!" Abel snapped, gesturing irritably at the innocent bird. "Don't you understand?!"
"We have completed the task," Fierce said instead, looking at the cucco as he gently plucked Abel out of the way, making the man hiss expletives his way and flail helplessly in the air, held in place by the back of his tunic. "Give us the information we seek."
"Oh, that's it!" Abel finally yelled, pulling out a bow and arrow.
Rusl yelled at his friend, trying to stop him from slaying a harmless cucco, but he loosed the arrow just as Fierce jerked him away. The knight really was erratic, attacking people (and now animals) at random. Thankfully, the deity's quick motion prevented the arrow from hitting its mark, but the bird jumped nonetheless.
And then vanished in a puff of smoke and red paper.
Rusl finally felt his patience growing thin. "Could you not attack everyone who isn't us?!"
"It's Yiga!" Abel snapped. "Now put me down, dammit!"
A laugh rung through the air, setting Rusl on edge, and immediately four people dressed in red--
Dressed in red. Like the attackers from before.
Fierce immediately dropped Abel as the knight drew his sword, and Rusl followed suit quickly. They dispatched the attackers swiftly, who left behind ruppees and yellow fruit in their wake.
"Those... weren't the performers from Clock Town," Fierce finally said.
"That's because they're not yoga performers." Abel said exasperatedly as he picked up the treasure. "They're Yiga traitors, and they're the ones who took my son."
"They're on to us, then," Rusl figured. Staring at the yellow fruit, he asked hesitantly, "Are those bananas?"
Abel shot him a flat look. "Yes. They are. Glad you have your priorities straight. The good thing about this is that it means we're close. They usually travel alone if they're venturing far from their base."
Fierce glanced off into the distance. "Then we should keep moving before their leaders notice their absence."
Rusl nodded in agreement, glancing a little worriedly at where the cucco had been. He had no idea how they could disguise themselves as such an animal, so he hoped they weren't actually abusing a cucco to use it as bait. When he saw no animal in sight, he figured it did indeed have to be some sort of magic disguise, and he sighed.
This place was stranger than he thought. Perhaps Abel's paranoia was... somewhat warranted. But at least now they had a lead.
I'm coming, Link.
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