#this is only my interpretation of the scene but I had many thoughts about duelling and debating and power and etc.
iyliss · 5 years
destinyshipping for 001 and sora for 002, if i can ask for both please!
Thanks a lot for the ask >w
when I started shipping it if I did: I think the first time I considered it was after the last Edo vs Judai? But more as a joke, because there’s so much romantic drama in GX and it added to the wonderful mess. I really got into it with the short arc in Domino City. Mostly when Judai and Edo tag duelled, with Edo being so desperate to be the one chosen, but also the scene before with both Saiou crying and the first flashback…. Yeah it’s around this time.
my thoughts: I just love this ship so much! There’s so many reason to it, I don’t think I can even list them all. But basically it’s a wonderful relationship, with a lot of development, aesthetic and powerful scenes, that is very subtle yet positive. I also love it because I can see it being both romantic and queerplatonic -or just a very confused mess of strong feelings-, so even when Im incredibly romance repulsed I can’t stop loving it and relate to it >w
What makes me happy about them: ….so much things makes me happy? But recently that they are both very autistic (it’s quite important for me) and that they were able to talk about their issues together at the end.
What makes me sad about them: Beside that this season and ship are very overlooked by gx fans… Well they both have quite sad backstories that’ll need lot of time to heal.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t read fanfic much, and there’s not much content for this ship so I can’t really say anything…
things I look for in fanfic: Of the few things Ive red here and there, the very thing that made me happier was when Saiou was reffered to with they/them. I still can’t use these pronouns for him, but knowing that someone out there also think he’s very enby fills me with so much joy .
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: ….if i say judai and saiou could work it’ll probably sound weird but it  makes sense in season 4. I swear. Tho I can’t really see them not being together. Even if they aren’t in a romantic relationship, they would be in a close platonic relationship and live together anyway.
My happily ever after for them: …. This makes me more sad than needed because i actually thought about a short fic where Saiou dies of old age. And it’s very sad, but also happy because well with all they both went through, ending up living so long and happy is quite wonderful. So yeah just living together and slowly healing is great.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Here comes the core of this ship: there is none. Nor there’s one to carry the other. Because Edo is the one who wants to be the big spoon, and to carry Saiou, and to protect him and all…. But he’s way too small. So they just face each other when sleeping and hug.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: (…as if they’d have a fav sexual activity, saiou is ace in almost all my stories) Going to place with no one, like in the mountain or deep in some forests. Just spending some time without caring about humans existing. Also they are both very much into stuff like cinema and litterature, so they’d go a lot to see movies.
How I feel about this character: He’s my wonderful child, I loved him the moment he started dueling and I still love him to death. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Not. A. Single. One. Of all the character I see as aromantic, he’s the one I am the most attached to. Like I usually don’t mind romantically shipping a character while seeing them as aro in another story but not Sora.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:I love his relationship with Yuzu so much! With Yuya too, but if there isn’t Yuzu around he might not be a very good exemple for him. Also? I love how he quickly got Layra’s trust and I really like them being friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Idk how “unpopular” its is but… I sometime see people seeing Sora as just the local psycho kid that learns to be Good and while I don’t mind other people having different interpretations of a character, I feel like it’s really missing a lot. Sora’s development isn’t about being “good” or “kind”, it’s about gaining some sense of self. I could talk for hours about how interesting Sora is, but well It’ll probably be huge and Im not sure if anyone want to read this.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish I could have a confirmation that he doesn’t stay at Academia at the end but well…. the ending was what it was. I also would have loved to see people around (especially Yuya and Yuzu) acknowledge how awful academia was for him (and overall for the fusion kids).
my cross over ship: Not really a ship but something that striked me when seeing Sora for the first time is how he feels a lot like Yu from Beyblade Metal (while being very different later on). Puppy eyes? Love for sweet food? Green eyes? Genius who feel like what they do is normal? Very tactile and expressive of affection? There’s a bunch of common point between them.
a headcanon fact: Cute one: he actually knows how to sew very well and loves to do stuffed toys for others. Sad one: the reason why he’s always eating sweets isn’t because he loves them, it’s because it’s the energy his body need to do the same as a highly trained soldier while not being as strong.
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