#this is no longer accurate bc her canon design is much different but i still like how this came out a lot
marshiebun · 6 months
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hello , treaty !
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. do we even know how old minthe even is? or how long her and hades were together? because for all we know shes like, 28 or something and has been with him since she was 18/19 too. i just find it very unlikely persephone, hebe, and aphrodite's spawn just happen to be the only nine or so deities to be born in several hundreds of years.
2. Every time Athena is on screen I think it's Thanatos. They look identical
3. i have seen the stans excuse away the slavery with that literal excuse of "its only abled bodied shades 🙄" like??? ok?? thats still slavery??? and he brags about how much money hes made off of it?? like sorry yall cant make me go "uwu look how sweet he is" when he needs a 20 year old who was only a teen all of a week ago to tell him SLAVERY IS BAD. like??? even satan was against slavery and hes the embodiment of all things evil??? so lo hades is even worse than the actual devil??
4. apollo/hyacinthus was gaining a lot of popularity at the same time as hxp, sometimes even more so, and it even has myth canon versions where apollo is able to bring hyacinthus back to life and make them a god (which would have been a lovely way to show persephone's good nature and sway over hades) but nah, instead rachel saw what could have been a interesting thread and decided to make apollo a r//pist instead and make everything so heterosexual the leads are color coded by their genders. 😑
5. so, here’s the thing, how was demeter keeping persephone secret / isolated in the mortal realm when persephone, as a literal child, is at a party in olympus (episode 20, she’s with hera)
6. so, this comic is a retelling of the taking of persephone, but how could the other gods or whoever be calling persephone the goddess of spring already when the taking of persephone is the myth about how seasons happened like the idea is there was no concept of seasons until persephone’s taking lmao
7. Literally begging RS to make a new fan cast because Mads in is the new fantastic beasts movies looking exactly like how lo Hades is designed and I’m already seeing lo stans be like OMG ITS HIM and this already borderline transphobic series does not need to embrace an actually openly transphobic series into its fan base. Hannibal wasn’t even good 💀
8. You know I feel like the Hera and Hades Affair did not have to happen at all and replace Hera with Leuce where Hades had a tragic first love maybe where she’s just not immortal and she’s now a poplar. We can still have hades toxic trait trying to replace Leuce with Minthe but through Persephone he moves on.
OR Leuce is a poplar already hades is dating Minthe and they’re not a match. Persephone has feelings for hades but when Minthe and hades break up Persephone un treees Leuce. Leuce and Hades tried to date again but they’re no longer a match or something.
Idk I just feel like Hades and Hera, they look good but their story sucks. 
9. You know why PJO isnt as heavily critiqued as LO? It's because it never claims itself to be the most researched, scholarly piece of work ever, it's happy to admit it's just a kid series with RR always wanting to approve while the mythology shown still fairly accurate. In comparison RS fancies herself a mythology scholar (or a "folklorist" as she claims to be) yet still cant keep even basic mythology stories, characters, or even basic greek elements straight or intact. THAT'S the difference.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. (fp spoilers) Persephone is literally the last person I want going to law school. Considering she basically intimidated a witness and put her in a vegetable state and got away with it bc no one is bringing it up again, and idc what Demeter says, her daughter DID want it covered up bc why else would she turn Minthe into a plant? This whole trial only made me hate Persephone more, especially because there's no way she'd ever be a good lawyer, considering rs is most likely going to let her get away with her aow and turning Minthe into a plant. 
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nozomijoestar · 5 years
1-10 for an oc of yr choice (since i don't know any of yrs (yet))
meme here
I’ll use my FFXIV OCs bc I’m finicky abt sharing anything on my manuscript OCs in public
Vaste/U’ralhana Odh:
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Her name situation is a little messy but theres a reason behind each one both canon and non-canon! The game by default gives the WoL many titles across the game to reflect your progress to NPCs like eikon-slayer, Azure Dragoon, khagan etc. all tied to feats or positions earned in the MSQ. 
For non canon titles and nicknames I’ve given her Desert Dragon due to her origin of birth from a desert tribe and their guardian animal being Drakes (as well as the fact that she’s a Dragoon and DRGs are traditionally a class associated heavy with dragons), Nine Lives because of the Echo preventing her from true death which also fits with her being a cat race etc. For more personal nicknames one of her younger brothers calls her Rala after her Sun Seeker name being U’ralhana Odh, dearest is also the most common pet name Yugiri has for her, aside from having the privilege of calling her only by her first name for her Sun Seeker side
Her formal naming convention gives her three viable names,
U’ralhana Odh - name the Sun Seekers gave her when she was born to them, the U designates tribe affiliation, followed by her given name, the surname is her father’s first name indicating he sired her (official FFXIV Sun Seeker naming convention) together the name means Ralhana of the Drakes, daughter of Odh
Osha Tayuun - this is the name her mother gave her before she left to rejoin the Moon Keepers in The Black Shroud, she never learned it was hers until the day they finally met well into her adulthood as the WoL, because Moon Keepers are matriarchal unlike Sun Seekers, the last name is also her mother’s while the given name is a normal girls name (i also made it start with O and try to sound similar to her mother’s first name, Oghii)
Vaste Valescoere - she gave herself this name after once being taught a few ancient Garlean (irl Classical Roman Latin) words by a traveling scholar from what little outside contact the tribe saw, once she made the decision to leave to be an adventurer forever she was banished for forsaking tradition, thus she felt she died and needed a new name - this was the first name i gave her because when i first started playing FFXIV i didnt know the races had naming conventions so i just wanted something that sounded like a fantasy name ( i literally just looked two words up in my latin-english dictionary fddjfd)
2. What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
Blue hair with natural black highlights, green eyes, light skin but not pale- all generally Moon Keeper traits but when i was starting out i knew none of that and did what i wanted, her bizarre appearance once i decided she was from the U tribe influenced her being half Sun Seeker and Moon Keeper 
3. How tall is your OC?
5′2 but only because i thought the CC slider meant 5′6 (cuz it lists height in inches and i didnt bother to check ujhghugj shes sometimes embarrassed by her height especially standing next to much taller people, shes still taller than Yugiri though so she enjoys the slight height advantage
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Her hair, then her eyes
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
She’s usually in her armor with her current spear glamoured to appear weaker than it actually is because the simple style reminds her of what she used as a teen before leaving home:
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^^ necklace and earrings are different but the second necklace is more typical
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im weak for the one arm/shoulder armored while the other isnt or not as much aesthetic
For more special/formal occasions w/o armor she likes wearing this:
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6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
Every time she shows up there’s something dramatic (but not always over the top) happening
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
She has the usual pinkish red stripes on her cheeks all Sun Seeker women are born with, in addition to a scar across her nose bridge she got during her huntress rite of passage when a sundrake struck her face (this rite is also how she got the black marks under her eyes afterwards, originally i just liked how they looked and made a backstory for them because the game lists them as tribal tattoos in CC)
The scar i gave her in CC as a ref to Guts from Berserk cuz his is similar (she obtained hers very young like he did as well):
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8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
i chose the CC voice 2 option for female miqo’te (you can kinda hear what it sounds like here and here @2:10 since i cant find a video with just vc2 range) and im happy with it (to me it kinda sounds like Rie Tanaka? as far as i know the CC voice VAs have never been revealed so i cant say for certain, i know shes done voicing for FFXIV as Kan E Senna and Sadu and plays it as a huge fan tho) as far as how she talks all Miqo’te are said to have their own racial language unique to them that no other race can accurately pronounce or understand due to all the hissing, purring, and spitting of certain sounds (bc theyre cat ppl lol) so she’ll roll/purr her Rs, hiss her Hs etc.
On top of this system i imagine the U have their own dialect accent too which i hc sounds closer to Xhosa and Zulu mixed if a cat tried to speak it,so it gets complex! Her native accent however becomes slightly toned down the longer she spends away from the U as the WoL, but its still present and obvious enough
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
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the only description valid for this is an organized mess lmao
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
anything small enough to fit given to her by people from her past or those she cares about that linger on her mind, shes somewhat sentimental sometimes
Gan Arulaq
1. Lizard boi has no nicknames that stick outside of being called Bataar playfully by his parents esp his mother bc he liked playing pretend as a heroic figure when he was little (i was aware when i made him in CC that Xaela use Mongolian names and are based a lot on Mongol culture of the 14th century so he follows this convention)
His first name is Mongolian for Steel, his last name denotes his tribe following the game’s convention, simple
2. he is a tan/reddish brown color for skin with black hair and natural red highlights in a short swept back style (his eyes are also green bc i wanted to see what Vaste’s eye color would look like on a Xaela model, tdlr they glow!)
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3. Gan is 7′1! the tallest of my characters period, he sees everything from up there and it creates some hilarious and awkward situations (poor guy and most doors, rip)
4. his eyes and his big curved horns
5. he loves wearing primarily clothes that expose a lot of his chest and skin in general because thats most natural to what he wore on the steppe valley back home (as well as being a little vain about his physical appearance and liking the feel of freedom in less clothes) however he can and will wear regular clothes, though in this case his fashion sense is terrible
6. when he appears you can associate him with change (succession is another word that comes to mind given his role to Vaste)
7. with the exception of minor scars from martial training and small accidents he’s the picture of normal for a Xaela
8. i actually cant remember what CC voice i gave him by number, but he does have a somewhat deep, rough voice fitting for a boisterous young man while also being capable of sentimentality and some wisdom, he has a handsome voice, he speaks bluntly but full of feeling and often truth
9. his room would be very organized and everything is neatly assigned to its place as well as being primarily spartan in layout/decoration, he’s used to practicality and function from his childhood on the steppe, lots of trinkets from nature, weapons and trophies of victory etc.
10. a ring given to him by his mother carved from sheep bone, it was her archery thumb ring
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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So up top it looks like you’re doing this for an AU in which:
there are trolls that have not yet fully matured who live on a sister planet called Tronia
sister planets have “princesses” who presumably retain local authority to govern, though the Heiress’s and the Condesce’s authority would presumably supercede it
the canon trolls still exist and interact with your trolls (indicating interplanetary communication) but presumably haven’t played SBURB yet
mutantbloods are automatically assigned the Cancer sign
That’s all I can glean so far? So apart from those rules, I’m going to review your character as though she’s Alternian, since it takes place in the same universe.
Name: Sallva Spiral
You don’t really mention why you gave her this name, but since she’s a self-insert I am going to assume that the first name is at least somewhat related to your first name. The last name could do with some obfuscation though; ow about Xilleh, which is just “helix” backwards and with an extra ‘l.’ It’ll also help hammer home the “mutated DNA” theme I’m hoping to include. I also like it because now both her first and last name have two l’s side by side, which kind of looks like a strand of DNA that has unwound before replication!
Strife Specibus: woo! I am unsure if it’s an actual weapon or not, but before the game she doesn’t have one. Her Strife Specibus consist of two mini scythes (she got the code from a friend of hers), connected to chains that cuff to her wrist. That way, if one gets knocked out of her hand, she doesn’t have to jump all over the place to retrieve it in battle
I think that’s still a specibus; it’s just scythekind. In the meantime, I’ve had a look at you and your co-author’s profiles on deviantArt, and I think y’all may be interested in the mechanics of the Spiral Knights MMO since it links your names together! In light of that, maybe you wanna try swordkind, given that it’s the iconic Spiral Knight weapon? You can still keep the concept of a weapon that’s cuffed to her wrists.
Fetch Modus: I am unsure of what to give her. As if I’m going to be honest, she’s more likely to use a bag than a Fetch Modus
How about we split the difference with a BACKPACK MODUS, with 4 compartments that have limited space?
Blood Color: Gold! Haha
So here is where I’m trying to hammer home the mutantblood concept bc you’ve made a goldblood with very very obvious seadweller ears, and those two generally don’t…mesh…
I may lose the ears, but I’m gonna take a page out of CD’s book for an “aquablood” mutant we got a while ago and make her a polyblood to preserve some of the interesting aspects of this character. I’m thinking cerulean, since there’s overlap there both in the symbol visual and in eye-weirdness. Also lets me keep one of the colors in her initial color scheme with easy design justification.
She could be a polyblood who was basically assumed to be a “pure” goldblood because of her eyes, but whose true abilities lie in being a latent ceruleanblood.
As for why she wasn’t culled as a baby: this yellowblood doesn’t really look like a mutant, and even if her weird cerulean eye is an indication that she is, look at the other one. She’s got partial voidrot! She’ll be dead soon anyway. So the reason Sallva is still kickin’ is because, as a gold/ceruleanblood, her cerulean side generates enough energy to temper her voidrot, while her gold side dampens her psychic abilities by feeding off the energy. No telekinesis.
Symbol and Meaning: Her Symbol is actually from the Extended Zodiac, so I am unsure of it’s meaning.
It’s Gemsces, sign of the Prudent! A quick rundown: overbearingly smart, restless and skeptical, and always looking to take care of others. Also, prudence means showing careful thought and planning for the future.
Troll Tag: spiralLights! It’s a reference to her original last name that I had given her before I found out about the 6 letter thing.
Quirk: she replaces her ‘s’ with ‘5’, her ‘a’ with ‘@’, and her ‘o’ with ‘0’
While this dovetails with canon, we’ve also found with Hiveswap Friendsim that quirks needn’t necessarily be all that complex! We’ve been operating off the quirks of a bunch of real dramatic trolls for a while now. But maybe that’s who your troll is! If we go specifically with the polyblood redesign, the “too many quirks” could also just be a reflection of her inner self, which is a soup of contradictions.
I think I can make up sufficient reason to keep these quirks; Sallva can swap her s’s out for 5′s because of the 5 nucelotides we commonly see in DNA and RNA. She can swap a for @ because it’s a spiral. As for swapping o with 0, I have I think a sufficiently interesting backstory for her that’ll make that work.
Actually let me just add another one, for fun, if you’re keeping the new last name: Sallllva doublles allll her ‘l’s. The quick br0wn f0x jump5 0ver the ll@zy d0g. Give5 her @ nice llittlle dr@wll, and overdramatic to boot.
Special Abilities: She’s a Gold blood, so it’s obvious she has some sort Psychic ability. Hers is Strong Empathic abilities. Sometimes they can be so strong she gets confused as to which emotions are hers, she can also guess a person’s thoughts sometimes.
Goldblood abilities are typically telekinetic in nature, not psychic! But I really really like this concept, so I think this gets folded into the polyblood mythos; she’s heavily empathetic because of the psychic abilities that ceruleanbloods sometimes get!
To make things interesting, let’s make it so she has stuttering resistance to psychic attacks; sometimes active resistance, and sometimes an even lower resistance than usual depending on her mental state.
Lusus: Her Lusus is a mix between a Snake and an Eevee. Why? Because I like Snakes and am a Proud Slytherin and my favorite Stuffed animal is an Eevee. Her Lusus is Deceased
Also works for the polyblood theory, since polyjuice potion uses snakeskin and Eevee is like, the Pokemon for taking a generic base and turning it into whatever you want.
Personality: She’s paranoid. It doesn’t really affect her often, but she was one of the few in her session who was Skeptical about SGRUB. She’s loyal though, as well as possessive. She’s actually killed trolls who picked on her friend, who’s a mutant blood. She gets most of her traits from me. She’s my ‘True Sign Troll.’
Interest: She loves Art, her cat Frisk, Writing, Snakes, Plants
Iiiiiii don’t know that trolls can have cats as like…pets? But let me sell you on a different idea: when Sallva’s yellowblood lusus was killed, she despaired. Her mental health went downhill. She was unusually prone to psychic manipulation. Until…she was found by a ceruleanblooded lusus who had lost its charge. It is highly unusual for a lusus to bond with an adult troll, but it had just lost its troll at a very young age, and was mostly acting on instinct to find the nearest unbonded ceruleanblood. Most ceruleanblood lusii seem to be bug-like, but we could argue for something like the Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro:
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Picture that version of Frisk in a kernelsprite!
Title: Mage of Life - She actually uses her ability over Life to control plants to help her fight, or to talk to animals to get help. I am unsure all of what a Mage of Life can do, but I do know they make brilliant doctors, especially if they reach God Tier, which Sallva does. After ascending to God Tier, she refused to kill another Soul, mostly because she can feel their pain. The only exception being her Ex-Matesprite, Adrium.
Hmmm. Once again, since this is a self-insert I’m loath to change stuff like names or signs or titles since people usually come to it after a great deal of introspection. Makes more sense to retrofit the character abilities so…
Let’s consult my co-mod’s write-up on what a Mage of Life is!
I don’t know that she’d be able to control plants or ask animals to get help, but it makes a lot of sense to me that she’d be able to encourage nearby creatures to help just by broadcasting her distress. Also I really like the touch that she’s essentially railroaded into the Hippocratic oath after god-tiering because of overblown empathy. I would be most interested in seeing how Adrium’s death would affect her, since her anger wouldn’t supercede his pain.
D/Ancestor: I am unsure, I haven’t actually come up with them quite yet.
How about the Inklling? Unlike her descendant, this troll was mistakenly assigned as a ceruleanblood. She was most famous for having devastatingly accurate hunches when solving mysteries, much to the chagrin of the tealbloods below her. In reality, this was her empathetic abilities manifesting themselves, though they were deeply tempered by her partial voidrot, and therefore not detected by her fellow caste.
Land: Land of Jungles and Deserts - *Snickers* I most put her here because I wanted to be able to make her complain about being a Sea-Dweller in a Desert and stuff.
So since we’ve made it so she’s no longer a seadweller, how about we subvert this here by submerging her in water? Maybe Land of Corals and Chorals to really hammer home an almost mermaidy theme?
Dream Planet: Derse - My baby’s a proud Derse Dreamer. Anyway this is relevant in the way the Derse Dreamers are Blue Team, and Prospit Dreamers are Red Team.
History: Sallva actually blames herself for her Lusus’ death, why? Because her Ex-Matesprite killed her. Adrium (Ex-Matesprite) is a violent troll, but Sallva overlooked his faults until it was too late. She gets revenge during the game and kills Adrium, though she looses her eyes and a piece of her horn to the fight, she reataches her horn with a vine though. She currently only has a Moirail (which I might upload later.) Her Sprite is Frisksprite, who jumped in the orb thingy (I forgot what it’s called.) They live on a sister planet to Alternia called Tronia, and have in fact met the Cannon Trolls a few times when Tronia’s Princess went to visit her fellow Princess, Feferi. They haven’t been there since Alnaya (Princess) got in a fight with Feferi. Though a few of them remain friends with the Cannon trolls, for example; Sallva and her Moirail Nellie still being friends with Nepeta and Equius(did I spell his name right?)
(And did I do this submitting thing right?)
Yep, you spelled his name right and submitted the character correctly! Let’s move to the redesign!
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As always I try to keep self-inserts in particular as close to their original design as possible. Credit for the outfit goes to naphal.
Hair - just added stuff here and there to give it volume!
Horns - I gave her a second set to match with goldblood norms!
Visor - changed to match new eye colors
Mouth - added teeth since both ceruleans and yellows are a toothy bunch
Shirt - so USUALLY you’re not really allowed to display your symbol in anything other than your blood color, but I thought keeping it black was a nice nod both to the voidrot and to her polybloodedness.
And that’s it! Hope my feedback is useful.
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