#this is mostly all after he gets a divorce bc otherwise it wouldnt b this sappy and romantic lmao
❤❤❤❤❤ + Clay for the religious f/o solidarity >:] - Omen
❤ Ah he likes when I ramble, actually? He doesn't actually try to interrupt or change the topic he just...lets me talk and gives little indications that he's listening when I silence myself for a response
❤ He enjoys my company! Which I appreciate, he's usually the one to wave me over to where he is at the bar or invite me over to dinner or just show up on my doorstep unannounced. I don't rlly mind either, it's nice to b around him when he isn't being a total ass lmao
❤ Loves my brand of irritation and anger actually? He thinks its sexy, I think he's weird 4 that. This is why I'm his therapist.
❤ He like my Take No Shit attitude with him! Which I can't tell if it's in a sexy way or not but he's told me that he likes it and I'm not rlly complaining bc he needs someone to bring him down a peg!
❤ He gets so hyped when I talk about the bible like-- I'll say smth and he just goes :0!! :]!!! And its fucking adorable I stg he acts like i wasn't raised in a religious household too
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