#this is long but like. bbh lore is so underappreciated becuase of how hard it is to keep up / catch up with
little-soldiers · 8 months
UHHH quick summary (because i don’t actually know whats in the paper):
since the eggs were taken bad’s been streaming his character’s personality going through the stages of grief, with the beginning segments showing his character losing the color in his vision.
today was acceptance, the final stage of grief. After administering the antidote to forever and pac (alongside cellbit and philza) bad went back to the graveyard to talk to the eggs graves.
dapper and pomme have many signs there (as bad takes whichever eggs are with him every month to celebrate the dead eggs birthdays) and he began to grieve again, lying on the ground in the rain. after talking to himself for a while, he eventually came to the conclusion that he needed to accept things and do whatever it took to get the eggs back.
he teleported to his house, changing the music from sad to very intense and angry as he paced around his house before going to a secret basement, cinematically lighting a dim hallway before revealing that he had a federation worker in a cage, saying « Let’s try this again. Where’s my son » or somethjng (its late im eepy) and heavily implying he was about to torture the worker.
Some notes:
- earlier in the stream, bad asked two federation workers about the whereabouts of his children, and they didnt answer him
- qbad is a grim reaper, heavily linked to death. It’s implied that he sunk atlantis, started the black plague, and ended an ice age. this heavily influences his morals
- before the eggs, bad was kind of a loose cannon. after them he settled down, throwing himself into protecting all of them and putting insane amounts of effort into it. he’s the only person with access to every egg’s beds, btw
- because his actions are governed by his desire to protect the eggs above all else, he takes a lot of shit and is generally under appreciated. (Think, the rage at being falsely imprisoned by forever being swept under the rug as he threw himself wholeheartedly into finding the eggs). Despite his less than average morals he’s extremely, extremely kind and generous, and over time it’s kind of started to seem forced (as in the character is forcing it, not ccbbh).
- bbh fans are losing their shit because we LOVE evil bbh and maybe finally the other characters will realize what theyve taken for granted, and we also get to see him snap and go crazy on the feds. Peace and love ✌️🫶
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