#this is fine anyway fmvdvlmdf
idolsummons · 11 months
Depression to Despair (Tez Couldn't Think of a Better Title)
Finally wrote the drabble about Ren bearing witness to an elder god summoning, enjoy ♥
Trigger warnings for depression, suicidal ideation, etc.
Note: I don't have depression or suicidal ideation, which features as a theme in this drabble. This was written for fun and not any kind of serious piece delving into the mindset of humans, what have you.
[Ren] wanna come over 2nite? Been working on a song
[Hana] I’d love to but I’ve already got something else on, sorry! :(
[Hana] Maybe tomorrow?
[Ren] yeah no prob
[Ren] what’s 2nite?
[Hana] Dinner with another idol and her manager, and my manager, get to know each other kinda thing. Thinking about a collab.
[Ren] have fun
[Hana] I’d have more fun at a dinner if it wasn’t for my strict diet lol
[Ren] gotta let lose sometimes
[Ren] go enjoy yourself
[Hana] Thanks, I’ll try to keep that in mind :) 
[Hana] See you tomorrow! <3
[Ren] see ya
Ren set his phone down on his bedside table.
There is no dinner.
She’s trying to spare my feelings but I know how she really feels.
She hates me. Why would anyone like Hana like a pathetic excuse of a human like me? It was stupid to ever try to get in touch in the first place. I should just stay out of everyone’s way and keep to myself.
Better yet, I should just -
‘Shut the fuck up,’ Ren grumbles. He rubs his hands over his face. It doesn’t help to get rid of the thoughts, but it’s better than doing nothing.
From the ground comes a gentle miaow. He removes his hands from his face and sees a familiar fluffy face.
‘Dinner time already, Jiji?’ The black cat meows again.
Ren gets up and proceeds to the kitchen, where he’s finally, after much rubbing up against his legs like she’s trying to make him fall, able to give Jiji her dinner consisting of raw meat. She starts eating straight away, paying no mind to Ren going outside to light up a cigarette.
Just hold on for one more night.
[Hana] Hey Ren! :) 
[Hana] Sorry about last night, you still free tonight?
[Ren] yeah
[Ren] still wanna come over?
[Hana] Yep!
[Ren] awesome
[Ren] come whenever u want
[Ren] anything u want 4 dinner?
[Hana] No thanks, I’ll eat before I leave :) 
[Ren] k
[Ren] see u soon
Despite his kind offer to cook (it might be that Hana refused the offer because he’s not the best chef out there), Ren himself does not eat; it would be too much of a hassle. Besides, Hana’s visiting has given him just enough energy to finally clean up. He doesn’t know how long it’s been, but clothes and various things have been strewn about without much care, and a thin layer of dust covers much of the furniture. He might not have time to clean everything, but he will do what he can.
Regardless of whether or not she’s singing those pop songs with mass appeal, Hana has a beautiful voice. Yes, it does seem to have been trained with pop music in mind - he would never ask her to sing rock, not that that’s his style - but he feels she could easily branch out into similar genres was she so minded. So enthralled with her performance is he (as he is every time) that Ren near forgets to stop the recording once she’s finished singing.
‘How’s that?’ Hana asks as she removes her headphones. Her cheery smile has Ren’s stomach twisting into knots. ‘That’s what you had in mind, yeah?’
‘Mind giving me a moment to listen back?’
‘Go for it.’ Hana takes her seat beside Ren.
Ren begins to hum after listening to the short recording a few times. ‘Almost,’ he replies, ‘but I’m gonna have to think about it. If I send you some notes overnight, would you come back tomorrow?’
‘Absolutely. I suppose I shouldn’t keep you then.’
‘You can stay for a while longer if you want. I don’t usually sleep till late anyway.’
Hana checks her phone. ‘It’s already 9, and I’ve got a busy day tomorrow. Better get some rest, y’know?’
Both Hana and Ren stand. They move from Ren’s small home recording studio to the front door.
‘I had fun tonight,’ says Hana. She wraps her arms around Ren, who reciprocates the embrace. He finds it difficult to let go, but doesn’t want to make the situation awkward. Once his arms are no longer around her, Ren opens the door. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow!’
‘See ya.’ Ren manages a small smile as Hana looks back to wave farewell.
She only comes here because she pities me.
Ren closes the door.
You think the most popular idol in the country doesn’t have better people to hang out with?
He moves to the bathroom.
I’m just some loser wishing I can make a living off my music, and that doesn’t seem likely.
He opens the cabinet and grabs a bottle of antidepressants. He holds the bottle tight in his hand for some time. He looks at the other medications - painkillers, mostly - which sit within the cabinet.
Why shouldn’t I grab all of these and just -
‘She’ll be back tomorrow.’
Ren removes the lid from the bottle and takes what he requires and nothing more. He puts the bottle back in the cabinet and closes the door.
[Hana] I’m really, really sorry Ren
[Hana] Something’s come up today. I won’t be able to make it to yours tonight.
[Hana] (┬┬﹏┬┬)
[Ren] don’t stress
[Ren] it’s fine
[Hana] Tomorrow for sure, yeah? :) 
[Hana] It’s a Saturday and I don’t have any shows so it’ll be fine!
[Hana] Unless they spring something on me last moment lol
[Ren] haha
[Ren] that’d be cruel
[Hana] Yeah lol
[Ren] c u tomorrow then
[Hana] Have a good day! :) 
After feeding Jiji, Ren returns to bed and does not move for the rest of the day, save to give the cat her dinner. His thoughts consume him, with only one ray of light shining through it all.
There’s always tomorrow.
[Hana] Ren you’re gonna hate me.
[Ren] they sprung a surprise show on u?
[Hana] Thankfully not that but
[Hana] I have something really important that came up last minute and I won’t be done in time to get to your place.
[Hana] And I know, it’s a Saturday, it’s fine to stay up late this once, but I promised to spend time with my family tomorrow and if I don’t get up early to go to church with them, my parents won’t be happy :( 
[Ren] you’re a busy person
[Ren] things like this happen
[Hana] You’re so understanding, I don’t deserve a friend like you <3
[Hana] I’d love to set a time aside but I can’t really do that because…
[Hana] Well, you’ve seen what’s happened these past few days :( 
[Ren] I’m home in the afternoons anyway
[Ren] just lemme know when u are coming and I’ll wait for u
[Hana] Thank you sooooo much <3
[Hana] (✿◠‿◠)
She’s making up excuses so she doesn’t have to see me. Even Miyu’s not so busy that she can’t set down a date. She’s done this so she never has to see you again. She’ll stop talking to you and then you won’t have a friend in the world.
What will be the point of it all then?
Ren manages to get out of bed. He gets dressed, but only barely, throwing on nothing but a basic shirt (it used to fit, but is now a size too big) and tracksuit pants.
Jiji sleeps happily upon her bed in the sun.
She’ll never notice.
Ren leaves via the front door.
He won’t be coming back.
There’s always people on the beach, even in this colder weather, whether playing around or walking their dogs. He’s used the hours to reflect - on himself, his life, those who have been closest to him over the years, on her. Every time he’s come to the same conclusion.
It’s pointless.
Nobody cares.
They won’t notice if you’re gone.
The sun is down before the beach is clear.
He walks down to the shore, stopping short of where the waves brush against his shoes.
The shoes are removed and placed beside him.
With one last deep breath, Ren begins to walk towards the depths.
He takes one look back at everything. At the sand, at the buildings in the distance, at…
Despite the fact that only the moon lights the beach, it’s impossible to miss her. Even were it not for the styling of her hair, purple streak on display, but he recognises her from her very build. Something seemingly bundled up is in her hands while she rushes across the beach, paying no mind to the man who stands knee deep in ocean water.
See? She’s not busy. She just didn’t want to spend time with you.
No, that’s not it. What’s she doing here? What’s she holding?
Ren waits until some distance has come between them and begins to follow behind her. His shoes remain at the shore.
It’s some 10 minutes before Hana and Ren arrive at the destination at the end of the beach. Ren keeps himself hidden within some shrubbery nearby; he does not wish to disturb whatever it is she’s doing.
Hana places her belongings on the sandy ground, save for the fabric which he had previously thought to be what kept her items bundled up; rather, it’s a robe which she dons rather quickly.
A pole - or so it seems to be from a distance - is taken from her belongings, and Hana begins to draw something in the sand. From his distance and viewpoint, Ren can’t begin to guess at what it might be.
Once complete, Hana picks up a book - better described as a tome for its size - and flips it open. She seems to look between the book and her drawing for a little while until she nods to herself. She must be satisfied with whatever she’s done.
Hana looks up into the sky, and Ren does, too. All he sees there is the moon. He’s not sure what kind of importance it plays in her task, but Ren observes Hana looking up at the moon for a while longer.
When she is finally done looking at the moon, she looks back towards her handiwork and dons a hood
She flips through the pages of her book once more and begins to say something. Ren isn’t sure what, but it seems almost like a chant.
Despite not being able to hear what she’s saying or see what she’s drawn, Ren feels a tightening in his stomach. It’s not the kind he feels when spending time with Hana, nor when he receives a message from her. It’s an unease which isn’t common to him, for unease is oft replaced with depression, and depression usually comes with a feeling of emptiness which he’s all too familiar with.
It’s what brought him here this night, after all.
Rather, he gets the feeling he should run, that he should forget all that he has seen here, but his overwhelming curiosity keeps him planted on the spot. He wants to know what Hana is doing, what was so important that she didn’t wish to spend time with someone she was so adamant is her friend.
When Hana finishes chanting, nothing happens. He begins to ponder if this was all just some strange kind of rehearsal, maybe she got a part in a show or a movie and is trying to get into character, or maybe -
A dark light explodes from Hana’s drawing in the sand.
‘What the fuck?’ Ren says too loudly, like he was expecting the explosion of light to be accompanied by an appropriate amount of sound.
Hana looks back. Her eyes are wide.
‘Ren?’ Her mouth is ajar. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’
He doesn’t have time to ask any questions, nor time to even formulate such things in his mind. Before he can so much as blink the light dissipates, leaving behind something which Ren does not remember.
The last thing he does remember is darkness.
‘It was probably another suicide attempt.’
Ren does not open his eyes. Along with the wavering voice of his mother, obviously trying so hard not to cry, Ren can hear the gentle beeps of a heart rate monitor.
‘This wouldn’t be the first time… but usually he’s not - he -’
‘He’s been talking in his sleep,’ says an unfamiliar voice. ‘Do you know if that’s normal?’
‘Oh…’ his mother mumbles. ‘About what?’
‘We couldn’t really make any sense of it. Something hideous, taller than the trees…’
Ren’s eyes shoot open.
‘It’s coming.’
His mother and the unfamiliar woman - a doctor or a nurse - looks over.
‘Ren!’ His mother rushes to his bedside. She puts a hand to his forehead, rubbing her thumb over his skin. ‘What is it, baby?’
‘That… That thing.’ He speaks quickly, to the point where his words become jumbled. ‘It came from the beach, and - and it devoured the moon.’
The staff furrows her brow.
Ren’s mother stops the motion with her thumb. ‘What is it? You can tell me.’
‘You won’t… you won’t understand. I don’t understand, Mum. It was… was everywhere but nowhere, not of this world…’
‘You just had a bad dream is all. It’s okay, Mum’s here now.’
‘No, no, it wasn’t a dream. I saw it.’
Silence fills the room for too long, before his mother finally speaks up. ‘One of your friends wanted to see you, too. She seemed quite keen about it, too. I’ll wait outside and come back once she’s done, okay?’ She tries a kind smile, but her eyes are filled with tears. ‘I’ll get you something to eat from the cafe.’
Ren’s mother and the staff leave the room. The one who enters next is…
‘No.’ But the word does not leave his mouth. ‘No, no, no, no, no.’
‘Ren.’ Hana’s voice is shaky. She kneels beside his bed. ‘I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry…’ Tears flowing down her cheeks are followed by sobbing.
‘Get out,’ he says, but it’s unclear whether the words reach her ears or not. ‘Get out!’
Though Hana remains, crying and apologising and desperately trying to make it all up to him, Ren has never felt more alone in his life.
Anguish and despair are his only roommates, his only bedfellows, his only headmates.
It feels that this will last an eternity, beyond even his demise.
Ending this suffering would be a mercy, but ending it all is no longer a present thought.
All that remains is the fuzziness of the night prior and what will surely be a lifetime of madness.
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