#this is awesome i love the texture
tarnussy · 7 months
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Godrick the Grafted for Soulstober by Charoncreates Artist's Twitter & Carrd permission to share was granted by the artist
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"I trust you. I like you." — a potential fic based on this (x) Detailed notes on Sabo's design below!
For him, I initially thought of him as a shark of all things. I say that despite not knowing how to draw sharks uh. Here it is below.
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I wanted him to be a big boy and have this immense size difference with Law. He's the tallest among the ASL trio and that meant he should be the biggest merman out of the three. He's not necessarily buffer but he just has a larger frame and a longer, more muscular tail.
I also wanted him to look like a freak, a huge figure with obscenely sharp teeth. I found images on Pinterest with sharks with scars that seemed to slice through their skin and I wanted to incorporate that throughout the design. A homage to Sabo's scarred eye, if you will.
He had horns too, for some reason. I just thought it looked cool.
However, what I didn't like about this design was that it didn't read like Sabo, or at least the version of Sabo I envisioned in my head. Hence, I gave up on it. It was sort of devastating because I wanted to try something new, but we move on!
Without a clear idea for what I wanted, I spent a lot of time struggling with not just Sabo's design but with what I wanted the illustration to be overall. Later that evening, I scrolled through Pinterest (again) and found images of eels and that just clicked.
They're just the right combination of cute and just downright weird. They have that snake-like look to them, which echoed my initial shark design. On top of that, they don't look as derpy from the front as compared to sharks.
I did try again to make Sabo freaky, as shown by this sketch below. It's based on a scene from that potential fan fic, where Sabo saves Law from drowning and his inner freak shines through. I imagined a dark lighting situation where Sabo's scars are the light source. It'll be quite creepy and I'd like to manifest this vision someday!
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Anyways, from here, I focused on making Sabo look cool and pretty for the illustration. I retained his human face (I am not good enough for furry art) and focused on making his tail look SUPER cool.
It's interesting to me that with this revision, I found inspiration in my initial 'failed' design. I still kept the star-shaped scars and placed them on his tail and body.
They're blue because (1) I wanted to respect Sabo's colour palette and (2) I was inspired by those ocean creatures who glow underwater. I feel that would be a good plot point like Sabo would be insecure about that because it's admittedly kinda scary but Law would think it's reassuring.
That's all I have to say about the designs. I have ideas for Ace and Luffy, but I haven't sketched them out concretely yet. I'm thinking lion fish for Ace and a cute black fish species called the Pinnate Spadefish for Luffy.
The Pinnate Spadefish has one bold red/yellow stripe and I like to think that Luffy as a merman just painted it on to look like Ace. He shifts between red and blue to imitate his Cool™ older brothers.
But yeah, that's all. I needed to yap about this, so if you read this far, thank you for reading!
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dullahandyke · 6 days
Also while I have the binder out look at my favey faves
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[ID: photos of Pokémon cards in a binder. First is a 2022 Jolteon fullcard with light holo effects, depicting it charging forward as Blue Oak commands it. Next is a 2014 Florges EX fullcard with lots of holo and texture. Next is a 2008 'Cynthia's Feelings' card, which shows Cynthia smiling as she holds a luxury ball. Next is a 2012 Team Plasma Rotom. Finally is a base set Mankey.]
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lemongogo · 5 months
i need 2 get back into painting fish
#said in the ‘gary i need’ voice#or painting in general . i want 2 get into plein air#and go to like . arizona or smth and paint the landforms . soo red and orange and rocky and dusty and ❤️🫶#the round brushstrokes on tht 1 would be so much fun~_~#its such a tiresome medium though.like all the set up and cleanup and stuff#i refuse to learn abt oil precautions so i just stick to acrylic but even then it dries so fast and its like.mindgame trying to decide what#to focus on in the little time u have . and god forbid u paint on a layer too soon and u lift it off the canvas#HELLLLLLL. but the end result is always so worth it . like holding a physical piece.its 3d .its REALL#fish r so much fun to paint bc 1 u get to pay attn to their morphology but 2 they jave the best textures#im not averse to painting fur but i lovee . the interplay btwn light and fish skin. its so epic and awesome#the only other artist ik of in my family is my uncle & he METALWORKS!!! FISH !!! ITS SOOO FREAKIG COOL#i want to learn from him so bad . guh.GUAHHHHH. anyways i just think its funny that the two of us r fixated on recreating fish#crosses my arms .#okhh.. i also wnt to get into mosaics . god.GOAODDD#did i talk abt this 1 alr.. reread the b1p arc w the mosaic and fresco work and it makes me so sick why couldnt i go to art college and make#frescoes and mosaics .woe is me or whagever . no but its so tempting 2 just buy some tesserae and get 2 it ..#i saw a pigeon mesh mosaic n it like lit that fire under me . what we need js like one giant art collective#that magically provides all the supplies in the world for free and we hold hands and make art in 20 different disciplines 2000 different wys
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batz · 1 year
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lexicog · 1 year
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ohhh LOL i get it im getting April Fooled (lol!). trans day orf visibility is tomorrow.
#trans day of visibility#trans day of eating food#i love bein a fuckin transsexual... and i love food#breakfast was almond butter + strawberry preserves + butter sammich. more filling than i thought it would be#ouuuhh i have so much celery and spinach i need to use before it goes bad but im almost out of miso paste#pro tip for you people out there make very hot miso broth. put raw vegetables + spices in it. cover it and let it sit maybe 10-15 minutes#add a carbohydrate & or protein and maybe some sort of dairy or sauces (naysayers and haters may bring forth vitriol and venom for this but#an unsweetened greek yogurt goes great in miso. tangy creamy & savory flavor. it awesome)#consider adding oil for flavor and for the absorption of fat soluble nutrients oft found in vegetables#and there you go big breakfast warm healthy and no cooking tastes good every time#well you might need to cook the carbohydrate/protein but the method goes great with big batch cooking / using leftovers#its not the definition of high cuisine but breakfast must come and go each day and some days the stove is an enemy of the people.#OH I GOTTA SAY. SCRAMBLED EGGS TASTES SO GOOD IN THERE. YOU GOTTA IF YOU WANNA. you just put it in#it circumvents the scrambles 1 fatal flaw by stopping them from going dry and becoming a torturous texture to endure. kind of genius.#art#drawing#digital art#my art#transgender art#transgender artist#transgender#trans#trans pride#lgbt#this year i would like to. somehow get out of where im currently living. so i can finally start transitioning.#another year gone by without it and it's weighing heavy.
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l3o-lion · 7 months
The way stretch marks feel when you drag your hand across them <3<3<3<3
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capfalcon · 5 months
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my desk makes me so happy <3
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fuck-kirk · 11 months
The semester I was obsessed with toads is so hilarious. I sculpted like 30 small toads of various sizes, and one ginormous one with gigantic ass cheeks, and then just decided I hated sculpting toads and never did again.
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st4rstudent · 5 months
ALRIGHTY SO- (I'm so sane and normal about these toons and cogs I swear) as I said before, personally I really like to think that brian's brain is a motherboard and/or wires/neuron like things covered in a silicone mold that made it shaped like a brain-! It would explain why when he starts getting more and more frustrated during his battle he starts overheating and eventually leading to his brain exploding at the end- (which leads me to believe that mayhaps his wiring needed some extra cooling to help him prevent that, perhaps being the reason why he has a dome head in the first place so that way it could be liquid cooled by being placed inside of- whatever brian has inside of there shchsdhs) which in turn would make the silicone brain a pretty solid idea-!! Keeps all his wiring n electricical brain bits all nice and dry, but also gives him a little flair and from the looks of it, seems like a fairly efficient way to help stop any overheating caused by his emotions or stress- (I mean he literally starts going red with rage, that's gotta be some hot pieces of parts in order to do that even with some cooling factors in place-) but what's really got my gears turning is that if he does have a sort of wiring inside of that brain mold of his, it would basically be the like- in between of cog parts and toon-ish parts-! Assuming that his wiring would help out his processors n act as any neurons should, they would not only help out his thought process (him being the self proclaimed smart man that he is /lh/lh) but it'd also allow him to feel things-!! Neurons are the main units of the brain and nervous system, they help the brain feel any sensory input from the outside, send signals to help the body control motor functions, and in general just relay electrical signals throughout the brain all the time- Which sounds very much close to what the cog equivalent of a brain could also do (and does for brian)-!! I know all the cogs have brains and all their inner bits, but I justshfhs I think it would be really cool if brian's brain had just a little bit more brain-like functions-!! I don't know if I'm making any sense here, but- if he can think, that man can feel too-!! Probably more than the average cog, but he would also probably just decide not to draw much attention to it-!! I know this started out as silly snowglobe dome talk, but in all reality I'm so very interested in the complexities that the cogs and toons have-!!! Doesn't mean I don't think it'd be silly to shake that man around and see what happens, that'd be silly- even more so to bonk him with hammers- BUT I JUSTSHFBS I THINK-!! THE COGS DESERVE SOME MORE THOUGHT INTO HOW THEY COULD ACTUALLY FUNCTION N FEEL THINGS AND WHAT THE INNER WORKINGS OF THEM COULD POSSIBLY LOOK LIKE-! BRAINS HELP SHAPE WHO WE ARE AS PEOPLE… SO I THINK IT'D BE COOL TO UNDERSTAND HOW THAT WOULD WORK WITH THE COGS AS WELL- but yeshdhghs I'm . very sorry that this got so much longer than I intended, but thank you very much for letting me ramble out my thoughts-!! I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my thought process SHCHSDHS
OHHTHIIS IS REALLY GOOD. i never even thought about him possibly having a heightened ability to feel things like touch . i imagine with his brain also moving around, there's probably other pieces in there that would also be shifting which would increase the need for it to be in a somewhat cooled down area.
BUT YEAH . it's all very interesting to think about!
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seesboy · 6 months
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okay so this started off as vent art but then i ended up really liking it so i decided to get silly with the background and effects and stuff.. anyways woe my sona be upon ye
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maythray · 8 months
if theres one thing about me is that i like Plain Flour Tortilla
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mariska · 6 months
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well! bye everyone i'm off to re-read my fav book trilogy of all time that i havent read since their original releases when i was a teenager and also finally get to read the prequel that i never got around to reading for the first time so. i'll see u guys on the other side and by other side i mean i'll see u guys when i re-emerge into society drenched in blood and tears rambling about all the new mental evidence i will have collected for my years-long headcanon that Katniss is autistic and sobbing about how many more details of the whole story i understand on a more profound and deep level than my teenage self was capable of processing properly
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vesperatio · 1 year
She was so strong, so fast and so stable, I'm continuously in awe of her! Her jumps were great, her performance amazing and her charisma off the charts, what a queen 👑
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uhohbuggo · 11 months
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doodles w a new pencil :D
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mishapen-dear · 8 months
i need to eat all mcyt art ever
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